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  • in reply to: QUESTION???? #10729

    I can understand your concern with your irregular cycle. My cycle tends to be irregular too, which makes it hard to know if you might be pregnant. If you are concerned that you might be pregnant I would take a pregnancy test. If you want to be sure not to get pregnant you might want to consider rethinking the sexual aspecy of your relationship, as it is potentially possible to get pregnant any time you have sex.


    in reply to: symptoms of 2 weeks to 1 month pregnancy #10728

    How long ago has it been since you had sex? Have you missed a period yet? It is possible to get pregnant during your period, though often ovulation is normally most likely to occur in the middle of your cycle. If it has been less than 2 weeks it may be too early for a pregnancy test to detect a pregnancy. I would wait and see if you miss your next period, if it is late I would take a pregnancy test to find out for sure whether you are pregnant or not.


    in reply to: Parents? #10713


    First of all I would take a test to find out for sure whether you are pregnant or not. If you are pregnant it might be scary to tell your parents, but perhaps thet will be more supportive than you might think. Good luck.


    in reply to: 30 wks epidural or not to epidural..?? #10710


    I had my first child Aidan about 6 weeks ago. I wasn’t sure what to expect about labor and pain as well. I went into labor with the attitude that I would go into labor without an epidural or pain meds, but if the pain got too intense or the doctor recommended them I wouldn’t rule them out.

    Overall labor for me was easier than I had imagined it would be. That’s not to say that it doesn’t involve pain, because quite frankly it is pretty painful, but it was a lot more managable than I had anticipated. I started having mild contractions around 6 pm on feb 12. By 1:00 they had gotten stronger and closer so we headed to the hospital. Labor progressed fairly quickly until it stalled at about seven centimeters. They decided to give me oxytocin to make the contractions harder and faster and hopefully speed up the labor. Well it made the contractions much much faster and more intense but it wasn’t making me dialate faster which was frustrating!!!! Also I felt the overwhelming urge to push with the contractions, but was told not to. The doctor recommended that I be given an epidural. At that point I thought that en epidural sounded pretty good and I didn’t object too much. However it took the anesthesiologist about 30-45 minutes to arrive. Before the gave the epidural they checked for progress and I had dialated to 9 centimeters so they decided NOT to do the epidural and decided to let me start pushing. Aidan was born probably an hour later (maybe less) at 12:03 pm on Feb 13th without an epidural or any pain meds!

    The pain is not constant. It comes in waves with contractions. If it were constant it would probably be unbearable, but in bursts it is more manageable. Have you taken a lamaze class? The breathing techniques really did help. I don’t know if you are a Christian or believe in God, but although it may sound corny in my head during labor I prayed for God to help me through and reminded myself that I was strong because God was at my side giving me strength.

    Each person is different and each delivery is different. Listen to your doctor and listen to your own body. I don’t know if this helps, but you will make it through and when you get to hold your baby the pain will be worth it. Good luck!


    in reply to: Help PLEASE!!! #10319


    If your boyfriend cares about you he would take responsibility for his actions and be there for you and for the baby. It takes two people to make a baby and he is as much responsible as you are. I understand that you feel that you don’t want to lose your boyfriend, but you deserve to be treated better. If he is threatining to leave you and forcing you to have an abortion that you do not want to have, then you deserve much better. Please don’t let your boyfriend or anyone else force you into an abortion you do not want. If you have already come to love the child developing inside you, then I would encourage you to cancel the appointment you made and give it life. Perhaps adoption could be an option if you both are not ready for parenthood yet. If your boyfriend can’t accept your decision to have the baby and gives you a hard time than you deserve better…how can you trust him for love and support in the future? Hopefully your boyfriend will come around and support you and the baby.


    in reply to: Just found out and scared to death #10318

    My parents are very conservative too. I had a couple of pregnancy scares in college and the thought of having to tell my family that I was pregnant terrified me! I have to admit that even though I considered myself to be pro-life the thought of abortion did cross my mind. I didn’t want to have to tell them. I didn’t want to be judged. I didn’t want to be lectured and yelled at or see their disappointment in me. I just wanted the problem to go away. It turned out luckily that I was not pregnant either of those times.

    If the tests had come back positive I hope that I would have had the strength to face the negative reactions of my family and carry the child to life. Abortion may seem like an easy solution, may seem like a quick fix to make the problem go away without anyone having to know. However, it is not as simple as it seems on the surface. Before you decide to have an abortion I would encourage you to read the posts and stories from other girls who have had abortion and are now dealing with the pain, grief and guilt or even physical health consequences of the past abortion.

