Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI just want to say AMEN!!!! I was abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night and I had had 2 kids….I chose to remain abstinent when I was pregnant with my second….it is possible and very rewarding….plus before my husband and I married we spent so much time talking and getting to know each other and we learned so much more about each other than people who jump into having sex before marriage….what is the point of a honeymoon sweet and a honeymoon when you have already had sex??? we needed that time without seeing people we saw everyday around….even though we were both not virgins we were still a little sheepish..LOL and we needed that get away time to get to know each other sexually because we waited until then to have sex…I guess it kind of drives me nuts when I go to a wedding and I know that the bride and groom have been having sex and living together for like 3 years and then they go to some fancy hotel for their first night and go on an exotic honeymoon…marriage should be celebrated and even if the people have had sex and lived together it doesn’t mean that marriage is not as valid and important for them it just takes away from those who have "earned" that first night in a fancy hotel because it is their FIRST night….I just wish more women would stay pure or start fresh by choosing abstinence even if they are not a virgin…it makes that wedding night so much more special and memorable….I will always remember what I was wearing before the first time we had sex…a wedding dress…I can’t tell you what I was wearing before the first time I had sex with my kids fathers….what do you want your wedding night to be like???? Love Meg
ParticipantHey there my name is Meagan and I help out here on Stand Up Girl…I came across your post here and I wanted to just share a word of encouragement…. what you are dealing with right now is fear…fear of giving things up, fear of loosing your boyfriend, fear of what your family and friends will think, fear of failure….I had all those same fears when I found out I was pregnant too…I think we have all had those fears regardless of age or how close we are with friends and family….I guess this is why we are always told to not have sex until marriage because then our fears are dramatically decreased because we have a husband, finished school, our parents are happy about a grandchild, and we have more stability….just because those things are not true at this point though doesn’t mean that you can’t have thins baby and still finish school and have all your dreams…it just might take a little more time and more work to reach them…my daughters father wanted me to get an abortion and I didn’t….right now you have a boyfriend that wants this baby…you are already one step ahead of where I was…you are afraid that your family will disown you…my mo and my sister were dissapointed but they were proud of me for keeping my baby….yet just 3 1/2 months into my pregnancy I lost my mom to suicide and my dad was just furious with me and I was left to take care of myself and my sisters kids…she went crazy and "checked out" for several months after my mom died…when I had my daughter I was single and alone with no job and I ended up back with her dad out of fear or being alone and failing…that went downhill fast and my sister couldn’t live with us anymore so she put the house up for sale and moved away…I was alone with an abusive jerk and I had no family…when I finally left him I had nothing…including a job…I found a job, I found a babysitter, and I did everything I could to STAND UP….I crawled out of a huge hole that I had fallen into…right now you might feel like you are in that same hole…you have such a better start than I had sweetie…look deep in your heart and ask yourself if you can take the life of your precious baby because you are afraid???? This baby could be the way for your life to turn around and change for the better, mine were for me….your parents may be upset at first but they will grow to accept this and when your baby is born you will have to fight him/her out of their arms…LOL…Stand Up Girl….you have more support than you would ever know…your boyfriends mom went through this a year younger than you are….she Stood Up….she has made it and she will be there to help you and so will we here at Standupgirl….it would have been better to wait until marriage to have sex and get pregnant but you can’t take back the choice you made at this point…you had sex, you got pregnant…but…life doesn’t end at teen pregnancy….your life may just be beginning…think about this one…lets say that you get an abortion and a year from now you are going to be at a wild party…someone goes crazy pulls out a gun and starts shooting…you are shot but you don’t are a vegetable for life and someone else has to feed you and help you go to the bathroom…you will never get married or have kids and you won’t finish school either….but…if you have a baby then will you be at that party??? probably not…is that a good thing…YES….you don’t know what is waiting around the corner…this baby could be the very angel that saves your life…life may get more difficult with a baby but you will still be able to finish school, go to college if you want, and whether things work with your boyfriend or not you can still get married….can you do that in the other scenario…NO….I had two babies from two dads out of wedlock, no family, I struggled to pay my bills, I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years…but….I chose life for my kids and I made another choice to stay abstinent until marriage and I did…I was abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night…I didn’t marry either of my kids dads…but a much nicer better man…keeping this baby will not ruin your life unless you let it…but rather keeping this baby will show you what life really is about….I know you have it in you, and I believe that you are going to be a Stand Up Girl…push the fear out of your mind and heart and let love for this child replace it….I am here anytime you need to talk…Love Meg,
ParticipantHey Devyn…I just wanted to drop a line and let you know that what you are feeling is normal…there will always be a place in your heart and mind that is permanently etched with Kennah…it seems as though you have had a rough couple of years and especially the past 3-4 months…but..if I may I would like to offer you some encouragement…I remember when it hit me that my mom was never coming back…just like you are at that same place with Kennah..I realized that I could no longer hear her voice, or remember what her laugh sounded like…I broke down hard wondering if I could survive the rest of my life without the memories that were quickly vanishing…but…even though at one point they seemed to be leaving my mind…more recently (5 1/2 years after her death) I have been getting those memories back…I can hear my moms voice again…I can see her in my mind clear as day…the memories are coming back…I have grieved in so many ways, I had finally got rid of the ziplock bag with one of her shirts that I had smelled until her scent was gone, I got rid of the buzz lightyear coffee cup that she had kissed with red lipstick, I got rid of her acrylic fingernail that had fallen off with a piece of her real nail attached to it, I had saved all of these things for years because they had evidence that she had been here on this earth….I recently met a woman who looked identical to my mom when she was younger, about my age, I had the greatest time talking with her and staring in her eyes, it brought me so much healing… have just begun a very emotional, unpredictable process, everyone grieves differently…that is why your husband may not be "outwardly" showing his hurt…he wants to be strong for you….in the Bible when David got Bathsheeba pregnant and the baby was dying he was is distress and he was just about to go insane from the grief and confusion but when the baby died, he got up, bathed, changed his clothes and ate….everyone was in confusion and asked him why he was fine when he had just been so distraught