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ParticipantHey, how’s it going? My name is Anna and I had my son when I was fifteen. He’s a little one year old now and I’m turning seventeen in January. While I’m with my boyfriend and we’re doing relativley ok I know what the stress is like. You’re to prepare yourself for hardships and stress. That is what babies are about. But in my year of being of Mom it has taught me so many amazing things and I see myself improving as a person every day. They joy of being a young mom is while you may not be where you’d like to be (money, relationship, school etc.) we’re still young enough that we can fix it as we go along, raising our happy healthy bouncy babies. And beilieve your friends it is a lot of fun. And also, it will be easier to do it alone because no boyfriend is better than an unsoportive one. message my guestbook if you want my email address, I’ll support you through this 🙂
Participantmy sons name is Odin, he’s named after the Norse God of War so that’s a prety powerful name, I like Benjamin, Reagen, Zach, Dresden…For girls I like Kalista, Raine, Zahara, Skye
ParticipantHey I went through the same stuff with my boy, he’s one now and sleeps through the night like the perfect little cherub he is. Now since she is eight months old it’s time to be “TOUGH MUMMY” LOL! First, look for every single thing that could possibly be wrong.
1. Teething, very good possibility as they start teething like crazy around this time and it acts up at night in that case try teething tablets, tylenol, and frozen things
2. you’re right, at the time they start crawling they get so excited about their accomplishments that they do have sleep trouble
3.Gas, massage, loosening their diapers and putting them on their bellies (they wont suffocate dont worry) will all help with that.
If you have tried that to no avail then it is time for Mommy to say good night and leave baby to go to sleep on their own. Guaranteed they will scream their heads off for hours but they WILL figure it out. And believe me, it works. Lastly, she’s old enough that she doesn’t need to breastfeed at night so when she wakes up to nurse just put her back to bed and do the crying it out. If she continues to cry constantly just go back in her room and lay her down (cause she’ll probably be standing up) and tell her “night night time” Believe it’s hard but it works so well in the long run. And last but not least NEVER put her to bed asleep. But I think you already knew that. Anyways GOOD LUCK!
ParticipantHey girly. I got pregnant at fifteen to and it was incredibly scary. I don’t think I’ve ever cried so hard in my life…I wanted an abortion but after a long time thinking, I knew I couldn’t. Guess what? My boy just turned one the day before halloween, he’s the most amazing little thing, walking all over the place with his naked bum, smilin at me with all of his four teeth, soapy curls in the tub and a hug and a kiss at night. Kids are amazing, don’t let your age take that joy from you. Don’t think of yourself as a teenage mom, just think of yourself as mom, mamma, mother, Mum. It’ll be harder, that’s for sure. But it is SO worth it.
ParticipantOMG!! You are pregnant AGAIN?!?! Wow congrats you crazy woman. How far long are you? How old is Neveah? Odin just turned on on the 30th!
ParticipantDo not let a man treat you like crap. Not only does it crush you and your strength it takes away you ability to mother your child properly. The not wanting the baby thing? It will pass, don’t do anything drastic because you will regret it. Being a young mom is scary and tough but believe me it is worth it. My son just turned one and I made a vow that if my husband were to cause problems with his anger and fear I would take Odin and raise him in love and respect. Do everything you can (within reason) to make it work with you guys. But if you see long term problems and cannot see a happy healthy household with him then make the decision to do well by your child and raise him/her yourself. It is most important to love and respect your child and let them feel safe then to try and make it work with a partner who is angry and controlling. you will make the right choice, don’t worry.
ParticipantI talked about circumsision with my doctor (for my son not me of course lol) and he said it’s not neccassery. He said that it’s quite a mix of who is circumsized and who isn’t, circumsision isn’t as popular as it once was, not so much popular but just not considered necassery. I choose not to get Odin circumsized because I want to leave the decision up to him for when he is older. If he wants it he can get it, if he doesn’t then we have nothing to worry about. 🙂
ParticipantBravo! that was so much fun to read, way to make light of all that agony you went through! congratulations on your new baby girl!
