Forum Replies Created
ParticipantHi Nadza,
For us, we had two sets of back to back babies, and although they love eachother now, we’ve had occasions where they would try and do battle over the ‘throne’, which is mom’s lap. Our first set, didn’t fight quite as much for some reason, because of their temperments maybe. One being a boy and the other a girl, their problem didn’t seem to be about me…it was more about them going through the terrible –whatevers– at the time, which usually was at the same time.:blink:The set we have now, would stomp on anyone in the way when they wanted my lap. I had to have a c-sect. with our last baby, so my little toddler at home was too heavy to hold on my lap, and I had been away for 4 days. She was ready for mommy time, but it was difficult with my stomach being in staples and the pain, but she cried so much for me, I had to try something. So, I found the biggest chair to nurse the baby, and let the toddler cuddle on the other side. When the baby switched sides to nurse, everyone would change sides. 🙂 They were content. I’d combine that with some reading for the toddler, or I’d have someone in the house bring a snack and a bottle for the toddler so she could be with me during her snack.
As the baby got bigger, she began to be the problem, not the toddler. She would demand that no one be permitted on my lap, and would run to chase off the intruder. That didn’t go well when it was daddy!! No way little missy!!! So, we decided to teach her to share early. We taught her the word ‘nice’, ‘no pushing’, and so on whenever she would try anything….she’d cry louder and try to push the offending sibling off, or kick them real hard….but gradually realized we weren’t going to let her. We’d shake our head no at her, and tell her to ‘be nice’, ‘no pushing’, and if she didn’t go back to nursing quietly or sit nicely then……SHE HAD TO BE REMOVED!!
She would scream and kick while being taken away by dad or an older sibling, but would calm down eventually. Then we’d try it again later.
She got enough of being isolated from the party in the big chair, that now she allows whomever to come join in. She’s learned to rub her sisters hair and pat her back welcoming her in, because she knows what will happen if she isn’t ‘shareful’. :dry:
(as my toddler says)Good luck!! Your little ones may do just fine. I’ve learned the more they’re together right away, they just get use to always having the other one around.
They tend to develop a stronger bond quicker. The more you seperate them, the more they tend to compete.Blessings an peace,
ParticipantI’m sorry, I disagree with your mother, the pill will not prevent pregnancy that quickly. You would have to be on it for atleaast 2-3 weeks for it to be effective, atleast somewhat!! Women can become pregnant even while on the pill, especially if they’ve missed so many as you have.
If you had sex within two weeks of your period ending, and your pills were not being taken regularly, you may be pregnant. As far as the implantation bleeding, I’ve heard that it can cause bleeding but I’ve never used any birthcontrol devices. It sounds however, that you have messed your cycle up a bit, by stopping and starting your pills.
My best advice for you, please listen carefully, DO NOT CONTINUE TO HAVE SEX!! Your parents don’t seem to mind that you’re having sex and are even advising your use of contraception. Also, if you are trying to prevent pregnancy, you’re going to an awful lot of trouble trying to prevent it, but very poorly. You will end up pregnant unless you stop having sex. It is only a matter of time and what you and your parents are fearing may happen, will actually happen.
You will have to decide for yourself whether you want to continue this way, or start making better choices about your relationship. If a baby is so unwanted by you and your parents…then why involve yourself in the act that creates one?? Loving a young man is not wrong…..but giving to much of yourself too soon has some lasting consequences that will change your life forever. You can love and respect oneantoher, and commit yourselves to waiting for the right time for marriage and children.
For now, I would wait until you are atleast 5 days late for your period, and then go get a blood test done. They are more accurate than the home tests and the hormone shows up in your system very quickly after your period is late. Then, if you are not pregnant… could possibly talk to your parents and boyfriend and decide if you want to continue going through the worry of being pregnant, having to take so many pills and possibly harming your body, knowing you’re not yet in a committed relationship and still so very young. Is this really how you want to live?? Some side effects of the pill are nausea, headaches, restlessness, as well as a sluggishness, spotting and cramping. So it is hard to say whether your symptoms are associated with your period coming on early (like you said, it came on 2 weeks earlier once) or if they are related to your irregular pill use.
