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  • in reply to: HELP ME!! I DON’T KNOW WHAT TO THINK!! #16347

    If you are breastfeeding that can cause you to not have a period but check with your doctor and from my heart I would like to encourage you if you are not married please stop having sex…you already have one baby 2 months old and if this guy hasnt married you yet what says he will….please make him committ to you before you give him anymore of yourself!!!….Love and Prayers Meg

    in reply to: I told my bf #16344

    My sons dad acted the same way!!! Him and his dad and stepmom acused me of trying to trap him because I was so close to the family that it would be "convienient" dont listen to their hurtful words… know the truth and I hope that you dont let him persuade you to get rid of your baby…..even if he leaves you can make the right choice and be a mommy πŸ™‚ Meg

    in reply to: need advice :( #16311

    Well Mell getting pregnant before marriage has its reprocussions that follow!! I know because I had two kids from two dads before I got married and it was very difficult. I dont know your boyfriend so I cant read into his feelings. From the sounds of it he is either scared of failure or making excusses. Beings scared of failure is ok…none of us want to admitt that we have failed and many of us dont try rather than trying and failing…if this is the case then I believe that time will tell where his heart is at. If he is making excuses then I wouldnt give him the time of day!!! You need to pour into your baby and focus on being a mommy…it sounds like your mom is supportive and is willing to help you and teach you some parenting skills. No matter what I wouldnt move in with him unless you are married broken promises are easier to handle when you dont have to find a place to go. Stay with your mom or live on your own but dont live with him and dont combine your belongings untill you are married. I would encourage you to test him in a few ways to see where his heart is at. If he loves you and wants things to work out then he may show fear and he may hesitate in some ways but he will come around if he has a sincere heart to be a daddy and further more if he has a sincere heart to stand by you he will marry you. In the mean time dont have sex with him and dont stay the night with him. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and maybe he will see that he wants you and needs you and if he can make that decision while not being sexually involved with you then you know you got a keeper πŸ™‚ I will be praying for you and I hope that you will take this time while your baby is still inside to educate yourself on being a mommy and to get prepared for the baby πŸ™‚ You dont have time and energy to spend fretting about your boyfriend I know it is hard to not know where he stands but you need to make sure that your feet are firmly planted in reality and that you prepare yourself to do this alone incase he doesnt come around…dont let his uncertainty make you waver…You are a mommy and youve got to get your ducks in a row and keep yourself healthy let God deal with him!!!…..Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: stomach pains, 5th month #16305

    it can be normal because your body has another body inside of it πŸ™‚ a baby can get in your ribs and tear things up and also as your baby grows your tummy has to stretch….I would talk to your doctor about any concerns…..Meg

    in reply to: Is it sex? #16304

    Messing around without your clothes on is close enough to sex and will eventually lead to sex so I would suggest not doing that anymore. How old are you…how old is he….do not let him take advantage of your body!!! If you play with fire you will get burned…messing around without your clothes on and touching eachother can still lead to pregnancy (bodily fluids coming in contact with your private areas!!) and even if it doesnt lead to pregnancy it will leave you feeling very empty and used in the end. Sticking your toes in the pool isnt called swimming but it is really easy to fall in if you are knocked off ballance, going in unprepared can cause you to drown!!!! Please be careful and walk away from this lifestyle while you still can…Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: what could it be? #16303

    I would go to a crisis pregnancy center and ask for an 5-6 months your hormones can be level enough to not show up on a preg test (my friend found out she was preg when the baby kicked but a test said negative) if you are 5-6 months along you should be feeling the baby move!!! I am sorry for the rough place you are in but if this guy is way older than you then you need to listen to your parents. They could get him thrown in jail and tagged as a sex offender (depending on how old he is compared to you I would think so also) I hope that this will be resolved soon so you can rest and get back to life let us all know how this turns out….Love and Prayers..Meg

    in reply to: test results #16302

    even if it is faint…if it matches the picture of the positive then it is positive, if it matches the negative then it is negative….Meg

    in reply to: Abortion or not!!!! #16301

    My personal opinion is to keep the baby and let God work a miracle in your life. Doing what is right in His sight is followed by blessings, with the cyst you might end up having complications…but….if you keep this baby maybe the Lord will just cause your cyst to "go away" on its own..He is known for healing πŸ™‚ if the Lord chooses not to just heal you then maybe this will be an experience that would just cause you to pray hard. Keep the baby and let God handle the rest!!!!………Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: my sons father #16279

