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ParticipantYou might be 5 8′ but maybe your still growing ???? you dont have to get taller maybe your just getting more shape π
ParticipantI would focus on staying healthy and preparing to be a mommy. I know how hard it is to go through pregnancy alone (I did twice) keep looking up and stay strong. To avoid the added stress dont volunteer the information of going to the hospital with him. When it comes time for you to have the baby you should allow him to see the baby in the nursery with supervised visits as often as you are willing. The state will automatically give you full custody and unless he can prove to have a safe stable clean environment to bring the baby to dont let him take the baby alone. Try to keep to yourself if you cant trust your friends right now….try going to a local church (christian or non-denominational bible teaching church) and get involved in the youth group (if they dont let you go because your preg its not a good church) I will be praying that the Lord will bring you a good friend that you can trust and that will help you out…..Let us know how it goes…Love and Prayers…Meg
ParticipantIf he isnt doing anything mean then just accept his gifts and phonecalls graciously and give him wonderful feedback about how you love being a mommy and how glad you are that he helped you become a mommy. Take care and keep your head up …..Love Meg
ParticipantI’m sorry if you dont like what I’m going to say but someone needs to tell you!!! I dont know how old you are but having two boyfriends at any age is wrong. A 13 or 15 yr old BOY (as in little boy NO responsibility) would not stick by you if you did get pregnant and I can bet you that within 6 or 7 years you wont be talking to either one of them. Please dont throw your life away by sleeping around and quit letting little boys take advantage of your body. You deserve more respect than that.!!!!
ParticipantI think that giving him space right now is a great idea. I also think that what you said about doing things in the wrong order is a big reason why this is happening. God will work all things together for good to those who love Him, but sometimes when we do things in the wrong order it causes heartache and confusion. That is called reprocussions. He could eventually turn around and marry you and lose the fears but you also need to be prepared for him not to. It is a very hard situation to be in (I’ve been there twice) for me I ended up not being with either of my babies dads but in the end the Lord has blessed me with a husband who loves me and the kids. Neither of thier dads could ever compare to him. I hope that in this time you would be patient and wait…. if he comes back and tells you he loves you then he should marry you and it would give you both a fresh start to start doing things the right way. if he comes back unwilling to marry you then please dont sleep with him…it will only bring more hurt to you and maybe it will wake him up. If he tells you its over and that he doesnt want to be with you anymore just know that someone out there is a man (just like my wonderful husband) who would love to be a husband and daddy. I hope the Lord would give you peace in this time….Meg
Participantwell if you are four months along you might be feeling some flutters in your tummy (like when you go down a steep rollercoaster) that is usually a good sign after missing your period for so long. Have you talked to your mom??? Please go to a doctor or a caring pregnancy center….they give free tests and alot of them have ultrasounds now. Make sure that you are ok. Please tell your mom what is going on and agree to do everything except kill your baby. If your mom grounds you or tells you to quit having sex or any thing else please listen but if you are preg please keep your baby or do adoption. let us know how it turns out….Im praying for you…Meg
Participantwhen you are pregnant so many changes are occuring in your body. that is my only "guess"to why we get morning sickness. I know that salt kills the gag reflex. Most of the time when I had morning sickness it was the gaging that made it worse for me. McDonalds french fries and Lays potato chips helped me because they were so salty (no fun throwing them up though LOL) I guess also everytime was sick it reminded me that I shouldnt have been having sex before marriage….It took me two pregnancies to learn though. I am married now and I cant wait to have another baby. I remained abstinent 3 1/2 years before my wedding night…..It was so worth it…You should try it π love Meg
ParticipantSometimes twins come from two eggs two sperm (fraternal twins) other times they come from one egg one sperm and the egg divides differently and becomes twins either that or its one egg and two sperm (something like that) but that is when they are identical (same dna)
