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  • in reply to: Heart palpataions #17316

    I personally never experienced that happening to me but I will be praying for you…..Pregnancy does strange things to our bodies and every woman was created differently….with both of my pregnancies I had a different mole appear out of no where on my body and as I got further along they would grow and change colors and textures….it was so weird and it scared me….I went and got it examined with my first and it wasnt cancerous so I was glad….to this day my daughter is 5 and my son is 2 1/2 and neither mole is there anymore….I cant even tell where they were at…..I hope that this heart thing going on with you is just pregnancy related and that you will have no long term effects…let us all know…ok…..Meg

    in reply to: Missed Peroid #17315

    Are you going through a difficult or stressful season in life???? Have your eating habbitts dramatically changed????? Have you been checked for any STD’s???? Has your period ever been this late (since you said you have irregular periods)???? If you have already taken theese things into account then you should go to your doctor and get a blood test….I hope you find out what is going on soon….Let us know…..Meg

    in reply to: *A paternity test*-is he crazy? #17305

    Well I am sorry that you have to go through the whole experience of a paternity test….I am going to share my story with you to hopefully make you laugh and so that you dont feel so alone….I found out that I was pregnant the day before April fools day (March 31) I took a test with the dad at my house so that if it was positive I didnt have to find out alone…He an I go pretty far back….when I was pregnant with my first my mom killed herself and I found her…Jimmy (my sons dad…guy in this story) came in and rescued me out of the situation and we began dating…we didnt last….I ended up back with my daughters dad when she was born but that didnt last either…so Jimmy and I got back together…so back to April Fools Day…I went to the police department in town to eat lunch with a friend of mine who worked there and I had already told my other friend (a homsexual) and as he was leaving he gave me a hug and patted my tummy….my friend asked me what that was all about…so…me being a jokester said "well I am pregnant" and she said "who is the dad" and I looking back at my homosexual friend told her "who do you think" insinuating that it was him….then I told her April Fools….well the joke quickly spread through the whole police department….(a small town of 2000 people only has a handful of cops) and soon Jimmy and his parents were informed of the "April Fools Joke" they didnt think it was funny…..Jimmy dropped out of my life completely and his dad and stepmom were standoffish for quite a while….they already loved my daughter and they told me "whether or not this baby is our blood we will love it" It hurt me so bad because I knew the truth and I felt so dumb for making a joke like that….Jimmys mom and stepdad didnt flintch though…I was going to church with them and they were dissapointed that we got pregnant out of wedlock but they belived me and supported me….well I went through my whole pregnancy being the "TOWN JOKE" by myself…..I made the choice to not have sex again until I was married, and I had to deal with the criticism of my "party friends" calling me church girl and judging me for not partying anymore (even after my son was born) and I lost the trust of many people at church because I had been living two lives…church animal….I made the choice to not be a party animal anymore and I quit doing everything…no drugs no alcohol….well after my son was born looking exactly like his dad and I did the whole paternity thing I have never received an apology and I have chose to forgive them all….it was my fault that they didnt belive me…my son is now 2 1/2 and his family loves him on both sides….I know your situation is alittle different but keep looking up….walk on in your life and prepare yourself to be a mommy…..and when the test comes back you will be proved right and whether you ever get an appology or not at least you will be a good mom and you will have learned so much along the way…I can laugh about this now because I have changed so much ….I am not that same girl who made a bad choice…I am a mommy and now a wife who is loved and I dont care what other people think about me because if nothing else…I am saved and going to heaven one day and Jesus loves me and forgave every dumb joke I played and every sin I have or ever will comitt….I hope this helps you cope LOL……Meg

    in reply to: I started after 3 months of not having a period :( #17237

    Well if there is a chance that you are pregnant then that means you have been sexually active…when you are sexually active you put yourself at risk for STD’s…have you been checked for some kind of infection…..have your eating habbits changed in the last few months….stress…..other women around you can affect your cycle also….well I hope you find out soon…I know what it is like to have your body do strange things and not know why…let us know….Meg

