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ParticipantI think its very very possible that thats what your dreams are caused by, you still haven’t come to peace with it. I can understand that since it really wasn’t your first choice. It may be a good idea for you to hook up with a site or a local place that can help you come to terms with it. Are the dreams the only thing you are feeling? I hope that you find a way to come to peace with what happened, i know its not an easy road.
ParticipantYour right, it sounds pretty normal. If your not sure then take a test, or go to your doctor, they will tell you for sure.
ParticipantTo tell you the truth I don’t think what you eat truly enhances your chances of getting preggy. Although I agree that you should eat like your pregnant if and when your planning, that way it has a GREAT chance of being alot healthier. MY personal clue on getting preg. is check your cervical mucus. If its sticky and thick, thats not good, but when its the consistency of egg white, and about the same color that means you are VERY fertile. Thats how I got pregnant this time. I only had two days of this goop though (that I know of/remember). Have sex on the days that you get that goop and it seems like a sure thing. ALSO don’t think about it or stress over it. Just be in the moment and relax, HAVE FUN! It happens when you least suspect it!
Good luck if you are pregs now, it sounds like you could be, take a test!;)Suzy_n_Chris
Participanthaha my hoo hoo was blue (cyanotic).:blink:
ParticipantMy baby daddy was the first to see the positive test. Show him that, or a picture of it.
Participantyes ma’am…
ParticipantWell are you pregnant or not? I’m guessing not. It could be ovarian cysts but they are MUCHO painful, like the worst cramps you’ve ever had. If you were pregs then i’d say that its your uterus stretching.
ParticipantDoesn’t sound like pregnancy. Just a bad cycle maybe. But I’m NOT a doctor. Go to your gyno if your not sure!! Better to be safer then sorry!
ParticipantGet in as soon as you can for the first prenantal, at my practice they do the ultrasound then. As for showing, I started showing before I knew. I really didn’t think anything of it because I have always had a little belly. Now at 9 weeks, I am deffinatly showing to the point where my fiance and I can deffinatly see it but not everyone else yet.
ParticipantIts hard. and being so far away from her deffinatly does not help. I too went into a depression after my ‘it’. My man was right along side me and I’m not sure how he put up with me. He tells me he hated to see what I was going through. I don’t know what to tell you on how to act towards her.
Babe, I love you no matter how far away you are. I’m more sorry than you know that you had to go through this. I wish I could do more for you, and/or be there physically for you. Nothing but time will make this feeling pass. If time still hasen’t healed your emotional wound then you need to see a doctor, or things will just get worse.
It took me about three months and two or three pills to get past that part of my life. And do have her do some research. If you know about what your going through it helps you know how to get past it.
Good Luck..
ParticipantI must agree with the other, you deserve props for being there for her, you both made a decision to do this. Deffinatly talk to both your parents, see what they think is the best for you both. Legally she doesn’t have to get an abortion just because her parents say so. From 12 on the baby mama has the choice. If the parents don’t want to help you raise the baby, look into open adoption so you can see the baby as much as possible but you have given up custody.
ParticipantWhat are they afraid of, that you’ll get pregnant again?!?!?!?! The "damage" is already done. As a father he has to have a right to atleast see you at the prenatal appointments. He will deffinatly have rights once that baby is out, but there is NO good reason he shouldn’t be able to see you. Did you ever flat out ask your Grandparents exactly WHY you can’t see him? Tell them how strongly you feel about this. You need to sit down and have a chat, maybe with all of you.
ParticipantI am almost in the same situation. But to step in you CANNOT get prenatal care at planned parenthood, all they can do is gyno stuff and test you for pregnancy. Trust me I’ve asked. You can however get on medicaid if your insurance wont cover it, and go to a OBGYN. There are alot of offices that accept it.
You are probly afraid of the same thing I am, the stares and the listening we’re going to have to endure about how much of a mistake we are about to make and how much money its going to cost. I don’t know how it happens but there always seems to be a way to make it.
ParticipantWow, your situation stinks. If your dad is abusive, they’re rule that out reaaaaaall quick. They’ll atleast have social services look into it. If you have a job you may want to look into being emancipated. Its NOT that easy tho. I dont think they could take you to your fathers house eap. if you tell them that you are afraid he will hurt you. Cops in NJ have better things to do than domestic matters. You’d have to ask a cop and a lawyer this stuff(I AM NOT EITHER). Atleast a social service person. I hope I sort of helped…
ParticipantI have it at 5 weeks! When I stretch it really hurts. Otherwise its just dull cramps. I asked the nurse about this and she said even with her second pregnancy she thought she knew everything, until this happened to her! LoL I read somewhere that exersizing helps some what. Like walking (not tummy crunches! LOL ) 😛 Hope I kinda helped 🙂
ParticipantOMG I am in the same boat almost. I was on ambien b4 i got pregnant, I can’t sleep with out an aid, so I found out that you can take benaydryl (i do) or unisom. Nothing narcotic! All the sleep aids that have the benedryl in them are ok.
ParticipantWhat was your last period like? How long ago was it? If you took the pill an hour late, it should NOT matter,lol. But the symptoms do sound like you might be. If your really freaked out then wait till your about 4 days from your expected period then take an early responce like FIRST RESPONCE, get one with two tests, there’s usually a bonus test included. Go from there.. 🙂
ParticipantI deffinatly think you should take one(a test)!! I got that with my first pregnancy when i was only about 4-6 weeks.
ParticipantI like Aiden and Ethan, my fiance and i are considering those.
ParticipantI agree that you should not skimp when it comes to the pregnancy tests. Get early responce with easy read… Just wait a day or two then try again, that’s what I had to do… I am 5 weeks and I experienced exhaustion as well. Also I have been turned into a chocolet fiend!!! LoL usually I just have a square once in a while, although I am partial to sweets anyway.
ANYWHO iF you want to or can you can get a blood test to check for pregnancy, they can tell from Two weeks along! Those are a little more definate. Good Luck… 😉