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  • in reply to: Confused #11861

    I think that you should just get a test and see. I respect the fact that you arent gonna get an abortion if you r prego. I know what it feels like to have people wanting you to abort the child. believe me lol I’m almost 6 months pregnant and my boobs grew almost two cup sizes and my nipples arent that much darker. Theyre just freakin huge now. ew lol so they dont necessarily have to get darker. I’m gonna be 17 next month so i know how it feels to be young n have to deal with this. I hope it works out! let me know if you need anything. Ooh, and you have to tell me what the outcome is lol

    in reply to: a little help please #11860

    I would get bloodwork to make sure. My OBGYN told me that sometimes, pregnant womens hormone levels are below what a test can read.. or something along those lines.. Theyres numbers that your hormone levels have to be and most tests cant read below a 6. Youre hormone level can be as low as a 3 and you can still be pregnant. Thats what he told me when i had a scare last year. So you could or could not be. If youre under stress, that could be it. Or, if you had a thought in your head that you are pregnant, its a proven fact that you can actually get what seems like pregnancy symptoms. I hope everything works out!

    in reply to: am i pregnant? #11816

    i had cramps when i first got pregnant. idk if they were menstral cramps though. it could be a lot of things. id recomend talking to a doctor. it could be bc of the miscarrage too :dry:

    in reply to: Could i be pregnant? #11815

    its not all in your head. get tested. id recomend buying 2 or 3 tests to be safe lol and check it in the morning. even though you were on the shot, you could be that 2 or 3% ya kno? lemme know how it turns out!

    in reply to: Please help me. #11814

    Im 16 and pregnant also. Im 5 1/2 months along. Although my boyfriend is 21, we still had the hardship of telling my parents. i now, no longer talk to my father or family(not that i really talked to them before). And my mom is my best friend right now. shes helped me so much. im doing cyber school so i can get my highschool education and i am going to go to college. you can do it. its not impossible. if your parents tell you that you HAVE to get an abortion, you can say no. they, by law, cannot make you get one. thats one right that you do have. you may be their child but the little being inside you is your child. Theres plenty of teenage moms that make it even better than non teenage moms. Id strongly reccomend not getting an abortion for two reasons. one: read some of the girls storys on here and you’ll understand. and two: if you want to have kids in the future, an abortion might take that chance away bc some ppl cant have kids after an abortion. if your and his family take it out of control and tell you that they wont help you and they may even threaten to kick you out but once they see the child on the sonagram or hear the heartbeat, they SHOULD come to terms with it. if not, theres plenty of help you can get. if you need ANYTHING, email me back. ill gladly answer any questions, and ill gladly hear what you have to say 🙂 goodluck

    in reply to: someone help! #11813

    yes you can have symptoms before your missed period. i didnt even suspect pregnancy as a possibility until mine was missed for 3 weeks but you can def have them.

    in reply to: 7 Weeks pregnant! #11795

    i was 7 weeks prego when i found out. lol money wise, id look for hand-me-downs from people that just had babies n stuff. i never even knew what the salvation army was before i was prego. now, thats where i get most of my baby stuff. my mom bought me $400 worth of baby stuff at walmart n i still have basically nothing. i cant work b/c of my arm (i have a story posted, i dont feel like typing the story again lol)and my bf works at movie gallery for $5.40 an hour so consider your bf lucky lol. money will be really tight and youll prolly have to get clothes at walmart instead of ambercrombie. but itll be worth it. so i hear.. lol im 5 1/2 months prego. i didnt really get that many symptoms until about 17 weeks. youll get cramps and occasional puke. its different for everyone. i hope it works out for you! im 16 also and my mom trys to help and the rest of my family disowned me. i havent talked to any of them for about 3 1/2 months. idc though. its not like they were there for me before anyway 🙂

