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ParticipantThank you for your advice = ) i appreciate it;) And thanks for the compliment:)
Participanthey there, my name is Sarah and im 15 too. I have a 5 1/2 month old daughter… I had alot of people try to pressure me into getting an abortion when i was pregnant with her, but no one can make you kill your own child. If your boyfriend is MAKING you then maybe he aint the right one! You dont want a man who is gonna want to kill your own child do you? And you said that he will be by you with whatever decison you make, so i think you should keep the baby. Even if you dont want it for yourself then give it up for adoption and make another family happy. I say that everything happens for a reason, and your baby was sent from heaven to you for a reason. It wants to be with you. Please make the right decision.
Participanthey! well my daughter just turned 5 months and she started to laugh around the beginning of her 3rd month, rolled over around that time too (3rd) and she sits up on her own now, since about the middle of the 4th month. She also has a tooth… she just hasnt crawled yet! = ]
Participanthey girl im 15 and have a 4 month old daughter… i know exactly what you must be feeling cause i got pregnant at 14 and was scared to death about telling my mom. well first of all get a test they are cheap and easy to get… go to walmart or some pharmacy… and if you really are pregnant you gotta tell your momma sometime! just please dont get an abortion that aint the right choice and i dont want you being another one of them girls that say they regret it cause you sure will! good luck mama!!
Participanti dont understand what do you mean its not period blood and how do you know its not caused by your period? are you pregnant? sorry but i need more details…
ParticipantDO NOT HAVE AN ABORTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Participantaww well since where you are from teen pregnancies are frowned upon, you sure are nice!! : ) Well im 15 and abortion was never a choice for me i CANNOT murder anyone so i definetly wasnt going to kill my own child, that is how i decided.
ParticipantWell girl you are gonna have to decide for yourself, everyone is blinded by love especially females. Even the ones that say they arent dont know it. I was once like that too, my bf (baby’s daddy) cheated on me many times, the first time i went back to him because just like you i thought he changed just because the way he would talk to me, he even started crying once… but behind my back i later found out he was cheating. ONCE A CHEATER ALWAYS A CHEATER some people think that is just a saying but if he has enough guts to do it once it will happen again. I know what a broken heart feels like and yes it hurts very bad, if you dont want to go back to that then you need to open your mind to the truth… maybe staying friends would be the best because then you cant get hurt! Good luck girl, dont be one of the stupid ones who regret it in the end like me
Participantwelllll girl there are lots of girls that dont feel pain when they lose there virginity and lots of girls who dont bleed (like me for example) I am not a doctor or an expert on these things but i sure do know that once that penis has entered and IF he came in you there is a BIIIG possibility that you can get pregnant.You did have sex wether he ‘popped your cherry’ or not
Participantlol girl it can start right away!! well with me it started,,, i would say around the 5th month you could definetly see it!! and believe me i ate ALOT
ParticipantHey there my name is Sarah and i just wanted to give you a word of advice. I am so sorry to hear that you are so scared i remember the feeling. You are a very smart girl to lay out your decisions like that and see what could happen if you keep the baby, that is a good way of thinking. You are lucky to have such a supportive bf but you never know he is young and you are right, one day he might turn his back on you and your baby. I have one question, are you close with your mom i mean do you get along with her? I was so sickly worried when i found out i was pregnant for many reasons just like yours but my daughter is 3 months right now and i am such a happy mom. Young one at that i am only 15. I am finsihing school and only have one more year left and them i will be going to college. The dad isnt here for me he didnt want to take such responsability. He got a girl pregnant and actually chose all that smoking over me and his child. I wouldnt mind those last things you said about not being able to party, you shouldnt even think about that. Being a mom means growing up and yes you will lose your childhood but you will gain motherhood which is so much more important. Now you live for someone… you actually have a purpose. A purpose to raise and love your child. Please whatever you do dont get an abortion. I am so fully against that i just cant stand girls that get that. But if you dont want to keep this baby for any reason you should consider adoption, make some other family happy. I am telling you if you have a supportive mom or family member that will help you out then you can finsih school and do whatever you want to do in life. I am doing that right now, i know because i am living that life. I am here if you need to talk i would love to keep talking to you because it does seem like you need advice and i am here to give it. I know i am young but i have been through alot in my life. Keep your head up high mama, you can do it!
