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Participantthe same thing happened to me. I now have a 5 month old daughter!!! [img]
ParticipantYour life is only just beginning!!! Being a mothers is the best and most rewarding experince ever!!! I’m not gonna lie, money can get tight sometimes but you’ll get by. Plus at your baby shower you’ll get almost everythig you need, and i’m sure your chruch will help you.
It gets crazy sometimes. Like when your trying to brush your teeth or do the dishes or trying to grap something to eat and your baby won’t stop crying. but when you see your baby smile and giggle your heart melts and makes everything worth it. I love waking up every morning to her smiley face. I love knowing that at the end of hectic day i can come home to her and none of that stuff matters. She could care less about what brand of clothes she’s wearing or what her swing looks like. all that she wants is love attention and thats all that matters, not what you buy her (or him in your case. which ever you have)good luck!! i’m sure you’ll do great!!
ParticipantCongradulations!!!! Don’t be ashamed about loving your baby! I can’t even begin to explain to you how much i love my daughter!!! She’s th best thing that ever happened to me. I don’t care what anyone thinks about teen mothers, I love it!! I can’t picture my life without her.
You are gonna be such a good mother.
ParticipantYou can probably get through labor without it but when it comes time to push you’ll be compeltly drained! Thats what happened to my sisters best friend.
she was so exusted when came time to push that she couldn’t and ended up with an emergency csection!
i got the epidural ASAP!! As soon as i got to my room they ordered my epidural. I slept through my whole labor!!! i pushed her out under an hour. I wasn;t tired afterwards and spent the whole day bonding with her. I was so alert during delivery i got to pull her out myself! i wouldn’t have changed it for the world! It was so amazing! I will defintly be getting it next time. Did i say "next time?" :blink: lol!!!Jonluver
ParticipantHaving a baby is huge responsiblity! Yes it is very rewarding bu your gonna miss out on so much. I’m 19 and my daughter is 7 weeks old. I never thought about how much my life would change after i had her. I just thought, "oh i’m having a baby! How wonderful." Now i’m not saying i don’t love my daughter, trust me i love her more than anything else! With that said, I just feel like i’m missing out on so much. I watch my friends go out and party and i can’t do that. They all live at home and have nice cars and clothes. I have rent, bills, diapers, gas, food, car payments, medical bills, etc to pay for. After paying all this i don’t have money leftover to buy a new pair of jeans or go see a movie.
And you should see my body. Not cute. I have horrible strech marks all over my stomach, hips, thighs, lower back and boobs!
i can’t just get up a leave my house whenever i want to anymore. It takes me about an hour to get everything all packed and get her in the car.
After you have a baby you look at life in a whole new way. You only get one! You might be happy now but years from now, maybe your kid is a teenager and you see him/her going out with their friends and going on trips you’re gonna realise you never got to do any of that stuff. You can’t go back in time and do it again. Once these years are gone, they’re gone. You’ll never get them back.Jonluver
ParticipantI had horrible morning sickness, Actually it was all day sickness. I vomited like 7 times a day. I had to go to the hopital twice to get an iv. I tore my esphogus (sp?) three times from throwing up so much. And my stomach swelld shut because i became so irratted. My doctor finally gave a prescription for Zofran. That was a life saver!!! Once i started taking that i only threw once a day! and by 20 weeks i felt fine.
ParticipantWhen i was 26 weeks i started having contractions. My doctor sent me to the hospital and they gave me a shot of terbutaline. (doesn’t that stuff suck???!! lol) My cervix was thick and long and closed too. They sent me home after a while and i had to go to my doctors the next day. I was still having contractions so they gave me he terbutaline pills. I was on bedrest for 10 weeks!! I went crazy!! I couldn’t stand it. At 28 weeks they gave me shots of steriods to help the babies lungs mature. And after everything i went through, she was born the day before my due date!!!
Participantno! if your on the pill and taking it regualry you have less than .5% chance of getting pregnant. And seeing as how he pulled out, i doubt it. Although that should not be used as a form of birth controll!!!!
ParticipantI had a miscarriage with my frist. I now have a very healthy 5week old baby.
How long ago was your miscarriage? If it was less than 2 months ago the positive test could be from that pregnancy. Sometimes the hormones will stay in your bosy for a while.
Participanti’m so sorry you had to go through this. And yes someone cares. I care. We all care here!
That was so wrong for your mother to push you into that.
If you ever need to talk i’m here. Just reply to this post (it goes to my email).Jonluver
ParticipantIf you got your period your probably not pregnant. if you really think you are take a test
Participantnot being able to go your prom is not a reason to have abortion!
You can still go. i was still gonna go to my senior ball when i was pregnant but i had miscarriage.
And if you didn’t go that just one of the sacrifes you make for your child.
But they give so much love back to you it’s all worth it. I think you need to tell someone. Talk to someone about this. Have some one take you to the doctors to find out for sure.
If you need to talk i’m here.Jonluver
ParticipantIf i can do it, you can do it. i’m only 19 and never went to college. Neither did my fiancee. I’m sure your family or friends would help you.
Being a mother is the most rewarding thing ever!! When i look at my daughters face i wanna melt. I wouldn’t change it for the world and i would do all over again in a heartbeat.
And to be honest with you it isn’t as hard as everyone makes it seem. She is only 3 weeks old but i thought it would be much harder! I can’t wait to another one!!!Jonluver
ParticipantPlease don’t have an abortion. I know excatly what you are going through.
The first time i got pregnant i was only 17 and still in high school. I freaked out!! When my mom found out she flipped out and told me i was going to have an abortion. i fought with her everyday about. Well i ended up having a miscarriage. It was the worst this i have ever gone through.
