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  • in reply to: need some advice!!!! #13925

    You can get prego at anytime. Sometimes your just more fertile then others. So, yes you can lol

    in reply to: I cant get over it.. #13419

    I don’t believe in abortion, BUT, its understandable that you panicked and wasnt sure what to do. I’m not exactly sure how you feel or what your going through b/c I’m 32 weeks prego now, but i would definitly seek professional help and talk to someone. I’ve been in counseling for multiple things in my past and I might persue a career in it and it really does help. maybe you can be put on anti-depressants. I got put on them in 1999 when my cousin died in my arms and I just stopped taking them b/c of the pregnancy. They really do help. goodluck

    in reply to: I miss my daughter #13207

    Awe I’m so sorry :unsure: I wish I could say something but I cant because I dont know how you feel. My cousin died in my arms when I was 11 and i still think about it like it happened yesterday so I dont know if that is the same or not.. Idk your doing good for yourself. keep it up and do something with your life and have a baby when you get older and get on your feet.

    in reply to: PURE CONFUSION #13026

    [color=#008000][color=#008000]Dont let anyone tell you what to do. I was in a car accident last February and now I cant lift my left arm. i can only move my fingers and wrist. I have to get 2 surgeries to fix it and theres an 85% chance that the movement wont come back. On May 30th, I was scheduled to have my surgery. At this time, the chances of it coming back were 90%. I was waiting for the doctor and then he came in and told me that I couldnt get the surgery until after my baby was born. I was like, "WHAT BABY?!" and he told me i was pregnant. So if i aborted the baby, i could move my arm. I chose to keep my baby and now the surgery probably wont work. We’re going to TRY it when the babys born. So, I am 17, I cant use my left arm, I have no help other than my fiance who just lost his job, I dont talk to ANY of my old friends. I have one friend who stayed loyal to me, I’m 17 and hes 22 so he cant even sign the birth certificate till im 18 next october. I had people telling me to get an abortion so i can move my arm again but i would never kill my innocent child… even for my own arm.. I’m not telling you what to do. I’m just telling you that if i can do it, then you can do it and dont let ANYONE try to talk you out of being a mother. The first time you feel the baby kick, you will understand why you kept it.
    if you need anything, email me. Im not one to judge.


    in reply to: So Scared! #13006

    I was in a car accident and I cant lift my left arm. I can only move my fingers and wrist. I was at the hospital, ready to undergo my first surgery and they made me pee in a cup and then told me i was pregnant. They said that if i kept the baby then the surgery probably wont work after waiting till the babys born. I just turned 17 on october 27th. My fiance/ the babys dad is 22 so he cant even sign the birth certificate till im 18. My whold family disowned me. But guess what? I kept the baby and I dont regret it. If i can do it, then you can too. Its your decision and im not trying to tell you what to do. NO ONE can tell you what to do. I just dont believe in abortion in general let alone as a means of birth control. This girl on here posted a video on birth control called "the hard truth" I’m going to copy the link to you. Just click on the "Abortion: the hard thruth" video and watch it. i cried I couldnt make it through the whole thing. I’m now 30 weeks pregnant and I dont regret anything. I still cant lift my left arm. I’m going to get the 2 surgeries on it after the babys born but they probably wont work. I still dont regret my choice. Good Luck and if you need anything. let me know. I know that if i can do it, then anyone can 🙂

    in reply to: is my gf pregnant #12950

    Eh.. It depends on which test you got. if it was a cheap test from the dollar tree then maybe but most tests are accurate. Hey, she got her period on my bday :-p lol anyway, the tests are unlikely but theyre there. maybe she peed too much or too little. I am 30 weeks prego now but last year i had a scare and i had a false positive b/c i didnt pee enough. Id get another test or just go to the doctors or the free clinic and get one

    in reply to: im 17 and 20 week preg n i think my man is cheatin #12863

    I’m 17 and 29 weeks prego and my boyfriend is 22 also. He doesnt hang out w/ girls unless im with him and i dont hang out w/ guys when hes not with me so i know hes not cheatin.. ANYWAY, i would talk to him. Be flat out and be like "dude are you seein other women?" thats what i would do. Explain to him that you are carrying HIS kid and he needs to be faithful to you.. especially for the babys sake.

    in reply to: Baby’s Daddy #12862

    Look, its not like you knew. It’s not your fault. It happens. Your not selfish. You gave your life to your little boy and im sure that he will understand when he gets older. Email me if you need to talk.

    in reply to: "My life" #12740

    I have to have two different surgeries after my son is born on my arm so that I MIGHT be able to lift it again. They’re both 4-6 hour procedures and I’ll have one, then two weeks later, they are going to do the other one. I’m scared that something like what happened to you will happen to me. They have to take a major nerve from my one leg on the first surgery and cut my neck and attach it there. Then on the second one, theyre taking another major nerve and attaching it to right beside/behind my boob. There is going to be a spot like, the size of a silver dollar on my foot that I wont be able to feel but they told it it wont effect my walking or anything. I’m scared that they will mess up somehow and i wont be able to walk again or they will do something wrong b/c theyre working around my neck n heart. They assure me that I have the best doctor around and nothing will go wrong but with my luck it will..

    So, what started the problems with you and your ex? You mentioned what happened but I dont remember reading why it happened. (If you dont mind telling me..) Me and my fiance get into a lot of fights. Sometimes theyre so bad that I just want to run away and never come home. But i know that everything is going to be ok and we always make up. I’m just scared that one day, we wont. Theyre mostly over me being a b*tch b/c of my pregnancy hormones though.

