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  • in reply to: I feel introductions are in order #17381

    wow. you have alot of work on your hands, and alot of joy.. good luck on having that little

    in reply to: need some help #17380

    you should really go to the doctors and have them give you a blood test. that way you know for sure. good luck.

    in reply to: did i have a miscarriage? #17379

    how big where your clotts? i had a faint positive an hten a few days later had the same thing happen my clots where really big. about the siz of a 50 cent piece. but most misscarrages are about the size of a golf ball.

    in reply to: should i be worried??? #17377

    if you cant talk to your doctor about the medication yo can always go to any pharmacy and they will tell you what it is.

    in reply to: pregnant teens in abusive relationships #17376

    You should defiently get away while you still can. be for he does something serious enough to cause you to loose your child as well as your life. ive been there and done that. But i was lucky enough notnto get pregnant. he doesnt deserve you and that beautiful child inside of you.

    in reply to: My mom and abortion #17334

    im not sure about ths but i dont think they can legally force you to have an abortion no matter what state you are in. i hope everything works out for you.

    in reply to: am i? #17333

    well your best idea is to take a test and if its negative go to a doctor to have a blood test taken. good luck

    in reply to: period while pregnant? #17332

    when my mother was pregnant with me she had a normal period her entire pregnancy, she thought i was an

    in reply to: How can I tell if this is love?? #17331

    I went throught he same thing before i married my husband.mos people do. marriage is a big step, and alot of people are scared of that step. just try ad keep in mind that your wedding isnt for months. that way you can still have time to think it through. best of luck.

    in reply to: How much wieght? #17271

    if you are so worried about your weight you should consult your doctor. weight veries with each person. your doctor will be the best person to tell you if you aregaining enough weight.

    in reply to: Losing the weight after #17125

    well to get rid of stretch marks they have this stuff called maderma you can find it in most stores.. it fades scars. well with weight, i am one of the lucky ones. i weighbirth 125 when i gave birth and when i left the hospital i was already in my pre pregnancy clothes. but most peopledont lose it until months afterwards. dont stop eating. your body needs the nutrients to heal from your pregnancy. and dont excersise until your doctor says you can. you dont want to hurt yourself. good luck

    in reply to: RANDOM =) #17124

    How old were you when u got pregnant? 16
    How old are u now? 20 as of may 17th ( son 3 as of may 6th)
    How long was your labour? 11 hours
    Did you have ne drugs or interventions? i was enduced and i recieved an epederal an hour before i gave birth.
    Did you finish school? No, but im in the process of getting my GED and i am going to college this summer.
    Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? NO WAY! my little boy is the best thing that has ever happened to me.
    Are you still with the father? Yes, married almost 3 and been together almost 6.
    Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? With my hubby and my little boy.

    in reply to: negitave test pregnancy symptoms #17123

    well the best thing for you to do it to go into the doctors. that way they can make sure everything is going to be ok with your body. good luck and im sorry for your loss. i know how you feel.

    in reply to: pregnant b4…pregnant again? #16966

    well you can go to and you can track your periods to find out when you are fertile.. best of luck

    in reply to: help me… #16964

    well he could always go to the doctors and give them a sample so they cn give you guys a sperm count. that way you know the likelyness of you getting pregnant. best of luck

    in reply to: New #16957

    Good for you, guys like that dont deserve to be blessed to have such a blessing as a beautiful baby. best of luck for you and the little baby growing in your tummy.

    in reply to: MOTHERS! #16956

    when i was pregnant with my son i had been sick for awhile and we had gone to a doctor to find out what was wrong with me but they couldnt figure t out. so one day i was sitting on our front porch with my boyfriend ( now my husband) and my mom came out and said" i thik your pregnant" and she walked back in the house. and sure enough i was. i think they can tell that your pregnant when they see your symptoms. but some people are more empathetic then others and can pick up on that kind of thing.

    in reply to: dealing with lonelyness #16896

    i know exactly how you feel. my husband is in the navy but hes with the marines. if you need to talk…

    in reply to: need advice :( #16293

    hes probably just going through the motions.. my husband for example was happy when we found out i ws pregnant with my son… but as i got further along he got scared and started saying similiar things… i hope everything works out well for you… good luck on the baby.

    in reply to: what could it be? #16292

    well if you are so concerned i would sugjest going to your doctor again… i hope all goes well.. good luck

    in reply to: Will he come back? #16283

    i think you should give him a chance to atleast see his child… with your supervision of course… good luck

    in reply to: Telling the parents, at 21… #16282

    having a baby is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world.. you are 21… you shouldnt be worrying about what your parents say.. you are an adult, its your choice not theirs… good luck

    in reply to: Birthdays? #16278

    my sons birthday is may 6th ( he will be 3) i turn 20 on may 17th. and my husband just turned 21 on march 25th.

    in reply to: contractions #16276

    they felt alot like period cramps for me… if you are concerned you should talk to your doctor, they should be able to help.

    in reply to: A little depressed #16275

    i hope everything works out for you.. good luck… if you need someone to talk to im justa message away.

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