that his child was dying….he told them that his child was with the Lord now…not one more ounce of worry could change it…and right now Kennah is with the Lord…I don’t believe that He would allow her pain in heaven…that is one of the Promises we pain , no tears, ….if God allowed Kennah to know how much you miss her it would make her sad to know that you hurt…I think He is keeping her busy up there with all kinds of Wonderous things…He is taking the best care of her and she is helping Him prepare a place for when you and daddy go home one day….don’t let anyone tell you "you should be over this"….you never will be "over this"…you will carry her with you forever…the pain will fade a bit over the years…sometimes it will hit you out of nowhere and other days you will feel strange for not "feeling" sad…this is a process, and a difficult one at that…I think you should allow yourself to cry when ever you need to, I think you should enjoy your husband and share memories, laugh, cry, then laugh some more…you can sit there and try to remember things all you want but sweetie it is not going to help you…depending on the mood you are in your mind will tell you a different thing than it really was…trust me…I had this visual of my mom when I pulled her out of the tub…I saw this evil look on her face and everything was dark and creepy and evil..over a year later I picked up the evidence package from the court house (they have to keep all evidence in those kind of cases for at least a year just in case a similar one happens) I prayed and prayed to make sure I could handle looking at the 91 photos taken of the scene but I put the disk in my computer and looked at them…it was not how I remembered it at all….she looked sad not evil, it was very bright in the bathroom, not dark and creepy, I needed to look at those photos to remember how it REALLY was…and I am so thankful I did…please don’t put yourself though unneeded trauma…just remember your perfect angel, your beautiful daughter, and know that even if she did suffer or feel cold and frightened that she has no more pain or tears and when you get to heaven she will be there to greet you…you will reccognize each other but you will not have the memories of pain and suffering…you did the best job you possibly could have…you gave her every chance and opportunity, you gave her more than enough love and care…God couldn’t have chosen a better mommy for her…one day you will know and understand as you are Known and Understood by your Creator and you will have the chance to know why this all has happened but for now take everyday as it comes and KNOW that you did a great job as a mommy and this was not your fault and that you will have many more blessings in life…just hang in are really doing so much better than most people in your shoes…keep looking up, keep trusting the Lord, let your husband grieve how he needs to and let him be your shelter on a hard day…you will get through this together and the Lord will see you through if you keep your eyes on Him…I promise…I love you so much and I am here for you and I am proud of you…just don’t give up..ok…I hope this helped a little…Love and Prayers..Meg
ParticipantHey there, my name is Meagan and I help out here on Standupgirl…I came across your post here and my heart broke for you…I have been in similar situations before and I know how scary it is…you did the right thing though by going to the hospital and the police..I am 25 now but when I was 15 I had ran away and I was living in a garage in a tent at a friends house…at least I thought they were my friends…there were times I would wake up with gum in my hair, or with my belongings hidden or stolen…there was a particular time when I drank too much and I was urinated on while I was throwing up and then my "friend" took me in the bathroom, took my clothes off, put me in the tub, filled it with water and bubble bath…how sweet..he was taking care of me and cleaning me up…then he got in the tub and even though I said NO he had sex with me and by the time he was done the bath was red from my blood and I was not on my period…he raped me and took advantage of me in my weakest state…then to make matters worse a few weeks later his brother came in one night while I was sleeping and he took my clothes off against my will and covered my mouth with his hand and had sex with me…it was the worst season of life I had been through up to that point…eventually a friend from school learned of my situation and took me home to his mom and they took me in and treated me very well and I actually still have a great relationship with his mom even though I moved to a different state 7 yrs ago….all this to say…I don’t know what you do in your spare time…I don’t know who your friend is who’s house this was at…but…a REAL friend does not allow a guy to go in to where you are sleeping…your friend should have been more protective of you while you were sleeping…if he/she was sleeping too then why was this guy free to wander around the house???…this is not your fault!!! you were unwillingly taken advantage of and that is not right…there is nothing you can do at this point to change what has happened but from here on out please consider my advice….if you are staying at a friends house make sure that it is only girls staying over and that the doors are locked until everyone wakes up and is moving around…also I notice you have a child…where was she when this happened?? No offense but were you drinking??? I don’t ask this to say anything but this…if you are of legal age to drink and you choose to do so that is up to you but please make sure you will not endanger your child or yourself….if you are not of legal age to drink then please reconsider the choices you have made to put yourself in a position for this to happen…you are to valuable and special to make yourself vulnerable for this type of crime to happen, and your child needs you…what if you were raped and killed??? what if you were in an accident??? I hope you can hear what I am saying and that it doesn’t hurt you more than you are right now…these are just things I had to learn the hard way…as for your boyfriend..if he can’t understand that you need distance or space right now then what is his reason for being with you??? if he loves you then he should understand and put your needs and emotions first in this very difficult time…my suggestion would be to practice abstinence and let your body and emotions rest from a physical relationship for now…if your boyfriend can’t handle it then he doesn’t deserve you….I hoe this has helped a little…I am here anytime you need to talk and my life is an open book to you so don’t hesitate to ask me ANYTHING….I pray that you find peace, justice, healing and rest in the next few days or weeks or however long this will take…just know that you are not alone…we all love you here at Standupgirl and we will be by your side through this…Lots of Love and Prayers…Meg