    I agree that you should leave this guy…I went through something similar with my daughters father. I think that if you leave this guy and start making healthy choices for you and baby that your parents will be more willing to help you out. They probably dont want to condone your relationship with him and they dont want to enable you to stay with an abusive guy. I hope that things work out soon so please keep us informed πŸ™‚ Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: A little depressed #16277

    Well Elena, I agree with the attorney but I strongly dissagree with the way she said things. I dont think you are stupid but I do think that you are missled. Sometimes it is hard to look at the decisions we make as "bad" and when your family is rejecting you in so many different ways we feel like the only way out is to run to the thing that they are against. I did the same thing for years. I think what the attorney was telling you is that your mom loves you (even if she is not showing it) and it had to have hurt your parents that you made the choice to sleep with your boyfriend. It seems like your parents havent set a healthy example in front of you. I only found out a few months ago that my dad and stepmom were sleeping together before marriage (12 yrs married now) and my dad was so angry when I got preg with my daughter but then when I got preg with my son he refused to talk to me for a really long time. Right before I got married my brother lied to my dad and told him that I confided in him and admitted to sleeping with my now husband before we were married. Not only do I not talk to my brother but he lives to cause problems. My dad believed him because of my past and didnt come to my wedding!!! Our first time was on our wedding night and it was amazing to know that we had not crossed that line. For my dad to judge me on a lie even though he had moved my stepmom in before marriage hurt me so badly. Sometimes the people who love us most are very hipocritical when it comes to practicing what they preach. I guess this is all to say that it is wrong to have sex outside of marriage. It causes destruction in our lives, it lowers our self worth, it takes away from Gods best for us, and it leaves you in tough situations. Just because you are preg and your not a virgin anymore doesnt mean that you have to continue to have sex with your boyfriend. You can start over today living a life of purity and I believe that you will go on to college and that you will have great success in life. If you want to prove your parents and the other negative people in your life wrong then I would encourage you to take a stand and prove them wrong with your actions. Wait untill marriage to have sex again, go to college, mother your child with love and acceptance (of what is right) respect your parents authority while you are with them, start making new choices and you will blow their minds. If your boyfriend loves you he will committ to you. Dont sleep with him untill he marries you. You can make it through this tough time but you cant do it on your own!!! There is Someone who came into my life and helped me to start over…I was in a huge mess and there was no way that I could have fixed it…it took alot of tears, changes, self-control,and humility….I asked Jesus to come into my heart and I admitted to Him that I had done things my way too long and that I needed His help to get my life together…..if you make the same choice He will help you but hold on cause your life will dramatically change… isnt always easy doing it Gods way but it is so worth it because He is by your side giving you strngth for each day. I hope this helps you and I am praying that the Lord will bring you encouragers to love on you and guide you into truth and that you will have the strength to make the right choices….Love and Prayers….Meagan

    in reply to: im scared!….help! #16271

    Well if you dont want another baby right now then you shouldnt be having sex (if your not married) or you should be on birth control (if you are married or just dont have the strength to remain abstinent) Just give a little time and then take another test…If your preg let this change your way of living and if your not preg let this scare you into better decision making. I hope that you will get your answer soon and that you just keep loving on your daughter regardless of your worries. I am a mommy of 2 and I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years when I found myself pregnant with my second (diff dads) that is when I made the choice to get my act together. I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years and then on my wedding night "I was unleashed LOL" it was so worth it. I never had to wonder if I was preg, I never had to worry about diseases and I set a living example in front of my daughter to not have sex untill marriage. I hope that my story will give you strength and that you would consider what your daughter is seeing in your life. she is only 4 mos but she will grow up to do what you do…not what you tell her to. the best thing you can to for your daughter is teach her by example to be pure and modest and trust me doing those two things and a wonderful way to attract a respectable man into your life and it is a good way to prevent your daughter from having to go through the stuff we do πŸ™‚ take care and let us know how it turns out….Meg

    in reply to: I’m not sure! #16270

    sometimes it takes a few weeks for your hormones to elevate so a test wont show right away πŸ™‚ I hope you get your baby πŸ™‚ Meg