    If the time is not right for you to have a child I would encourage you to consider adoption, rather than abortion. That way your child would be given life and you and your boyfriend can move on with your lives and wait to raise children until you are ready for parenthood. It is very normal to be scared! I completely understand, but don’t let fear drive you into snap or rash decisions that you may regret later. Please consider all options before rushing into abortion. Perhaps your family will be more supportive than you might have imagined.


    in reply to: Having an Abortion is scary! #10317

    I know in the states there is a group called Project Rachel that offers counseling and support for women who are dealing with pain and grief from abortion. I’m not sure if they have groups in Europe as well, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they do. It might be good to seek support and counseling from other women who have gone throught the same situations and emotions. Unfortunately you can’t go back and change the past, but you can learn from the situation and make better choices in the future.


    in reply to: miscarry info please #10316

    I have never had to deal with the pain of miscarriage. (At least that I am aware of – there was one time that I suspect that I maybe may have had an early miscarriage, but I don’t know if I was pregnant of not.)

    However, I have had friends and relatives that have had to deal with the pain of miscarriage. The pain and grief is very real. I don’t know what to tell her specifically. It is very unlikely that the miscarriage was her fault. She shouldn’t be made to feel guilty, but it is a common emotion with miscarriage. Tell her you that you are here for her if she needs a friend, an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on. Tell her that you care about her. You sound like a very good friend to me.


    in reply to: i ShulDnt have to ChooSE #10315

    Don’t let your boyfriend put you down or make you feel bad about the pregnancy. It takes two people to make a baby and he is as much responsible as you are. Unfortunately it sounds like he is not being responsible and definitely not being supportive of you. You deserve much better. With support from your family the pregnancy will be much easier. Listen to your heart and hang in there. Do not let you boyfriend pressure you into an abortion you do not want. Perhaps he will come around and be more supportive, but if not you are strong and can make it without him. Best wishes.


    in reply to: I think I might be pregnant again #10305

    I don’t think that being pregnant before makes it more likely to get pregnant again (except that you know that you don’t have any problems with fertility or conception). I’m not sure if you are pregnant or not, but if you suspect that you might be perhaps you should take a pregnancy test to find out for sure.


    in reply to: Please help,im so scared #10304

    If you’ve been having periods, even if they are irregular my guess would be that you are not pregnant. However if you suspect you might be pregnant perhaps you should take a pregnancy test to find out for sure. It may be a bit frightening, but honestly it will be better for you to know one way or the other. If you are pregnant, I hope that you consider adoption, rather than abortion if you feel that you are not ready for a baby right now. Best wishes.


    in reply to: hi..need advice..16 and pretty sure im pregnant.. #10303


    I wouldn’t panic too much yet if you are only 3 days late. The symptoms you are describing could be pregnancy symptoms, but they could also be related to PMS, stress, a cold, or other cause. I know that it might be frightening, but the best way to find out for sure is to take a pregnancy test. If your period is more than a week late than I would take a test. In the meantime try not to panic too much. Either way things will work out okay. Best wishes.


    in reply to: I’m scared i mite be pregnant! please help! #10222

    Were you using any sort of birth control or condoms? Birth control reduces the chances of pregnancy, but even with birth control it is possible to get pregnant. The only way to be positive not to get pregnant is not to have sex. If your period is late, then you might want to take a pregnacy test to find out if you are pregnant or not. If it is negative and you want to avoid pregnancy in the future I would think about your relationship. I had sex before I was married and had a couple of pregnancy scares. If I had it to do over again I wish I would have waited. Before continuing in a sexual relationship it is my opinion that you should be willing to face the consequences of pregnancy if it occurs. I would find out whether your boyfriend will be there to support you and a baby if you were to get pregnant. If he won’t be willing to be supportive and responsible I would reconsider whether I would want to be sexually active with him. Just because you’ve had sex in the past does not meen that you have to continue. If you do decide to be sexually active, I would consider using birth control if you do not want to be pregnant at this time. I’m not trying to preach, just offering my two cents for what its worth. Best wishes.


    in reply to: baby no. 3 help #10220


    Is he the father of your other two children, or just this baby? If he walked out on you because of the pregnancy it does create a barrier to the level of trust in the relationship. It shounds like maybe he panicked and maybe wants to do the right thing now. I would be cautious, but would consider giving him a second chance (but not necessarily a third). I would let him know how you felt hurt and betrayed and that you need to know that you can trust him and count on him to be there for you and for your children.


    in reply to: It should be up to me! #10219


    This is a decision that nobody can make for you. It is too bad that your mother is not being supportive, but I’m glad to hear that your fiance is being supportive. I can’t guarantee that your mother or father will be happy about the situation, but you are 19 almost 20 and are legally an adult. This concerns your body and your and your fiance’s baby. If you do not want to have an abortion, please do not anyone guilt or pressure you to do something you do not want and feel you will regret. Listen to your heart. If you and your fiance are not ready for parenthood adoption is always an option as well. If your fiance is happy about the baby and you decide to raise the child my guess is that even though she was not ready to be a grandmother at this time, eventually your mom will warm up a bit when she gets to see her little grandchild. Best Wishes.