    in reply to: 16, pregnant and alone #11787

    i am 16, pregnant and was diagnosed with severe depression. i have scars from cutting myself and i was in the hospital twice for trying to OD on medications. I cant take my meds now that im prego. I did all that about 2 years ago. My family disowns me too. all i got is my brothers, mom and fiance. Although my fiance will be there for the baby, i know how you feel. if hes gonna be like that then you dont need him anyway. i went to rehab to get better and even though you probably deny going now, you should definitly send yourself there. it will be better for you and the baby. even if you just go for a few weeks. it will give you time away to think and get on your feet. plus, if you prove to the courts that u are trying to get better, then youll have more of a chance at winning the custody trial. goodluck and get at me if you need anything

    in reply to: kindly advice #11786

    i think i replyed to you earlier but im 5 n a half months prego n i started to feel it at about 20wks. im 22wks now

    in reply to: What does he want from me? #11785

    Do what ever makes you happy. If you two cant just have a father to mother relationship then so be it. i know you want to be in a friendship for the kids but he shouldnt keep you from seeing other people. live your own life. if he can have a girlfriend around your kids, then y cant you have a boyfriend around them. dont play his games. my mom did that with my dad for years n shes 42 with no one. goodluck

    in reply to: advice wanted #11784

    I wouldnt even bring it up until you find out for sure. Test yourself more than once to make sure. If you are, the most you can do it just tell him and theres a 50/50 chance on what hell say. I mean, 3 years? he had to think about what would happen if you got prego at least once ya kno? or bring it up jokingly n see what he says. i hope it works out

    in reply to: advice wanted #11783

    I wouldnt even bring it up until you find out for sure. Test yourself more than once to make sure. If you are, the most you can do it just tell him and theres a 50/50 chance on what hell say. I mean, 3 years? he had to think about what would happen if you got prego at least once ya kno? or bring it up jokingly n see what he says. i hope it works out

    in reply to: I’M SCARED WHATS WRONG WITH MY BABY? #11782

    you have every right to be worried. i would be too. if the baby was moving, then obviously its alive. did you see the heart beat in the sonagram? the dr should usually show you the heart beating. Maybe it was something wrong with the ultrasound equipment. idk i hope everything works out n lemme know!

    in reply to: CONFUSED-PLEASE GIVE ADVICE! #11781

    I know im only 16 but i think i can maybe help. I know you already had an abortion so you know how it feels but i dont think you should get another one. its not my place to tell you what to do, im just giving my opinion. My boyfriend is 22 years old. I was in a car accident and lost mobility in my left arm. i had to choose my arm or the baby bc once the babys born the nerves in my arm will be completely dead. I chose the baby. I know you dont think you can do it as a single mom but take it from someone in my situation.. The dad wont even be able to sign the birth cerificate till im 18. Hes gonna be there but i cant even get a job with my arm. If you choose to abort the baby, your hubby should respect your decision. If you choose to keep it, your kids will be jealous at first but then theyll learn to love the child. Whatever you choose to do is your choice. I hope you keep it and let it grow up and have a life but thats just me b/c i know someone who was forced to abort her child so im all against it now but you need to do whats in your heart. as the saying goes "follow your heart"

    goodluck with everything and if u need anything get at me0

    in reply to: HELP! i need some advice #11780

    Im 5 and a half months pregnant. Im 16 years old and will be 17 when the babys born. My whole family except my mom completely disowned me and told me im never allowed in their homes, around them, and if i see them, not to even look at them if i keep it. Well, i kept it. I was in a car accident and lost mobility in my left arm. the day of my surgery was when i found out i was prego. they basically told me "my arm or the baby" so i had to choose:
    "be 16, raise a baby with one arm since by the time the babys born the nerves will be completely dead, and have my family disown me (even though im not close with them anyway)"