ParticipantI hope you can hear my heart behind what I am going to say. You are 16 and trying for a baby with your boyfriend….that is so irresponsible. If you are really trying why are you still on the pill…you are not being very mature. You have been having a period and you still think you are preg just because it is one day shorter than usual…. not a very good sign of pregnancy. I have been in relationships with guys for 3 years at a time..thought I was sooooo in love, I have been pregnant twice and I thought I was going to have "a happy family" You are only 16 you have so many things in your life that will change in the next couple of years you may not love this guy your with next week. He may not love you next week. When you finish school and enter into reality (job..bills…responibility) you might look back and say "why would I want a kid at 16 with THAT guy…what was I thinking"….If you are a strong enough girl choose to remain abstinent untill your married….but PLEASE dont try for a baby…Use your head and make choices that will give you a better life to bring a baby into later down the road…. I know from experience I had 2 from 2 dads and was sexually active for 10 yrs before I made the right choice. I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 yrs untill my wedding night…..You can do it too…..Love Meg
ParticipantJust from reading your other comments I would think that you want to be pregnant. If you really want to be pregnant you can make yourself have symptoms. You caould also just be going through a phase sometimes I’m starving and all I want to do is eat and then I will not want to eat at all and I just go back and forth. Just make sure you eat healthy stuff π
ParticipantYou shouldnt be trying to get pregnant by a BOY or having sex with a BOY. A grown man who is bound to woman by marriage should have the honor and blessing of having sex and getting his wife pregnant.
ParticipantPlease just humble yourself to your mom and admitt your fault to her. You need to go to a doctor and get prenatal care. Start taking a regular prenatal vitamin (over the counter at walmart or any other store) you are 4 weeks and so much could happen at this point. Not to say its what is going on with you but… [you need to be sure]. If your doctor doesn’t know what is going on with your body you could end up in a very bad situation. Please get in there and do what is right. I am glad that you are facing your responsibility by choosing the baby (I have twice) but if you love this baby you will also get to a doctor!!!! As for your relationship with your boyfriend if he is going to "stick by you" he should marry you and you shouldn’t have sex with him until he does. That will prove his intentions for you and your baby very quickly. If neither one of you are ready for marriage then please rethink having premarital sex. I know that as a mom — yours will at first be very shocked and disappointed so be prepared but in the end your mom loves you and she will respect you for accepting your responsibility. Let her love you and let her counsel you. Do what she asks of you (unless she tells you to kill your baby) and take it one day at a time. let us know how it turns out… the clock is ticking…Get to the doctor…Meg
ParticipantJust start taking prenatals to make sure you are getting what you need incase you are preg. Other than that there is nothing else to do but wait for your doctors appt. let us know how it goes π …Meg
ParticipantI agree!!! Birth control in any form cannot keep you from getting pregnant if that is what the Lord is going to allow in your life. Sometimes I think God allows us to concieve outside of marriage so that we are forced to grow up and start making better choices. I was 19 when I got preg with my daughter and I was heading down the WRONG road. Had I not gotten preg when I did who knows where I would be right now!!! I know that sex outside of marriage is sin and some people say "well if its that bad then why does God bless people with babies?" Its called GRACE. I deserved AIDS but God gave me children instead because He knew the change that they would help bring into my life. I am married now and I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years untill my wedding night and I cant wait to have a baby now that it wont be conceived in sin. I cant wait to have someone by my side the whole time instead of feeling like I was tossed out with the trash!!! Gods best for us is that we would wait untill marriage to have sex. There is so much blessing in it. Birth control will decrease the chances of pregnancy but it wont heal a broken heart or help you feel less used. I hope that anyone reading this would decide to make a choice for purity and that they would feel the blessings of the Lord upon them :)…Meg
ParticipantI remember what it felt like waiting for HIV test results. When I was preg with my second I made the choice to not have sex again untill I was married and the fear that ran through me wondering if I was going to end up having something life threatening or permanent!! When the results came back and I was 100% clean in every way it just gave me more strength to not have sex till marriage. I made it!!! 3 1/2 years later I got married and it feels good to know that my husband and I dont have to worry about STD’s and stuff like that because of our committment and choices we have made. I think baby appointments get better and better as you go along because the baby gets bigger and you learn so much and I love it when they do an ultrasound…you get to see your little baby and wonder what they will look like π I hope that your appointments get better and that your fears will be relieved. I also hope that you might take on the challenge of witing till your married like I did…It was so rewarding :)…..Love Meg
