Forum Replies Created
Participantmy hubby is a stand up guy, but im on here enough for the both of us, he knows whats going on…and i ven go to him for "legal" help for some of the girls…he knows tons about the law, and he works with lawyers…lol…
Participantthe pregnancy "glow" usually doent happen till ur 2nd trimester, it’s when ur usually not having morning sickness ne more, u r showing but can still see ur feet, and u feel good about being preg….
Participantwell i just got mine out in today, so we’ll see how it goes…just wondering did ur friends have babies previously or not?
Participanti agree with everyone else, it’s a bad idea to hide a pregnancy….i see u have read the other replies…i dont see y u have to hide it from ur friends? if they r truly ur friends they will understand…also u should not be drinking alcohol ne ways, ur only 17!…
Participanttry taking another test…if it’s negative consider going to the doc, it doesnt really matter what kinda of doc for a preg test, but if it comes back negative u can have them run a blood test..if the doc u picked to go to do the test isnt an OB/GYN that’s who u need to see afterwards if it comes back positive….
Participantthe only things i can think of is something happend when she was at her dads or she has night terrors which can be really scary for little ones…
Participantso i just realized that i put the wrong date,it’s not till this month (OCTOBER)…hence why the "Days, HRS ago" says like 4-5days ago…
Participantgood luck with ur battle! and im glad to here u arent giving up ur daughter!…and if u ever need to vent im a good listener!
Participanti tried, but i had a bad expirience with a very bad nurse forcing things on me and my baby when we were in the hospital so it scared my baby from breastfeeding for like 3 or 4 weeks and by then my milk supply was drying up and my baby got thrush and gace it to me so it was painfull to have him latch, i had even tried to pump to get my supply to go back up but i was living with my in-laws so things were stressful and i never had private time unless i locked myself in my room…so i had to quit trying…but when i had my next baby im going to…but like someone else said get a lactation consultant and talk to her before and after u have ur baby…good luck!
Participantget a blood test done, my husbands mom when she was preg with him did many HPT and got negatives, went to the doc and did their tests and got negatives, and finally she had them do a blood test and it was positive, so there are cases that negatives show on the HPT but u are actually preg and a blood test will show it…
Participanthun i know how u feel, when i got preg i had no idea how to tell my dad since i was his "good" child (whereas my brother has spent his teen years in and out of jail) and i was always getting great grades in school…when i got preg it was my senior year in high school and i was only 17 didnt turn 18 till 2 months b4 i had my baby……..well the point is tell her, she might not react the way u dad was angry at first but now he’s here and he loves his grandbaby!…
Participantif u have a low pain tolerance try to not have a c-section, because that’s a major surgery and with ne surgery come prolonged pain….and a vaginal delivery is not that bad…also if u have one c-section u usually have to have more for the ore kids u have…
Participantok thanx for ur replies, but im NOT worried. i was JUST wondering because my babys doc said that he is advanced for his age. so i just wanted other moms to tell me when their babies did these such things….so please stop telling me not to worry because im not.
Participantim srry hun. some family never get over ur choice to have the baby and not abort or give him/her up for adoption. next time she says anything just tell her that ‘everybody even older women who are a first time mom become overwhelmed, so would she tell them to give up their baby?’… good luck and just remember ur doing fine!
Participanthun i know how hard it is to be 18 with a baby, i am doing it. and i also know the other side of the adoption thing because i was adopted when i was little, my birth parents were really young and i was the 4th baby they had and they couldnt take care of us so they decide to let us go and i am now back in contact with them both and it hurt them so much to let us go butbeing so young with 4 kids they just couldnt do it, but that doesnt mean they didnt love us…….im not saying give her up or keep her and not be able to take care of her im just saying follow ur heart!…keeping her may make it harder and take a little langer to get into college but u can do it, i am still trying (i had my baby june 2nd of this year and got married feb 2nd of this year)….
Participantmy friends have a baby boy and they used condoms, she was on the shot and he was supposed to be sterile from testicular cancer and their son is one year old!
Participantif u click on the pic then right click on it when the new window opens u can save the pic to u ur comp…hope i helped
Participantlol…ur welcome! i reasearch lots of stuff, and i have take many child care/development and pregnancy classes for school along with having my own baby so i do have some knowledge that is helpful!….like kala said u can google them,or u can find them at any motherhood maternity store….
Participanttalk to him…get him to understand that he needs help and there are medications out there that can help, and i know for a fact because i am bipolar and i have been on meds and they help, but also u have to know that its a hit and miss, trial and error kind of thing trying to find a medication that helps…..just remember that u and ur babys safety in this situation is key!…good luck….
Participantthey are these candies that help with the morning sickness…u can get them online or at any motherhood maternity store….
Participanthun it’s ur baby, and if he didnt want a baby then he shouldve kept his peck in his pants!..besides if u give ur baby up for adoption there are many types of adoption including open which is where u can keep in touch with the baby….oh ans again as for "the dad" he had his opinion, u didn’t agree with it so sux for him!….please dont abort if u have already told ur self u wouldn’t!….
Participantok so if ur mom is really that religious she should know that God doesn’t let these things happen for no reason and that if it’s supposed to happen it will….i have been in a sort of lesser but same situation as u, my dad started being very religious right after my mother died in 2003 and then i got preg last year (’06) so telling him i was preg was hard but i made my views clear to him and he didn’t have much argumnet against me whereas he let his GIRLFRIEND move in and that’s supposedly a "sin"…so after i got it through his mind that i wan’t going to quit school he was fine…so just remind ur mom that ur old enough to have a baby and make ur own choice whether she like it or not……
Participanttell her that it’s not their choice if she keeps the baby it’s hers, its her body and her baby!….and if she aborts the baby and doesn’t want to she will beat herself up inside for ever!…tell her we are all here for her and u be there for her, be a shoulder for her to cry on!…
Participantin the town i am from being a teen mom is pretty much frowned upon and hidden if possible because it is a town full of "churchy" people, but i was 5months preg b4 i moved to go live with my husband so i had all the rumors and whatever going around while i was there, and i didn’t care because i would never abort or give my child up…i was the youngest of 4 children and our mom gave all of us up for adoption after she had me because she was too young to have so many babies so i’m not saying adoption is bad i just couldn’t see my baby leave me and go to someone else….and i don’t agree with aboriton for myself…besides i was preg with a baby that was unexpected but not unwanted, and i was with the daddy for over 2years when we founf out about the baby (he’s now 3months old….)…lol…now that i’ve babbled on forever…
Participantalmost always a faint line means u ARE preg…