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  • in reply to: 15 , in a committed relationship ; want baby #27494
    Hun, I know what it is like to want a baby so bad it hurts. I’ve been there. First child I got pregnant with I lost when I was a little over two months pregnant. I was fifteen at the time, wasn’t planned or anything. It’s horrible. Then I got pregnant at the end of my tenth grade year and found out that summer. I made the choice to keep my baby and later decided that if I was going to be a mother, I needed to marry the love of my life. I started eleventh grade, and soon realized that pregnancy was harder then I ever thought. I was sick all the time, my teachers, and classmates was so mean to me. I was called all kinds of names and even threatened. At one point someone elbowed me in the stomach, when I said something to the teachers they told me it was my fault. I quit school after that. I use to get emails and comments telling me they was going to push me down the stairs and save my child’s life. I was even told to abort my child when I was six months pregnant because if I didn’t my child would just kill itself because of ho horrible of a mother I will be. Today my son is six months old, and he is the love of my life. I would go through everything all over again for him. But it is one of the hardest things you have to do in life. Being a mother at seventeen is very rough. I don’t get to just go hang out with a friend if I want to, I don’t get to go to the movies whenever I please. I’ve yet to finish school because I feel if I do I will be a bad mother. I breastfeed my son so I can’t work. My husband supports us on a part time job. Sometimes we even struggle for money. It breaks my heart to know that Braxton can’t have everything he wants whenever he wants it. My advice to you is to wait, your only fifteen. You have your entire life to have as many kids as you want. Right now you probably don’t work, you still need to graduate, and move out on your own. No one can really tell you what to do, but I promise you if you wait it will be much better on your child, you, and your boyfriend. You may not think this but, what if one day your boyfriend say’s “I can’t do this anymore, it’s too much” then your left on your own to raise your child without his help. I’m not trying to scare you, but having a child isn’t just smiles and look at me I’m a mommy. It’s so much more then that.
    in reply to: Do abortion clinics go by the lmp or how far along #27420

    That is far from true, your baby is a BABY. No matter what the abortion people say. It’s not fair that you waited so log to get an abortion. Your baby feels pain. Your baby has a heart beat. Your baby has ten tiny fingers, and ten tiny toes. Your baby looks just like a newborn baby, just a lot smaller. Read more about your baby inn the second trimester. You will see so much you probably never knew. I hope you make the right choice. Even if you still don’t want your baby have the baby. Give YOUR baby the gift of life, then let a good family adopt your baby. YOUR baby deserves that.

    in reply to: Natrual child birth #27297
    Natural Childbirth is the best for both mommy and baby.
    With or without support you should do it, all you have to do is focus on when the baby is here. I tried so hard to have a natural childbirth. But faced a few problems when the time came. I was in labor for two days outside of the hospital, and fifteen hours and thirty five minutes in the hospital. I had horrible back labor but got through it with out any pain medicine. When I was eight centimeters my sons heart rate started going up then down and they told me I could get an epidural then or go in for a c-section. So I choose the epidural.
    Not much longer after that they said it was time to push so I push as hard as I could for two very long hours, but still no baby. They figured out he was to big for me to push out and took me in for a c-section anyways. I stopped contracting and everything because my body was to tired. I hope you can go all natural, because it is best for you and baby.
    If you need to talk to anyone i’m here, and happy to help the best I can.
    in reply to: Future #27194

    Thank you!

    in reply to: Future #27164

    [size=4][color=#00FF00][center] I already have one baby and I named him Braxton Thomas Lynn Stockton, but if I ever have another boy my husband and I will name him Bentely Kadance Drew Stockton. If we have a girl we will name her Serenity RayeLynn Mae Stockton.

    in reply to: c section or naturally w/ pain meds? #27162

    Labor hurts, horribly but if you think you can do it I say go for it. I was in labor for two days before I went to the hospital and spent 15 hours and 35 minutes in labor in the hospital. After the long labor and two hours of pushing they told me that my son was far to big for me to push him out. I was trying to go completely natural too, they made me get an epidural and have a c-section. My hips wasn’t wide enough, if you have small hips you would probably be better off having a c-section. The pain from a c-section after you go home is bad, but nothing compared to labor. They give you pain medicine to help the pain and it works. Good luck.

    in reply to: I need advice please ? Am i Pregnant? #27161

    Sounds to me like you might be pregnant. When I got pregnant I wasn’t having regular periods. I actually hadn’t had one for quiet a while. The best thing you can do is go to the doctor and get a blood test done. I hope all is well, and if your pregnant and need someone to talk to i’ll be here! (:

    in reply to: I need answers! Can someone please help me?! #27118

    Sex can make a period late, especially if that was the first time. Be on the same side though take a test. Good luck.

    in reply to: getting very frustrated! any advice? #26486

    [color=#0080FF]For best results wait another week, or even two. Or if your not in the mood to wait go to the doctor they can give you a blood test which might be best if you don’t want to wait. Good luck. Update on everything. I’m here if you ever need to talk. (:


    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26461

    Good luck girl, I wish you the very best. (: Let me know how the doctors appointment goes!