ParticipantI know Someone who knows exactly how you feel. He knows your every thought before you think it and He feels your pain. He is the Bread of Life…"Man shall not live on bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God", He is Immanuel "God is with us", He is the King of kings and Lord of lords, He will not allow anything in your life that He is not prepared to help you through..He will not allow more on your plate than you can handle, He is the Lamb of God who was slain to take away our transgressions (even your moms and your sons fathers) He is the Light of the world, He will not leave you in the dark, He will light your path, He is the Prince of Peace, He is the Son of God, He is Jesus…The Word of God is available to you for instruction. The Holy Spirit is the Comforter and our Counselor. Pray and ask the Lord to reveal Himself to you in this time of confusion where you are "trapped" in an unhealthy situation no matter where you go. You are not an abusive mom for smacking your sons hand. That is dicipline and correction and that shows that you love him and that is being a good mom. Sometimes the Lord allows us to be in these "catch 22" situations so that we know that He is our Deliverer and so that we will call on Him for help. If we try to make it through life on our own we end up making poor choices..when we try to "fix" the messes we have made as a result of those poor choices we make even bigger messes. That is why we need a Savior and thank God that no ne is out of the reach of God. He is there when we call on Him. I know that if you committ your life into His hands that He will provide for you and lead you in paths of righeousness for His names sake….I will be praying for you..Please go out and look for a local church in your area. Look for either a bible teaching non-denominational church or a christian church. Sometimes they are involved with different ministries that have funds to help girls in similar situations. If nothing else you can recieve counseling from a pastor (should be free) and ask for a bible and start reading. I hope for the best and please let us know how things work out. Love and Prayers…Meg (ps where do you live??)
ParticipantMy periods used to be 3 days on stop 1 then 2 1/2 more days and they were never regular. If I had sex the day before my period was supposed to come then it would seem like it messed up my cycle. I have been on pills for a while because I am married now ( I Quit having sex 3 1/2 yrs before I got married and decided to wait untill my wedding night to start again) and they have regulated me like clock work but sometimes having sex right before I start makes my period different. Having sex does more than just change your body …it changes your emotions and everything else. I would recomend you to stop having sex. You are 16 you are barely legal to drive and work you dont need a baby right now. It is hard to stop once you start I know because I was sexually active for 10 yrs when I made the choice to wait untill marriage..But also when I made that choice I was pregnant with my second child and both had different dads. You may have only been with one guy at this point and you may think that you will be together forever but the chances are high that you will break up and then you will end up with someone else on the rebound….I did that for a long time. You should go ahead and take a pregnancy test and talk to your doctor about your periods and please be open with your mom and let her be your mom and give you counsel. And remember…condoms and birth controll and vaccines and all the rest will not keep you "safe" Even if every disease and risk of pregnancy can possibly ruled out by these they will do nothing to protect your self worth, your heart from being broken, they wont keep you from feeling like used trash, worthless, empty, lonely, unwanted…etc.etc.etc…..Please hear this from me being sexually active before marriage is not worth it. Ive been on both sides now. Having sex with my husband for the first time on our wedding night was the most fulfilling, enjoyable, romantic, and satisfying sex I had ever had…and I knew that he would still be there in the morning….Love and Prayers…Meg
ParticipantI would like to say an AMEN to bweber’s comment but I would also like to say do both. Take a blood test and no matter what the results are stop taking the pill and stop having sex. When I got preg with my second I stopped having sex and I did not have sex untill my wedding night 3 1/2 years later. I did not take birth control in that time because I knew the temptation would be stronger because risk of pregnancy would be lower. 2 Webers cant be that wrong LOL please take our advice sweetie :)…God Bless….Meg
ParticipantWell I wouldnt stress out too much right now because you could misscarry. Every pregnancy is different your body may have handled it differently that the first so keep working on getting insurance and look for a pregnancy recourse center…alot of them have ultrasounds now and they are free. Make sure to start prenatal vitamins and take care of you and baby π let us know how it goes and if you need more advice……Meg
