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  • in reply to: rest with the angels my girls #24590

    I’m so sorry :(. I’m really sorry this happened.

    Rest in peace lil angels.

    in reply to: Should I tell her mother? #22479

    As you said, she is twenty years of age, she is old enough to go without her mother to a doctor’s appointment. If she won’t go by herself or with her boyfriend, why don’t you offer to go with her?

    I hope she understands how much she is endangering the baby’s and her life by not going to the doctors. All the best xo

    in reply to: has anyone? #22478

    Step number one. Take a deep breath and realise you need to get out of there before anything worse happens.

    Step number two. Call up a sexual assault hotline (I don’t know where you live so I can’t give you one) or a psychologist’s office and organise to see a counsellor.

    Step number three. Either tell them over the phone what is going on, or organise a day or at least a few hours to see that counsellor and tell them what happened.

    You really need to get out of that situation and begin to heal. PLEASE GET OUT NOW.

    in reply to: news #22477

    Hey darlink, hope everything goes well. Let us know what goes on.

    in reply to: 40 days left.. #22476

    Congrats and good luck darl!

    in reply to: Depression #21542

    Hey Sarah…people DO care and people do want to help you. You can talk to me anytime and I will always listen. And I do care.

    My first thought is to be wary with anti-depressants, and see a counsellor first to determine whether you need them or not. Maybe even talking to a counsellor will help.

    My heart goes out to you…I don’t know what to say because I have just come out of a depressed stage right now…I really feel what you are saying, it’s like every day you just heave yourself out of bed…but you CAN get through this, I finally am starting to, there is a light at the end of the tunnel; but to be on the safe side, it’s best to go see a counsellor who will be able to help you, just having that person to lean on is so much easier.

    I’ll keep you in my prayers, and if you ever need to vent, don’t hesitate to write to me, I really understand how you’re feeling and I can really relate!

    xo Kat

    in reply to: question please!! #21541

    Sounds to me like it’s Yaz side effects. How much information did you receive about the pill?
    Did the doc explain to you how it worked? The side effects?
    You may need to look into other methods of birth control, don’t completely trust everything your doctor tells you.

    in reply to: when did you find out you were preggo? #21540

    3 months!

    But I knew pretty my when my rags didn’t come, my ex just kept holding me off telling me to wait:laugh: !

    in reply to: preggy #21539


    in reply to: 5 weeks #21538

    Get some sleep while you can is all that I can say:P !
    Good luck with everything, I remember I was jsut as impatient with mine lol!

    in reply to: Has anyone giving a baby up for adoption before? #21407

    jennyandtrouble wrote:

    Hey, im not pregnant but i have a 5month old son and im thinking of giving him up for adoption because i want him to have alot more than i can give and i want more of my life before i settle down for a family if i ever do. wud any1 b willin 2 share the expiriences with me. thanks jenny

    Sorry, I’m going to go against the general tide here.

    Firstly, it would probably not hurt to go see a number of counsellors about this, and see which one seems the most helpful. You see, although you seem to be talking about you wanting him to have a lot more than you can give, I’m not really sure about what that means. Do you mean you don’t have enough love to give him? Becuase by gosh if you are talking about financial security, or something along those lines, you seriously need a good donking on the head to readjust your world views. I know there’s a lot of people running around saying all these things that you need to do before you have a baby, but honestly, they just have no clue, that’s all, and it’s pointless listening to them because then you just get depressed. All you baby needs is love.
    However, if you cannot give your baby love, then of course we have a serious problem there, and adoption would be your best course of action for the sake of the baby.
    Nevertheless, if this is a cry for help, and you don’t want to let go of your baby, but are instead having people bully you from all sides and trying to indoctrinate you that you must do certain things in life before you may even consider that you are qualified to start a family….then stand up to them and don’t let them push you into it.

    So, obviously, in the end, the whole adoption things comes down to YOUR decision. And the reasoning behind it.
    Whatever you choose, counselling would be ideal. Adoption or facing pressure from the outside community to adopt out are both incredibly tough issues to face. *hugs*

    in reply to: baby names (boy) #21364

    AlexanderB) .
    Gabriel….They’re my suggestions:P …I just have a thing for those names, sorry.