If you are pregnant…then you obviously have some mature decisions to make and you will have to be strong. There will be a lot of emotions overwhelming you at that point and I pray that you will accept your baby and not be pressured to abort it by your family or boyfriend. Just so you know now, there are other options instead of murdering a helpless baby. We can help guide you in the right direction if you come up pregnant….but just in case you cannot get online after the test…..Abortion is not the answer!!! There are many other young girls who have become pregnant and are lost as to where to turn. They have found help and support and decided to keep their baby and even finish high school, and are now proud young mothers who are making their life better for themselves and their little one.
My prayers are with you,
ParticipantI know….I hear it in your words. I don’t have to hear your voice to feel your sadness. If you could pray for acceptance with regards to Jason and his decision, that whatever God wills to happen, you will accept it. Then, you may find that you can focus on just you and nourishing your body, getting to the doctor for care, taking your vitamins, and getting fresh air. While your baby is growing inside of you, hearing your voice, resting and being nourished inside your warm body, the bond between you and her, (I’m pickin favorites) will begin to strengthen and you will radiate that love to the world. It will be so obvious that God is working in your life and that alone may speak volumns to Jason. Be patient…..and let God work his miracle in your life now that you’ve said “Yes” to giving life to HIS child.
I will pray for you,
ParticipantDon’t make your decision to give your baby up for adoption based on the fact that your ex may or may not support you or want a part in this. Time and reflection has a way of bringing people together in peace and acceptance, when earlier, in the heat of the situation hearts were closed off to understanding and love. Don’t try and figure out all the ins and outs of this all at once. It’s impossible to anticipate what will happen with this, or with that…..or concerning him, or anyone elses reactions. You will drive yourself crazy. Listen to what your heart is trying to tell you about the baby that is growing right now inside your body, and let the Holy Spirit guide your decision about the future for YOU and YOUR BABY!!
You seem to have been putting a lot of thought into taking responsibility for your baby, as a result of having sex. That’s being mature and accountable for your choices and you should be proud that you’ve gotten that far in your thinking. Whether you decide to keep your baby and work through your life with him/her by your side, or find a loving home for your baby, the choice will have to be your own. I have a brother and sister who cannot have children of their own and are working on their second adoption….waiting. The first little one to come into their life is from a young teen who felt she couldn’t provide for her, but also had some selfish desires of her own to go back to her own ways of life after the adoption. It can be very rewarding for a lot of different reasons. The adoptive parents love and desire for a child is fullfilled, and my brother and sister-n-law have left the adoption open so the young girl can be a part of her life still. Most importantly….she was aloud to LIVE!! The young girl had enough maturity and supportive guidance to lead her in that direction to give her baby to another couple. Now she’s my neice!!If you, however, decide to keep your baby the baby will benefit in that also. You should read some other stories in the forum highlights. (just look above in the top tool bar of the site, under community) There are many stories like yours from other young girls facing graduating in a few years and have plans to go off to college. Some have made the choice to carry the baby and finish school…nothing about carrying the baby will prevent you from finishing high school. (you may just miss a day here or there). Friends also have a way of helping out with school work etc….
I was a new graduate and wanted to go off to be a flight nurse for the military….then my best friend came into my life and swept me off my feet. College would’ve been a major part of that life as well, but God had another plan for me. I had enough brains to get scholarship money to go to Arizona State along with being offered a sports scholarship for track…….well my life needless to say didn’t turn out like I PLANNED, and I certainly didn’t get the CHANCE to be a nurse or a famous athlete, but I have something more valuable than all the fame, titles or credentials in the world. Children!!! Quite a few mind you, and I never regret my choice to accept God calling me to motherhood.
I did go to school eventually though while my oldest was a baby, I’d take night classes and my best friend would babysit or if Dad wasn’t traveling he would be with her. I made it through 2 1/2 yrs of classes before we decided to have another baby, and I figured out by then, I was happier just being with my babies and teaching them all I knew. The rewards of motherhood are endless and will give you more tender, intimate and loving memories of your life with them that it would overflow all the bedtime story books ever written.
Be patient in making your decision, and never mind that your ex is not along side supporting you. God has a way of touching many hearts whether they want it or not. I just would wish that you turn to prayer and quiet contemplation before chosing the life for your child.
