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  • in reply to: Could I really Be pregnant?!? AT 15? #27325

    yes on & off

    in reply to: Could I really Be pregnant?!? AT 15? #27139

    I’m still having some symptoms of pregnancy.
    But i haven’t took another test.
    I’m not sure what to think.

    in reply to: Could I really Be pregnant?!? AT 15? #27101

    I’ve mised 2 pills in the last 3 months i think.
    but that shouldnt mess me up too bad.

    && thank you for replying to my thread!

    in reply to: Implantation Cramping? #27082

    Hi Dani:)
    I’ve had this before too.
    I’m also on the pill and me and my boyfriend don’t use condoms.
    Last month this happened to me.
    I did start spotting of a day or two.
    then it went away.
    at the end of the month i had a weird off and on period?
    So I’m not sure what to think of it either.

    in reply to: HELP #27081
    Hunnie, Don’t worry what he wants.
    It’s what you want for your baby, not him.
    your the one who is going to have to take care of it and carry it in you bell for NINE months!
    So yes you should probably tell him.
    you never know. Maybe he will man up and wanna help with the baby and be part of it’s life.
    but no matter what it’s your choice hun.
    Who care what he wants.
    keep me updated:)
    I hope everything goes well.
    in reply to: Please Help ME!!! #27059
    Thank you 🙂
    I got my period,…kinda.
    It stoped and started.
    Its very odd.
    in reply to: ACE is here #27049

    oh my goodness your baybee is freaking adorable:)
    Congadulations hunnie:)!

    in reply to: could it be?? (: #27040
    I would say you should maybee take another over the counter test.
    If it still comes up negative and you haven’t gotten your period I would say go to the doctors.
    Even tho your mom might be pissed off at you for sometime if you are pregnant then you really need to be finding out what to do to keep the baby health and safe while in your tummy:)I’m Also thinking I’m pregnant to. and scared to death lol
    in reply to: Symptoms? #27025

    Oh i see, we it isnt time for my period yet.
    I’m birth control. So won’t that make me start my period?
    I do have a sick feeling with my stomach almost nonstop but i do have some stomach problems too.

    in reply to: Natrual child birth #27015

    I want to have 2 kid 3 if it happens. I i want at lease one of my kids to be natural birth:) and wow tell your sis i say congrats:D

    in reply to: i think im preggo #26997

    It not common but you can. it may not be a very heavy period or might be normal.

    in reply to: 15 pregnant please read help #26818

    Hunnie I sorta in your situation as well.
    I mean you should know that even tho he does cum in you you still can be. the whole time you have sex he cums a little, it a slim chance but does happen. If you are going to have unprotected sex then you need to understand your putting your self in risk for becoming pregnant.If you don’t want the baby then #1 don’t have sex, or at lease have the guy wear protection. #2 if you don’t want an abortion then you put that out of the question to happen, maybe adoption it sounds hard to give up the baby you carried inside you for 9 month and then give birth to give them up but if you don’t want the baby adoption could be the thing for you there are plenty of couples that want to have kids but can not. there are open adoptions where you will still see your baby like pictures and such or closed where you give them the baby and that the end of it. so just think about it. Take an over the counter test and go from there.btw not all girls get horrible stretch marks and huge and if so they have thing these day to get you back to normal.

    in reply to: i think im preggo #26743

    yeah nerve racking.
    But i started to bleed last night,
    So i think it’s my period just late.I hope so.
    🙂 but update me on whats going on and if you ever need to talk about anything don’t be shy I’m all ear and ill try my best to help you out(:

    in reply to: 14 and Pregnant #26742

    I don’t think I’m pregnant, I started bleeding lastnight so i think it might be my period just late.

    in reply to: 13 and pregnant what do i do????? #26741

    If you wanna talk, I’m all ears hunnie:)
    I’m sure it’s hard=/
    You should probably talk to your mom and try to work things out.You way to be having ex little Missy i lost my virginity when i was your age too.
    As fro your Friend you should probably tell her and be totally honest about it. I’m she she will be very mad but if she is your true friend she will forgive you and try to be a supportive friend and help you.

    in reply to: i think im preggo #26726

    I won’t be able to take a test for about two more weeks, right now is too soon.
    But when i do i will make sure i let you know.

    in reply to: Future #26725

    Boy: Ayden lee or Chase andrew
    Girl: Arora lee or Ashley marie

    in reply to: 14 and Pregnant #26724

    thank you soso much it helped me(: a lot actually.

    in reply to: 14 and Pregnant #26723

    Thank you. (:
    I really hope that my parents will just understand me on not aborting it.

    in reply to: To all the young moms #26712

    Wow that most have been hard to do while doing school and such but I’m just curious what were your signs of being pregnant?

    in reply to: does anyone need help? #26711

    Hello, yeah I need so advice on what you think i wrote a forum called 14&&Pregnant?!? could you please read it and help me out?

    in reply to: Due Date Buddies? #26709

    Congratulations darling!(:

    in reply to: i think im preggo #26708

    I got my period, but I’m not sure if i am pregnant or not.

    in reply to: i think im preggo #26690

    So girls can get there periods and still be pregnant.

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