ParticipantHey there it’s me again…I saw your update and I wanted to stop by and love on you…I know what it is like to be in a situation where one thing leads to another…I have two kids…when I met my husband be both made it clear from the start that we were not going to have sex until our wedding night…therefore I did not go on birth control because it would have made it easier to give in because fear of pregnancy wouldn’t have been as big of an issue, my suggestion sweetie is to get off the birth control…it may be making it harder for you to slow down and think first….I remember one specific time when me and my husband were hanging out…all alone, no kids…before we were married…we started kissing and then embracing each other closer and tighter..we were no longer sitting on the couch but laying down…I somehow came out of the "love daze" stood up, and told him he needed to leave…we both stood there, angry with each other because we had let ourselves slip into temptation…nothing happened but we still put ourselves in the position for something to happen…we talked for a moment, got on our knees, and we prayed…we asked forgiveness and we asked the Lord to continue to give us strength to stay pure…I quit saying yes when people wanted to keep my kids overnight so that we wouldn’t be tempted to stay up too late…if we went on a date we would have the sitter stay at my house and he would leave before the sitter did so we were not tempted to snuggle up for a while and kiss…we took the steps needed to stay pure…was it easy..NO…was it worth it YES!!!!!!, we are married now, we get to share a bed every night, we don’ t have to feel guilty…if I had been on birth control and if we kept condoms around "just in case" I can’t tell you if we would have waited until our wedding night…he had been married and I had kids so we were both not virgins…it was hard for us because we knew what sex was and we were attracted to each other physically and emotionally and spiritually…but…we knew that if we had broken the commitment to not have sex until we were married that it would be that much easier to break our marriage vows….if we couldn’t keep a promise before marriage, would we keep them IN marriage??? I started taking birth control before we got married so that it was in my system…I wasn’t quite sure when he was going to propose to me so I ended up taking it 4-5 months before I needed to but I didn’t tell him I was taking it…why??? because I didn’t want him to loose that "fear" of getting me pregnant if we slipped…we didn’t and I am so thankful…quit putting your trust in condoms and pills…make a commitment, make a vow, Stand Up, don’t hang out alone, don’t let things get hot and heavy, and if your boyfriend wont do the same then he only wants one thing and it is not to gaze at your beautiful smile….after you have said I do and you get to your honeymoon sweet have a blast, and if you want to, use condoms and birth control to prevent you from having children until you and your HUSBAND decide the time is right….but..stop putting yourself at risk for pregnancy, std’s and heartache…it’ s just not worth it…if I quit having sex after 10 years and waited until marriage then it is so much easier for you to stop after how long?? a year, a few months, one guy??? I will be praying for you and I am here to talk if you need me..Love Meg..I know that you can be a Stand Up Girl…
ParticipantWell just an update…I was added back on to the friends list..thanks a bunch…I still Stand Firm in the fact that the name of the myspace needs to be changed and that copying the images needs to be made right…Lots of Love..Meg
ParticipantI have an abnormally shaped uterus and it causes me to carry my babies sideways…with both of my children I had to go to the doctor, have him flip the baby, and then induce me…I had both kids vaginally without tearing. Yes petocin, the drug they use to induce with alot, can cause your contractions to be heavier and quicker but you get the baby out faster…LOL…with my second my body knew what to do so for most of my labor I didn’t have petocin…just a cervix ripener that sent me into labor…but…it was 3am Thanksgiving morning and 3 of the 4 ladies I had in my room were in charge of dessert for 1 meal..I took the petocin to get him out quicker so they could go home and make dessert for dinner…I had him at 7:29 am after 23 hours and 59 minutes of labor….being induced is not that bad nad not all inductions end in a c section…neither of mine did…and the next baby I have will have to be induced also because of my uterus…it’s a fact of life for me…you will do just fine..let us know when baby is here..Love Meg
ParticipantHey again…you are welcome…if sharing my story can help one person make a different choice than I did then it was worth it for me to have gone through the "dirt" rather than them…in your case I am glad that you are going to chose abstinence…you wont regret it…I think we need more Stand Up Parents out there…I am sure your parents love you I know they want the best for you personally I think putting you on birth control is NOT looking out for your best interest…I just want to encourage you to be a Stand Up Girl even if your parents are not Stand Up Parents…you can make good choices even when they provide for you to make poor ones…I am proud of you and I think you are going to be just fine whether you end up being pregnant this time or not….let us all know when you find out and until then take care of your self and slow down and enjoy life…Love Meg
ParticipantHi Brittany, My name is Meg and I help out on the site…do your parents know that you are on birth control??? If they allow you to use it then that means they condone you being sexually active…whether they want you to be or not that is how it is…therefore when my daughter is older I will not allow her to use birth control unless it is right before her wedding so she will have it in her system…if she chooses to have sex behind our backs and gets pregnant than she will have the baby and face the music…I think if your parents don’t want you to get pregnant they shouldn’t put you on birth control…it is just telling you that it is ok to have sex before you are married…now if they don’t know you are on birth control and they don’t know that you have started having sex again with this guy then we are in a different situation…you have gone behind their backs and went against their wishes for you….they grounded you for 3 months the first time and you were not even pregnant….I bet you are scared to tell them…I would be too….but…you do need to realize that your parents love you and they know what is best for you and they are trying to do their parts as a parent and protect you…if you turn out to be pregnant they are going to be unspeakably angry and dissapointed and they have a right to be so..but…if you are pregnant they don’t have ANY right to FORCE you to get an abortion…they can haul you to the clinic and tie you to the table but if you tell the "abortionist" that you are being forced and that you want the baby they CANNOT do it…its law….but for now until you know where you Stand….please hear me out….I lost my virginity at 13 and I continued to be sexually active for 10 years…in that time I had slept with too many guys to want to admit and I had had a baby and found myself pregnant again…when I got pregnant with my second it’s like a light bulb went off in my head and I suddenly understood why we need to wait till marriage to have sex…out of marriage sex is a vicious cycle of sex, breakup, rebound, sex…with so many more emotional hangups to fill in the details with…from the sounds of it your boyfriend is your first….what happens when you breakup??? you are not a virgin anymore, you will give in to another guy a million times easier than you gave into him….and if you breakup with the next guy, you will hop in bed with someone else even quicker than him….ask almost any girl on this site and they will tell you its true…I will be the first to tell you that I was stuck, trapped, a slave to that cycle….you can make the choice of abstinence even before you find out if you are pregnant or not…I made that choice when I was pregnant with my second…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years until my wedding night….I felt so used up like rotting trash left on the road…I felt like no one would ever want to marry me so why not just have sex with a guy…maybe he would find some reason to love me and maybe stick around for a while….that is not life…that is not "love", you are giving yourself away to a guy that you probably will not have any contact with in 5 years, and will probably not remember his last name in 10 years and probably wont remember his face in 20 years…that is unless you have a baby with him and you see him in your child everyday…you are setting yourself up for failure if you continue to have sex outside of marriage…if this guy loves you and respects you he will go to your parents with you holding your hands while you are both in tears and he will apologize to your parents for betraying their trust and for putting you in a compromising position…and then if you are pregnant he will pledge to stick by your side and provide for the baby and if it is what you both want and your parents agree then you should get married and not have sex until then….or if you are not pregnant he should still ask their forgiveness and you both should ask your parents and your friends to help you stay accountable…that is what my husband and I did before we were married…we would invite others along to do things with us so that we were not alone a whole bunch…and the times when we were alone we would just stare at each other like we were going to lunge at one another…LOL….we tried to avoid that happening to the best of our ability and we did make it to our wedding night without having sex….abstinence is not easy but it is worth it….it is rewarding and it leaves you full and content unlike sex before marriage…it leaves you scared and shameful….please..confess to your parents and tell them that you are making a choice to remain abstinent…if you find out you are pregnant they might take the news better if you assure them that you have learned this time unlike last time….I am here for you and if you have any questions just leave me a note and I will get back to you…I care for you and I want you to see that you are special and precious and you shouldn’t be having sex with this guy…you deserve more than that….Love Meg