    in reply to: im really confused. i dont know what to think. #16268

    well even when you use a condom or are on birth control you can still get pregnant. I would take a test and find out if you are preg or not and then I would encourage you if you are not pregnant to start making healthier choices (no sex till marriage) and if you are pregnant to do the same thing and let yourself be used as an example of someone who made a poor decision and is willing to take responsibility. I dont know how old you are and I dont know your past reputation of decision making but if I may share with you my own……. I had been sexually active for 10 years (started at 13) I was preg with my second and they both had different dads…I knew that I needed to change and start living a better lifestyle or I was going to be in a huge mess. I made the choice that I wasnt going to have sex again untill I was married. I stayed abstinent for 3 1/2 years and raised my kids on my own (no child support or anything) I started reading my bible and going to church and spending more time with my kids. well I have been married for 4 almost 5 months now and I made it to my wedding night without having sex πŸ™‚ I hope that my story will encourage you to do the same thing it is so worth it………Meg

    in reply to: WEIGHT #16267

    If you have been under alot of stress it can cause your weight to fluxuate and then it can cause your period to get messed up. Alot of girls who are anorexic end up stopping their periods completely because their bodies are not getting what they need… if you are not preg and you are under stress and maybe not eating vey healthy go talk to a doctor and investigate this further πŸ™‚ let us know how your doing…….Meg

    in reply to: contractions #16266

    well some women have Braxton Hicks contractions… feel the pressure and you can even see your tummy "flex" but real contractions start like period cramps and some women get alot of back pain with them…..most babies dont just "fly out" even if your water breaks before you get to the hospital you should be fine πŸ™‚ alot of women (myself included) dont experience their water breaking at home or out in public. Alot of times your doctor will do it after you have dialated a little bit and when they know for sure that you are having the baby. I would talk to your doctor and ask for a detailed description of what labor and delivery has in store so that you are more prepared πŸ™‚ hope that helps….Meg

    in reply to: My choice #16265

    Well you certainly have my prayers….I also serve a faithful God who has provided for my family so many times and I agree with you that He has allowed you to conceive and that means that He has a plan and a purpose for this little life inside of you…. If you keep trusting in the Lord and you follow His ways He will provide for your growing family….I pray that you will walk in His power and might and that you would put on your armor (Ephesians 6) so that you can fight this battle with both sides of parents, remember "we fight not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of darkness" … by keeping this baby you are doing the right thing and I know the Lord will bless that……God bless you and take care……Meg

    in reply to: Fluttering #16174

    I miss the "flutters" enjoy them while you still have them πŸ™‚

    in reply to: question…how did you?? #16173

    Well It was gettting close to April fools day in 2004 and I was going to play the whole "I’m pregnant……April fools!!!" but with the way I had been feeling I decided that I had better make sure I wasnt first. So I got a preg test and my boyfriend at the time was going to come over for the night (it was March 31st) I figured if I was preg I didnt want to find out alone so I would do it while he was there. I went in the bathroom and took the test and sure enough it turned positive…..I was so freaked out but the fact that I had a little life inside of me just made me excited (I already had a little girl 23mos old) So I went over to him with the test behind my back and I told him my "conspiracy" of the April fools joke and how I thought it would be soooo funny and then I handed him the test and told him it wasnt a joke!!!! he didnt believe me at first and even over the next few days he kept calling me saying "are you sure your not joking???" well he wasnt the only one who didnt believe me but after the 1st when I still declared my pregnancy they started to believe me. Well to make a longs story as short as I can I went through a very hard season….I was fired bc my pregnancy and my car engine blew up on the side of the road about 500 miles from home…I had dissapointed most of my "church family" (pretty much the only family I had) and I made the choice to not have sex again untill I was married. I am not with either of my kids dads…but God had someone better for me. I have really changed my life around and I got married on 11-11-06 and I didnt have sex untill my wedding night 3 1/2 years after I had made that choice….the night my husband fell in love with me was April 1st 05 one year after I had found out I was preg πŸ™‚ (you can sigh now LOL and say awwwww) and we plan on living happily ever after….Meg

    in reply to: Am I? #16171

    I agree it sure sounds like your preg so let us know how your blood work comes back πŸ™‚