ParticipantI totally understand where your at. I left my daughters father for many reasons but one was that I did not want her growing up thinking that the life he desired for us to live was normal. He would drink and I think he was doing meth toward the end. He wouldnt let me get out of bed to take care of her in the morning untill he was "done" with me even if she was screaming. I had to make the decision that I was going to raise her on my own so that I could take care of her needs when needed rather thatn at his convienience. I know after being with someone for so long it is really hard to leave espesially when they are in control!!! May the Lord give you strength for the decision you need to make. And may He bring someone into your life who is worthy of being a father and husband. After 4 1/2 years of single parenthood I just got married in November. Miracles happen and God is faithful. I know that He can bring someone into your life so dont buy any threats and dont listen to fear when you make this choice….Meg
Participantwell from the sounds of it you should go get a blood test and start taking prenatals in the mean time to give you and ?baby? what you need just in case…Meg
ParticipantWell you might not want to hear this but here I go……You should not have slept around with 2 guys in the same time period. I used to sleep around and It got me nowhere but 2 kids 2 dads and 4 1/2 years of single motherhood. I guess I am very thankful that it didnt get me anythings else like a disease or anything but it sure did mess up my way of thinking. I thought that as long as I was doing it willingly and that I was having a good time and that we were in a monogomous relationship that it was all good. Man was I wrong. I have never cheated but I have been cheated on and it hurts. I have gone through seasons where I slept with whoever I wanted because I was single. But in the end it all just made me feel empty, used, rejected, like yesterdays garbage!!!! You should be honest with your boyfriend and tell him that you slept with your ex….own up to your fault….it is hard and painful and humbling but it is also wrong to let him think that he is the only option as a father. It took me 10 yrs of being sexually active 2 kids and so much heartache and dissapointment to finally make the choice to wait untill marriage. It was not easy all the time and I felt lonely and unwanted but it was also rewarding. On my wedding night 11-11-06 after 3 1/2 years of no sex I have never felt more wanted in my life because if my husband would wait for marriage to have sex then that means if something happened and I ended up paralyzed or something I know he would stay by my side because he committed to do that till death before we had had sex. I am not trying to preach at you or point out what you are doing wrong to make you feel bad I just want you to know that if I can turn around and make good choices so can you. There is so much blessing in doing things Gods way. And you will have alot less confusion in your life. I know that you cannot go back and make different choices its impossible…but today is a new day and you can start respecting your body and set a good example for your baby. Its not too late…I hope things work out for you and that you have a healthy pregnancy labor and delivery if you ever have questions or want to talk just visit my profile page :)…Love and Prayers….Meg
ParticipantIn the bible a womans womb is refered to as "the lowest parts of the earth" Ps.139:15 God created a womans body to carry children. He designed our bodies to help nurish and protect the baby. In most women a gentle nudge in the tummy wont hurt the baby. My sister is one of the many women I know who fell down really hard during pregnancy and she and the baby were fine. We do need to be careful and responsible with our bodies especially when we have a little one inside but we are not fragile like egg shells or anthing. God has also given us a maternal instinct. Even before our baby is born we "know" him/her and we have this love that cannot be explained. We have the need to protect our babies and we should. I think you will be a great mommy but you should let your hubby get a little closer to you. When a baby’s ears are developed they can hear inside the womb. If your preg that is a good way for the daddy to start bonding with the baby. take care….Meg
Participantwell I think God is the One who truly decides on that one π but the chances of you having twins is pretty good with your husbands genes. All I know about twins is that in some families they skip a generation. so if his dad dint he might π So dont be shocked if it happens π …..Meg
Participantwell no one on here can tell you if your pregnant. You should figure out when your period is due verses preg symptoms and possibilities of being preg. You can go to a doctor and get a blood test they are more acurate. If you convince yourself that you are preg you will feel like you are (Ive done it to myself) so thats all I can say I hope that this will be resolved for you soon….Meg