ParticipantWell i would have to say your bf is very similar to my baby’s daddy. If he goes and TEXTs you and tells you that than i think that should be your sign of saying ‘bye bye’. That is just so immature of him to do that. My baby’s dad told me almost the same exact words over the phone and i havent talked to him since i was 5 months pregnant with my now 3 month old daughter. i am telling you girl you dont need him at all. Dont let girls discourage you by saying you wont make it without the dad because that is not true. I actually think you would be better off without him. Good luck girl and keep your head up high K
ParticipantWell i am not exactly sure but i think it is WAY to early to be having back pain, that comes normaly around the 5th month or so. You dont have any pressure on your back at the moment since your child (if you are pregnant) would be the size of a pea. It is normal to feel a bit queezy since your body will be going through ALOT of change… if i were you i would just take the test right away to be sure.
Participantwell people told me it could be felt like gas bubbles but truthfully when do you recall ever feeling gas bubbles before?? i havent so then i knew it was my baby. I also felt it around the end of the third month or beginning of fourth believe me you will know it, Whatever you are feeling could be your baby kicking. Once they get bigger and kick you WAY harder then you wish it just felt like gas bubbles again! : ) but wait till you can see your baby kick, now that is something worth catching on tape!!
Participantwell… truthfully this probably wont put your mind at ease but yes it is as bad as people say it is. But it is different for every woman, we all have different bodies and some can handle pain better than others. It runs in my family to have huge babies and painful births with the first child, i dont know about yours. But you are right your baby is coming out wether you like it or not and this is just another experience in life. Millions and millions of women have gone through it so i know you can too!! : ) just think with every contraction you get the closer you are to meeting your baby. And once you hold your child in your arms for the first time the pain is forgotten… believe me that part is so TRUE!! i told myself while i was having those horrible contactions that i would never have a child ever again but now i want 4 more… you will see i am promising you that it will be the best and most rewarding experience of your life! good luck!
Participantwell the first time you go to the gynecologist they normaly just ask questions to see how you are doing, suscribe some vitamins for the health of your child and since you are only 5 weeks (maybe) they do an internal ultrasound. It’s not as bad as it sounds but they cant be accurate if they do an ultrasound over your belly. That is mostly it! : )
Participanti read this before and it brings such a good point across… : )
Participanthey girly, its nice to hear that u are doing good! I am so happy for you!!!
Participantwell i have a question, are you absolutley sure you are not pregnant? Because i had the exact same thing when i didnt know i was pregnant, and it turned out i was… it mostly lasts through the whole 9 months…
ParticipantWell all i can say is that i will be preying for you. Seven months is very far along and you have become so attached to your girl and i know you love her already, that is exactly how i was feeling too. I also had a urinary tract infection but only right after she was born so I am sorry that i dont have any advice for you, but only to be postive and also take the meds of course. Jesus is there for you girl, just talk to him!
ParticipantAww, that is very touching! I am so glad you kept your baby, you are so right, it is an amazing feeling to have a child. You made the right choice and I hope your parents came around, congrats!
ParticipantCongradulations!!!! I just had my girl on the 1st of may, so only 5 days before you… some advice… LOVE HIM!!: ) I know my girl is only 15 days old, but they grow so fast!!!
ParticipantI would go to a pregnancy crisis center and have them take one, just to be sure. You never know with those home pregnancy test, and if you go there they will be able to tell you for sure and you wont have to worry anymore! Good luck!
ParticipantWell, about the pains… how far along are you is what I would like to know? Cause they are pretty normal if you are in your last month of pregnancy… I would not exercise at all, but just watch what you eat. Even if you crave that chocolate… if you are the type of girl who cares about your weight than just eat healthy stuff. Even though, believe me, you will be gaining ALOT during pregnancy, it is normal though, you should be worried when you are NOT gaining weight! But if you do do exercise, dont lift ANYTHING! and dont do sit ups or anything strenuous to your body, I would say just walking is the best. That is also what is recommended. Eat what ever you like girl! I have to say, I ate the most unhealthy stuff during pregnancy cause I just hate fruit and vegetables, but my baby is more than healthy! So you shouldnt listen to all that stuff about if you dont eat well yor kid wont be well.
ParticipantYes… you can of course. Sperm anywhere near your you down there can get you pregnant… chances might be low but it could happen.