    in reply to: stressed #17234

    Well alot of women especially during the first pregnancy get ligament pains…your body is growing and stretching even when it doesnt seem like it yet….never feel bad for calling your doctor to ask questions…its better to be safe than sorry….walking is always a good excersise as long as your doctor thinks your body can handle it…it keeps your heart healthy and it works your "birthing" muscles…plus it will help keep you somewhat trim…dont over do it and dont worry about the weight unless your doctor says its a problem….as for eating tips…if you get sick alot and it tastes like something specific when you throw up then quit eating the food it tastes like…my food was cucumbers when I was preg with my son….I LOVE them but I had to quit eating them for a while LOL….eat small snacks all the time or when you need something quick instead of binging on huge meals that keep you from moving afterwards…..fruits veggies protien….talk with your doctor and or a WIC counselor if you are receiving WIC…I hope that helps you…Meg

    in reply to: I would like to know what to do! #17232

    In most women breast milk does not come in until the baby is out!! in my 4th month of pregnancy with my daughter I got colosterum…it is thick yellowish orange liquid….I dont know if that is what you are leaking or not…have you missed your period???? Some men lactate and we all know that they are incapable of becoming pregnant…..are you on birth controll or something that would mess with your hormones….have you been pregnant before???You should talk to a doctor and clarify some of these things to make sure that if you are preg you can start taking the best care of your body adn your baby…..and also to make sure your health is fine for when you do conceive…..Let us all know…ok…Meg

    in reply to: My Story #17223

    I am very proud of you for taking responsibility for your actions and for admitting your wrong…it is really hard to do that…I am also glad that your parents are backing you up….somtimes we make mistakes and we do things that we know are wrong but God is always faithfull to work them for good…this guy may be a jerk and has dropped out of the picture but it sounds like his family might end up being supportive so that will be good for the baby 🙂 well my heart my love and my prayers are with you…Meg

    in reply to: crisis pregnancy but ok in the end #17208

    I am so glad that you made that choice also…..I am very touched and blessed by your post….thank you for sharing and I am praying that your words of strength and encouragement will help save babies…and mommies :)….Meg

    in reply to: dedicated to Kennah #17207

    I love you Dev….just let the Lord be your strength…His strength is made perfect in our weakness…you are always in our prayers and Pennielane is getting plenty of kisses for you..just like I promised…Meg

    in reply to: Forgiveness #17206

    Hey there I just wanted to say congratulations on keeping your baby….I know how hard it is to have the dad drop off the face of the earth….my sons dad dropped off the face of the earth in the begining of my pregnancy…I kept hearing from people that he was seen with me…his dad and stepmom told me that some family from out of town said they had finally met Meagan…well I just thought he was that big of a jerk and that he told them some other girl was me so he wouldnt look bad…come to find out his new girlfriends name was Meagan…WOW that was really hard to deal with….he left me pregnant for a girl with the same name and she has 4 kids!!!!! I was so full of bitterness and hurt and I didnt know how to deal with it….it gets worse….come to find out she had been attending the church I went to and I had been playing with her kids in class (I was a helper)….I was so lost and broken…I knew sleeping around outside of marriage was wrong and it was humbling enough to get pregnant…but I kept going to church and I stopped having sex (I waited to have sex for 3 1/2 years I just got married in November) I learned my lesson and I asked God to forgive me for taking my relationship with Him so lightly….but it was so hard to forgive my ex and this girl he was with….after all a woman with 4 kids and no dad around should know what it is like to be pregnant and have a guy leave you for it…RIGHT???? Well I was in the shower one night and I was singing one of my favorite songs…Without love I’m nothing, even if I can reach the sky, and if I can move mountains but I have no love, I am nothing, nothing at all….well this song was inspired from 1 Corinthians 13 where it talks about love…love suffers long, love is kind, it believes all things, bears all things, is not puffed up, does not parade its self, does not rejoice in iniquity. etc.etc.etc. I felt so convicted for the bitterness I had towards them…I had no right to hate her she didnt make him leave me, it wasnt only his fault I was pregnant…I shouldnt have been having sex to begin with, the person I was then..I cant blame him for not wanting to stick around…I got out of the shower and I grabbed a note book and I strated writing him a letter telling how he had hurt me and that I forgive him..then I wrote one to her….I felt so much weight come off of my shoulders by forgiving them and I was able to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy….well it doesnt end there….the two of them are not together anymore but even when they were they would come to my house for dinner and bring the kids…they would take my son and daughter for the weekend sometimes, and the other Meagan even came to my wedding and brought the kids….she calls me still and asks for prayer….he pops in to see his son and he and my husband get along great….the only reason why I was able to forgive him is because I felt so guilty…this is why…Jesus Christ died for my sin…everything I have ever done wrong or will ever do wrong has been forgiven and paid for by the blood of Jesus….with the life I was living I deserved AIDS but God showed me favor and grace and mercy and gave me kids instead…my sons fathers sin has been paid for by Jesus and so has the other Meagans sin….who am I to not forgive what Jesus has already paid for…..Jesus died for the world to make a way to heaven because our sin wont allow us to get there on our own and He rose from the grave to give us hope of eternal life in Him….not everyone has received forgiveness though….and when we dont receive forgiveness it is hard to forgive others…I dont know if you have asked forgiveness from the Lord but I know it is offered to you from Him…I know from experience that He can give you the ability to forgive even when it is hard to do…the bible says that there is only one thing that cannot be forgiven…blasphemy of the Holy Spirit…meaning rejecting of Jesus and what He did on the cross for our salvation and the Holy Spirit that He has sent here to counsel us along the way…if you know that you have fallen short of perfection (we all have) if you know you are a sinner (we all are) if you want to be forgiven (you said you do) then just pray to God in the name of Jesus and ask Him to come into your heart and fill you with the Holy Spirit and forgive you for your sin….then you will be born again and have eternal life….from there once you have been forgiven and set free then you just pray and ask God to help you forgive your ex…it may take time or it might happen immediately but you will beging to lose the bitterness and the Lord will replace it with Joy and Peace…..I hope this helps….it sure did for me…Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: pregnant w/ #2 #17187

