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ParticipantI would talk to her and be honest with how you feel. Even if she chooses not to listen to you, at least you were a voice of reason to her. I would bring up that a good relationship is built on honesty. A kid is a big change and while you may have a surprise pregnancy, its much easier and less stressful if both of you are planning for it.
ParticipantI would recommend calling the crisis pregnancy line at 1-800-712- Help or going to and finding a center in your area. They can give you a free and confidential pregnancy test, and in my experience they are super nice, with unplanned pregnancies in their past too. At 15 it can be normal to have a late period, but it also can be a sign of pregnancy. I would go to a pregnancy center either way to discuss the whole pulling out method. Anytime you have sex you have a chance to become pregnant, no matter what you are doing. I do encourage you to wait to have sex because of this. I myself had sex at 16, thought I was pregnant, and it honestly changed my life. I didnt want a baby at that age, and I decided to wait until my wedding night some day in the future. It wasnt super easy to do, but let me tell you from someone who did it both ways, it was so amazing that we waited, and to this day 4 1/2 years later I feel like her really respected me and loved me enough to value my body and wait for me. I cant tell you how amazing that is/feels, but I promise its worth it!!
ParticipantWhen was your last period? If it hasnt been longer than 4 weeks, you could be testing too soon. If you have missed your period you should see a dr. A negative test could mean that you have an etopic pregnancy, or you are not far enough along to tell. It could be that you are not pregnant though. When you want to be pregnant, or even just think you are, our bodies play tricks on us and we have all kinds of things happen… A bloated tummy could be nothing more than something you ate, or your period about to start. All the early pregnancy symptoms are the same ones that you would have when you are just starting your period, so its hard to really tell. When I was pregnant with both my kids I thought I was pregnant every month expect the one month I actually was. That month was the first time I didnt have bloating and cramping and all the other things I thought were pregnancy symptoms, but it was just my period… I got super sick at 5.5 weeks with both kids (thats the time from my last period). The best thing to do is if your period still isnt due for awhile, wait until it is due and take a test, if it has not come and it should have go see a dr. You can also go here for local pregnancy center… They do free tests and the tests and can tell you better if you should go see a dr or not based on your last period.. Hope that helps!
ParticipantI am not from the Philippines, but I think the best place to start is to call the hospital or birthing center and ask how much it is going to cost for a c section without insurance, or with the insurance she has. You should be able to find out ahead of time. Most places here let you make payments, so if you talk to them ahead of time normally they will work out whatever you can do each month. I am sorry that your gf is pregnant with someone elses baby, thats so hard! You are really sweet, and a real man to be helping and supporting her!
ParticipantI would definitely make sure you and your husband are on the same page about things. It might be hard to wait, but no need for added stress if you can help it. Maybe you can write things down so you can just read your husband your thoughts and really get out what your thinking and how you feel without him interrupting. He still may not be for it in the end, but at least you can feel like you really got to share your heart and get your feelings about it all out on the table!
ParticipantI know its scary, but the absolute best thing for you to do is to tell your parents. I know they will be disappointed, but honestly things will be much easier with them helping you to find out if your pregnant or not. They can get a pregnancy test for you, and it will be much easier. I think telling them you may be pregnant and finding out together is much easier than finding out after the fact. At least they will be able to see that you felt like you could come to them.
I will tell you that I did wait till my wedding day. No it wasnt easy, but we really are best friends and we know each other so well now because of it. I know you probably dont want to hear this, and it would be super hard because you already had sex, but any man that really loves you will see that you are a jewel worth waiting for!! Dont sell yourself short because waiting until your wedding night is amazing and sooooo much better. I had sex when I was 16 and thought I was pregnant. I was so scared, and ashamed that I could be so young and get pregnant. I resented myself for it. When I waited for my husband on out wedding day it was so much different. I can only tell you from being able to look back now and say that I wouldnt change that for the world, it was the best thing we ever did! Our marriage is so secure because of it. And I knew that my husband waiting for me and not pressuring me meant that he respected me and my body, and because of this, I know that he will continue to respect me and that if he had self control when he loved me that much to not have sex, that he wont have sex with anyone else but me still. You have no idea how amazing that feels!!
ParticipantI haven’t been through what you are going through but just wanted to say I am sorry and you can message me if you need someone to talk to. You can call 1800395help or go to and they will tell you where a pregnancy center is near you that offers support for woman who have had abortions and some have their own abortion stories too so they can relate.
ParticipantI haven’t been through what you are going through but just wanted to say I am sorry and you can message me if you need someone to talk to. You can call 1800395help or go to and they will tell you where a pregnancy center is near you that offers support for woman who have had abortions and some have their own abortion stories too so they can relate.