ParticipantI think it is so awesome that you have stopped doing drugs for your baby…I was in the same boat myself when I found out I was pregnant with my first…I was a crazy party girl…I was always doing different kinds of drugs and drinking and smoking cigarettes…I was so worried that my daughter was going to have problems because of my choices that I had made prior to finding out I was pregnant…she is perfectly fine…she is healthy and has never even had an ear infection…I am not saying this to recommend that someone do drugs if the want while they are pregnant and the baby will be fine I say this to say how good God is…He covered and protected my little girl even though I was being dumb…I hope and pray that your little one turns out to be fine also…I’m sure he/she will….good job mommy for making the great choice to keep your baby and to make healthier choices for him/her…let us all know how your pregnancy goes and if you ever have more questions or concerns….Love Meg
ParticipantHey there…did they give you a blood test or a urine test??? if your hormones are not elevated enough then it wont show on a test…I even had a blood test at like 3-4 weeks with my first that showed negative…two weeks later it showed positive in a urine test and I was 5-6 weeks along….as for starting the birth control..NO is my suggestion….even if you are not pregnant birth control is not the answer unless you are married…I have walked a very rough road that has led me to feel very strongly towards abstinence until marriage…I sometimes wonder if I would "feel better about who I am" if I had waited until marriage to lose my virginity….I lost it at 13 and continued down the road of sex and hearth break and eventually had two kids from two dads and no support…when I was pregnant with my second I chose abstinence…I made a commitment to wait until I was married to have sex again…3 1/2 years went by before that happened on my wedding night…it was so worth the wait….I was in the process of changing my life around but I hadn’t gotten to the sleeping around part yet…I didn’t think it was "that bad"..after all I wasn’t a virgin anymore and I had even had a kid…that earned me the right to chose to have sex if I wanted to right?? I mean I was an adult I had my own home..I had everything going on…a good job..3 actually..I needed them with raising my daughter on my own…so I went to get on birth control because I was going to be smart and have "safe sex"…well I had my appointment and the lady asked if I had had unprotected sex in the last 72 hours and I said yes so she gave me some pills and I asked what they were…the morning after pill…I told her that if I was pregnant that I needed to embrace my child and deal with the consequences of my irresponsible actions and NO THANKS….she gave me my 3 packs of birth control and told me to start them the first Sunday after my period started…well it never started….I was pregnant…I am so thankful that I never started my period, I am so thankful that I didn’t take those pills….had I then I would have taken my birth control and continued to have "care free" sex…I would have continued to live a life of feeling used, a life of feeling worthless when the guy would get up and leave and never come back, a life of feeling unwanted because no one wanted to marry me but they still wanted sex…..when I found out I was pregnant with my second and I made the choice for abstinence I was FREE….I have so much more confidence in my self and the choices I make now..I have set an example in front of my daughter that marriage needs to come before sex…she never once saw my husband at the house when she woke up in the morning and he would normally leave before she went to bed…we made sure that we didn’t confuse her in that way….we wanted her to remember when she was older that we waited…I wrote a post in the wanting to be pregnant forum called just some thoughts…I made some comments about the little song that used be sung on the playground when a boy and girl were too close together….first comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby in the baby carriage… is not like that anymore in the world…there is a huge chance that you could be pregnant and if you are then you can still choose abstinence…you can find that second chance, that second "virginity" like I did….I found love, I found marriage, and as of November we are going to try for that baby to go in the carriage….I am so glad that I get a second chance to do it the "right way"… can too….just don’ t take those pills…whether you are pregnant or not….please….also birth control pills will not protect you form STD’s or AIDS….God was gracious enough to give me children for my reprocussions of sex before marriage rather than AIDS when that is what I deserved…I hope that you end choosing abstinence before you find yourself with children or AIDS….please let me know what you decide and if and wehn you find out if you are pregnant….Love Meg
ParticipantWell my first symptoms of pregnancy with my second was a bottomless pit for a stomach…LOL…I could eat and eat and never stop….the first test was negative and then two weeks later it was positive….the only birth control that is 100% reliable is abstinence though…I learned that the hard way TWICE…yep after losing my virginity at 13 and continuing in that lifestyle for 10 years I had two kids on my own….the more people you sleep with the more you are sucked in…I was trapped and I was a slave to sex before marriage…you can try every kind of birth control and still get pregnant except one…abstinence….you can use condoms or other types of barriers and still get STD’s or AIDS….safe sex is not safe…safe sex=abstinence….how long have you been with your boyfriend?? Are you making wedding plans?? If you want to get married then why not stop having sex and wait until you are married to pick up where you left off??? Think about it…if you are ready to spend the rest of your life with someone then why can’t you wait a few more months to sleep with them??? Now consider this…if you are not sure if you want to be married to him then why would you sleep with him and put yourself at risk for a baby or STD’s or AIDS??? Sorry if I seem like a broken record or if it seems like I am trying to "rain on your parade" but what I say is true…after 10 years of being sexually active before marriage and two unplanned pregnancies that I went through alone with no support and choosing abstinence myself I feel that I have alot of valid input on the subject…it was the best choice….my husband didn’t marry me because I ended up pregnant, or because I was "good in bed"…he didn’t have a clue what I was like n that way…and before he ever did he loved me enough to commit to me for life…to be by my side and honor and cherish me till death….he honored me before marriage by not pressuring me for sex…I have full confidence that he will honor me in marriage because of that….if your boyfriend wont honor you in that way I would suggest that you take a break and make sure "he is the ONE"….for now just wait it out and take a test if you miss your period but regardless of the answer you get you can still make the most important choice for your future….abstinence….thanks for taking the time to read this and I hope you will let me know what you decide…remember don’t knock it till you try it…Love Meg