ParticipantYou’re definitley in a scary situation and I hate to say this but the right decision is the hardest one, you have to give the baby life! Whether or not you choose to keep baby (adoption??) is up to you but abortion is not the way to go, just look at your son and think about what if you aborted him?? I’m looking at my beautiful two week old son and it makes me cry thinking that at one point I was thinking of abortion, those beautiful eyes, soft skin and thick hair would all be gone and I would be left with nothing. Abortion is so wrong girl, everyone deserves a chance!! In a lot of ways adoption is a great solution, both you, baby and baby’s family win in this decision! Abortion hurts everyone! I’m only fifteen and I was so scared to find out I was pregnant, but unlike you I had (and have) lots of support from my family and boyfriend so I’m not going to say I know exactly what you are going through. All I know is abortion is not the way! I think for the best of you and your son bringing another baby into your life may be too much right now but I am sure the family that can not have children and are financially and emotionally stable would love to bring your child into their arms to call him or her their own. Please do the right thing and give baby a chance, everyone will thank you for it! Look into adoption before you make any more decisions and know that all the girls (and some guys) here at Standupgirl are here for you to offer support whenever you need, don’t be afraid to reach out we are all here to help!!
Talk to me anytime and I hope this hard patch in your life gets better, Good luck!
ParticipantWow you sound just like me when I was pregnant with my son at 7 months! It might help to prop yourself up a bit in bed and drink lots of water! Get lots of fresh air to and make sure you take it easy, the more strain on the body the more strain on your lungs! Have lots of rest and maybe use some pillows to get yourself comfy, it may help open up your lungs to find a better position when lying down! All in all, it’ll be over soon!
ParticipantWell it is about six weeks till you should fully stop bleeding and then afterwards you go back to normal (no gaping hole or anything, don’t worry!) As for me, I had a c section and my son is only two weeks old so it won’t be the same for me, just make sure you use protection!!
ParticipantBeing small has nothing to do with how you’ll deliver your baby!! The shape and size and position of your baby is what matters, if your baby is breech or transverse you may have to get a c section or if the baby is too large (they thought my son was ten pounds! he was nine) they might be worried about the width of the shoulders which can get stuck after the head is delivered causing a serious medical emergency, as for more on the positioning if baby is posterior it can make labour and delivery a lot rockier for you, who knows though, some huge babies slide right out and some small ones get really stuck in there!! You’re size won’t affect it but your baby will! I think you’ll be fine, and no your shoe size has nothing to do with how far you’ll dialate, as Meg says that’s probably an old wive’s tale! Full dialation is ten centimeteres! Good luck, do you know what you are having?? I predict boy!
ParticipantI understand, it’s probably because you are such an activist for teen mothers that in a way, you no longer are one!!! It seems like the battle is over!!
Something you’ve defended so fiercly and for so long is now over and people will look at you as a young mom but not a teenage mom, it makes things a little different I guess.
I could be way off but I guess that’s how I would feel, a lot of people I think forget that teenage moms DO grow up and we won’t be young forever!
ParticipantYou are a very brave person, congratulations on doing the hard (but right) thing and offering an innocent child the chance to live. We are all here to support you when you need it 🙂
ParticipantHow old were you when u got pregnant? 15
How old are u now? 15
How long was your labour? I had a C section
Did you have ne drugs or interventions? Epidural
Did you finish school? I am in a self paced program
Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? Never!!!
Are you still with the father? Yes, we just had our one year anniversary!
Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? I live with my boyfriend my Mom and Baby Odin!breathless
ParticipantWell since I’m not married to my boyfriend when my son was born he was automatically baby Graham (my last name) but on the birth certificate his last name is Vickers (my boyfriend). I think that usually the Father’s last name is what the baby gets unless decided otherwise. You can also combine both last names (someone else said that as well) or I’ve heard you can give them a whole new last name which I think is weird but apparently you can!!
ParticipantThank you guys!!
kez_mummy_to_skye there’s no pictures?? I put a bunch up, maybe they have no been accepted yet!! Don’t worry, they are there! I can’t wait for you guys to see him!
