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Participantas i ahve hearf birth defects, premature birth or spontaneous abortion are a couple of things that could happen if you continue taking the pill while being pregnant…..but talk to ur doctor to see for sure, because they are the ones who know….
Participantwell hello…, that is a very weird way to find out that ur preg….oh skipped the intro, i’m bren, 17 (18 in april), an early HS graduate, 23 wks along with a little boy, and married to the father…we have been together for 2 years 8 months, he’s my high school sweetheart….our baby was a little surprise, but we are so happy for him to becoming around june 8th…… just thought i’d tell u a little about my self…..
talk to u later….bweber
Participantthe easiest way is to just sit them down and tell them…..
Participantok so to let u know ur mom CAN NOT force you to give up ur baby or get an abortion, because its ILLEGAL, and once you become prgnant and have a baby u are legally an adult and the baby is ur responsiblity and ur mom can’t make u do ne thing u don’t want to….so good luck….
Participantif u feel that he’s back with u just for the baby, that’s not the relationship for a baby to grow up in, it’s better to be seperate and happy then together and miserable…..besides the baby is still too young to remember anything about fighting or anything……so he/she will be fine….i just suggest getting out of the relationship if it’s not what u want ur baby to grow up in….
Participantif it’s really bothering you that much go see ur doc….there are meds that you can take for the sleep thing….
Participantmaybe..but if ur period isn’t always on time then just wait and see……also u could be preg and ur preg horomones could have not been high enough to register with the test…….so yeah, just wait…
Participantif ur period hasn’t come since then i’m betting ur pregnant dear….but go get a test to make sure….
Participanti agree with avababy…..besides telling ur family u need to get in to a doctor, the sooner you start prenatal care the better ur chances for a healthy baby…….and i also agree that everything happens for a reason and God wouldn’t let it happen unless it was in ur greater plan…..*not to sound all religious or ne thing* lol…….good luck….
Participantmost babies have the fathers last name, even if they aren’t married or getting married…’s the mothers choice to give the last anme of the father…it doesn’t mean that he’s not got a responsibility to the baby, not having his last name will make it harder for you to get him to pay child support without getting a paternity test……that’s just my opinions or knowledge or whatever…’s ultamitly ur choice….
Participantwow that’s a looong time….i’ve been with my fiance for 2 yrs and 7 months, since i was 15 (i’m 17 now and 18 in april)….we’re expecting our baby the same month of our 3 yr anniversary, june…and we are prolly gonna get married (legally and have the ceramony in july) by the end of this week….so i’m happy……………..
Participantplease don’t get an abortion…there are so many parents out there that would love to adopt a new baby…..and it doesnt’ cost anything to give ur baby to a great family!…….
Participantmy advice is just to not let anyone force you to do anything you don’t want to do and get a doc ASAP!….but congrats…and you can message me if you need anything (i’m 17, 21 wks preg, due in june)
Participanthey hun, don’t be scared….just tell ur dad first if u know he will be supportive, and ur mom can’t force you into anything because it’s illegal…..and if it makes you feel any better i am also 17 and 21 wks pregnant, i’m 18 in april and due in june…i graduated early (in the 1st two wks of jan)….i was like you, scared to tell my dad (my mom pasted away 3 yrs ago) because he had once said he would force me to get an abortion if i ever got pregnant, but he took it better than i ever imagined..and my finace’s parents were excited to be grandparents…………but like i said, don’t be scared, just do it…no matter how dissappointed your dad may be he will not ever stop being there for you…..
Good luck…..bweber
Participantif he’s not sure if he truley loves you don’t marry him….marrying a girl just beacuse she is pregnant is not "the right thing to do"…it’s wrong, and is the top reason for divorce in young couples…i know because my cousin married a girl because she got pregnant and he wanted to do the "right thing", they had two kids together and then got divorced………………it’s better to bring a baby into the arms of seperate happy parents than unhappy married ones……..i hope you make the right choice……
(and may i ask how old you are?…i’m 17(18 in april), 21 wks preg, and marrying my highschool sweetheart of 2 yrs, who is also the baby’s daddy….bweber
Participanthun ur only 17 ur parents have the power over u unless u get emancipated, or turn 18…which ever would happen first…but i think once you file for emancipation your parents have to leave you alone…i’m not sure…just get online and look it up…..i’d be quick if i were you….
Participantyou need to tell him now so u can get into a doc…the earlier you start prenatal care the better it is for you and the baby….so not that u came here for my life story but i’m 17, 18 in april with a baby due in june…i’m 21wks preg, finished HS early….and told my dad, and my (now) finaces parents all on the same day…i was so scared to tell them, i dodn’t know what was going to happen, or how they would react…the dads were is shock, then my dad was mad, but his mom was excited from the get go, and his dad was ok with it after yelling at my dad for not being…funny how things work…but nw wayz….just tell them…say something like "u know everything happens for a reason and God wouldn’t let something happen uness it were what was supposed to happe, well i’m gonna be a mommy…"… for ur bf, just tell him he’s gonna be a daddy, that worked for me…..
u can message me or email me at if you want to talk or need any advice……hope i helped….
Participantu know that if ur going to terminate the pregnancy it’s not a good idea to get an ultra sound….it will make you choose not to do it because you will hear the heartbeat and see the little one and fall in love with it…when i heard my baby’s heartbeat for the first time i almost cied, and i did on the inside, i was so happy, i wouldn’t change being pregnant and 17, because it is what God wanted…these things happen for a reason, and God has a plan for us all and wouldn’t let bad things happen to us unless they led to a greater good….so just think about giving ur baby life like u have lived….
Participantbeing a single mom can have benefits, like getting student loans or scholarships because you are a single mom, schools love to help single parents get through school….so just find out if ur school has such programs….good luck…
Participanti’m 17 and 21wks preg..i’m not 18 till april…i never even considered an abortion because i knew that even if i couldn’t take care of the baby the way i wanted that i have family that no matter what love me and will help me through this….my now fiance and i are and alwayd have planned on getting married….but hun don’t do it….u’;; regret it soooo much…and there are options…it’s called adoption, i was adopted and i got the most loving family i could ever had hoped for….and doing an open adoption you and ur bf can keep in contact with the baby as he or she grows up and have that connection with it being urs…..if you need to talk you can message me or email me at
Participantok…so pre cum does contain some sperm, and it only takes one to get you preg…
Participantit may be to early, and it may not….i took my HPT 2 or 3 days into the time my period should have came….it was positive, VERY positive….so take the test if i says negative wait a few more days and try another one..if that one also say negative then more than likely you aren’t preg…but if your still worried go to you doc….
ParticipantCONGRATS!!!………..ok so to combat the morning sickness eat before you go to bed, and keep crackers by your beside for when you wake up in the morning (don’t move if you feel sick, just reach with your arm for a cracker, this should help), no HOT baths or hot tubs, this can hurt the baby, if you have an excersise routine you can keep it up for a little bit, but try and keep it easy, don’t stress out about stuff this isn’t good for either of you, drink lots of water and juice, and don’t eat 3 big meals a small frequent meals throughout the day..morning sickness is because your blood sugar gets low and this causes you to get if you can keep you blood sugar up you should not get the morning sickness (or at least won’t get it as bad)……hope this helps….if you have questions feel free to ask….
Participantif you are on ur period then you are not preg…although you may have been and you could be experiencing a miscarriage….and besides some early pregnancy symptoms are the same as symptoms that you are getting you period……
Participantit usually takes longer than a week for your body to respond have an egg mature and release it… try not to worry too much….if it turns out that u r preg good luck and don’t do anything you’ll regret….