Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI’m so sorry to hear about your loss I really am. I’ve had two miscarriages but they were both quite early so i cant possibly imagine the pain you and your boyfriend feel. I will say that you really need to just take a while and realise that you still are very young sweetheart and I can understand wanting to have a baby to fill the void and ease the incredible greif in your heart but trust me just wait a few years and then when you are in a strong relationship and have a bit of money behind you you can have your baby. But you have to work on recovering and healing first and that alone will take a couple of years. You need to be in a place where you can offer the most to your baby and can take care of and love him/her fully with your partner/husband.
I wish you all the best and I’m here if you need a chat x
ParticipantGuys don’t tend to like talking about their feelings on someone elses schedule when he’s ready he’ll come to you and speak trust me just let him know that he doesn’t have to hide anything he’s feeling and you are there for him whatever he feels. And leave it at that. Trust me I know from experience with my bf. If you need a release write a diary that is completely warts and all and when he eventually does come to you make sure you get all you need to out to him. Much luck x
ParticipantCongratulations!! All the best! Keep us updated! π xx
ParticipantGirly once you have your babies and hold them and smell them and see them smile…your pain will melt away and you will feel a joy like no other thing on this earth can bring….a child (or children) is always a blessing hunni…you have no idea the path they may take you and how wonderful things could be until you keep strong and see it out till the end…dwell not on dark things from your past because now you stand in light. π
ParticipantI know I’m not preggo or anything but thats one thing I’m actually scared about!! My advice though would be to get all the tests you can because c-sections aren’t a walk in the park…Plus natural can be better for the baby but not if it’s really difficult so my advice would also be to get a second (or third) opinion and do all the research you can . Best of luck!! π
ParticipantCongratulations honey!! Best wishes…**Sending you some happy thoughts!** xxx
ParticipantI can really relate to you hunni I’ve been longing to be a mother for almost a year and a half now…Its a pain no one else can know to lose a child. I had an early miscarriage in March and although it was so early my sense of loss is no less…Just leave it up to God…he will decide when the time is right regardless of what society says…when it happens its supposed to happen. Good Luck π
ParticipantUw I’m praying everything turns out okay hunni xxx
ParticipantAwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww CONGRATS HUNNI!!! xx
ParticipantI kinda think that some of these women are just neck deep in denial. Othertimes if a woman is overweight already and her baby doesn’t get big then it can easily be put down to gaining more weight…some women ahve so much going on in their lives they pay no attention to their body signals…but I always found it hilarious because it’s like there are so many garunteed symptoms that you get it’s like HOW ON EARTH DID YOU NOT KNOW WOMAN?!?!?! LOL!! I hope I get a sickness free pregnancy…I’m dreading it and I’m not even preggo yet…x
ParticipantI already know what I’m gonna call my first three babies and what I’ll call them if my first two are twins…I’m prepared but I refuse to tell anyone except my fiance’…I don’t know why but I feel like if I tell people and they don’t like it they’ll have influence on his name and I want them to have meaningful names y’know? i won’t tell anyone until (once i get preggo lol) I give birth and have signed the BC!! lol! x
PS RAine is such a pretty name!
Participantare you assuming that at 35 you are mentally ready for a child?? what about those kids who have grown up with their parents allways fighting and partying and getting drunk who were 30+ when they had them? every woman and man is different…
ParticipantHow about Carlo Denny (Insert last name here)
And Alyssa Lyn (insert last name here)
(Sienna Lyn is really nice too but I didn’t want to suggest you steal 17preg’s names!lol!) xxCh3y_IS_BACK
ParticipantI’de go to your gp and get them to do an internal scan…even if the tests are negative tell them you are making your self ill with worry and would really apreciate an internal ultra sound…get it out the way and from then you can move forward because some women don’t show up on tests for months…x
Participanthey MzLady I never have once seen a girl of age 14 been enouraged by older girls to have a baby or anyone on this site for that matter…i’m 20 and in general I am considered ‘too young’ to get married and have a baby SUG provided me with a place I could come with my innermost feelings and not be scared to be compoletely trashed and looked down on. Even at 20 I have had others tell me to wait and provide me with a lot of advice presenting two sides which made me realise how much I had to develop and change before I had a baby. Now I’m so prepared and so ready and veiw things in a different light thanks to SUG…yeah sure you might get a few girls who are all really young and they provide support to eachother but there will always be at least one wise voice telling them to wait…SUG has grown into so much for so many and really it’s not for you to dictate or decide what it should be to all of the hundreds of girls that come here…I hope you don’t cancel your membership but instead be a voice of reason for those girls you see that are too young and want a baby. You can be that light. xx