    WOW…so I guess you have been busy with more than just work LOL…I miss seeing you online in the afternoon but I am so happy that the Lord is blessing your family and now growing your family 🙂 Keep us all informed…are you hoping for a boy or another girl????…Meg

    in reply to: I cant explain the feeling, #17161

    Hey there…I just wanted you to know that there is One True Way to deal with this…His name is Jesus….I know people have probably said it before and from the sounds of it your parents are telling you that you deserved this to happen because of your "sin"….well I am here to tell you that sin does come with consequences but it doesnt mean that God is punishing you for sex before marriage….I am very sorry that you lost your little girl and I dont think that God took your baby to punish you….maybe He took her so that she wouldnt have to face this cold and harsh world….I myself had two kids out of wedlock from two different dads and my consequences have been difficult at times but they have been a way for me to see Gods grace and the consequences remind me that I need to make better choices….I dont know what God wants to show you in this time but it sounds like He wants to get your attention and cause you to cry out to Him for help…My mom killed herself when I was 3 months pregnant and I had no way to deal with my suffering….I was lost and didnt know what to do….that is when Jesus stepped in and reached out His hand to me and invited me to trust Him and receive His love….maybe He is extending the same invitation to you in this time….as for your aunts baby shower dont feel obligated to throw her one….if she is offended or hurt then that is her problem…just tell her how you feel and if she doesnt understand then you know that you made the effort to love on her with out putting yourself in a spot to hurt worse…the True Way to deal with this is PRAYER…pray and ask God to show Himself to you in a new way….pray and ask Him to come into your heart to comfort and guide you…pray that He would heal your pain and give you hope…pray for a new begining each and every day….I will be praying for you also along with many others on this site….we love you and care for you and dont hesitate to just cry when you need to….go to her place of resting and visit…bring some flowers and a cup of coffee for yourself and cry…tell God how you hurt…tell Him how you miss her…let the healing begin and conquer your fears…take it one step at a time….her spot in your heart will not be replaced but the emptyness can be filled with hope when you share your sorrow with Jesus…Love and Prayers…Meg

