Forum Replies Created
Participantgirl : Lia
Boy Liammy girls names are Jana Ina and Angelina
im doing on my management/german professional career, but i dont know quite yet, but im doing nails also so…mybe something in this direction.
Participantim so sorry that you are in this situation, i really am.
sometimes i think that the abortion was the right decision for me, back then when i was 16. but then again…i doubt in it.
do you know that there is a possibility that you will never get pregnant again? or carry a baby full term? i dont want to be hars,sound hard or rude but…i had my bortion at 16…4,almost 4 years ago…and i have lost my twin girls in the end of my second trimester.
they were perfectly healthy,my cervix wasnt….and a weak cervix is one of the many possibilities you get out of abortion.i have two little girls, who i carried and loved for more than 20 weeks, whos hand i have hold for 1 and for 10 days….i LOVE them, i got the possibility to know them, yet there are moments when i cry about my aborted baby.
you have a job-you said so, why not look into the other option, keeping it? many times things seem unbearable for us, but somehow just ”fall in the right place” with time.
Participanti could see a difference at 8 weeks (but i had twins) at 12 i had a tiny bump, at 14 you could tell im pregnant =)
Participanti am sorry that you feel that way, i really am… i wish there would be something that would ease your pain, but i know from my own experience…theres nothing else than time. it may sound unbelivable, but time does help. its been 3 years since my abortion, there are some hard days, but in general its alot easier…
keep in your mind that you have your whole life to have a baby. if it is written in the stars then you will get pregnant again, even tho the doctors say theres a slim chance, miracles does happen, and your will happen when you will be ready. since you did go through the abortion, you arent ready for a baby yet. once youll get pregnant again you will be the happiest person on earth, cause you will know you have everything you can to offer to that baby, and know that how happy you are in one way, cause you are having two little angels inheaven watching over you / your family.
Participanti am really sorry for your loss. whenever you want to talk…just PM me, ive been there, i know how much it hurts!
Participantcan you please spell thing right? many girls on this site arent from the USA or english speaking countries, and your spelling makes it really difficult for us to understand.
how can you know you are 1 week pregnant? when was your last period?you count your pregnancy from your last period, not from the first day your perriod is late.
and how …em i dont understand, why do you thing you are pregnant with more than one? =) i didnt knew i was having twins until my SECOND ultrasound, on my first there was only one peanut =)
if the babies dad wont be with you after you tell him youre pregnant, then he just doesnt deserve you, wish you all the luck.
Participanti am so sorry for your loss… if you ever want to talk, just PM me…i sadly do know the pain youre in 🙁
I thought of you and closed my eyes
And prayed to God today
I asked “What makes a Mother?”
And I know I heard Him say.“A Mother has a baby”
This we know is true
“But God can you be a Mother,
When your baby’s not with you?”“Yes, you can,” He replied
With confidence in His voice
“I give many women babies,
When they leave is not their choice.Some I send for a lifetime,
And others for the day.
And some I send to feel your womb,
But there’s no need to stay.”“I just don’t understand this God
I want my baby to be here.”
He took a deep breath and cleared His throat,
And then I saw the tear.“I wish I could show you,
What your child is doing today.
If you could see your child’s smile,
With all the other children and say…‘We go to Earth to learn our lessons,
Of love and life and fear.
My Mommy loved me oh so much,
I got to come strait here.I feel so lucky to have a Mom,
Who had so much love for me.
I learned my lessons very quickly,
My Mommy set me free.I miss my Mommy oh so much,
But I visit her every day.
When she goes to sleep,
On her pillow’s where I layI stroke her hair and kiss her cheek,
And whisper in her ear.
Mommy don’t be sad today,
I’m your baby and I’m here.’“So you see my dear sweet ones,
your children are okay.
Your babies are born here in My home,
And this is where they’ll stay.They’ll wait for you with Me,
Until your lesson’s through.
And on the day that you come home
they’ll be at the gates for you.So now you see what makes a Mother,
It’s the feeling in your heart
it’s the love you had so much of
Right from the very startThough some on earth may not realize,
you are a Mother.
Until their time is done.
They’ll be up here with Me one day
and know that you are the best oneGangY
ParticipantOP i hope you are doing ok… and your words just completely remembered me on was exactly the same… got in the room, got blood taken..nex thing i remmeber waking up in the recovery room,and well feeling pain so that i cried, the nurse came and gave me a shoot for my pains…from there on it was all like by you.
if you ever need to talk, just mail me.
about being supportive on this site: it is a great support system, but it is mostly pro-life, cause moste of us regret our abortions.