    "kill an innocent child that didnt choose to be put in my belly and move my arm again"

    so i chose to keep the baby. Were gonna try the surgery when the babys born. Theres an 85% chance my arm will never move again. Even though I cant get a job, i wont have my arm, or my family, i know that it will be worth it when my son is born and i hold the little munchkin :-p

    think about it. i hope i helped

    in reply to: he might be abusive….need advice #11779

    what ever you choose will be the right thing to do. A lot of people raise a baby on their own. Being pro-life, i believe you should keep the baby no matter what. You can get child support and WIC n etc. Maybe he’ll come around later on in the pregnancy. If not, id keep the baby and let it grow up to be a beautiful boy or girl and im sure that everyday, he’ll think about his child at least once. I hope everything works out for you. i really do. just try to get through it the best you can and dont let anyone put you down

    in reply to: Hard Choices ~ yet again #11778

    whoah. I thought i had a lot to deal with. ill be raising my baby at 17yrs old. But the catch is, i’ll be doing it with only one arm. i was in a car accident and lost mobility in my left arm and the day i found out i was prego was the day i was supposed to get #1 of 2 surgerys. They basically said, "your arm or the child" and i chose the child. i dont believe in abortion at all. Im gonna try the surgery when my son is born but theres an 85% chance that it wont work. I mean, its hard enough raising a child as a teenager with two arms let alone one. How old were you when you had your children?

    in reply to: Hello! #11776

    Awe lol i wish i was having a girl :-p im gonna have a beautiful boy though lol my babys due january 22nd so were really close in our due dates lol i hope it works out! im 16 though so im kinda scared, kinda not. if that makes sense lol

    in reply to: late period #11775

    if i was you, i would go to the gyno. They can give you a blood test to tell if your prego or not. some peoples hormone levels are too low to get an accurate result on the pee test. Thats what they told me when i had a scare last year. Theres also free clinics that you can go to. i hope everything works out for you

    in reply to: is it wrong to want to keep this baby? #11774

    No ones ready for pregnancy (unless you plan it) but it just happens. My whole family tried to get me to abort my baby and since i wouldnt, no one will talk to me. (not like they did before) but anyway, u can get alot of help with WIC and Welfare if you need it. Theres so much help out there and once you see the sonagram, and feel it kick for the first time, youll never give second thoughts to keeping it. good luck

    in reply to: pregnant?…im a minor can she do that? #11773

    i think you should get a test. Your mother CANNOT force you to get an abortion. you may be her child, but if youre prego, then thats YOUR child. When you are prego, theres certain things that youre considered an adult on, such as doctors appts, AND choosing to keep your baby or not. Abortion can also cause you never to have kids again. IF your prego and IF you want to keep the baby, do so. and once its born, your mother wont be able to help but love it. good luck! 🙂

    in reply to: Eating during pregnancy #11754

    thanx for the advice! <3

    in reply to: what if #11753

    yes you can still get pregnant. when a guy cums inside of you, it doesnt just stay there, it comes out. Thats’ how i got pregnant.

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/09/15 02:04

    in reply to: am i pregnant or not #11752

    you could or could not be. its normal to eperience symptoms of being pregnant if you think you are. for example, you had unprotected sex with your boyfriend so your going to keep an eye out for pregnancy symptoms and they may seem like theyre there because youre watching for them. do you know what i mean? on the other hand, it may be too early to tell. sometimes you cant tell on certain tests for about 3wks to a month. Or the test could have not been accurate.. lol whatever happens, i wish you the best of luck! :-p

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/09/15 02:04

    in reply to: Someone, anyone…help #11751

    My theory on the situation is, if he doesnt want the baby, then he wont be a good father anyway. There are so many babys that dont have dads. Maybe you’ll meet someone that will accept the baby just as it was his. Even though he wont be the biological dad, he will still love it the same. maybe youll meet someone like that. if not, then get child support, raise the baby to be a wonderful person and then when everything is going great, rub it in his face. proove to him that you dont need him.. thats what i would do. if you need anything my email is [you can reach me through the profile link below]

    Post edited by: acas, at: 2006/09/15 01:59

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