    in reply to: I wouldn’t have an abortion so he’s gone #17121

    Way to go for choosing life over an irresponsible guy who doesnt know what he is missing…..I think this will be harder on your 13 yr old than it will be on your 7 yr old…but to answer your question about setting an example for your sons….I have had 2 kids out of wedlock by two different guys…my daughter who will be 5 in a few days refers to my husband as her daddy and her dad that she doesnt know as her stepdad..she often gets confused because her brother has a different "stepdad" than she does…the other day she told me…"I want to marry Tyan (her stepbrother) when I grow up and become a mommy" I told her first off that she will not be able to marry Tyan because he is her brother nad second that you are supposed to be married before you become a mommy….it is hard to teach your children to do diffferntly than you did…but…when I found out I was pregnant with my son I made the choice to not have sex again until I was married…I didnt have a boyfriend until the guy I knew I wanted to marry asked me out….he would leave the house before the kids would go to bed (most of the time) and he wouldnt be there until the kids were awake…..we did this so that there wouldnt be any confusion down the road…we didnt have sex until our wedding night therefore the kids never saw us in our pajamas around eachother, they didnt see us come out of the bedroom together, or go into the bedroom together until we were married…because of the life I used to live and the choices I have made in the past my daughter is confused about marriage and having babies….but I just tell her "I didnt do things Gods way and I did things that I wasnt supposed to do until marriage but God forgives mommy and she chose to start doing things His way…I just hope and pray that you make better choices than mommy did because your life will be more blessed if you do things Gods way" when my daughter is the right age and is willing to commit to not having sex until marriage we plan on having a celebration and giving her a very nice purity ring as encouragement to remain pure….we are not going to force her into it but Lord willing she will make a vow before God and us that she will keep herself for marriage and if she does we plan on sending her and her future husband on an amazing honeymoon….she can go behind our backs and we might not catch her but the Lord will convict her if needed LOL…..thank God she is only 5 and we dont have to deal with the issue for a while longer but in the mean time I do teach her about modesty and keeping her private parts covered and to not dress in a way that attracts attention from boys…well you have boys so my encouragement would be to teach them how to respect a girl and to be the responsible one by saying no until marriage…be open with them about how you hurt to the extent of showing them what not to be like (the guy who got you pregnant and left) when the baby comes let them help in responsibilities to teach them how to care for a baby and to scare them off from making one before marriage LOL…keep yourself in the authority possition but at the same time admit your faults as a human…we all have them…let them know that you made a poor decision by sleeping with this guy but let them see you step up and be responsible like the first step…you chose life…I think you can reach your boys and teach them to respect and honor a woman like you deserve to be and the best way to do that is to live like a repectable honorable woman….make the next guy put a ring on your finger before you let him in bed that will make a huge difference in your kids lives and your own…I will be praying for you…I was 3 months pregnant when my mom killed herself..I found her body and I was so lost and felt abandoned by her and the dad..I had a restraining order on him…it was the hardest time in my life but that is when I met my Savior Jesus Christ….even though I didnt have someone to love me and help with the daily duties I was never alone because He was in my heart and He provided my every need…God Bless…..Meg

    in reply to: hospital bag #17095

    I would bring some pads with wings…..they give you these cheap little panties and pads with no sticky on the back…you might be more comfy and keep your jammies cleaner if you invest in a good pad :)….camera….pillow….favorite blanket….bible…other than that I think you got it….let us all know when it happens…I’m praying for you….Meg

    in reply to: need major help #17061

    I dont think you should try to work this out on your own… shouldnt have to carry that heavy weight by yourself….it is not your fault that you babys heart stopped…you gave that baby a chance at life by making a different choice than last time and you are to be commnded for that….I know that you must hurt very badly but giving yourself a guilt trip can only make things worse….I would like to stop and pray for you right now….Lord I just lift this young woman up to You right now…I pray that You would comfort her heart and give her a new begining today…she made a poor choice in Ocotber and I know she is still grieved over that..I pray that You would help her to forgive herself and help her to look forward rather than behind..then more recently Lord she conceived again and made the right choice by chosing to keep her baby….You know her hurt and loss regarding this last pregnancy Lord and I pray that You would hide her in Your wings and that she would feel Your touch in this time of sorrow….I pray that You would go before her on the path she chooses to walk on from here on out and that You would in Your perfect timing bring her a husband to love her and understand the scars she will have from these babies, and that You would bless her with babies one day when the timing is right…until that time comes I pray that You would surround her with people to love on her and to help her in this time and give her wisdom on who to talk to…..give her strength for each and everyday and draw her into Your presence…I ask all these things and more in Jesus name…and if anyone else reading this agrees say with me…Amen………I hope and pray that the Lord would bring you a special friend through this time to help comfot and counsel you on how to make it through…its hard to see it in the moment but over time and healing this will make you stronger and you will be a great mommy one day and I know that you would never take your future babies for granted…so until then..keep your eyes on Jesus and let Him carry your burden…dont try to do it on your own…Love Meg