Participanthei. welcome to the site.
you seriously need to go to the doctor. its time to grow up. why hide? you are pregnant, you decided to have sex, and you decided to keep it.
now you have to tell the people about it. if not, go to your pediatriciam, he will send you to the womans doctor if your mother refuses it.
you MUST start eating the prenatal vitamins, and you need to take care for your baby, that includes you going to the doctor!!GangY
Participantwell yea you can allready find out, but so REALLY sure the sex can be told after 20 weeks, some babies are so called late blummers, can look like a girl, but eventualy his pee-pee comes “out”.
i found out with my girls when i was about your time pregnant.GangY
Participanthei there, im Monika..
my heart really aches for you, i know how it feels to be in your skin…i was there, i had mine done back at 06…its going to be 3 years in october, but sometimes it feels like it was yesterday..i think the best thing to do…firs just leave that guy behind, hes just not worth even a micro second of thinkin about him. it may feel hard, but eventually youll see that moving on helped you.
for my experience,youll see with time, that you are stronger than you thought,and with time, you will move on from the abortion. no you wont forget it, (im talking from my own experience),you will think about it every single day, one day more, some days less, but you will.. but the important thing is, you will LEARN TO LIVE WITH IT, i still have some depressive mood swings, but hey i am here, that means i grew inside,emotional & mental, and so will you.
it may seem impossible right now, but with time your heart will heal…with time and with alot of talking, thats what helped me, talking, writting… have you thought about writting…”letters”? to your baby or to a no-name person, just so that you get those feelings which are pressuring you out, cause as long you will keep them inside, and not let them out when theyll want to, you wont be able to make the irst, the importanst step to healing.
whenever you need to talk, just write to me!
Participanti am soo soo sorry that you had to go through that all. your story really brought tears to my eyes.
its been almost 3 years since my abortion…and even through i went through a death of my two baby angels this year, the abortion still comes up sometimes and makes me feel sick to my stomach (griev,regrets,what ifs….).
i cant lie to you and i wont… i cant say it wil get better with time you will forget it…you wont. but you do will learn to live with it, no matter how hard it sounds now..
i know how unbelivably it sounded to me when i was told that… but you DO learn to deal with it…well mostly it helps to talk about it…and this IS the right place..i couldnt talk about it in person for a looong long time. but i could write y feelings down, and it helped me..
did you thought about writting letters to your baby? or just…to someone, to a noname person, express yourself, say ( write) what you are feeling, cry when you will be doing it, cause it will hurt…and when youl read it it will seem so much more real, and it will also hurt so much more.. but with every letter your soul will be eased, cause some of your emotions will be on the paper…
do you do something special for your baby boy? always when i felt (feel) sad, and miss my babys really much, i light a candle, cause i belive they see that as that their mommy misses them specially that day/evening, and that they come and in some way, i feel comforted..
if you ever need a person to talk to…id love to be there or you, and listen to you, cause thats what you need, someone that will listen, so you can let those feelings out..
thinkin about you…
Well first of all,about your boyfriend,if he’s saying NO to a baby,then you should ask him what he’s thinking,sex means possibility of a baby. He had also sex without the condom,and well…that leads to a baby.
Maybe you should clear that with him.I think you should go to the docs so that hell make a test,so you’ll know for sure.
I’m talking out of my own experience,abortion is NOT an easy way Out..
I think you are grown enough to stand up for your baby!
And since I guess your parents will be a support system of you if you are pregnant,and probably will support YOUR decision you should tell them first..and if not,tell them after you’ll tell your BF,no matther what he says.
Keep in touch,
I am so sorey I just saw this post yet..Well what’s done is done..
I want you to know that the road after the abortion is hard.and I’m talking out of my own experience.. It will take a lot of talking to heal..and I want you to know that when you need someone to talk,I will be there!Love,
ParticipantHei Lisa,I’m Monika!
Its hard for the boys to understand the pain you and the ladys who have an early miscarriage are experiencing,you see they get so really attached to a baby after they hold him,see him,sense him,you understand?that’s why they can only TRY to understand the position you are in.
I think you have a great boyfriend since he’s trying to understand you,there are not many that even try..My situation isn’t quite the same,I gave birth to my twin girls at 21 weeks..their dad..he is very sad,but more about Angie,I once asked him why,Ina was also his baby,and he said that well he got more attached to Angie since he spend more time with her..
I understand the longing after a baby,and so really..thres nothing thatll give/take/make it go away..
Just keep in mind that you want to give the best to your baby! And will wait till you can give him the pleasures like you said..I know it doesn’t help a lot,but…I don’t know what else I should suggest since I’m thinkin and wanting one too..Love,monika
ParticipantHei gabby.. Do you kbow the story..of the spirit baby?