Many prayers for God’s will to be done.
ParticipantHi Kanye,
Use the love of your children, your 4 yr. old little girl and your angel in heaven, as your strenght to fight for this baby. You will need the courage to do this or you will be easily persuaded to make another choice you know you will live to regret. Don’t let the pressure of worrying about their reactions cause you to shrink in fear. Nothing good will ever come of that way of life. You have the faith to believe in God, I know you do. Turn to Him for strength every moment…..with every decision and with every word. May I suggest reading the book of Psalms?
I will continue to pray for your petitions and the life of this baby!!
Be silent so that you may hear the word of God!!
ParticipantWe have all made some decisions about our life at one point or another that we wish we wouldn’t have. Giving too much love too soon can have some lasting consequences that you are now facing. Mature decisions will have to made now, with courage. It is the right thing to do to give this baby life. No matter who you talk to, understand this. Whether you decide to find a loving home for this baby, or raise him/her in your own home as it’s mother, you should only be making one of these two choices. Abortion will never be justified by anyone as the answer. Please don’t fall into that trap of sinful thinking.
Be strong when you are faced with telling your parents, as well as your boyfriend and try and remember…..they may or may not accept the news well, but that should not stop you from fighting for the life of this baby!! Let them go through their emotions and thoughts….it’s their right. You’ve had a bit of time to absorb it so be prepared to let them have their say. In the end though,,,,,,,, NO MATTER WHAT, you can give this baby life and should!! Time will allow them to calm down, and I pray that they will be supportive for you. If they see that you are prepared to take the responsibility for your choices, and hear how determined you are….they may see your maturity and be proud of your decision.
If you’ve been brought up in a home with prayer and faith in God, then please try and take a minute each day to pray for guidance and strength to face these new decisions maturely, and ask Him to give your family understanding.
In honor of your baby, I will pray for these things also.
ParticipantI am a firm believer in turning to God for healing, understanding, peace and acceptance. No matter what I’m going through.
Turning to Him in prayer is the most loving and powerful suggestion I can give you.The pain and loss you’re feeling will take ahold of you deeply for awhile, but that is normal. You are grieving the loss of your baby that you tried to defend. When you’re young and have made mistakes, adults will try to make all the decisions for you. They obviously made this decision for you based on anger, fear and a lack of knowledge. If they knew how devastating the effects of abortion would be on their daughter, not to mention the death of their grandchild, they would’ve taken their time in helping you think through your choices. Parents are afraid to give the responsibility to their daughter when they’ve discovered that she’s pregnant. They immediately step in and take over, never mind that she may want to be mature and take accountability for what has happened. What a concept!! Teens being accountable for what choices they’ve made. It can be done and I’m sorry they didn’t give you an opportunity to show your maturity in accepting this life.
I’m not sure how your relationship is with your boyfriend after this, but you could possibly share with him your feelings. Especially if your parents aren’t open to discussion. He may need his own period of healing as well. Hopefully in time, through prayer,counseling, sharing with your boyfriend, and talking to us on this site you will begin to have a better understanding of what has happened and how you got to this place in your life. There are many who share your pain and we’re all here to help.
I will pray for your healing,
ParticipantHello Paola and welcome!!
ParticipantHi Kirsty,
Yes Meg’s correct about all of the optional forms of bc….but to a woman’s body, they are all unnatural and man made……therefore dangerous. Anything that goes into our bodies should be in the most natural state as possible. (food, liquid, medicines etc….) The risks of other problems stemming from man made products, chemicals used in processing, or additives and artificial anything has been linked to cancerous cells. Even in the uterus and breasts.Natural Family planning is what my husband and I practice to prevent pregnancy at certain times in our life. (especially after back to back babies) There is a lot to it, but can be an effective way of tracking your ovulation cycle and abstaining from sex during that time, or joining together to creat life.
God bless,
ParticipantI didn’t read this post until I replied to your last one about your stomach still showing the spot where your baby was growing. I apologize for not reading this one first, but now I know how you’re feeling about your abortion.
