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  • in reply to: mis carriage :( #25725

    sorry for your loss..i had a miscarry at 15 weeks in 07 and its one of the worst things you can ever have to go threw in your thing that helped me was keeping my daughters mem. alive.a mem box buying things for her n putting on a shelf.your days will get easier but for need you need to talk to people.hugs….

    in reply to: BABY ÉABHA (Ava) IS HERE!!! #20255

    congrats she beatiful good luck n have fun with her.

    in reply to: Baby #3 on the way!!! #19263

    congrats meg ill be here with you all soon i hope but i bet you n your hubby are so excited good luck!!

    in reply to: advice from mommys #19171

    well def get the bottle before the new baby comes i wnet threw this my daughter was 2 n half at the time n i had my son n she would steal his bottle alot n try to be the baby i did it the wrong way i waited to long so dont do that., i def know what you mean about getting no sleep def wait till he feels better n try it they have these sippy cups with nipples on them so its a slow transtion but your getting there than after about a mo go to a reg top the kind he would have to suck to get the milk out. it might work idk thye also have these things at like walmart they come filled with juice they ahve like heads of charcters on them n you cna buy it once n just reuse those they ahve to suck it like a bottle to get the juice milk out of it thats what worked for my 3 yr old last yr.,now on the med give it to him in apple sauce or jello it works trust me i ahve 6 kids n only 2 will take meds i hope this helps you please visit my page n tell me if it works i hope your boy feels better. good luck mommy6

    in reply to: HELP!!! #19170

    well def talk to the doc my daughter use to have to use supost. alot n my doc also told me to use a termartor when you know she had to poo with alot of vasline on it n prune juice works to but it could be her formula so if that dont work def try a new formula see what your doc says i hope something works i know its hard to see your baby in pain been there done that., good luck

    in reply to: What’s better a C-section or a regular delivery??? #19169

    i had 7 babys normal dev no csection they usaually dont do csection unless theres a reason 4 it but the scar is small now not like yr ago. but def get a epud. it helped me big time. good luck

    in reply to: i think im pregnant please give me some advice #19167

    sometimes home tests dont work for everyone so i think def go to doc n get checkedn if your not preg they can fig out whats up n go from there. good luck!!

    in reply to: The Pill and pregnancy. #19166

    ive got preg on the pill its not to efective is it??

    in reply to: How long before hpt shows positive? #19165

    it can take up to 2 wks aleast thats what my doc told me depending on your hormones n all this other bs , so if you have any systoms try it again., good luck!!!

    in reply to: How long before hpt shows positive? #19164

    sometimes i think it can take up to 2 wks depending on your hormones,. if you have nay systoms try it again.,good luck!!

    in reply to: whats the chances? #19163

    well they say 98% but thats bull heres one for you what do you think about this 98% i have been preg 7 times n 4 of them we used taht method so the chance is as good as any.

    in reply to: BREASTFEEDING #19162

    well it does hurt but all people are diff i have had 2 diff exp both hurt but with my 1st try it was good but my son got a infection in his mouth n i got it in my breast so i had to stop n it hurt n my last time was bad the worst my son was hung. like 24-7 i got no sleep n he left hickey looking things all around my nipples he was latched on the rite way to i went to a consult n she said it was fine but i stopped it was to much for me n it hurt bad but good luck to you maybe it will work for you.,

    in reply to: BREASTFEEDING #19161

    i breastfed my son for almost 6 wks n it did hurt he sucked till i had hickeys around my nipples, but every one is diff. but im not lying it does hurt its ok for like 4 wks than no way. good luck

    in reply to: About Abortion #19160

    thats beatiful i just wish more girls would read it n it was posted more places. thanks for sharing that.

    in reply to: MY STORY -OX- PL3AS3 R3AD #19159

    thanks for sharing your story ,. i hope you have a good preg n good luck

    in reply to: I ALWaYs lIvEd IN A DrAmA pT2 #19158

    i think thats a des, you know you have to make but if i was you i would get my stuff n say good bye dont let noone run you or your life., if you do saty go to school n try to get a job on the side i know easier said than done but you have to gte out before it gets worse. why did you leave all your fam n friends behind for love is that why?? im a bit confused but def make your choices n make them now n dont ever let anyone control you n tell you what to do with your child, good luck keep us posted on what happs.,

    in reply to: The hardest thing- UPDATED! and urgent! #19157

    well congrats on your preg n its very good that your standing up to him n you know its your rite i think hes scared its the real deal did you try to talk to his mom about his issues maybe you 3 can sit down n talk about it. idk why he owuld go n tell everyone n than act like that unless paople are giving him bad reactions which still isnt there bussiness, i think you def wnat this baby n so does his fam so talk about this with his mom n see what can be done to have him over come this fear hes having n dont put your self in a dangerous sittuion if hes throwing things either.,good luck n cont being a stand up girl good luck!!

    in reply to: help me please so important #19156

    if the blood turns any other color or you have any time of pain go to the er or call your doc asap n i think you sould oyur doc now to to see if it is a infection n to make sure everything is ok. it doesnt sound like a miscarry i had one n it dont but its better to be safe. good luck

    in reply to: I’m new and this is my story. #19155

    well i think as long as you a have your family to back you up thats one thing in the right direction. i hope you decide to give your child life n good luck.

    in reply to: Is she CRAZY?!?!?! #19027

    i think shes very rude for taking it to that level every mother no matter what there age feels over whelmed n if thats the case we are all mental n have to give our kids away lol dont think so tell her to mind her own buss.

    in reply to: i think im pregnant please give me some advice #19026

    i would say def go to doc n get a check up cause the home preg tests dont work for everyone we are all diff. do you ahve preg systoms??

    in reply to: UPDATE: Pregnant & loss….. #19025

    so sorry for your loss i had one to at 15 wks, if you ever want to talk visit my page or email me mommy 6 xoxo

    in reply to: Going To War…Custody Battle #19024

    things will work your not a bad mom like you said she just cant take your child if your not doing what your sopose to be doing n it looks like to me n all the rest of us here you are. dont stress get all your friends n other people who can help you out right now to do it. it will be ok im so glad you decided to keep her shes yours n its going to stay that way. good luck n rem. we are all here 4 u always.

    in reply to: Is this labour? #18845

    i have been n been on both sides of the fence the side where i was going i to labor n the side where no you should call your doc n get your cervix checked to be for sure.

    in reply to: When to take a test? #18844

    yes it should show up now there is also thses new tests that can tell you like a wk later. but they are expensive. good luck

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