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  • in reply to: got that “feeling” #23357

    My advice would be to not freak yourself out until you take the test. Although I strongly believe gut feelings are usually right. If you are pregnant you are in an ok situation in my mind. Sure it’s not going to be a walk in the park but it is entirely do able. You will be preg for 9 months only leaving another 9 months for school (you said a year and a half left). You can wing it you will be pregnant in school and then once you have the baby you can put the child in daycare. If you have to you can use student loans or try to save up money before the baby comes to cover it. So keep your chin up you have come a long way. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: Baby #23321


    in reply to: sorry if I am “misuing ur site” #23320

    I also don’t think you are misusing the site. In fact people like you is why I started on this site to begin with to give my point of view and advise because I was once in those shoes. I think it is great that you and your bf are being responsible and getting opinions. But I think a lot of the girls on here feel very strongly (including myself) that your very fortunate for your situation and should wait until your married next year. However you have to do what is best for you and your bf we are just trying to give you the advise you asked for. I do wish you the best of luck no matter what you decide to do. Jessica

    in reply to: I might be pregnant. Please help!! #23310

    I think it is too soon to tell. Wait till your missed period and take a test. However there is a lot to be learned from a scare like this. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: no period for two months not spotting #23280

    Just take a test and you will know. Not taking the test is not going to change the outcome. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: Praying I made the right choice #23259

    Well it’s water under the bridge now. I think your kids know that you are not an irresponsible mother, you know what it takes to raise a kid and have done it with 5 already. If nothing else it will probably discourage them from having babies young. They will and maybe already do have a clear understanding that being a mom is not all fun and games. I am a firm believer that you have to do what your heart tells you to do. I am not for or against abortion you just need to be honest with yourself and think it over. You know what being a mom is all about so your not going into this blind. I am here anytime to chat. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: home birth? #23258

    Is Medicaid an option? I think it is very important that babies are insured from day one and you should be too. I don’t think it is worth taking a risk as far as trying to wing it without insurance. I know it’s not the ideal but it is better then nothing. Jessica

    in reply to: just a tad bit nervous….any words would help :) #23247

    Don’t worry about what your family has to say as you well know they all come around in time. All that matters is that you and your kids are happy and healthy. Keep us posted. Jessica

    in reply to: hello! 18 and contemplating pregnancy #23246

    I Anna nice to meet you. My name is Jessica and I got pregnant at 17 almost 18. I would strongly advise getting married first. If you are sure you are with your true sole mate what is the harm in waiting 9 months until after the wedding. If not why don’t you just elope that way you can have a baby before September. Down the line you don’t want for your child to ask how many years you have been married and put two and two together that you were pregnant before you got married. And then always wonder well did they get married because of me? Or think that it’s ok for them to do the same get pregnant without being married. I just think you have such a wonderful thing and you should take advantage of it, wait until your married. I wish you the best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: im not having one but TWO babys #23245

    Congrats…… 🙂

    in reply to: Just want to give up… #23161

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
    I don’t know if there is such a thing as prenatal depression but it does sound like you are very stressed. This I can relate to BIG TIME when I was pregnant 6 years ago my story was EXACTLY the same as yours. My sister was into drugs but really really bad. She tried committing suicide and was in drug rehab finally after my daughter was born. This was soooo hard for me while I was pregnant and needless to say my parents were up to their max. My parents too are yellers and I felt I was not bringing my daughter into a calm environment. My family too looked normal from the outside, nice house, nice cars, good jobs, nice parents and three kids. My pregnancy was very stressful, I loved being pregnant but still to this day I look back and know how stressed I was. Well when I had my daughter I remember feeling bad in the hospital knowing I was not going to a safe, calm place. However when I had her things seemed to calm down and I did a lot with her. I played with her and held her and spent most of my time one on one with her in my room. I know that sounds really funny but it was great. It was like I had my own space but in my parents house. I did everything for her, woke up in the night, bought everything for her and this made me feel empowered. I was 18 when I had her and I know you are still in high school maybe if you get a part time job or do some babysitting. The key is to get into your own routine. I lived with my parents for two years and I did spend quite a bit of time at my bf’s house. Then I moved out and bought my own place and it was wonderful. I guess the point of me telling you my story is because when I read your blog I saw me and where I was when I was pregnant. It does work out, just because you live with your parents segregate yourself a little when your son is born. I did and my daughter was not at all introduced to stress. You are going to be a great mother just follow your instincts and enjoy your pregnancy. Understand there is nothing you can do to change what your brother is doing. And nothing is more important then the needs of your child. Your dad will get over it, this too shall pass. I am here anytime to chat. I do feel for you, just try not to let this stuff stress you out. Jessica

    in reply to: scared and pregnant #23154

    Yes this is very normal. Just relax everything has a way of working itself out. Stay positive and we are all here to chat should you need us. Jessica

    in reply to: Super late!!! #23153

    Driving yourself crazy is not going to change the result. Make the appointment for the Doctor’s as soon as you can. But stress plays a hugh toll on not getting your period. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: Every day I pray that I'm pregnant #23152