What’s wrong…is that you are mourning the loss of life!! You are human and are feeling the effects of a terrible decision to end your babies life. Not brought on by yourself I can tell…you were obviously pushed into it by your mother. You’re right, a mothers role is to be loving, nurturing, and accepting even in the light of mistakes. She has been led to believe that a vicious act of murder is the answer to her daughters choice to have sex. Her oppinion, tragically, is shared most people in the world today. You are feeling the effects of her choice…..and it will be painful for the rest of your life. But there are many girls who have lived through your same situation and who are now on this site to help others like you. They have gone through the sleepless nights crying, sweats, anger, bitterness, confusion and feelings of emptiness. God is giving you the appropriate feelings after such a terrible trauma. You are normal!! Those are very real and valid feelings and you would be inhuman not to feel what you are. Let the tears come, cry as much as your body will allow, mourn for your little one and if you don’t have any faith in your life now… could begin to pray for God to come into your life to help guide you through this pain. Your boyfriend is right, if you were forced to go to the abortion clinic by your mother and she signed the paperwork etc….you absolutely did not have a chance to look into your options and therefore had no idea how to act in defense. I am so very sorry for your loss. The pain you feel will go through many phases….let them happen and be open with your boyfriend as much as possilbe to help him open up eventually. Let him know how you’d like to talk about this when the time is right and let him know you’re there to listen to him.
This will be a long journey to a place of understanding and peace about what has happened, but we are all here to help you along that path. God will not abandon you, He is already with you, and if you don’t feel His presence just say His name. Stay in contact with this website as much as possible while going through this recovery period and we will all try to help you.
My you find peace and receive healing.
ParticipantYou may never get rid of that….honestly!! Your uterus has been stretched out as well as your underlying muscle tissue.
BUT more importantly, I’m sorry that you’ve gone through an abortion. How are you feeling about that decision?I’ve had quite a few children….quite a few, and I look at the scars on my body and the stretched out areas….and see them as scars of love. What I agreed to go through and allow my body to endure so that I could give LIFE to my children. It is a selfless act of love and those are my wounds. I am proud to wear them.
I will never be the small size 6 I once was…but I could care less about that when I’m sitting with my teens and little babies watching movies that make us laugh so hard we cry.
My you learn to look at the frame of your body and accept what has happened and move on to a better understanding of it, and possibly make better choices in the future.
ParticipantAbsolutely….you could become pregnant at any time when you are engaging in sex, protected or not!!
Not having a regularly tracked cycle makes the figuring out more difficult.
It’s a good thing that you and your bf don’t mind that you become pregnant…atleast you’re aware that you may be a mother because of your actions and you are willing to accept that life. Praise to God!! I will pray however, that you and he will wait for marriage to continue, because it will allow you and him time to bond more intimately in other ways besides sexually. Marriages and babies need to have some solid ground to survive. Please consider if you’re not pregnant….to wait and abstain from sex until there is a solid committment, and God will then bless your marriage with the gift of a child.
There is no hurry!!
my prayers
ParticipantHi Gabby,
Stay strong and healthy for yourself and for the little one you are carrying. Praise Him for this gift of another chance. He has blessed you and is asking you to walk strong in the face of the weak and selfish world that we live in.
Keep a positive attitude as much as positive through prayer to remove the doubts and negative feelings everyone may want to throw at you. Ollie may struggle for some time with issues, but love him and let him know when he’s ready to talk, you’ll be there to listen with a loving heart.
My prayers are with you,
ParticipantJust sending a greeting of Love and support for you friend.
I was just wondering if you’d told your boyfriend yet.You are not alone in your fight. Just let us know how things are going.
Many prayers,
ParticipantCongratulations on choosing life this time!!
It is a very humble calling to carry another life within you. You have passed God’s test u to follow HIS will for you to be a mother. You will be blessed for your decision… you are already feeling joy, love, and acceptance for this child. Your child, whom you are already bonding with in your mind and heart. God is giving you the grace to feel at peace about your decision to fight for your baby this time around. Nevermind what others will say about who the father is……if God has called your souls together and this is the result, then this is God’s will that you should give this baby life. I pray that your boyfriend will support you and stay by your side and chose to marry you. If you feel this was meant to be, then there’s no reason why you shouldn’t make it a family committment. You should be proud of yourself for taking responsibility for the choices you’ve made with regards to having sex before marriage, and I also hear how serious you are about changing the vicious cycle of abortion being used as birthcontrol.