    in reply to: breastfeeding and other classes #16170

    Indulging yourself on information about birth and child care and being a mom can never be a bad thing I just encourage you to take it all in and use the info that works for you and your family and disregard those things that wont……sometimes (especially with your first) everyone and their dog (LOL) has something to teach you or tell you and people try to "take over" in your situation. If certain things just dont interest you when it comes to things to do while in labor then you need to find what does interest you…dont just do something because its what someone else did….I never took lamazze classes or anything and while in labor with my son when I would have a huge contraction everyone would stop talking but I asked them to not do that because the noise and hearing stories really helped my labor (they laughed him out of me LOL) so dont assume that everything will go according to what you learn but go and get educated and have a blast πŸ™‚ if you ever have a question just visit my page and I hope your preg and labor go great ……Meg

    in reply to: dreams #16169

    If you are still feeling guilt then your dreams could be stemmed from that. My sister has had 3 abourtions and I know that she hurts so badly and I know a few other people who have had them too and it seems as though everyone deals with them differently. I am sorry that you fouond yourself in a spot to make such a tragic choice but you cant live there…you need to realize that living in guilt or regret or denial or any other thing that is simmilar will only distract you from the forgiveness and freedom that you can embrace. I have never had an abortion but I know that I have done so many other things in my life in need of forgiveness and closure…..when I cried out to Jesus to cleanse my sin and to give me a new heart I found peace that cannot be attained any other way πŸ™‚ When I start to feel guilty or I dwell on such a thing too long I can tell myself "I have received the Lord and He has paid for that sin….no matter what the reprocussion is in my life I DO NOT have to feel guilty…I can just praise God that He has saved me and made me new" I will pray for you but if you dont pray for yourself it wont do any good………just call out to God and ask Him why you have these dreams and if you wait for His reply it will come…I find most of the answers to my questions in the bible…..that is where I hear the Lord speak to me most πŸ™‚ I hope that helps…….Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: When do i get my first scan? #16078

    usually around 12 weeks I think but sometimes circumstances will for us to get them early……I had my first with my daughter the day I found out. I had a preg test (blood and urine) two weeks earlier and had not been sexually active since, I was experiencing horrible pain (thats why I was at the doctor) so they sent me in and sure enough my daughter was a tubal pregnancy that is why they couldnt tell I was preg I was 5 weeks along and she just slipped out and replanted (thats what the doctors said and they were amazed)….Meg

    in reply to: boyfriend #16068

    If you stay away from him you are doing the right thing. I left my daughters ffather for a few of the same reasons and he tried to make me feel guilty. I told him that I would rather raise her on my own then to raise her in an abusive environment. I believe that with my whole heart. Haveing two parents is important but I think a healthy environment is much more important. Well I have been married for 4 months now. My daughter does have a daddy who loves her very much and he respects her mommy like every man should do. Her father has nothing to do with her ….he never calls, doesnt send her b-day cards,and has never paid child support but he also doesnt cause us to live in fear and he isnt around to set a horrible example. If you pray the Lord will bring you a daddy for her one day and if you follow the ways of the Lord you will be very blessed.Just let the Lord work this out in His way and in His timing and make sure that you keep away from him so he cant hurt you or give you a disease……Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: need help #16067

    I agree with what has already been stated…my question is are they asking you two to take time apart because your not married and not ready to be married???? They might want to know that he will committ to you before they "release" you to be with him. If that is the reason why this is happening then no matter how hard it is it will be worth it. If he is not willing to marry you and able to provide for you then your grandparents are trying to prevent his from dissapointing you and leading you further astray. I hop eth ebest for you and I will be praying that you will have the right words to share your heart πŸ™‚ Meg

    in reply to: Legal advice. #16066

    Elena, I would try avoiding living with your boyfriend unless you get married…..your parents are divorced and right now you can see how that has affected you. I know that yo are in a tough spot…you dont want to be abused and youre feelin rejected. Moving in with your boyfriend could be the next disaster waiting to happen. You should try contacting a crisis pregnancy center for more info and they might be able to find you a place to go or help you with recourses….I am praying for you and I hope that you will make the best choice that is presented to you πŸ™‚ let us all know how it turns out and visit my page if you ever have any questions…..Meg

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