    in reply to: my babies daddy wants nothing to do with me #10218

    I’m sorry to hear how your ex is treating you. If I were you I would not try to patch up or pursue a relationship with him anymore. He has already shown that he won’t be there for you or the baby and it is not likely to change. You deserve much better. If you decide to keep the baby you could press for child support coverage from him, even if unfortunately he won’t be emotionally responsible in the child’s life. As far as whether to keep the child or give it up for adoption, that is up to you. There are plusses and minuses to both options and neither will be easy. Get as much information as you can on your options and pray and listen to what your heart tells you is best for you and for your baby. Best wishes.


    in reply to: pregnancy scare #10211


    It’s possible that you might be pregnant, or your cycle might be off due to stress or other factors. I would take a pregnancy test to find out. If it is negative and you still haven’t started in a couple ofweeks I would take another test and/or see your doctor to determine why your cycle is unusual. Best wishes.


    in reply to: i need advice please!!!!!! #10210

    I don’t think that you are a bad person, and I would never say anything like you are going to hell. You were in a tough situation, and you made a choice that now you wish you could go back and change. I believe that God is very loving and forgiving. Nothing, even abortion is too great for forgiveness as long as you are truly sorry. I’m sorry that you are going through so much pain and guilt. You might want to consider post-abortion counseling such as Project Rachel or other group. Perhaps talking with women who have gone through similar experiences can help you deal with the pain from the past.

    I would talk to your fiance about your feelings. Good releationships are based on love and trust and support. If he is as wondrful as you describe him, then I strongly doubt that he would leave you. I think that if you let him know about why you feel the way you do it can remove barriers to a deeper relationship with your fiance and he can help you deal with the pain of the past. I would sit down with him when you are alone together and just tell him that you don’t want to keep secrets about the past from him. Be open and honest about your fears and feelings. Best wishes.


    in reply to: i dont know what to tell my dad!? #10174

    I’m glad that your mom is supportive. Would it be easier for you to break the news to your dad with her by your side? You dad may be upset at first, but my guess is that he will come around and be supportive. Good luck.


    in reply to: i think i might be pregnant #10173


    Is there a close friend who could help you purchase and take a home pregnancy test? If not I would contact Birthright or a local crisis pregnancy center. Most will do free and confidential pregnancy tests. If you are pregnant and do not want to have an abortion do not let your boyfriend pressure you into an abortion. Listen to your heart and do not act out of fear or pressure. Hopefully the result of the test will be as you want, but if you are facing an unexpected pregnancy the crisis pregnancy center should be able to help you to break the news to your family. Hang in there. Best wishes.


    in reply to: I took two tests. Still worried. Support Please. #10172


    I would wait another week and if your period doesn’t start I would take another pregnancy test. It might be that you are not even pregnant. I used to have very irregular periods. I had a couple of pregnancy scares in the past, but luckily it turned out that I wasn;t pregnant. If you are in doubt you could go see a doctor and have a blood test done or find out what other cause might be affecting your cycle. If you are pregnant I hope that you consider adoption as an option if you feel that you do not want to raise a baby at this point in your life. Giving up a child for adoption is not selfish, and lets both you and the baby go on with your lives. Best wishes.


    in reply to: baby names #10171

    My husband and I thought about Jasmine or Jade for girl names. My sister’s name is Jeannine, which I think is a good name. I like Rowan or maybe Robert as possible R boy names.


    in reply to: In need of a friend #10166

    Wow. I’m so sorry to hear that you are having such a tough time! I will pray for you and your mother and son. I know how horrible I felt when the doctors told me that it looked like my unborn son had some developmental problems. I would do anything to make things better for him. Luckily in my case things are looking a lot more positive in terms of the baby’s health. Have you contacted a crisis pregnancy center or Birthright. Even if you are close to delivery they might be able to help you with legal issues with your ex and might be able to help with baby clothes or help you get low cost housing for yourself and the baby. It will be best for you and for the baby if you are not using drugs or alcohol. The rehabilitation may seem like a pain in the neck but is probably for the best for you and your son. If you need someone to talk to or support I am here to listen.


    in reply to: The Aftermath…What can I do? #10165


    I would call the option line number or go to their website, or I would contact your local Birthright or crisis pregnancy center. They may be able to help you emotionally and financially with the pregnancy. They might be able to help you with housing and medical bills for the pregnancy or point you to somewhere that can. Good luck.


    in reply to: help i don’t know what to do #10164


    I’m sorry to hear that the father of the baby is reacting this way. Please don’t let anyone pressure you into having an abortion, especially if that is not what you want to do – He can’t make you get an abortion. Unfortunately it sounds like you will not have emotional support from your ex, but do you have friends and relatives who will be supportive of you through this pregnancy? I would try to find a support system. You could also talk to Birthright or a local crisis pregnancy center for help. Even if he chooses not to be involved with the pregnancy and the baby you could still press for child support from him. It may not be easy, but I think that you should listen to your heart and not your ex and give life to this child. Best Wishes.


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