    I hope everything works out for you. I really do. You seem like a good person and a great mom and I hope I can be that good to my son when he’s born 🙂

    in reply to: deperately need help #12711

    I just turned 17. I found out I was prego when I was 7 weeks along. The dad is still in my life and I love him to death. I have to raise the baby using one arm thanks to a car accident that I was in. I’d tell your parents asap. You need OBGYN appts and most of the time, parents that you think will flip out will be supportive of you. i’m lucky that I have the babys dad/my fiance to help me though all of this but even if he wasnt there, i still would have the child. You can get child support, WIC, Cash Assistance, etc

    in reply to: can’t feel him move!! #12645

    I felt mine starting at 22 weeks. Everyones different. I think mines just lazy though. Lol he only moves when I’m trying to sleep.

    in reply to: an important question?please help #12644

    If your bleeding heavily then Id run to the doctor. But if its just light, spotting, then i’d just call the doctor

    in reply to: Abortion #12643

    I know what you mean when you think it’s wrong. I do to. I don’t believe in it what so ever, BUT, that doesn’t meant that the people who had one should be judged. Its kind of like religion in a way. Everyone believes something different. You wouldnt go criticizing a muslim b/c your christian, everyone believes in different things. I personally believe that there is other options but some people dont, ya know?

    in reply to: im 16 and happily pregnant!! #12612

    Fer real. I turned 17 today and im 28 weeks prego on monday. Your due 11 days before me lol :-p were awesome hahaha seems like things are finally workin out for both of us

    in reply to: Am I??? #12593

    go get bloodwork from the OBGYN. My OB told me that bloodwork is the only way to find out 100% b/c your hormone levels can be high enough to be prego but not hight enough for a pee test to read. Or, its prooven that if you want to be prego, or if you think you are, it can actually delay your period and make you get sick. I hope everything works out the way you want it to!!!!!!!! 😛

    in reply to: help me please #12592

    I hate to say it, but youre probably gonna have to wait a week and see. Or you could get a pee test but im sure you already know that. the only way to be 100% sure is to go to the OBGYN and get bloodwork. Sometimes your hormone level is high enough to be pregnant but not high enough for a pee test to read. thats what my OB told me. I wish you luck on concieving. That must be terrible to not be able to conceive. Mine was unexpected. I’m only 17.

    in reply to: preocupada #12562

    Yo no podía entender todo que usted dijo, pero pienso que usted dijo que usted está embarazado y tiene problemas con sangría y calambres. Si es lo que usted dijo, Vaya ver a un doctor immediatly. Yo llamaría ahora mismo e iría al hospital. Usted necesita mirado.

    in reply to: Please help #12561

    id just get a prego test and find out. It may be b/c of your period or you could possibly be pregnant.

    in reply to: think im preg cn sum 1 help? #12496

    Id get a test to make sure. thats how my pregnancy started so you very well could be

    in reply to: Abortion worries!?!?!? #12495

    Listen, I tell my story to everyone but i really want you to listen to me. I’m turning 17 on October 27th. I got pregnant in April. i was in a bad car accident in february and i cant move my left arm. I cant lift it or anything. I can only move my fingers and wrist. The day i went to get my surgery, the dr told me i was pregnant. The dad is 22. I have to try to get around the system so he can sign the birth certificate and i have to be a 17 year old mother, raising a child with ONE arm. Most people can barely raise a kid with two arms. I havent talked to any of my family besides my mom in 5 months when i found out i was pregnant. I still kept the baby. If i can do it, then you can do it. Please dont kill an innocent child. Theres always adoption.

    in reply to: BABY GIRL NAMES?? #12494

    If i was having a girl, i liked Kaidence Aldoncia. Aldoncia is spanish so i guess unless you or the dad is latino, that middle name wouldnt work. lol


    I also thought about

    Maya (not Mya.. Maya as in Mayo with an a. lol) Chache. (K-a-shay)
    Maya Chache. It means "beautiful Aurora)
    I’ve never heard anyone with that name and i really like it

    in reply to: HELP #12455

    you have to tell them. If youre a teen living in their home, then definitly tell them. You need to go to the OBGYN and get all these tests and you have to watch your diet, theyll eventually find out anyway when you start to show. The sooner you tell them the better

    in reply to: Confused #12454

    You very well could be. YOu dont necessarily feel it kicking that early but you definitly know theres something in your belly. It does feel different. So idk. Go to the OBGYN and get bloodwork. Thats the only way to be 100% sure. When i had a scare last year b4 i actually got pregnant, i got bloodwork b/c my OBGYN told me sometimes the hormone levels are too low for a pee test to calculate, but still high enough to be prego

    in reply to: stagitory rape… :/ #12369

    I know EXACTLY how you feel. I’m 16, gonna be 17 next week 🙂 and my fiance is 22. I thought my mom would kill me and him. I told her that he was 22 and not 19 when we found out i was prego. She was KINDA upset at first. but now he lives with me, and after the babys born in january, we’re going to get a place. I really thought my mom would send him to jail. She is actually so supportive of it. She says "if i send him to jail, then the baby wont have a dad." and she likes him now that she knows him. He just got off paroll and he now has to serve 5 years of probation. So, his family thinks im 18 😉 b/c if they find out that im just turning 17, then he could go back to jail. I’m talking to an attorney and shes finding out for me if he can go to jail considering it WAS consential. Since, i was 16 at the time and not younger, then i should be able to get around the whole jail thing if anyone finds out. So, message me or sign my guest book so I can get ahold of you easier and when I find out about it, I’ll let you know 🙂

    in reply to: dont no what 2 do !!!!!!! #12368

    I think you should keep it. Get the dad for child support. Me and my fiance are moving out of my moms house in april or may of ’07 n the baby will be here in January of ’07. I’m gonna be 17 on Oct 27th so if i can do it you can goodluck

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