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Participanthey π i dont come on here much…but i read ur post and just had to say that i know times can be lonely, and everyone says people wer never ment to be alone…but i think its better to be single and content by urself, than with sum1 and unhappy…there are so many people who are with there partners just because they are scared of being alone and thats definately not what life is about. its about being happy and being urself.
and as for this guy…well, i dont know him so wont judge, who knows what will happen with you and him in the future…but at least u can learn from this experience and move on…if its not gonna work its better for people to walk away than stay together for the wrong reasons.
when i’ve had bad times in the past, i’ve noticed its when i feel the most at ease and come to terms with being single and being happy about it that iv actually met guys (well once lol!) iv liked.
it doesnt take much to feel happy when u look around and realise u got a lot great things goin on really π
i hope u dont feel that way for long!!!
good luck xxx
Participanthey i wasnt pregnant, but i had shingles when i was 4 years old. my mom wouldn’t believe it cos mostly it appears in people aged 50+. it kills like crazy and even tho i was that little i can still remember, i remember the dr putting his stethescope (sp? – you know, the heart hearing thing lol) on my back and even that was painful for me and i started crying and my mom would cry cos when she went to give me a hug to make me feel better id start cryin. it seemed to take forever to clear up, but it was probably cos i was so young. i know i didnt eat cos i felt so ill and hurting, but all i can say is make ur self eat for the baby!
hope ur feeling better soon. i dont know if it can affect a pregnancy, but im sure ur dr wud let u know the details, but i can sympathise with the pain, bet its a million times more uncomforatable being pregnant tho!
get well soon an take it easy xxx
Participanthi thanks for reply. im not on any birth control pills and there has been no more brown stuff or period at all, period is officially due tomorrow/friday so i think ill test friday if nothing has showed up.
i dont think i’ve had any pregnancy symptoms, except i’ve been quite ill but all my family has it too. except my stomach has a tight feeling and non of my family say they have that, i think thats just from worrying tho lol. so i’ll see soon i guess, i’ll let u know the outcome thanks. xxx
Participanthmmm maybe you should go to the dr’s. when did u last take a pregnancy test? cos if it was not long ago it sud def have showed up positive. but if u took it near when u missed ur period it can be false.
how old are you? cos another possiblity is that ur period might not be settled yet.
good luck xxx
Participantits not impossible but it is unlikely, give it a few more days then test again, on the day or past the time you would expect ur period to come. it may just be ur period coming early or something, all those symptoms can be that too. you cant do anything but wait so ive learnt! hope everything works out try not to worry whatever the outcome xxx
ParticipantObviously u and ur bf are serious about each other, and personally if i was ur parents i’d let u π hehe.
but at the end of the day they are ur parents, and u literally can’t get married till u have ther say so.
maybe try talking to them sensibly like sitting them down and saying how much it means to u etc etc, and definately don’t act childish about it, cos then they’ll have reason to doubt ur not ready. hopefully they’ll allow it.
but if they don’t allow it, respect their decision and just wait a little while, they are only saying it cos ther trying to protect u. and try to understand that. its not that long to wait with all uv been through together.
good luck xxx
Participantid say go to thr dr’s and get a bloodtest done…other than that the only thing to do is wait for next period and try after that (if you get one!).
good luck xxx
Participantswimming is perfect for preg ppl π
Participanti’m not preg…but when my mom was having her first and secong she barely looked pregnant even at 9 months so ive heard…its just different bodies…i hope it happens to me when i am pregnant to be honest, less weight to lose afterwards! π
good luck xxx
Participanthave u took a preg test? xxx
Participantyeah…could be…espescially because ur feeling it so soon…may just be a period coming though maybe…the only real way to tell though is to wait…
j/w would it be a good or bad thing if you were preg?
good luck xxx
Participanta test SHOULD show up now if your late, however, if you can wait a few more days it would be more accurate. Or see your Dr now and he’ll be able to do a bloodtest.
ParticipantCongrats!!! That’s really exciting! Hope it all goes well, sounds like they already know what your like though if you did an internship there, which is obviously in your favour π
You sound like youv’e worked very hard to be in this position so I really hope you get it!!
