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Participantit sounds like you could be pregnant…taking a test will definetly help you figure it out…let me know how everything goes.
ParticipantCongratulations!I hope you enjoy your daughter as much as I enjoy my son. Lol.
Participantcongrats on the pregnancy!
Participanti think somewhere between 16 and 20 weeks is the most accurate time to find out the sex…i found out at about 22 weeks…let me know how everything’s going!
ParticipantI think you had every right to say that to the old man. He should have appreciated that you told your son to quiet down and you apologized. It’s good you stood up for yourself.
ParticipantI don’t know your story or anything, but I think if you want to keep the baby, you should. It’s your decision, no one else’s. Your boyfriend doesn’t need to be there. Yes, it would be nice and everything, but not essential. My pregnancy and the birth of my son actually brought mine and my boyfriend’s families together. So just think about everything and decide what’s right for YOU, not someone else.
Participantfour positive pregnancy tests mean you need to go to the doctor…it will be extremely good to get prenatal care and get support from people…i was in denial for a month and a half, and finally i was forced to "find out"…just relax…it will be okay. promise.
Participantthey all excepted it pretty well when i was pregnant and any doubts anyone had went away right after he was born. writing a letter is actually a really good idea, because then you can say everything you need to without having to worry about fighting with your mom or anything like that. that’s how i was going to tell my mom if i would have had the chance to. lol. small towns suck for keeping secrets. 😛 my son is doing really well. he’s 8 days old today. so i’ve survived his first week. lol. good luck telling your mom. let me know how everything goes. 🙂
ParticipantWell, I’ve heard that the women and girls who get abortions really have a hard time dealing with it afterwards and everything, so that’s probably not the best route to go. I’m 16 right now, and I’ll be turning 17 next month, and I just had my son and I couldn’t imagine it any other way. He is the most precious thing ever. I didn’t think I would be able to handle being a mother. I am only a junior in high school and have plans to go to college, but this baby changed everything for the better. I started getting A’s in school and passing all of my classes. I raised my gpa from a 1.0 to a 2.7. It’s amazing what you will do for the little person inside of you. Just think about it and explore the options of adoption or even keeping the baby. It may be hard, but many many girls have made it through your situation.
Participanti’ve heard its really normal from everything i read and whatnot. It has a lot to do with the hormones and everything being different than they were before. Nothing to stress over.
Participantwell, when i got pregnant me and my boyfriend had only been dating about 2 weeks (after we broke up for a month) and we were being "stupid" too…i got pregnant in just that short amount of time, so it could be possible…if i were you, i’d just try to keep tabs on how your feeling and everything, but don’t stress out…i know it’s hard to wait to find out, but it’s got to be done…good luck with everything
ParticipantMost of the stereotypes against teen mothers have to do with them dropping out and being on welfare and basically completely ruining their whole lives, which definetly isn’t the case. I have a son and I’m 16 and it is extremely hard. I don’t think girls should want to have children so young because it’s very difficult. Raising the baby isn’t the difficult part, but staying in school and doing all of that makes it hard. I think teen moms are just as strong, if not stronger, than older moms.
ParticipantI don’t know if this will help at all, but I’m 16 right now (turning 17 next month) and I just had my baby boy. I found out I was pregnant at a hospital that was an hour away from my house with the only people there with me being cops and a social worker. I didn’t even get the chance to think about how to tell my mom because the cops called her and told her. So telling your mom yourself is probably better than that. When I had to tell my dad (my parents are divorced, so he didn’t know right away) I ended up sending him a text message starting with saying "I have to tell you something" but he called afterwards and we talked about it a little. He was really upset and wouldn’t even look at my boyfriend (the baby’s dad)until just recently. He even came up to the hospital after the baby was born and had a conversation with my boyfriend and congratulated him. We were probably most nervous about telling my boyfriend’s parents but even that turned out okay. My boyfriend told his mom when she was driving him to work one day, and his dad found out from word of mouth, but waited to say anything to us till we told him. And to make an extremely long and boring story short…it turned out much better than we expected. Everyone eventually came around and accepted this reality and by the end of my pregnancy everyone was excited and couldn’t wait for him to be born. I’m sure that once the initial shock and everything wears off that everything will be fine and good things will come out of it.
By the way, my mom gave me crap about getting pregnant too. And she had just recently found out I wasn’t a virgin before she found out I was pregnant.
ParticipantIt took 6 weeks for a pregnancy test to come up positive for me. I didn’t find out I was pregnant until then and that was only on a hospital test. I know what its like to be so impatient to find out. I knew I was pregnant before I got my period and still no tests came out positive. Very frustrating.
ParticipantI think that you should stay with your mom. My son was born 5 days ago, and if i wasn’t with my mom right now, there’s no way that i could have made it this far. As much as she hated that i got pregnant (I’m only 16), she still helps out a ton and loves her grandson so much. Being with your mom will probably help you out a ton and make you much less stressed and worn out. I’m sure that you can figure something out to keep your baby’s daddy in the baby’s life, it may not be the most ideal thing, but if you can find something that works, that’s all that matters. Good luck with your decision, I know it’s a tough one to make.
Participanti wont say anything about u wanting to have a baby, but waiting would be a good idea…instead of having your own baby, maybe watching younger siblings or nieces or nephews or neighbors or something would be a good alternative…you get all the fun stuff that comes with having a baby, without being totally responsible and having to deal with a baby while at school and stuff like that…i hope i didn’t offend you or anything, cuz i do know how you feel…
Participantwhen i first got pregnant i never had any of the typical symptoms of actually being pregnant…i had sore breasts and my period was late, but it had been irregular so i didnt really count that as a symptom…even as my pregnancy went on i hardly had any typical symptoms…so it is possible
Participantdon’t feel too bad about the pregnancy and everything not seeming real…i’m 38 weeks pregnant and i still can’t wrap my mind around the fact that i will be someone’s mommy very shortly…i already love my son more than anything, but it still feels surreal most of the time…mostly it’s because i can’t believe i’m actually capable of making this little baby who’s already so perfect…
Participantyou’ll probably have to wait another couple weeks to find out…i know that when i first found out, my period was two weeks late and a pregnancy test came up negative, but two weeks after that it was a definate positive…so just hang in there and take care of yourself…oh, and about 3 months prior to this i completely skipped a period and wasn’t pregnant or anything, even though my periods had been regular.
Participanti dont really have any advice for you, but i wanted to let anyone else who reads this know that i’m wondering the same thing…so any help would be really appreciated…the only difference is that i’m at 38 weeks, so a bit farther along. Thank you (in advance)
Participantright now i can guarantee that you are helping out just by being there…remember, your girlfriend is going to be really scared too and helping her out and supporting her is the probably going to make the most difference…realize it’s going to be hard, but getting through this together will help bring you guys closer…telling your parents will be hard, but they often will come around and help out, since this is their grandchild afterall…just keep holding on, everything will work out like its supposed to.
Participantmy due date’s on April 15, i only have about another month to go…lol…i feel so much farther along than everyone else. 🙂
Participantum…i think it might vary by state on how everything works, but i know in wisconsin (where i am) if you are pregnant you can call the child support people in your area, or even the courthouse to get contact information, and they should give you all the information you need. Regardless, the father is going to have to pay child support unless you and him are married and/or living together without your parents. I know that if the father denies he is the father you need to get a paternity test done once the baby is born, but if he doesn’t deny it then there’s no need for a genetic test. In my situation the county is making my boyfriend (and the baby’s dad) pay child support until me and him get our own place or get married, but he doesn’t need to pay until he graduates high school. I hope that helped a little bit.