    I really like Noah out of the ones you picked out, it is sooooooo cute (although they’re all cute really!)

    in reply to: feeling alone, please help! #21363


    Must be hard, hey?
    Please please consider what Meg said though.
    Are you being held back because you believe that this baby isn’t in your personal plan?
    Because it is. Things happen for a reason. just read the emotional pain people talk about on here after having abortions, it’s heartbreaking. At 8 weeks, that baby’s heart is beating. It loves you. You provide it with food and shelter and warm and love in your womb. It relies on you for life; just ask yourself, would you really be able to pay for someone to kill this little baby of yours who loves you so much and doesn’t have the capacity to comprehend why this pain is death is inflicted upon them?
    Yes, they don’t have that capacity to understand, but neither does a two year old child. They do, however, feel pain, and love.

    Please, please reconsider.

    Having a baby is not the end of the world. If you really think about it — it’s actually the beginning of a wonderful new life:silly: !

    Best of wishes,
    Love, Kat

    in reply to: Speaking out? #21135

    Well….I submitted it:cheer: !
    Wish me luck! I’ll get back to you girls what the lecturer says;) .

    in reply to: I’m About To Get Stupid In 3-2-1!!!! #21121

    You certainly did the right thing girl!
    Hurrah for standing up for yourself. You handled it with dignity and respect, kudos to you.
    If that man is a nutter, well, it’s not like it’s your fault.
    And your son sounds really well behaved.
    (Man, if it was me in that situation….:blush: …God help that man)

    in reply to: Ok, I am once again lost.. #21101

    Yeah, you get that as a mother….I honestly don’t even think it’s just the young ones….ALL mothers get negative crp put on them all the time.
    You just learn to let it blow past your ears and far far away. They’re just being mean and silly and ignorant, honestly.
    I know they’ve obviously figured which button to push to hurt you, but you’re right in what you called it: it’s just cr*p. Best you can do is ignore it.

    in reply to: Baby Boy name…Help!!!! #21059

    Well I like the name Alexander…hehe….
    I also like the name Amos, Blake, and Seamus. Don’t know why, but they’re the names that just sprung to my head lol.
    Oh, and Darragh as well, but that’s a really rare Irish name and I don’t think many peoples like it lol!

    in reply to: need advice #21058

    The girls at SUG will be here for you no matter what you…of that I’m sure.
    But please don’t kill your baby. There is a living baby inside you, and it relies on you for its life. That may be the best gift that you ever have in life — please don’t just throw it away.

    in reply to: im running out of time #21026

    I would let your baby live if you know what I mean.
    Wow! You made a life! That is so…amazing….I know it may not sound real to you right now, but that baby is going to be the best thing that ever happens to you….
    Just read the accounts of the girls who’ve had abortions, and read the ones who chose to give birth….and decide which ones seem happier for yourself.
    Right now IS hard. But if you get an abortion, tomorrow is just going to be harder; and will have to live with the fact that you destroyed that life inside of yuo that if you really think about it, is such a miracle.
    Hope all goes well!

    in reply to: Unexpected chat for unexpected pregnancy!! #20915

    I am so confused, I can’t even find where this chat feature is! Lol!:huh:

    in reply to: Oh Crap. I’m Scared. #20875

    Dude I thought a little while ago you said you were getting pregnant and getting an abortion.

    in reply to: I don’t know what to do #20870

    Hey Katelyn!
    It’s too early to test as yet; you have to at least wait until the 17th.
    I think seedsofhope has a good point though although I don’t want to say this and think that I’m judging you because I’m not. But being married is a much more stable place to be starting a family.

    in reply to: Turning a New Leaf! #20859

    Congratulations Devyn!
    Sending all my positive thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Hope all goes well for you.:kiss:

    in reply to: abortion #20853

    queenB wrote:

    I like to tell people to follow their heart, but in your case I would not – sorry. You are right to want to give 100% to your baby. If you are at University you will not be able to do that. You also will probably have a difficult time providing for your child. The best thing you can do for yourself is wait until you are married to start a family.

    I’m sorry, I just read that and I have to say I fundamentally disagree. Not with the wait until you’re married part and stuff, but about the university bit. I give 100% to my child and I’m at university. I’m sorry for diverting completely from the topic of this thread:blush: but I just thought that it was really unfair. And completely untrue.

    in reply to: A whole year of being Mommy #20800

    Congratulations and good work!:)
    I’m sure you can do whatever you put your mind to!
    (And time does fly, I’ve just turned around and found myself with a nearly three year old and I still can’t believe it lol!)

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