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      Hello, my name is Shelita I have been on here for a while and about 3 weeks ago I let every one know that I was going to be expecting my first baby in November, well things have changed there will be no baby, when I went in for my first ultrasound Friday the 13th, they told me the bad news that the baby was in my second tube, so they had to schedule the surgery for the next day, so I had surgery at 8:30am the next morning. I was so hurt cause me & my husband was really expecting this to be the time will give birth to our first child together. so the next day i woke up with no tubes, so I can’t give my husband the little girl he always wanted, unless we do in-vitro fertilization. I told him I was done trying to have a baby, cause we just get hurt. So do you think i should give up or give my husband what he want( A LITTLE GIRL). Please help I am so Confused :unsure:


        i think u two should talk about adoption…there are so many little boys and girls out there that need mommy’s and daddy’s…..


          Well the good thing about ADOPTION is that you can choose to have a little girl…..I am very sorry that you and your husband wont be able to have a baby without help…but just think…there is a girl out there somewhere who is thinking about having an abortion…you want a baby so badly that maybe you can use your grief over your lost baby to help someone to chose to keep theirs…and also you can look on this site and others to find someone who is having a little girl at a young age and cannot keep the baby…you can adopt and save a little baby…well my prayers are with you…Meg


            i can only imagine what its like to lose a baby……..if you arent ready to have one yet wait……your hubby should understand……….give it some time and think about it……if you dont want to get pregnant because you are scared there is also adoption. find a great agency that can help you in the process…..dont try to adopt without an agent…..but if you feel later that you are ready to try again go for it……..i think right now you need time to grieve………so go ahead……..i wish you the best

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