my boyfriend is out to get me

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      I am three months pregnant and an emotional wreck. I feel like my boyfriend doesn’t look at me the same, he avoids me, and I talk too much. I would beat myself up about it and him about it but never got anywhere. I cried for nights and nights wondering why everything around me seemed to be turning their back on me. Until one day I prayed to God for His guidance. I started looking at myself instead of everybody else, i found my problem. I was sooo emotional who would want to hang out with me??? I was mean and cruel no wonder why my boyfriend was pushing himself away from me. So I stood in the Mirror and said “I AM GOING TO MAKE A CHANGE!” I apologized to all the people i was cruel too including my boyfriend and the rock lifted off i felt brand new:P nobody is out to get us we are getting ourselves I know we are pregnant and crazy but we can pull ourselves together we are women , strong women! lets talk about these feelings I know I feel better when i say how i feel no matter how crazy they sound … EVERYTHING IS WORTH SHARING I AM WEIRD WE ARE ALL WEIRD AND THAT IS A BEAUTIFUL THING:woohoo:


        You have just learned a wonderful lesson……It’s called the TWO GREAT COMMANDMENTS:

        Love God with your whole mind, soul and strength.

        Love your neighbor as yourself.

        We are nothing without God; we are lyers, adulterers, thieves, murderers, schemers, gossips, slanderers, slothful, greedy, envious, prideful, angry, spiteful, anxious & suspicious.

        Asking forgiveness from Him, making a promise to sin no more, and walking with Him the rest of our life ensures that we will be who HE created us to be!!

        I am happy that you decided to carry your baby and not fall victim to the abortion statistic. May God bless you for your decision to give LIFE as your mother gave you life.

        Continue to pray for strength and guidance. I need God every day, ever hour, every moment!!



          Thanks for sharing that! 🙂 Aren’t hormones weird?! But it’s so great that God helped you!


            :)this was very inspirational. im glad youre happier now 🙂



              Yeah and pregnancy makes everyone a little over emotional sometimes too :cheer:
              Good on figuring it out, like Enya said very inspirational !

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