ParticipantWhy is it that everyone thinks that just ebcause they are not married yet the father won’t be around…my mum was married to her youngest childrens father for 11years and he hasn’t seen them in two years..on the other hand my friend is 20 with three kids and has been with her bf for 8 coming on 9 years…think about it people….my uncle and aunt have never been married but have been together 23 years and have a son who’s 12…so which one would you prefer?? open your minds things like this aint just black and white…things are different for each situation…you know deep deep down if your truely honest with yourself when its right…be really honest and tru don’t kid yourself if you hae love stability and time..go ahead…if not and you’ll know if you don’t then wait…x
ParticipantYeah I had a cousin that did the same thing but was earlier in pregnancy..then thought she might be pregnant a third time and made a THIRD appointment to the abortion clinic!! All this time I was trying to get pregnant…. :(….Thankfully she wasnt the third time but some girls just don’t have that courage to go ahead with thier resposibilities all you can do is sit back or try and make them change their mind…
ParticipantYou guys are the ones being slightly selfish. Okay SUG was first set up as a crisi centre for teen mothers. But it has now become a safe haven for girls who have chosen young in their life to start a family…not all girls that are writing posts are 14 and planning for a baby and for those who are there are many many guestbook posts urging them to wait. You have to realise that the way this society is today it is more acceptable for a girl to sleep around with whoever she fancies and however many people she can count with a calcualator than to (like me) settle down at a ‘young’ age get married and begin family life. Who said that not being 35 means that you can’t be a fantastic mother. THERE ARE ALWAYS EXCEPTIONS and I feel that SUG is the meeting place for many of those exceptions. It is where young mothers, mothers-to-be and want-to-be mothers can come and get a rational voice from others in their situation and where they can be around others that relate to them and are in the same position. I have been a member of this site for about a year now and I have seen a few girls young and wanting a baby then because of SUG either choosing to wait or setting up a solid foundation for that wish. And there are alot of young girls who are still with the father’s of their baby. please don’t be so narrow minded because it is because of opinions like that why so many girls are choosing abortions or feeling like they have ended they’re world because they got pregnant? Don’t you see? xx
ParticipantDon’t abort. You will pay for it with your life and nothing achieved or accomplished after that will be joyous because you WILL have a black hole in your soul. Its not about making anyone happy but you have a life inside of you not an inconvenient blob. God knows what he’s doing…Maybe it is a sign. You have no idea of the things you could do with a baby. This may force your life into a different direction but an abortion only leads to a life of darkness regardless of the amount of certificates you have and parties you went to.You can never predict how an abortion will effect you. Why risk so much? You have someone behind you who will support you and your mum is most likely saying that because she is worried for you. But you are not her and she is not you. The strength you have could be so much greater. And just because she says she doesn’t regret her abortions doesn’t mean that a) She’s being truthful and b) That you wont regret them niether. Be wise. Choose Life. x
ParticipantNever mind girls had my period this baby π
ParticipantHey girly please don’t abort i know it seems hard but you can get through there are many horror stories and there are some girls on here that are so much younger like 14 with three kids and they manage talk to people around you don’t be ashamed even if they do judge you…be proud of the light of life growing inside feel blessed by god that he has given this child to you and you to this child…let me know what you decided and whatever you did decided i’m here if you wna talk….:)
ParticipantActually I read a couple days ago that they decided to give her back her show so I reckon that’s good because she’s taking her responsibility on as a mature adult and i’m sure she’ll be doing reality shows etc on how to be more responsible blah blah blah but good for her she has the money and the support system I just hope they safeguard against loads of really young girls going trying to have a baby because they’v seen zoey 101 do it…. But I do salute her on being grown up about it…
ParticipantGirl please don’t do this I’m begging you. I may not know you or your situation. But I do know that you have been blessed with something so beautiful and so precious. It may not seem like it now but there are so many women who are trying with all their heart to get pregnant and it hasn’t come to them. Believe me even though life may be a little harder once the baby is here you will never regret it once you look into you’r little angels eyes. You are not only destroying your blessing in destroying your baby but also destroying yourself and for what?? So please I ask you from the depths of my heaRt don’t do this. I’m here if you want to talk… x
ParticipantMy well wishes and prayers are with you girly good luck and I admiRe your courage after such a tragedy god bless you and your family hun! Xxx
ParticipantOmg she’s absolutely beautiful!! π