I’m 19 now and 9 months pregnant! Due an day. When my mom first found out she flipped out again. I was so scared of my family. I wouldn’t go anywhere that anyone in my family was. I thought they were gonna hate me.
i was sooo scared!! They didn’t react as bad as i thought they would. Actually my sister was the worst. She ignored me and we ended up getting into a huge fight. I spent a lot of nights crying about it. But now my sister and i are closer then we have ever been.
I can’t even begin to describe to you how i feel whenever she moves (it’s a girl by the way). It’s so amazing!! I can’t love her so much!! And the first time i saw her on the u/s was soooo wonderful. I started crying! I can’t wait to see her and hold her.
I’m not saying that it will be easy. i had horrible morning sickness. i was hospitalized twice because of it. I was put on bedrest early in my pregnancy for bleeding (for a month). Then at 26 weeks i went into preterm labor. i was again but on bedrest and meds. My fiancee has to pay ALL the bills!!
But it’s all worth it!!
Hopefully this weekend i will get to met my precious baby girl!!Jonluver
Participantif you were pregnant you would not be able to feel the baby move yet. I had an ultrasound at 13 weeks. You would not believe how much she was moving around!! It was amazing! She never stopped the whole time. Butt he weird thing was i couldn’t fell any of it. I didn’t feel her move untill i was 18-19 weeks along. So that "twinge" is not pregnancy. You don;t fell those kinds of things during early pregnancy.
ParticipantIf you just stopped taking the pill in the middle of a pack it screws up your hormones. That can delay your period.
Participantunfortunly i know how you feel and i know what your going through. When i was 17 i got pregnant. Around 6 weeks i spotted a little. Just one small drop of blood. i had no cramps or anything. i called my dr and she sent me to the hospital for an u/s. they told me i was 5weeks 6days and the babies hb was 121. they told me everything was fine. Well the next day my bleeding came back. They kept telling me verything was fine. Fianlly after a week of bleeding (it got heavy after a couple days) they did another u/s and the babies hb was only 62. well i had a miscarriage.
I got pregnant again a year later. when i was 5 weeks 6 days i spotted again. just one drop of blood. i didn’t even bother to call my dr. i knew i was going to loss this baby too. the next day i decided to call and they sent me in for an u/s and they told me the hb was 121!! the same as last time. I prepared my self for the worse. Well to my surprise the bleeding never came back. Two weeks later i had a another u/s and the baby had grown and was right where it was supposed to be. the baby’s hb, 166!!! i was so relieved. And then 5 weeks later i had another u/s i got to see the baby’s face, and arms and little toes!! i have another u/s on friday to find out what i’m having!! i’m so excided! i’m 5 months now!!
I guess what i’m trying to say is you never know what’s going to happen. Everything could be fine. Just pray that things are fine.Jonluver
Participanti know what you mean. i’m 5 months know and sometimes it’s so bad i think my water broke!! lol!! you should read jenny macarthy’s book "Belly Laughs" she talks about that in there. Try wearing panty liners, it’ll save your panties.
Participanti forgot, also include your age! This list is going to be posted under happily pregnant when it’s done!
ParticipantBrandi- that’s perfect. just what i wanted.
I’m not sure where to post the list when i’m done. anybody got any suggestions?
ParticipantHi Vicerity. Thank you for posting! Am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I know how hard it is to lose a child. I lost my son as well. if you ever need anyone to talk to just leave me a post i’m here for you. and good luck with Louis. I think you are doing a wonderful thing!
Participantpregnancy is nothing to be embarrsed about!!!! on that note most of the girls here (with a few exceptions) didn’t plan on getting pregnant. The condom broke, they forgot to take their pill, or just just plan got caught up in the moment. There are so many emotions these young women go through. At first they’re scared. Who wouldn’t be? but after a while when you actually think about it’s so exciting. And feeling your baby kick is the one of the best feeling in the world! Having a baby is best gift in the world. And i think that all the girls on here are heros. They took a situation that wasn’t in their favor and turned it around. They didn;t take the cowards way out. They stood up and fought for their childern. That is defintly something to be PROUD of!! They chose life!! They are brave. THey took on a challenge and concorded it! Their lives now have meaning to them!!!!
Participanthoney i doubt you had a miscarriage. A pregnancy test wouldn’t just come up negative. Your hormones levels don;t just drop suddenly. it can take up a month for them to even start going down. With me (and i had a very unuseual miscarriage) my hormones kept going up for the next month afterwards. but like i said that’s rare. but anyways you hormones don’t just go away when you miscarry. Like you said you were very unhealthy and anorexic (sp?) that’s probably why you felt like that. I don’t remember your orginal message but i’m guessing you had a late period and that can defintly delay or even stop your period.
ParticipantHi Monica, I’m monica also!! Thanks for posting and congrats!!! So when’s your due date? Let me know and keep me posted!!
ParticipantHi Meghan.
Thanks for posting and congradulations!!!! That’s so great that you have such a supportive boyfriend!! My finace is the same way. He hasn’t missed a single doctors appointment!!! And the video games!!! OMG!!!!!! I can’t get him away from that machine for a minute. The other night i made his favorite dinner. I could not, for the life of me, get him to come upstairs and eat. He was really bad with basketball last year. But thos year he’s alittle out of shape and nows he’s into fishing!?!?!? Go figure. If i don’t get up the excat minute he does he leaves and goes fishing!!! Well whatever, i still love him.
So when’s your due date? Let me know and keep me posted! -