Good luck xxx
Participantit is a scary thought to become a single mom – but many people do it, and make it work BETTER than if there were 2 parents. imagine if you did stay with him and you AND your baby were in this violence??
theres NO WAY your boyfriend should be hitting you and it was a very good choice to finsih it. not many people are strong enough to do that.
you know deep down it’ll be fine. hard, but it will work out, and it would have been harder with someone like that.
you’ll have to explain to your parents, you might not want them to hate him or anything like that, but he ruined that, not you. they will support you 100% with your desicion to finish it.
much love good luck be strong xxx
Participanti think it depends on circumstances.
i haven’t got a baby. but my sister gave her son her last name because they were split up when he was born and the dad never saw him, he doesnt deserve any credit for my nephew, and my nephew has now got his step-dads last name.
but my bf’s sister gave her son her bf’s last name, but they were together when he was born, but not anymore. but he still has a lot to do with the baby, see’s him everyday etc…and how hard he works and much he loves his son i think the dad deserves it…
if u think the dad "deserves" it , i think its nice to give the dad that cos it’s a very "manly" thing to pass the name on to your children. if u understand what i mean lol, i didnt explain that very well.
but basically its ur desicion, its not bad to give a baby ur name if u and the dad arent married, many people decide different things, no one should judge u for it.
much love xx
ParticipantErm…it could have been, I’ve read somewhere that 2/3 pregnancies end before the mother even knew she was pregnant at all.
But then again, it may just have been a late period. I think thats the best way to look at it anyway, it will just be upsetting if you believe that you did have a miscarriage, and the truth is you will never know for definate.
It’s best not to dwell on it and talk to your boyfriend about what he wants babywise π he might feel ready too. If not, you can have fun planning it for the future π
good luck xx
Participantyou still may be pregnant…although the packet says "take on the day of ur missed period" alot of the time its best to do it at least a week later, then the test can pick up the pregnancy hormone better π
saying that u may just be having a late month…everyone has them now and again…i do!
did the Dr take a blood test for u? that would give u the most accurate answer π
good luck xx
Participanti doubt a pregnancy test would come up positive after a week…if u *think* ur pregnant then u can be the only one to decide what to do. not ur mom, not anyone on this site, just u. if u r preg…things will turn out for the best aslong as YOU decide whats best for u.
Participanti heard coming off the pill can mess u up a little bit after…but then again, i’ve also heard the best time to take a pregnancy test is at least a week after a missed period. so i’d try again next tuesday if no period shows up. or go to the Dr for a blood test if u can, that would give u a definate answer.
let e know how it goes goodluck xx
Participanthey π … erm, the symptoms u said are pregnancy symptoms.
it MAY have been to early for a blood test, they should be ok at about 2 weekish but it could have been slightly too early still. u haven’t missed a period yet (if u were regular…) so the urine test was def too soon.
if nothing has showed by the end of the month/start of feb, thats when i’d take another urine test. that gives it a bit of time. i know it sounds far a way while this is worrying u but it’ll give u a definate answer that way and u won’t have to worry again.
would you be happy with pregnant? … just wondering π …
good luck xx
ParticipantCONGRATS π
good luck with ur pregnancy and baby xx
Participantit doesnt sound like u want that abortion…so dont have it, even if ur husband wont stay with u if u keep the baby, whos sayin ull want to stay with him after he has pressured u into something that big! my friend was pressured into having an abortion by her boyfriend, only to split up with him herself after a week or so cos of what he made her do.
that way ud end up losing both.
i dont want to give u false hope, but maybe when the babies born or u find out ur due date (n maybe conception date) n the baby turns out to be ur husbands, maybe he’ll want to be there.
doesnt he want the baby at all? or wud he be ok with it if it was his? … just wondering …
good luck xx
Participantnausea/headaches/cramps are ALL pregnancy symtoms.
so u may be…
they are also signs of other things too. like, u say, stress. dont worry TOO much (easier said than done :P) just wait till next period…if its late take a test π
good luck xx
Participantit does sound like that π sounds like he’s just freaked out a bit. and if ur ok with that then i think its fair to take him back π
if he decides not to come back for definate, u have learnt u will be ok so even tho it sounds like he may very well be there for u, plz remember ull be ok whatever happens.
good luck xx
Participantdont worry too much. im sure loadsa ppl on here did bad stuff before they realised they wer pregnant and ended up with perfectly healthy babies. the best thing to do is not to carry on doing it and ur being responsible from the sounds of it π u cant be harse on urself if u didnt know. and chances are that ur baby will be fine as long as the smoking weed/cigs stops π