ParticipantI don’ t know the percentage or likely hood of you being pregnant but I do want to remind you that the only form of birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence….call me old fashioned (I didn’t used to be) but if you don’t want a baby then please consider abstinence…you wont be putting yourself at risk for STD’s or AIDS and you will never have a pregnancy scare….if you don’t mind if you get pregnant then get married….if you love each other enough to sleep with each other and risk creating a child together then why not get married??? If you are not ready for marriage or you are not old enough then please take some time to re evaluate the relationship you are in…I lost my virginity at 13 and I continued a lifestyle of sex before marriage for 10 years….I ended up with two kids on my own and poor self esteem and major heartache….all of these things are better than AIDS though which I am soooo thankful I never contracted….it doesn’t mean I couldn’t have though….when I found out I was pregnant with my second I made the choice to remain abstinent until my wedding night…3 1/2 years later was that night and it was worth the wait…my husband wasn’t marrying me because of how I was in bed…he didn’t know what I was like in that way….he didn’t marry me for my "nice body" I had had 2 kids…LOL….he didn’t marry me for any outwardly thing or material thing or selfish reason….he married me because he loves me and the reason he was attracted to me was because of the way I presented myself….I dressed modestly and I didn’t try to sleep with him….taking the time to get to know someone and committing to marriage without sex involved is a sure way to know that you have "husband material" if you are with a guy that won’t take no for an answer and who wont respect and honor you the way you deserve to be then he is not "husband material" he is a guy who will move on when you get pregnant, or move on when someone else comes along with a nicer body or who is better in bed….don’t risk putting yourself in the shoes of all of us who had kids before marriage one more day, don’t risk feeling used and betrayed by guy after guy, don’t risk dying the slow miserable death that AIDS carries….chose abstinence today…you will be happier and be more likely to attract the most wonderful man into your life…not some boy who has no idea of your great value and worth and just wants a piece of your body….if you miss your period take a test and let us all know what happens but regardless of the results you can choose abstinence….don’t knock it till you try it….my wedding night was the best time in my life up to that point even though I had "all the experience in the world"….I hope you write back and let me know if this is a choice you will make…it is soooo worth the wait….Love Meg
ParticipantI don’ t know the percentage or likely hood of you being pregnant but I do want to remind you that the only form of birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence….call me old fashioned (I didn’t used to be) but if you don’t want a baby then please consider abstinence…you wont be putting yourself at risk for STD’s or AIDS and you will never have a pregnancy scare….if you don’t mind if you get pregnant then get married….if you love each other enough to sleep with each other and risk creating a child together then why not get married??? If you are not ready for marriage or you are not old enough then please take some time to re evaluate the relationship you are in…I lost my virginity at 13 and I continued a lifestyle of sex before marriage for 10 years….I ended up with two kids on my own and poor self esteem and major heartache….all of these things are better than AIDS though which I am soooo thankful I never contracted….it doesn’t mean I couldn’t have though….when I found out I was pregnant with my second I made the choice to remain abstinent until my wedding night…3 1/2 years later was that night and it was worth the wait…my husband wasn’t marrying me because of how I was in bed…he didn’t know what I was like in that way….he didn’t marry me for my "nice body" I had had 2 kids…LOL….he didn’t marry me for any outwardly thing or material thing or selfish reason….he married me because he loves me and the reason he was attracted to me was because of the way I presented myself….I dressed modestly and I didn’t try to sleep with him….taking the time to get to know someone and committing to marriage without sex involved is a sure way to know that you have "husband material" if you are with a guy that won’t take no for an answer and who wont respect and honor you the way you deserve to be then he is not "husband material" he is a guy who will move on when you get pregnant, or move on when someone else comes along with a nicer body or who is better in bed….don’t risk putting yourself in the shoes of all of us who had kids before marriage one more day, don’t risk feeling used and betrayed by guy after guy, don’t risk dying the slow miserable death that AIDS carries….chose abstinence today…you will be happier and be more likely to attract the most wonderful man into your life…not some boy who has no idea of your great value and worth and just wants a piece of your body….if you miss your period take a test and let us all know what happens but regardless of the results you can choose abstinence….don’t knock it till you try it….my wedding night was the best time in my life up to that point even though I had "all the experience in the world"….I hope you write back and let me know if this is a choice you will make…it is soooo worth the wait….Love Meg
ParticipantHey there…I had some concerns…a while back you were messaging people telling them you were 15 and ttc,now you are worried about being pregnant??? I don’t condone unmarried people TRYING to conceive but if you are trying then why would you take the morning after pill??? Have you changed your mind on ttc??? if so then why are you still having sex??? it just confuses me sometimes…girls come on here with a mission to get pregnant and when they do they freak out when their boyfriends leave them, or when things turn out just like they were told they would, sometimes a girl will get an abortion just because of fear even though she planned her pregnancy….and in your case you are taking the morning after pill rather than not having sex or taking responsibility for your actions…I am sorry if this comes on strong but someone needs to point this out…if you don’t want a baby don’t have sex…if you want a baby then you have already proved that you are not very responsible, and that you are up for changing your mind freequently about what you want…the morning after pill can be very dangerous and sometimes fatal….please don’t put this in your body again…you don’t want to hurt yourself…you are worth more than dying for fear of pregnancy…please hear me out…take a step back and a lot of deep breaths…right now it seems like you are unsure of so many things…take a break form this whole sexual lifestyle…let your body rest and don’t put yourself into a position to poison yourself again….if you call this number 1-800-395-HELP Option Line, they can help you find a free and confidential pregnancy center close by where they can give you a free test and educate you more on what the morning after pill can do to you and if you are pregnant they can help you with your options and resources and even counseling….I hate to be so blunt and to the point but honey…take care of yourself…you shouldn’t be in this situation at your age….let us know if you are pregnant or not…ok….Love Meg