    in reply to: need some advice #17038

    So you are asking for advice on your situation…first if you are living with your dad and you are doing something he doesnt approve of you should really reconsider it…my dad sent me away when I was 13 for sneaking around and he didnt even know that I was having sex and smoking pot…..I am 25 now and my dad and I are just now back in a spot where there is trust and depth in our conversations my choices hurt him so badly and it has taken 12 years to make things right….I had to just humble myself to him and ask his forgiveness and it has set my heart free…second you are only 15 you should be focused on school or planning your future…if yo are planning on getting married and having a family one day then please stop and think…..are you putting yourself in a spot to contract a disease that you will pass on to your husband one day??? Are you going to end up with a child who will be unwanted by the father , I have 2 in that spot and I am maried now and they both have a new daddy but it is a stress on our family life…if their dads ever pop up one day and want to start having visitations then we will have an outside influence in our home and that can lead to destruction of the values we are instilling in our kids at home…..if you love eachother alot and plan on getting married one day then put that love to the test….can love endure a relationship without sex???? I made the choice when I was pregnant with my son to not have sex agan until I was married…I was with my husband for almost a year and a half before we got married and we saved sex for our wedding night….if you are so stubborn that you wont stop having sex please dont let him finish inside of you…the only way to guarantee that you wont get pregnant is abstinence and I highly recomend it for your health, your emotions, and your future happieness…….I hope that you will hear my heart and be willing to Stand Up and make new choices today….Meg

    in reply to: im jus wondering, any answer will help… #17037

    Well it sounds like you could possibly be pregnant….if a hpt comes back negative then go to the doctor for a blood test they are more accurate in early pregnanct than urine tests…..let us all know…Meg

    in reply to: when did yourbelly start to shw #17036

    Well I started showing around 3 1/2 half months with my first but I couldnt see the difference untill I looked back at the pictures…when we have a slow growing process day after day it is hard to notice but those who dont see you everyday will be able to tell if they havent seen you in like a week or so….If you were atheletic and had strong tummy muscles before pregnancy then you wont show for a while…a friend of mine walks about 3 miles a day and does aerobics and excercises all the time and when she was pregnant she didnt even have a tiny bump until 5-6 months and at full term you could hardly tell she was pregnant…everybody is different and as long as your doctor isnt worried enjoy your small tummy while it lasts LOL after two kids I miss having a small tummy LOL well I hope this helps….Meg

    in reply to: It should hurt but it doesnt #17033

    Well Steph I want to give you my condoloence and my congratulations as well…..I know how hard it is to leave a controlling and abusive guy…When I got back together with my daughters dad she was 3 weeks old…things were fine for a couple months…I went to church and got baptized one day and when I got home he told me I was not allowed to go to church or he would leave me…I wasnt even allowed to talk to my sister and we lived in the same house….I was confined to our bedroom with a queen sized bed, a playpen, a dresser and a nightstand….I raised my daughter in a bedroom for almost the first year of her life…once we moved (my sister told me she wanted to sell the house and move because she couldnt handle our relationship) he would go out drinking with his friends and I was not allowed to be on the phone because if he called for a ride home and it was busy then I was grilled to the bone about "who I am cheating on him with"…I was not allowed to talk to my dad on the internet through email because he would accuse me of flirting with guys…..I could harldy check my rearview mirrors and blind spots when I would be driving the car wihtout him accusing me of flirting with the person in the car nearest to us…..I was not a flirtatious kind of person so he really had no grounds to question me……I finally left him because I couldnt handle it anymore…I was not allowed to get out of bed in the morning to take care of my daughter unless he gave me permission…..I was sick of putting him before my daughter and my relationship with the Lord…and he was full of those empty promises also…he never paid the bills and I wasnt allowed to get a job….I understand so well what you mean when you say "it should hurt but it doesnt" You are going to be a great mommy and I will be praying that sometime down the road that the Lord will bring you the perfect man to be your husband and your sons daddy…just remember that he is the one with the hang ups not you….we all have our own issues there is no doubt about that but I hope and pray that you havent let his lies sink in to your mind….you and your son will be fine without him and the Lord will provide for your every need…just as He has done for me…Meg