ParticipantHonestly its probably just pregnancy! I am a super happy person normally but with both my pregnancies I was sooo depressed. After delivering I felt like myself again and better. I am not a good pregnant person. Pregnancy is already stressful enough without money issues and every little thing that is stressful seems even worse when you are bringing a new baby in the world. I know when I am pregnant I feel like everything has to be perfect when the baby arrives, but they arrive and they just sleep and cuddle and all the ” must haves” dont seem like that big of a deal in the end. I do cloth diapering and LOVE it. I never thought I would like it and almost didnt try it, but now I not only save money, but I love how much cuter they are than disposables. Plus my baby girls bottom is super sensitive and she does better in cloth. Feel free to write me anytime on here. I can totally relate and although I am not pregnant right now, I had 2 hard pregnancies and I am completely wacko when I am pregnant.LOL. I can relate!! 🙂
ParticipantI would say first of all dont worry and stress over it, that will only make it worse. The single most important thing you can do is to drink lots of water and eat well. With both my kids I had contractions super early and even dilated early. Each time they talked to me about early labor and everything and each time I had to get induced because my body didnt go into labor on its own and my first was late and my second I was leaking amniotic fluid both dilated to 5 cm and by then with both I had no more contractions. Every body is different, and its actually completely normal to have contractions that early, most woman have them as early as their first trimester drs are finding, but arent feeling them. As long as they arent dilating your cervix that early, they are completely fine. My contractions started at 25 weeks with my second, and by 30 weeks I was having them all day long every day and most days they were 3-5 minutes apart, but I didnt start dilating very much until the very end of my pregnancy. Normally they wont check you for dilating until you are further along because of the risk of setting you into labor, but as long as you havent lost your plug, or still have contractions every few minutes there is no reason to be concerned or even to get on meds. Most people with twins end of going on bedrest as well, your body has extra weight and pressure on your cervix that singleton moms dont have. I pray that everything goes well for you, and that you have healthy and happy babies!!
ParticipantI totally know how you feel!! I lost my first baby at 8 weeks and I was married and 21 and there were people who said similar things to me. It was really rude and very hurtful!! We planned and tried for the baby too, but maybe people didnt realize that. So dont think its just because you are a teen, some times people dont know what to say with a loss.
When people say that to you you should respond to them like this…” How could you say something so rude, my baby died!!” Dont worry about hurting their feelings because they are hurting yours!!
ParticipantYou sound like you are doing a great job!! Its hard, but dont listen to those who want to tell you what to do with your kid. Its breastfeeding now, but later on its going to be what foods he can or cant have, if he should be allowed to spend the night at a friends and so on. You are the parent, not them, and what you say goes. There opinion doesnt matter and only you will be responsible for how he turns out, not them. Tell them that its your kid, and you are doing things your way. Tell them they had a chance to do it their way and now its your turn. Tell them that you dont want advice about what he eats, you get that info from his pediatrician, or whatever you want to add to that. I think its a shame how many young moms dont breastfeed, its so good for your baby, but it also reduces your risk by like 80 percent against breast cancer for just breastfeeding a total of a year. No matter the age, it is always beneficial to breastfeed. I breastfed my son Noah for 8 months, and I wish I would have gone longer. I am pregnant with baby number 2, and I realy want to go for 18 months this time. Once they get a little older, you can offer milk as well as breastmilk, you dont have to nurse all the time if you dont wish to. Its only going to get easier to breastfeed from here on out. At 6-8 months they start to eat solids and you dont nurse as often because they are getting other foods. Its so easy, and you can be more carefree not having to think about a bottle, or bringing anything extra on a trip. You dont have to prepare, and the bonding time is awesome. He is going to start crawling soon, and nursing is the only time you are going to get with him to cuddle most likely!! To get more confidence breastfeeding you could call your local Wic office, or hospital and ask them if their are any times when woman get together to talk about nursing, and support. Often times at these meetings you can meet other moms who have the same issues as you do, get advice, and even share what worked for you to less experienced moms. With the biting thing…. when he bites, say no really firm, firm enough to scare him a little, and pull him off. You can latch him back on after that, but if he bites again say no again, and take him off. Dont put him back on for at least 10 minutes. Just saying No in a firm voice is usually enough though, but make sure you dont just keep letting him nurse if it isnt, he needs to know that it isnt allowed. My son started getting teeth at 4 months, and would naw on my breasts for relief. When he would be getting the tooth in he would start to bite, and each time I would have to go through the whole no, and laying down the boundaries. Once he gets teeth in front you may feel them slightly on your breast while nursing. Its natural to feel this, and it may irritate your breasts for a week or two, but your breast do adjust to it. I nursed Noah with 8 teeth, and I just got use to it, and didnt feel get sore from it by that point. Feel free to message me at any time on here if you need any advice at all, or just want to talk!!
ParticipantI know that everything is new and scary right now, but you can do this!! You dont have to tell your parents right away, I mean you want to tell them by about 8 weeks along, but you still have time. Do it in your time when you are ready. Its scary, but you can do it!!!! I would pick the person who you think is going to be the most supportive of you and once you tell them you can bring them with you to tell everyone else. Its nice to have the support of a friend, your boyfriend, or your mom so you dont have to face everyone alone. Let me know how it goes telling everyone. I am going to add you as a friend and send you my email so you can keep in touch!!
