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  • in reply to: Pregnancy questions.. help me please?? #23863

    Thank Alyssa πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Pregnancy questions.. help me please?? #23855

    thank you everyone for the replies and for taking the time to read this!


    in reply to: Pregnancy questions.. help me please?? #23849

    Ahh meg thanks so much πŸ™‚
    <3 I am forever in your debt lol

    in reply to: teen pregnancy and happy. #23836

    No you shouldn’t feel bad hun, I am 16 and I am also very excited. People act like anyone under 20 should look upon pregnancy as this horrile demeaning thing, when really it is the most beautiful thing a person can do. it makes me so happy that you are enjoying and making the best of your pregnancy:) You are an inspiration for all girls to Stand Up and not be ashamed. Just make sure to take your prenatals and everything will be fine:) Take care xox

    in reply to: pregnant? #23835

    Hey hun, i remember reading in a birth control pamphlet once that the change of a woman becoming pregnant if no “protection” is used is about 80%. I would suggest waiting 10-14days then taking a test, then again if you miss your expected period. If you are really concerned you could go get a blood test, they are usually the most accurate, best of luck email me if you wanna talk!
    -Enya <3

    in reply to: don’t know if i could be pregnant #23834

    hey hun,

    There is a chance you could be preggo, and although you might not “feel pregnant” at the moment i wouldn’t exclude the possibility that you are. On the other hand, don’t stress too much as it may cause you to see symptoms that you dont really have. Maybe wait a week or so then take a test? Or go in for some blood work?
    Best of luck

    in reply to: The birth of my son. #23833

    Your son has the cutest name <3

    in reply to: hi, everyone im new #23832

    Hey congrats im 16 as well feel free to message me if you wanna talk


    in reply to: My amazing little boy :) #23831

    Your story is proof that becoming pregnant at a young age does not mean your “life is over”. You are a true success story. Take care hun
    -Enya <3

    in reply to: never going to be able to feel a good person after #23790

    Hey hun

    I’m so sorry to hear about your situation. I myself have never had an abortion but I cannot begin to imagine the pain and guilt which comes with the decision. Please try not to be too hard on yourself, in time you will be able to accept what has happened and carry on with life. The pain will never go away but it will get easier. Just hang in there.. Maybe talk to a counsellor/church pastor(sp?) in the area if you need some help dealing with the decision. Please take care hun and keep us updated <3


    in reply to: Men and abortion… Opinions? #23785

    I think that because the woman is the one carrying the child to term that she should have the final say when it comes to termination. I don’t think that the man should be able to end a life once it’s begun because ultimately the woman is the one who has to live with the consequences of abortion.

    in reply to: The birth of my son. #23784

    OMG congrats thats so amazing!!!

    in reply to: Morning Sickness #23749

    Ginger-ale and soda crackers!!!! haha

    in reply to: Hi everyone! #23748

    Congrats that’s so amazing!! I love their names <3

    take care

    in reply to: Exercise when Pregnant? #23737

    Thanks everyone:)

    in reply to: Right So Im 15 And Pregnent..Help x Abortion? #23728


    Hey hun PLEASE reconsider getting an abortion. it’s not worth it, check out this site if u dont believe me, aboriton is barbaric.


    please try to calm down, think about this. if you get an aboriton, you will regret it for the rest of your life. Even putting the baby up for adoption would be better. it’s not just a clump of cells, its a BABY, human life in the making. That child will grow up to have likes and dislikes and opinions and favourite colours.. I mean I know you are young, i mean hell im only 16, but please, try to think of how getting an aboriton would haunt you for the rest of your life.
    I wish the best for you, keep us updated.
    -Enya <3

    in reply to: I think I’m pregnant. #23726

    Please hun,:( whatever you do, do not get an abortion. They are so barbaric and cruel. Check out this site if you dont believe me.


    Every woman who’s had an abortion regrets it. And I mean, you say you come from a christian family, so im sure they would respect your decision to keep the baby instead of killing it right? Just take things one step at a time love. THhy will be mad at first but will soon get over it. I wish the best for you, keep us updated.
    -Enya <3

    in reply to: Scared please help me #23725

    hey hun, just try to relax.

    I would suggest taking another test, maybe wait a couple days. Or, go see your family doctor and they will administer one for you. Best of luck, just take things one step at a time.
    -Enya <3

    in reply to: Hi Everyone – Scared! #23705

    Hey Steph

    Im so sorry to hear about your mom being so unsupportive, but Im glad that you are keeping the baby:) Maybe try talking to someone you trust, is there a Nurse or counsellor at your Uni you could talk to? Things will be tough but just try and take this one day at a time. Im sure that your mom will come around, maybe she just needs time? And as for your dad, I would sugest just telling him upfront and expressing your concerns.. maybe he will appreciate the honesty? Idk, but I wish the best for both of you. Keep us updated! <3

    in reply to: identical girls :) #23692

    Congrats!!! You are lucky to be so blessed, I wish the best for you and your girls!!

    in reply to: rest in peace zachary mommy loves you #23691

    Oh Hun, I am so, so sorry. πŸ™ You will be in my prayers, I wish the best for you, please take care

    in reply to: I think I’m pregnant, and I’m only 17. #23690

    hey hun πŸ™ the best advice i can give you is to maybe wait a week or so and then take another test.. if you are pegnant then maybe tell someone you trust about it, since abortion is not an option you want to choose. I hope things work out for you, keep us updated!

    in reply to: What should I do (pegnancy test?) #23689

    Thank you everyone πŸ™‚

    in reply to: My story #23649

    Im so proud of you for deciding to keep your baby πŸ™‚ Things will be tough but you will make it. There are plenty of single mom’s with children who lead happy lives. My best of luck to you hun. Keep us updated!

    in reply to: What should I think?!! Please help!!! #23648

    Hey hun I hope things work out for you.

    I doubt that you’re pregnant, so try to relax and if you are still worried, take a blood test. best of luck!

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