    in reply to: holly-er than now #16986

    I agree that we are to live by example..the only thing is on here we dont live our lives in front of eachothers faces so it leaves us to tell our stories and the things that the Lord has changed in our lives….What a blessing that your husband knows the Lord because of your faithful witness…I agree that having a relationship with Christ is a wonderful thing and I know that God loves all of His children no matter what because He loved me even when I hated Him….I do think that calling sin what it is, is biblical…the Lord has given His people spiritual gifts…the body of Christ is made up of many members…some have the gift of teaching, others the gift of prophesy, others the gift of helps and so on nad so forth…there is a saying…you can truth someone away from God…this is what your post is about…it is true…you need so speak the truth with love..but… you can also love someone into hell….if someone is sinning and you can see that it is ruining their life are you going to love them into destruction or are you going to stand on the truth and say…I love you but what you are doing is wrong and I am here to talk but I cant agree with your choices…there is a huge difference… or if someone out there talks about God it doesnt mean they are saved…if they say "yeah get an abortion you are too young for a baby…God Bless" that sends up a huge red flag in my heart and I am going to question that persons walk with the Lord…There will be many in that day who say Lord Lord, look at all that we have done in Your name..and He will say "depart from me you workers of iniquity..I never knew you.." I cant help but wonder if I am one who you speak of as being "holier than thou" I have enough girls who dont like me as it is..but I have no stones to throw and I have no fingers to point I am just simply someone who loves the Lord and I want to do my part in spreading His truth even if it means not having alot of friends on here…I do my best to do it with love but you can only lead a horse to water you cant make it drink…you can sugar coat things and people will still get mad…it is better to be hot or cold but Jesus gave a stearn warning to those who are luke warm….I refuse to be one of those…anyways thank you for your post and I think it is awesome that the Lord has given you a real heart to love and comfort but please dont come down and judge those who He has called to be bold in His Truth…In Christ…Meg

    in reply to: Losing the weight after #16983

    two months!!! you gotta give it a little more time than that….dont worry your body will continue to adjust and change….as you age your body will go through more changes also so you might not look like you did before again but dont sweat it…just make sure you are eating right because you dont want to be unhealthy and take a little more time before starting to go exercise crazy….I hope this helped….Meg

    in reply to: i just wanna go home! #16982

    If you are not married to him and you feel like you are in a bad situation go to your family….you are not married so its not like you are divorcing him …that would be bad….you should go home and let your family help you get settled…if this is the right guy for you then he will follow but dont have sex agan until marriage to test him…you need to provide for the safety, well being, and happieness of your daughter and if your family is willing to help you provide that then jump on it and let them help you….Love and Prayers..Meg

    in reply to: the pull out method/BC #16979

    Abstinence is the only 100% efective birth control!!!!!

    in reply to: Whats More Important? :( *vent* #16921

    Yes you should talk to him…after the baby is born you can get court ordered child support…they dont always pay but it will catch up to him in the end…you should read my post titled child support….I would keep doing what is best for you and the baby for now and give him space to grow up….DONT SLEEP WITH HIM AGAIN…if you keep sleeping with him you are telling him that what he is doing is ok and its not….I have also learned the hard way…I have two kids from two dads and I wasnt marreid to either one of them…having sex before marriage is a very dangerous thing to do…I have been married now for 5 months and my husband and I waited until our wedding night and it was so worht it…even yesterday we ran into my daughters father at walmart and it was an akward situation..she didnt even know who he was….if I had waited until marriage to have sex my daughter wouldnt have had to go through this and my son would be spared also…I would never take back the fact that I had kids…I do believe that the Lord would have brought my same kids along in marriage though had I waited….I think it is awesome that you can see now that your boyfriends lifestyle is not healthy..stay away and let him change if he is going to but dont count on it….one day if this guy doesnt shape up and marry you a wonderful man will stroll into your life and love your baby as his own and he will treat you with respect…let us all know how this turns out…you’re in my prayers…Meg

    in reply to: Need Advise #16920

    Well the good thing about ADOPTION is that you can choose to have a little girl…..I am very sorry that you and your husband wont be able to have a baby without help…but just think…there is a girl out there somewhere who is thinking about having an abortion…you want a baby so badly that maybe you can use your grief over your lost baby to help someone to chose to keep theirs…and also you can look on this site and others to find someone who is having a little girl at a young age and cannot keep the baby…you can adopt and save a little baby…well my prayers are with you…Meg

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