    in reply to: ACE is here #26455

    Oh my goodness, your son is completely beautiful. I am so happy to hear you both are doing well. I can’t wait to have my baby boy, but i’m going all natural. (:

    in reply to: i need advice.. #26443

    He can’t use that against you. All you have to do is let the court and everyone know he was trying to pressure you in an abortion. He is in the wrong, and i’m sorry to say but your mother is too. My mother is my best friend as well, or well she was. But my mother has treated me bad since I became pregnant. I barely talk to her anymore, but she signed for my husband and I to get married. Which makes me very happy. Tell your ex boyfriend that he can’t take your baby from you. He wanted to kill the baby, why should he get it? Who would honestly let him? Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy. I really hope all your pains go away. Stay strong and don’t stress everything will work itself out.

    in reply to: 16 and 32 weeks along getting kicked out TODAY? #26430

    Have you actually tried to find a place in the area which you live in? Where I live there are places that let you live for little to nothing depending on you situation. Just look it up with google and check, or ask around. Good luck.

    in reply to: Worries? #26429

    The only problam about getting a new doctor is that it’s already so late in my pregnancy.

    in reply to: 16 and 32 weeks along getting kicked out TODAY? #26424

    I honestly think that is wrong of your mother. But maybe she is upset about something and taking it out on you. I think you should talk to her one on one and ask her if she is upset with you or your boyfriend. Or what either one of you did not knowingly and made her mad. As far as I know in the u.s.a if you are under the age of eight-teen your mother and father are responsible for you even if you are pregnant unless you are married. Just try and talk calmly with your mother and see why she is kicking you out. I wish you the very best of luck with talking to your mother and with your pregnancy.

    in reply to: what do ya’ll think???? #26418

    It’s actually better to pee in a cup and then dip the test into it. It works a heck of a lot better. (: If you miss your next period thats when you need to test again. Good luck. I wish you the very best. Congrats on the wedding. My husband and I got married December 13, 2009 I was already pregnant though. We’re expecting our baby boy Braxton in March.

    in reply to: im 22 weeks prego & my bf is drivin me nuts #26416

    You have every right to get upset about your boyfriend not getting a job. As long as you are acting nice when you ask him if he has looked for a job lately he has no right to get mad. He is responsibe for the baby boy in your belly, just as much as you are. Honestly if he don’t get his act together soon you might want to consider leaving. I know thats hard to think about but it might just be the best thing. I really wish you the best of luck. I know how hard it is to be young and pregnant, and if you need any advice you can ask me anytime. I myself am seventeen, married, and thirty four weeks pregnant. I can’t do anything for myself anymore. I’m on bed rest cause I have went into preterm labor two times. Good luck with you boyfriend and the rest of your pregnancy.

    in reply to: it’s not about what you think! #26415

    As much as you may want to get pregnant you should wait. It would be best for you, for him, and for a baby. At least wait till you move out of your parents house. May even want to get a job first. I understand how you feel about your mother being so mean about your boyfriend but truely there is nothing you can do about it. Plus if he is over eight-teen and you are under eight-teen she could have him put in jail and you not to be able to see him anymore. Getting pregnant should not be more important then him and your family, pregnancy can wait dear. About your mother blaming you, sit her down and talk to her. Maybe she is just really upset with you and taking it out a way she shouldn’t be. Mother do that sometimes, weather they realize it or not. I know you really want to become a mother right now, but I truely think you will be better off waiting a whild. Not only because your mother told you she would kick you owt but for the baby you would be bringing into the work. The baby wont want to see his or her family fighting. The baby will need a for sure home, safe home. You will need money to take care of a baby, you can’t just count on everyone else. It would just be better to finish school, get a good paying job, and a stable place to live before you bring a baby into this world. Right now this world isn’t doing all that great, specially with raising a baby in. But if you do happen to get pregnant on complete accident, or purpose don’t abort it. The baby didn’t ask to be put inside of you, you wanted it. Good luck with everything.

    in reply to: showing #26401

    I actually started showing at six weeks, but I was pretty small before I got pregnant. I got a huge belly at about sixteen weeks. Now I am huge and I am only about thirty four weeks. Different people start showing at different times. No one can put a time on when everyone starts to show.

    in reply to: Contractions #26381

    I know what you mean, it’s like I am so ready to meet my baby boy but at the same time I want to make sure he is healthy and ready before I do. I hope I don’t have to carry him completely forty weeks since he is so big already, I hope I at least carry him to thirty seven though. I am getting so excited since my due date is getting closer, I am so ready to have my body back, and my baby boy in my arms. -lol- I really miss having my own body, but I wouldn’t change having him for anything in this world. (:

    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26377

    Try and take one if you miss your period. If it is negative, try taking another one a week after you miss your period if you still do. Good luck.

    in reply to: so confused, this didn’t happen with my first :S #26374

    It could be from where the egg is implanting, but you never know till you take a test. Some girls actually bleed there entire pregnancy and don’t think they are pregnant. The best advice I can give you is to just take a test.

    in reply to: Contractions #26373

    It really scared me, but I kinda got a little excited. I want to meet him so bad, but at the same time I want him to be mature beore I do meet him.

    in reply to: Worries? #26363

    I wish they would just quit treating me differently because I am young. They blame me for my son growing so big, they could just have the wrong due date. Hopefully they will just stop being so rude to me. When I told them I think I lost my mucus plug they told me I couldn’t have because it’s to early for that. She didn’t even check me, I mean hello I could already be dialating and they could never know. It’s so wrong that they are not listening to me.

    in reply to: update on aj #26362

    I really hope your baby boy gets bigger so they don’t have to take him out. I also hope you don’t lose more fluid. Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy, have faith in your little man. I’ll keep him in my prayers, I hope he starts to gain some weight. I’m here if you ever need to talk.

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