Check out this website as well, I looked it up for you. This is really what they are going to do if you don’t already know…
ParticipantThere is no way of telling why or how things happen, they simply do and we have to accept them however painful or unfair. I hate to hear that you went through this but you need to know that at the end of all these why’s and how’s it is not your fault, never was and never will be.
Be brave girl, we are all here for you.
ParticipantWay to go! You are such a brave and amazing person and you will be greatly rewarded in life and love. The world thanks you for being brave and standing up for your beautiful self!
ParticipantThis is so beautiful, I can only imagine how many tears you’ve cried compared to the ones I’ve just shed…This tribute is so profound, it has left a ringing in my ears and my fingers are shaking. I cannot even say anything because there are no words that can be said…Thank-you for sharing this with us and letting us into a part of such a deeply personal matter. You are so brave.
ParticipantOh god please don’t go through with this! You said it is right for you AND your family?? How can it be right for your family when the baby (not fetus, baby) you are about to kill is your FAMILY! I am sorry, I was faced with the EXACT SAME SITUTATION. I am fifteen and I found out I was pregnant when I was five months and two days. I had a week to decide abortion. The abortion was a three day long process, the put a different sized tube thing into you (to maunally dialate you) each day (very painful) and on the third day they cut the baby out piece by piece. My mom said when she looked at the Ultra Sound ( I couldn’t look) the baby was sucking his thumb. That means he was feeling pleasure. If your child can feel pleasure he can also feel pain. Do not do this. I said no, I chose to keep him and now my son is four days late and I went and got a 3D ultrasound awhile ago and it was so unbelievable, it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. How come you think abortion is the only way? if you simply CANNOT take care of this baby and a life with you is not what you need than AT LEAST put him up for adoption. You’ve done the research on abortion now do the research on adoption, call an adoption agency and talk to them. Give your child a chance, it is too late now to turn back anyways, you baby feels. He feels. Pain and pleasure……..Please, please, please don’t do it! He is your family, he is your child!! Right now you have a little person inside you, not an unrecognizable shape, you have a baby with little fingers, legs, arms, a head, ears, nose…everything. This baby is alive and no longer looks like an alien but a baby. I am here to offer support to you if you need it, I am only fifteen and I am scared too, but I am doing what is right for my child, whether or not you choose to keep him life is the right choice, not death. If you were 2-5 weeks along I would still say not to abortion, I stil think it’s wrong but this is so much different, this is a child now, a living child. This is not the beginning of one, this is one. It’s too late for that, just because they do the procedure does not mean it is right or humane or not painful, it is painful for you AND the baby. Walk away from this, please. I know it’s hard, I know it’s scary I did the SAME thing as you. I was so afraid, I cried so much and sometimes it was just too much and I would scream "I DON’T WANT THIS BABY" I was so SO afraid but you know what? It’s all worth it. Please do the right thing. I am here for you every step of the way if you choose to keep him, I can help you through all the stuff you are feeling because I have been there…but it gets better. Believe me, it gets better. Please reply after you think about it, do some more research hun, please don’t do this…
Lots and lots of love,
ParticipantYeah I’m not sure why you want to hide your bump?? People are going to find out anyway and as soon as I found out I told my work (I am fifteen) and they didn’t care, they just wanted to know how much longer I would be working there…I guess in some schools they kick you out if you’re pregnant, I’m guessing you’re in one of those, well that’s a tough one. As for drinking and stuff I guess you couldn’t just tell your friends because they go to your school and word spreads yadda yadda…I don’t know girl!! My grandma hid her pregnancy for nine months in the 50’s (she got pregnant with a black man’s child) and she did it by wearing baggy sweaters and other clothes but I guess if you wear a certain type of clothes than people would notice either way..? As for sports, skating isn’t all that dangerous is it? Well I guess it depends! Wow, I wrote a whoole bunch about nothing and haven’t helped you out at all. I am sorry, I just don’t think you should hide it, and the only suggestion I can think of is faking an injury (sports) telling people you are waiting till you are legal (drinking) and wearing baggy clothes (school) other than that…I just don’t know.
ParticipantBravo! That was wonderful, congratulations on standing up and helping other girls to face the reality of being a teenage mom! You are so brave and that is definitley something to be applauded!