ParticipantHello there, My name is Meagan and I came across your post here and I wanted to drop you a line of encouragement and advice…first have you missed your period??? if so then take a test…call Option Line at 1-800-395-HELP…it is a 24-7 service that can give you the number and location of the nearest place where you can get a free and 100% confidential test done…if you have not missed your period then you could be getting sick form nerves or stress…sometimes if you are concerned with being pregnant your body will mimic symptoms….lets just take this one step at a time…me and you and the other Stand Up Girls on here….if you are pregnant then your world is going to change dramatically…whether you keep the baby or not…abortion does not "solve" "get rid of" or "fix" the problem…if you are pregnant then this is a baby not a problem….take a breath….you asked what any of us would do….well I personally Stood Up twice…I have two kids…both conceived out of wedlock….it has been a rough road at times but so worth it…it is so much easier to take care of my kids than it would be to wonder what they would have looked like, the sound of their whining at times is annoying but to know that they have breath in their lungs gives me a sense of Joy that I cannot describe, dirty diapers and messy rooms are not always fun or convenient when I am in a hurry but it takes less time than the grieving process that comes after an abortion, the 4 1/2 years I spent alone as a single mom were kind of lonely and depressing at times but I had my kids by my side to keep me smiling and they gave me a reason to live……I know people who have gotten abortions to "keep" their boyfriends or a roof over their head but in the end it will ruin that relationship and cause permanent scars in your heart…if your boyfriend is not "man enough" to stick by your side if you happen to be carrying his child then he is far from good enough for you….don’t let him push you into something you don’t want….this baby is yours too…you are the mom, if your parents refuse to let you raise this baby then plea with them for adoption but don’ t let anyone tell you that this baby is going to ruin your life or that abortion will "make it all go away" you would be surprised…do your parents know that you are sexually active??? maybe this will be a time when they will see that you are struggling and need their support the most….your mom gave you life…lets hope she will help you to give your child life also….if not there are so many resources out there anymore I know that you can find a way to give your baby life if you happen to be pregnant….these times are scary, but remember that you are not alone, and if you are pregnant we are all here to Stand Up with you, to help you through the rough days, to encourage you as a mom, to help you find resources available to you….if you find out you are pregnant please don’ t choose to suffer alone with the regret of abortion for the rest of your life, your are worth more than that and so is your baby….life doesn’t end at teen pregnancy or unplanned pregnancy or at any pregnancy at all….life begins there…maybe not the way we wanted it to sometimes but it will work out in the end….my kids have saved my life….they have not caused me to suffer or give things up, I willingly have given the things up that I have like the drugs and alcohol and sleeping around because of the life my kids gave me….you are still young, you haven’t been through the stuff I have, this might be the time in your life where this baby (if you are pregnant) will keep you from going down the wrong road and ultimately save your life….choose life for your baby and you will find life yourself…but…choose abortion and you are choosing to "live" with regret, shame, pain, suffering, and guilt….maybe even the possibility of never conceiving again or severe complications from the "proceedure" ,envy when you see others with babies, anger towards your boyfriend or parents,that doesn’t sound like "living" to me…. please call Option Line for the first step of finding out if you are pregnant, then we will take the next steps together….I and many others are here for you, you don’ t have to carry this weight on your shoulders…we will Stand with you…please write back and let us know ASAP….ok….Stand Up Girl…I know you can….With all my Love…Meg
ParticipantYou are so very welcome…what is your name??? Now one thing I wanted to share with you also is that I understand being discouraged about the marriage statistics….it is a shame..but…do you know that people who are sexually active before marriage and especially people who have had multiple partners are more likely to have a failed marriage that ends in divorce….it is true…when you have had sex before marriage you have an expectation of what it should be like and when your expectations are not met then you are more likely to "look for someone else" and ruin your marriage…people who have had multiple sex partners tend to loose interest in their partner easily when the "newness and heat" wears off….every relationship goes through that…before I got married just catching a romantic stare from my now husband would get me all full of butterflies in my tummy…but now that we are married it takes alot more than that…not that I don’t desire him in that way because I can’t seem to have him enough but the "newness and heat" has worn off a bit…the world tells us that is is not normal and that if you don’t get tingly at the sight of your lover that "they just don’t do it for you anymore" and that you need to find someone new to "spice up your sex life"…that is a lie….I know people who have been married for over 30 some years that still sneak off and make out even when they have company over…I have "busted" then..LOL…your future marriage has way better chances of surviving if you wait to have sex then if you do before you are married….I have been "damaged" by having so much sexual experience…I love my husband and he is more than enough for me but when we are close I will sometimes have a though or an image of someone else go through my mind…that happens more with men but there is a small percentage of women who suffer with that involuntary flashback of images and events….I have no doubt in my mind that the things I exposed myself to in the past are the reason for that….my husband on the other hand has only been with 1 other person…his ex wife and they waited until marriage to have sex…his ex had a rough past and had a child when they got married…she had many permiscuous relationships and she didn’t know how to keep a commitment…he and his son have ultimately suffered for her decisions….she left him 3 months into marriage pregnant with his son and since then she has remarried and done the exact same thing…this time she left at 6 months pregnant with a girl and she is in the process of a divorce from the guy who paid for her first one…had we failed and had sex before marriage our chances of "survival" would be no where close to what they are….we committed to staying pure and keeping ourselves for marriage…we have committed our lives to each other and our "instant" family…we have committed to loving God and following His ways and forgiving each other when we fail to do so…we have been married for 8 months and have survived tearing down a house and putting a new one on the lot….a lot of marriages don’t survive "house projects" even after years of marriage and we pulled it off in the first 6 months of marriage…only true commitment and God can take the credit on that one…but never underestimate the power and strength of waiting until you are married to have sex…staying pure is like miracle grow for the love that is shared in marriage….if you love each other enough to wait then you will love each other to keep your vows….I hope this has helped clear up your thoughts and I hope you have made the most important choice you can make for your future marriage…abstinence…keep me posted…so where are you going to college in the states??? if you click quick reply at the bottom of the original post then your comment will stay in this particular forum posting….Love Meg
