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Participantyes i agree, just go to another drs or hosp
ParticipantI had my first vaginal with epidural and pethodine and felt nothing which in a way was good but i never experienced it really coz i couldnt walk afterwards to see her.
My second arrived at home and i just cant describe what that was like, it hurt a little bit, nowhere near as much as i thought. But in my own environment it was amazing. hubby nearly delivered.
I would never go c-section unless it was for baby and mines safety.
Participantit does vary.. i had the bleeding with Skye but not Jordan. Have you been to the doctors?
Could be ur period coming by those signs. Let us know what happenskez_mummy_2_skye
Participantso glad you didnt listen to him and go out and have an abortion. You did the right thing. Dnt worry bout him anymore, he has caused you enough grief. I hope the rest of the pregnancy is healthy and trouble free.
Participantyou have the right way of bringing up your son and he doesnt need to know how he was conceived, the man thing he is here and healthy and ur doing a great job.
ParticipantCongrats and to have it happen after all this time, i see you wanted one when u were 13…
With the cramping, when you have ur checkup dont forget to ask about it. Do you know how far you are approx.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti agree, they will not take ur daughter unless you prove to be placing your child at harm and you are not. She can basically say what she wants but where is the proof?? Stay strong hun.
It really upsets me to see our own flesh and blood doing this sort of stuff.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participantpossibly have a word to him about it..i have the opposite where my hubby shows more affection in public than at home..
Participantive never been in that situation but i just read the other day about another girl on here that had 2 lovers and she didnt know which one to pick. Best advice i saw was stick with the new guy and forget about the past if that makes sence.. i hope you work it out. sorry im not much help here=(
ParticipantI hope the new routine works for you.I’ve never had a problem with Sleeping with both kids.I tell skye its bedtime now and she goes to daddy and kisses him and then she climbs in her cot.
Participanti never had this but possibly could you rub your belly before you move up
ParticipantYes that early on can be hard to find it properly, only because the baby is so small. Baby might have also been laying towards your back which would have made it harder.Dont stress. Nxt appointment you will hear and see everything:)
ParticipantSkye-smiled at about 6weeks, not sure when she laughed. She sat before she could crawl which didnt make sence and that was about 7/8mths so dont stress.All babies are different. She walked at 12mths.
Jordan- Has a great laugh on him and started around end of 3mths. Rolled over both ways at 3mths. I think he is going to do things alot earlier than Skye did.
Dont stress
Participantid be going off at her even if she was my aunty. She should be supportive and tell you that ur doing a great job and she is proud of you. Don’t let her tell you those nasty things. You know you can do it.
ParticipantJust try to think positive for yourself and try not to let what happened to the other girls get in your way. There was times when i didnt feel the baby kick all day but started during the night, they are all different. You will know deep down if there is something wrong. Its just your instinct to know.
ParticipantLike you said u used a condom with no holes etc etc that should cover you BUT if someone gets some semen on their fingers and that come in contact with the vagina, you can get pregnant but don’t forget that sperm cant live that long outside of the body due to temperature.
Participantvery hard situation to be in.
In some ways i say tell the first b/f to leave you alone, you have moved on with your life now and established a good relationship.
But then i wouldnt want to be in a relationship and love someone else which would be living a fake life. Maybe tell them both to go…i really dunnokez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantThings are hard to see through when you are in love, but listen to those around you. He obviously is playing with your head and knows he can, thats why he is doing this to you. Seems like he has a fight with the other woman and then he comes to you vice versa. I hope you can work it out
Participanteven if it is hard in raising a child, you will ALWAYS get through it, my dad brought me up and i never had the best of things but we lived. When ur child is old enough you will see what you have done and be so proud of yourself. AND probably more for those mothers that did it tougher than others that had alot of help. YOU did it!!!
ParticipantI cant imagine what you feel right now but what you described would be my worst nightmare, not to have my kids here. You are being strong in moving forward, she would want to see that. I just dunno what to say really… makes me sad reading that someone so nice had this happen to them:(
Take care hun
Participantthis is a good poem and hopefully it could help those who are thinking about it too. I couldnt do it either, especially after seeing my kids grow up and know what i would have missed if i ever did do it.its not an option for me. We had nothing when i had my girl, i laybyed a bed for her and got some clothes, ppl were so nice and gave me heaps of clothes for her to get me started. She never went without…. there is nothing hard about looking after a child.
Participantwoohoo…happy for you guys.
At least there is some decent guys out there:)kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti sort of believe things happen for a reason. Maybe you are meant to keep her??
How is everything going now?kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantI would say its YOUR choice as you as the mother know what to do and if he doesn’t want to be a part of that then thats his loss, he will regret it hopefully. Don’t let him control you. He has to take responsibility now too coz he made that baby as well.
ParticipantIt sound like it was a dud test. Get another and try!