Don’t lose hope. God will not abandon you in your decision.
She’s beautiful!! She has the face of my oldest when she was born. What a blessing from heaven. Infants are the closest thing to heaven we’ll ever be near, while here on earth. Their breath alone… like breathing the breath of the angel that brought them down.
May the Lord watch over her while she sleeps and bless you for giving her life.
ParticipantHi Jessica,
Just wanted to leave this with you in case I’m not online when you check in with your results.I am praying for you. Praying that it will be negative. No one at your age should be having to make such difficult choices….not yet. I pray that if your test is negative, that you will learn from this situation and begin to make healthier choices about your body, and your life so that you can enjoy growing up without the worries of an adult.
I hope all is well young friend and I will be here to help and give you support along with the other ladies on here.
My God keep you safe,
ParticipantHello, and congratulations on being a mother!
You’ve given some wonderful advice to another person on this site. One who just found out she is pregnant, worried to do it alone, unsure whether to terminate..etc…. Take your own advice and not lose faith that God will take care of you and his little ones. He will not forsake you!! He will test our loyalty through blessings and hardships…..but will we only praise him when the sun is out? Will we praise him only when we receive? Will you forsake God when the storm comes? Don’t let the negative influences of this world tell you to give up that baby to murder. Stay strong and fight for your little one’s life. Lay your 4 yr. old’s tiny hand on your stomach and tell her that her baby brother or sister is in there….look into her eyes and think how it would be if she wasn’t with you.
I will be praying for your decision to embrace life once again. You will never regret keeping your baby!!
Fluttering, butterflies…..there are many beautiful terms that are used to describe the sensation of a woman’s baby finally reaching a size big enough to be felt inside her womb. The fetus floats around in there virtually undetected until it has grown enough, that when it touches the sides of the mothers womb, she finally FEELS the baby. It really does feel like a fluttering of butterflies.
I pray that all women carry their baby long enough to feel this miraculous event.
God bless,
ParticipantHi Eva,
I replied to you the other night, but I’m not sure where that post got to. :dry:
However, I wanted to tell you that God knows how heavy your heart is and what burdens you carry. He knows us better than we know ourselves. He sees how broken with sadness and grief you are and He will heal you. Just try to let Him in and step out of the way and let Him work in your life. Let go of your desire for a child for a little while and turn it all over to God. I will pray for you that you can do that. It’s when we lay down our burdens at his feet, that we make room for Him to to work His miracles. He will provide for you in your every need.May God heal you and reward you for your love of children.
ParticipantHi Jessica,
At church there is a prayer book where people can write their prayer requests for our parish members to pray for. I asked for their prayers to be for you today and your situation. All is not lost Jessica….have confidence that God will carry you close to His heart. He does not abandon his lambs.
All my prayers are for you,
ParticipantDepending when your period is due, if you had unprotected sex any time within the middle of your cycle you very well could be pregnant. Wait for your period to be late, if it isn’t already and get a blood test done to give you an accurate result.
I hope all goes well,
God bless
ParticipantGive her some time, she will not be able to abandon you. She loves you!! Remember that….no matter how she’s acting, it’s new for her to hear about your situation. She probably has a lot of worries for you going on in her mind, she may be a bit concerned about a lot of things, and it’s just a bit of a blow right now. Give her time to absorb the idea and she will talk to you. We can’t expect that all people are going to be happy when we tell them about our mistakes, but her love for you will take over and she will be there for you.
I’ll look forward to hearing from you on Saturday.
God bless,
ParticipantYou have just learned a wonderful lesson……It’s called the TWO GREAT COMMANDMENTS:
Love God with your whole mind, soul and strength.
Love your neighbor as yourself.
We are nothing without God; we are lyers, adulterers, thieves, murderers, schemers, gossips, slanderers, slothful, greedy, envious, prideful, angry, spiteful, anxious & suspicious.
Asking forgiveness from Him, making a promise to sin no more, and walking with Him the rest of our life ensures that we will be who HE created us to be!!
I am happy that you decided to carry your baby and not fall victim to the abortion statistic. May God bless you for your decision to give LIFE as your mother gave you life.
Continue to pray for strength and guidance. I need God every day, ever hour, every moment!!