A lady sended it to me,in the fist weeks after my girls funreal.. It is so deep,I cried myself out,but it really helped me..if you haven’t,please let me know and I will send it to you..That poem brought tears to my eyes..I’m missing my angels so much..I bet that Ina Angie and Sasha-lou are playing right now in the clouds..
ParticipantYour hair sounds great!I love everything with a touch of red!
I think its awesome! And changes are good..I was a blondy for 15years..then I colored my hair red 😀 in the meanwhile(past 4 years) I got back to all sorts of brown,but now I’m back to fits to me.I think that touch of red in your colour will make you feel good,I belive that red gives away positive vibes 🙂
You can totally get the colour out of your skin with ashes,I usually do it with the cigarett ashes.
ParticipantYou know gabby I’m writting the pain with my abortion baby somehow got easier…but that time I thought nothing can be more painful..dang was I wrong…I can’t forget the picture..seeing my two girls fighting in the incubator..and theb making their last breath in my arms..that broke me inside..
And thank you for the hugs!
That’s what I wish that I’d lose,a plastic plate,nothing hurts so much..
Yes I’m hearing all the time about havingan angel,but damn I wanna have a baby not an angel,I should have TWO babys in my arms right now,not two hurts:( I don’t understand god about that..:(GangY
ParticipantI know..but its hard,adter watching it I felt like..that’s what you get for doing what you did,have to live with it..
All I want are my girls back 🙁 even if just for one more hour,so I can tell them again how much I love them,and how I’m sorry:(
I miss them really bad right now..
And I miss the feeling of being pregnant,of a kicking baby inside me 🙁
Thanks for the hug,I really need it!!
Participanthey hunny!
i think that meg´s suggestion is great…it may help you.
i have made a baby book, i have the ultrasound in it, and roses, and everything that i wrote about my feelings, somehow…baby book/my diary…
and i release baloons every year, and give flowers in the wather and on our family grave…
and i light a candle…well i do it allways when i miss my baby, cause it gives me the feeling that he can see it and comes to me then…
just remember that day, that you are not alone, and that your baby loves you, and is probably right now playing in the clouds..maybe even with my girls..
ParticipantI love the name daisy for the know,like the flower,so pure, so beautiful!
And for the boy I love alex..don’t know why 😀But if not sooner you’ll just KNOW when you will see your baby for the first time..
I decided about the names before I gave birth..and when I saw them,I just knew it,I don’t know how to describe it,but you will feel it:)GangY
ParticipantIts so hard reading stories like yours,its so alike the pain I am feeling and its been almost 3 years since mine..
I really wish to talk to you,give you a hug,and let you cry out,cause that’s what you need,you need to cry and release your heart,and then talk as much as you want..
Talking about it,that’s the only thing that will help you somehow move on.
Belive me I’ve been there,and from my experience out..talking helped me to go on with life.Do you know the story about the spirit baby?every lost baby comes back,please google it,and if you don’t find it then pm me and ill email it to you!
If you ever wanna talk,just pm me!
ParticipantHei Charlotte!
My name is Monika and I can somehow relate to what your feeling for 100%.
It was,and still is,that wish of having children,the one which somehow ruled my life.
All I could,and am thinkin about is having a baby..I also had my abortion at 16 (you have it under my blog),and also my parents till this day don’t know I had one.
I got pregnant in last september,but that pregnancy didn’t fulfill the loss of the aborted baby,I am still learning to forgive myself,and slowly heal (even if its been 3 years allready)
so that ill be free for another one.I have lost my twin girls this year in february,they were born 2 soon..
I mostly have bad days cause of them..and even through the huge grieveing of their loss,there are still hours/evenings when I’m totally down cause of the aborted baby..
I guess this is the pain we are allways going to carry with us?
If you want to talk,anytime,just pm me!
ParticipantHmm,my biggest adviae to you would be (if it turns out that you are not pregnant-and I think you are not,cause for those symptoms its just 2 soon) to stop having sex. I mean,if you think thathaving a baby will ruin your plan of life,then you are clearly not mature enough to have sex.
I could say use birth control AND condoms,but BC fails and condoms break..and your thinkin shows that you aren’t mature enough for that.
I’m not saying you wouldn’t do the right thing,I’m just saying that you would be somehow PUSHEd into it.
If he loves you,hell wait till you will be able to provide a home and EVERYTHING a baby needs before having sex.
Because so really sex means pregnancy,that’s a fact to accept before you start being sexually active.
As for now..wait till your period is due,if she’s late,make a test,or even better go and make a blood test.
Good luck!