I’m Loving Life but Its weird

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      Ok Im 15 and I’m 6 mths pregnant. I was scared sooo bad at first but as I got farther along I became more at ease. Its been hard on my family But I have to say I absolutely LOVE being pregnant and carrying my child around with me. But am I supposed to be this happy I went from being a straight A student with the perfect body to a grl with a big bump. Im loving the bump but am I enjoying this too much??? I kno I am supposed to love my baby He’s my child but i swear if I had the choice to do it all over again I would No LIE I love this sooooo much. But im confused
      Help plezzzz!!!!!!!


        Congradulations!!!! Don’t be ashamed about loving your baby! I can’t even begin to explain to you how much i love my daughter!!! She’s th best thing that ever happened to me. I don’t care what anyone thinks about teen mothers, I love it!! I can’t picture my life without her.

        You are gonna be such a good mother.


          It’s sounds like you are just like me when i was pregnant. Soooooo excited but worried to show it because you feel like you shouldn’t be. Just because your a teen mom that is no reason not to be proud of you child and excited about their arrival.I loved my daughter from the moment i first saw her on the screen in my first scan, that love has grown and grown everyday since then and i just can’t describe how much i love her now she has arrived! It’s such an exciting time ( if a little scary at times) just enjoy it hun. Sounds like you will be a great mom. Good luck and don’t worry what people think about you. :silly:

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