ParticipantHello there I’m Meg and I help out on the site…your questions really caught my attention….I lost my virginity at 13 and I remained sexually active for 10 years…in that time I was used, dumped, heartbroken, left feeling worthless and with two kids on my own….at the time when I found out I was pregnant with my second I made the choice to remain abstinent until marriage…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years and raised my kids alone in that time with no child support or family around…it was tough but I survived…I lost my "second" virginity on my wedding night almost 8 months ago and how it made me wish that I could have been strong enough to wait till my wedding night to have sex for the first time…I would never take back having my children, they are a total blessing and they have saved my life in many ways but I wish that I would have been married before I had them…I understand your mom wanting to put you on the pill if you are not going to be near for her to protect you and help you stay pure but birth control may help prevent pregnancy but it can never replace the purity that you have…it will not protect your heart from feeling used, it wont keep you from sleeping with someone else in the USA when you are far from home…I would really encourage you to hold on to your purity with all your strength…you can never have it back…when you are finished with school and go back to your home and reunite with your boyfriend just imagine how much more special it will be to have sex with him on your wedding night and know that you withstood the temptation to be like the rest of the world…if your love can withstand 12 timezones then you will have enough love to wait for marriage…if you are afraid that you will never sleep with him if you leave without doing it first then please examine those fears and ask yourself…"if we don’t think that we will reunite one day then why would we have sex, why would you have sex with someone that you are not sure will be waiting for you when you come back???" you have a very special gift that quite a few 17 year old don’t have anymore…virginity, purity, the chance to give yourself away for the first time on your wedding night….I didn’t get to give my husband that gift but the gift we gave each other was to not have sex until that night…it was worth the wait… I encourage you to do the same…Stand Up Girl…you can do it…also…I agree that the stories here are amazing…young single moms who make it through college and sometimes even high school with babies…they deserve a round of applause if not more…but..please don’t put yourself in the position to go through it…and like I said..birth control is not the answer…it is abstinence…keep your gift, it is so very valuable…you will never regret giving it to your future husband on your wedding night…I can promise…but…you may regret later on in life (like myself) not waiting…I hope this helps you and I really hope that you will be a Stand Up kind of Girl and Stand for Purity…Love Meg
ParticipantSo I have a few questions…Does your mom know about the relationship??? Is your sister sexually active?? When your sister is not around him does she talk more and then be quiet when he is there?? I was in an abusive relationship for over a year, I was not allowed to talk to my own sister and she lived in the same house…If I went to the kitchen for something and he heard me and my sister engage in any form of conversation he would grill me the second I got back in the room…What did she say?? why were you talking to her?? what??are you gonna leave me?? and he would be a huge jerk…my sister tried to warn me, she told me that he was no good, she was willing to tell him to leave and protect me from ever having to see him again but I was to scared to not have him in my life…we had a baby together and my mom had killed herself and other than my sister I had no one, and she was pregnant and had two kids already I didn’t want to burden her…I was trapped in this relationship and I raised my daughter in a small bedroom for the first year of her life and I was not allowed to even shower by myself or go to the store by myself and I was accused of trying to cheat on him if I checked my rear view mirror and he saw that a guy was behind us in the car….I had to make the choice to leave him and nothing my sister showed me, told me, pointed out to me about him helped me to do it….I was 20 so there is a difference between your sister and myself though…your mom needs to get involved, if your sister screams and throws a tantrum and turns blue in the face it doesn’t matter, your mom is her guardian and she has full legal rights to make decisions for your sister because she is a minor and still in school…your mom could probably even put your sister on house arrest and have her do her school work at home if that is what it takes to keep her from this guy, I don’t know how old he is but if he is older than 17 I bet he could go to jail if they are sleeping together…the scary thing is that you don’t want your sister to rebel even more by running away or purposely getting pregnant so it needs to be handled very carefully but regardless it needs to be addressed…I don’t even think we are going to let our daughter have a boyfriend at 14 much less spend all her time with him and be a brat about it…when my daughter gets a bad attitude we take away her favorite things (dress up, princess stuff) until her attitude changes…sounds like your sister needs to be put in check if you ask me and she also needs to be protected from this relationship…if you need me to tell you anything else about the abuse I was in or have questions that you think I could answer as a result of it please email me at and I would love to share with you, you can also leave a message for me in my profile book…I hope all works out with your sis….thanks for Standing Up for her…Love Meg
ParticipantWell I’m glad you are not rushing things and I’m glad that you can see through the ex…but just take it slow…k…let these guys take you to a nice dinner or to a movie..its ok to be treated to a nice evening, just don’t let them take advantage of your body…put these guys to the test…if they really like you and want to have a relationship they wont be trying to get down your pants…(well maybe) but the one who loves and respects you the most will ask for your hand before he asks to take your clothes off…you deserve the best…don’t settle…Love Meg
ParticipantHey there…I’m Meg with Standupgirl and I wanted to say that I am so proud of you for choosing life and for making the choice in your heart to never choose abortion again…my concern for you is that if you don’t tell your mom how are you going to receive proper prenatal care…I can understand you not wanting to tell her because if I remember right she is the one who "decided for you" to end your other child’s life…if you would please call Option Line at 1-800-395-HELP , they might be able to hook you up with some form of prenatal care in the meantime until you can communicate with your family, normally I don’t agree with a girl to not tell her parents but if you would be "forced" into abortion then I don’t blame you for waiting to tell them until you are far enough along, but please…seek prenatal care and take your vitamins…I am not a doctor so I can’t give you medical advice but if you call Option Line they might be able to…I will be praying for you and for the protection of your baby….if you need anything else whether it be questions or help finding resources in your area please don’t hesitate to ask….Love Meg