    I totally relate with you wanting to get pregnant and become a mom. I had an abortion when I was 16 and wanted to be a mom sooooo bad. I got pregnant two months before I turned 18 and now my daughter is almost 6. My advice however would be to wait until your married. My daughter has and still does suffer from her father not being in her life. And the chances of the father being around or you being with him are slim if you are not married. So think of it as doing something for your future child. Spare them that pain of not having a father figure around and wait until you know or have a greater chance of offering them a stable mom and dad. I wish you the best no matter what you decide to do. But it is very hard to look at your child in pain and know that it was because you were selfish. I am here anytime to chat. Jessica

    in reply to: I’M PREGNANT!! #23151

    Congratulations. Best of luck to you. Jessica

    in reply to: I am 15 weeks pregnant and very young #23108

    Well Nicky being young and pregnant does disappoint your parents but they will come around. It may not be today or tomorrow but it will happen. Hopefully your parents will support your decision and back you up. You can and will do this. Just because you are young doesn’t mean life is over. Set goals for yourself and stick to them. Life is what you make of it. I wish you the best of luck and I am here anytime to chat. Jessica

    in reply to: placenta Previa #23107

    I’m sorry for the waiting and worrying your going thru. I did not have placenta previa but was on bed rest for a short period of time during my pregnancy. My advice would be to think positive it could be worse atleast you know what to do to try to prevent the bleeding. You are very fortunate that you are able to do that as well. I know the days are long but make use of them. Do you do scrapbooking? Or write letters to both of your children. Good news with the 4 year old is he/she will not remember. Worst case your bf and child come and visit you in the hospital, it’s all for a good reason to make sure the baby is ok. Best of luck. Jessica

    in reply to: am i?…*update* #23106

    It does sound like maybe a yeast infection and that can delay your period. I would see your doctor.

    in reply to: TLC #23105

    Ummm im not sure. I know me personally I don’t get a regular period never have really and I have had my period for over 12 years. When I was pregnant with my daughter I knew right away I was pregnant because I was very sick and as big as a house but I did get my period for the first two months. Some people don’t even look pregnant ever. I did not see the show but it is interesting. Jessica

    in reply to: problem and the jerk leaved me!!! #23079

    Well you sure are in a hard place. I would say you should take a pregnancy test to find out if you are pregnant. Not taking the test is not going to change the result. If you are pregnant and you want to have the baby I think you should, you can do it without him. If your not I would learn from this and say to discontinue ATLEAST the sexual relationship with this guy. I know you said this is your mistake and sometimes when you are in the situation it is hard to see the logical part of it. You said you fell for this guy because he was so nice but really he is cheating on this girlfriend with you so what do you think he would do with you if you guys were dating? You deserve better then that and so does your child if you are pregnant. I wish you the best and I am here to talk anytime. Jessica

    in reply to: Will It Finally Be My Turn?!? #23050

    Best of luck to you. Keep us posted. Jessica

    in reply to: i just cant do this!!!! #23048

    You can do this. And you of all people should know this. You had a baby at 15 or 16, you are doing it. Just keep your chin up and stay possitive. I have a friend that has two kids and they are 14 months apart and she says that it is hard but she is getting thru it. I think mweber has good points you will be in diapers at the same time etc. We are here to talk. Jessica

    in reply to: What Shall I do??…. #23047

    I feel for you I really do, you have a hard decision to make. But if he is not ready for a baby and you have only been together for a month why are you and he not using protection. Not using protection is how you get pregnant. What did he think was going to happen? Honestly you need to do what you feel is best for both you and your baby. This is a guy you have not been with for very long so he may or may not be around and you are going to have to live with this decision. But the way he has reacted, not taking responsibility for his actions speaks for itself. I wish you the best of luck in making this decision. Just keep in mind if you are pregnant the baby did not ask to be here and your the only one that can protect it. Jessica

    in reply to: need advice for “breaking the news” #23007

    I think the best way to do it is face to face but thats me. I think you should sit everyone down and have your bf there if you want him there. Truth is there is no easy way to break this news. Your parents are going to be disappointed and a little taken back by this but thats normal. Just know that they will come around. It may not be right away or next month but it will happen. Best of luck to you. Jessica

    in reply to: this is getting twisted #23002

    Just go to a primary care and have them take a look at you. They will run some tests and should be able to give you some answers or point you in the right direction. It seems you are not pregnant so you need to find out what if anything is going on. Best of luck. Jessica

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