ParticipantHave you got the results of your blood test back yet? Urine tests are very accurate for most people, but sometimes the hormone HCG that they detect is too low to be picked up and a blood test will check what that level is. Have you had children before, if not and you are not pregnant, I would ask your dr about the leaking breast again. Its not normal for someone to leak having never been pregnant before to my knowledge. Also if you have had a kid before, it is unfortunately very common to leak during your period, or even ovulation… Not fun, but normal.
ParticipantIf you are more than 1 week late at any time for your period, and not showing up on a pregnancy test, you should always contact your dr. They can give you a blood test to make sure you really arent pregnant. A pregnancy test will show most pregnancies, but there are some cases, like in some rare tubal pregnancies, that you dont have enough hormones to register on a pregnancy test, and its important to get it check out. If you have always had regular periods and are now having irregular, you may want to call and see your dr anyway as something else could be going on.
ParticipantiAuquarius- it is ok, and even normal to not have as heavy of a period, expecially if you are young and even if you have very regular periods. If you read my other comment, you can also call the pregnancy hotline number and get in touch with someone who can give you a free pregnancy test.
ParticipantIf you are having sex, you can always be pregnant. While it is very rare to have a period while pregnant, you can always go in and take a test to make sure. If you call 1800-395- HELP they will tell you where a pregnancy center in your area is. The pregnancy centers are free, and confidential and they are very helpful there.
Early pregnancy symptoms and period symptoms are most of the same things, tender breasts, cramps, even nausea is common during your period.christyrose
ParticipantAlso,whats your due date? Mine is January 11th. I just read your post about that you are 17 weeks too!! I also have a 16 month old son. I will tell you that the abortion clinics make their money giving abortions. They dont like to call a baby a baby because that makes people feel bad and they want people to not feel like they are really killing your baby. They have abortion clinics because most of the drs who deliver the babies dont want to do abortions because they know they are babies.
On Saturday I was laying in bed, not sure if I was feeling the baby move or not, and I looked at my bare tummy. The baby was pushing so far up that the left side of my stomach looked lopsided. It was so cool. You should start to feel your baby move in a couple weeks here. It will feel like little flutters at first, but then it will become more obvious and you will start to feel those hard punches and kcikes and see the baby move around as your belly changes shapes!! Your baby is 5 1/2 inches this week, and about 5-6 oz. So look at a ruler at 5 1/2 inches and see how large your baby is already!! Its crazy, but they start growing about a 1/2 inch every week, and soon they will be gaining 1/2 a lb each week. If you were to do an ultrasound today your dr could tell you if the baby is a boy or girl!!!christyrose
ParticipantAnytime you have sex, protected or not, you have a chance of getting pregnant. The best thing to do is to take a pregnancy test. You can get good ones at the dollar tree.
You period can naturally be longer or shorter here and there, its not a big deal if its only 5 instead of 9 days. Since you are feeling sick, its a good idea to take a test and if its negative, to see a dr if it continues because it could be something else and you want to get it checked out.
ParticipantHey, I just wanted to say I am 17 weeks pregnant, and I am feeling my baby move around and get to find out what I am having in a couple weeks!! Dont go to an abortion clinic. You have a baby in there, that wants to be loved!! If you need to check out adoption, there are so many wonderful parents on a huge waiting list for a healthy baby to adopt. It is the most amazing thing to get to know that you helped another human come into the world, you couldnt ask for a bigger blessing. I am not saying its all cupcakes and roses, but its so worth it in the end!! How far along are you, when was your last period? Drs go off the day of your last period.
ParticipantI have a 15 month old now and I am pregnant again. With my first pregnancy I was really scared about delivery and stuff too, but it wasnt at all like I thought it was going to be. Dont worry, your body tells you what to do, and it becomes so natural to deliver your baby. You dont have to have a dr when you are pregnant, a lot of clinics offer female midwifes instead. They are sometimes quite a bit cheaper than a dr too, and many women prefer them to a dr because they are more comfortable. Call the clinics around and ask about all the drs and midwifes that are accepting new patients, then you can make an appt with one and see if you like her.
ParticipantI’m so sorry that you are going through this. I lost a baby at 8 weeks, and I understand how scary it can be. Dont let this scare you when you get pregnant again… It can be hard and discouraging, maybe you can find out what caused the miscarriage so you can try to prevent it next time around.
ParticipantYou have a very low chance of getting pregnant a couple days before your period. A period starts normally around 10-14 days after ovulation and you can only get pregnant within a couple days of ovulation. So you are pretty safe. There are other risks you may want to think about though, like an std, and such. A lot of std’s out there can be symptomless, but you can get one and have it the rest of your life. Waiting until marriage to have sex is so much better for this reason among many other ones!!
ParticipantIf you feel ready, then no its not too early. I am pregnant and my kids will be 21 months apart. I think that when you are ready is the biggest indicator, not something other people can decide for you though.
ParticipantI would advise you that if you are planning on waiting until marriage for sex to not do the showering together or other sexual activity. Although you cant get pregnant by oral sex, its still sex, and its part of becoming one with another person. Acts like showering together and stuff are only going to lead you to more temptation, and next time it may be different. I know from experience that saving all the physical and sexual acts for marriage really is rewarding and you respect each other and yourselves more for it.