ParticipantLANSINOH….your new best friend…I remember the pain of breast feeding….I did it as long as I could with both kids and they have never had ear infections so it is so worth it….I don’t know if you have any Lansinoh…it comes in a purple tube and it works wonders…I havent breast fed in almost 3 years and I still keep it around for chapstick…LOL…it will heal you up quickly… I am not a doctor so this is not medical advice but my encouragement is to just make sure you keep your nipples clean and make sure they are dry after each feeding…put enough lansinoh on each nipple to help the healing process between feedings…are you feeding one breast per feeding or 20 mins each side??? I always fed back and forth…I have heard that the best milk is at the end of the feeding and if you switch sides half way through then the baby doesn’t get the fatty milk from the end of the feeding…I kept a safety pin on my bra strap to remember what side I needed to feed from next…also…if you get a breast pump then you can still feed your little guy the nummy breast milk and give your nipples a break…at least a few times a day go sit in your room or the bathroom with no shirt or bra on and "air out"….just keep a towel under you to catch any milk that escapes but let your nipples breathe….to moist keeps them from healing….to dry makes them crack worse…just find the right balance that works for you….I usually let me nipples air out right after the feeding because I wouldn’t shoot milk all over LOL….I would give it some time and then apply the lansinoh….so what did the nurse do to make your baby not want to breast feed??? Mean ol nurse…also when you go to detach baby from breast do you stick your finger in his mouth to break suction??? that will help with the nipple pain as well…good job mommy for breastfeeding…do it as long as you can but know that you already gave him the most important stuff so don’t stress to much…your a good mommy…Love Meg
ParticipantHey there…first I don’t know how long you were in a relationship with the guy that cheated..but…I wouldn’t jump back into a new one just yet and waiting around for your ex to die to get money is not a very good reason to go back to a cheater…you might end up with 300 grand one day but maybe you will have AIDS or some other disease by then from his cheating and 300 grand doesn’t go far with those types of medical expenses…I know that you have been through so much with losing your baby and the ability to have more I really feel for you and want you to experience healing from hurt and bitterness…I really recommend taking some you time…figure out what you want in life…find out who you are before trying to figure out who you want to be with and why…do you have any girl friends to have ladies nights with??? maybe get together with your family once a week for game night??? that would be the ideal place to go on a date with someone that you are unsure about…bring him to your family and ask their opinion…if you have the fear of being cheated on again then please wait until you have experienced healing before you enter into the dating cycle again…you might chase off the RIGHT guy because you are not ready to trust again or you might end up putting yourself in direct line with more heartache….I am here for you and I hope this has helped a little…you deserve better than these boys…you need a real man who will love you and honor you..not just take advantage of your body and then betray you…take care and keep me updated on how things are going…Love Meg
ParticipantI breastfed my daughter for about 6 months and my son for only a month….with my daughter I was a stay home mom for the first year of her life so I was able to do so…with my son..well he came ot work with me when he was 1 week old…I was a single mom and I could not afford to stay home from work, I worked the day before I went in to be induced and he came to work with me for three weeks…he was a month old when I quit breastfeeding but it want by choice…I was so overwhelmed with all the changes…going from 1 to 2 on your own is a very tough transition…I ended up having mastitus 3 times in a month…it sent me to the emergency room twice…I was trying to breastfeed and pump to keep a good supply and work and take care of my daughter and clean and do the shopping and go to church and play with the kids…I finally woke up one morning at my sons great grandmas house (on top of it my pellet stove had quit working in December so I had to stay the night there until my stove was serviced) after a night with no sleep and horribly over full breasts with bright red blotches all over them I was covered head to toe in little red bumps…I was so stressed out that my body was shutting down…I quit breastfeeding that day…I fed him the supply I had saved up from pumping and then put him on formula…I so wish that I could have breastfed him longer but being a good mom and not going to the loony bin was worth stopping…I know locally there is a "club" called Le Leche League…it is a group of women that encourage you and teach you the best methods for breastfeeding…if you have a hard time talk to WIC and see if they can help you find something like that where you are….as long as you are able to maintain sanity for your child then please breastfeed…if nothing else the first couple of days before you get milk are the most important…babies really need the colosterum…I look forward to having another baby..I think we are going to start trying in November…I am going to do everything I can to learn the art of breastfeeding so that what happened with my son wont happen again…with all that said..neither of my kids have ever had an ear infection at 5 and 2 1/2…I think it has alot to do with the breast milk…even a little does a whole lot more than none…give it a try…and yes I agree with the other ladies…a different kind of bra is needed after breast feeding but the bonding that takes place with your child in that time is worth more than perfect breasts..LOL…Love Meg
ParticipantHey Taryn…my advice would be to call your doctor…and don’t take no for an answer…has this doctor had children?? If so has she forgotten what it is like to have concerns and to be told "don’t worry"…I am not a doctor so I can’t tell you whether you have reason to worry or not but it is always best to trust your maternal instinct…no one knows your body better than you do and you have been through pregnancy before and know what to expect…on that note I can tell you as a mom of two that my second pregnancy was way different…it could be that you are overdoing it..slow down a bit and put your feet up more…even if you are physically not doing a whole lot make your mind rest…call your doctor if you have concerns and tell her that if she wont see you that you will have to find a new doctor that will be more concerned for her/his patient…that is what I did with my first…my doctor was so mean to me…I was 19 and single…my moms fiance (one of my best friends) died in an accident I had a restraining order on the dad and then my om killed herself and I found her body…I had an appointment at 12:30pm I was taken back to my room where I waited for so long that I eventually fell asleep…I woke up at like 4:55pm and realized that they never came in to see me…I was emotionally unsound and a total mess…they left me in that room for over 4 hours…now I live in a town of like 17,000 people it is not like they were so slammed that they didn’t know I was there…tiny town…not alot of people at the same clinic..I got up to leave and when I left the room you should have seen his face…pale white..he realized that he had forgotten me…and he was aware of my circumstances…he told me to go back in and that he would be in in a moment….I listened…I was crying with the whole snot coming out of my nose thing going on and I had a very difficult time regaining composure…after all my whole life was falling apart and every time I closed my eyes all I could see was my mom in the state that I had found her in…this doctor told me to get a grip and to grow up and he told me "what do you want me to do…I’m not a pshychiatrist"…lets just say I got a new doctor…he listened, he cared and he understood me being worried and stressed about the baby he was smart enough to realize that I had good reason to worry about loosing her…he always took my calls or called me back the same day…and he delivered both of my kids…to this day I love and respect that man dearly and as often as I see him around town or when my friends have babies nad he is still there…I tell him that…if this lady doesn’t take care of you …find someone who will…you deserve to be taken seriously…I will pray for you and I hope all is well but make sure you get in to the doctor…don’t take no for an answer…Love Meg