sophia roses mummy

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  • in reply to: i really need advice asap #25488
    sophia roses mummy

    she hit me and im 22 weeks pregnant on the 19th july.
    we used 2 be really close and its brking my heart always fighting with her but she wont understand why i want 2 keep my little girl.

    in reply to: When is your due date? #25484
    sophia roses mummy

    i was due with sasha-lou the 11/1/09 and with sophia louise ruby clarke im due the 22nd november 2009 i can not wait!

    in reply to: ADVICE SERIOUSLY NEEDED… #25456
    sophia roses mummy

    hey hunnie πŸ™‚
    im gabby first bit of advice calm down, breath haha erm i know what its like but i would take a test hunnie πŸ™‚
    can its ok your not alone ive been there and done that lol but yh i would take a test
    let us now how it goes hunnie and cricket is right u can get pregnant any time.
    good luck hun!
    loveyou gabby xx

    in reply to: hehe #25447
    sophia roses mummy

    congrats on the little boy hunnie!


    in reply to: my lost one R.I.P my little star #25442
    sophia roses mummy

    thank you erin and gangy and njeri for the advice
    i havt read the story please may you send it to me?
    and whenever i read it it brings tears to my eye just every day is a constant battle and its eating away at me in 4 weeks its a whole year πŸ™
    r.i.p the 3 angel girls πŸ™

    thankyouu xx

    in reply to: I am 15 weeks pregnant and very young #25436
    sophia roses mummy

    heyy πŸ™‚

    my mum was awful to me when i fell pregnant over a year ago and it ended in a forced abourtion i was 15 years old. i fell pregnant at 14, and yes it was a stupid mistake.
    and im now pregnant with a little girl and due 22nd november 2009 and me and my boyfriend had to stand up to my mum & dad.
    how did it go telling them?
    how are u now?
    love and hugs gabby xx

    in reply to: so totally random! #25434
    sophia roses mummy

    berni πŸ™‚ your hair sounds g8! i dye mine quite abit its naturaly a mousy blond but i dye it a lighter blond and i have been dark brown before wich i fort i would hate but i really liked it πŸ™‚ and i wana go a blacky redy colour next πŸ™‚ and i will prob end up dyeing it back to the colour it is now bcoz i think its the best one thats verry verry near my natural colour and i love it πŸ™‚
    put some pics up of your new hair πŸ™‚

    love you girly xxxxxxx

    in reply to: did i miss my chanche? #25427
    sophia roses mummy

    hug hug hug hug hug hug hug hug!!!!!

    awwwwh hunnie!

    i know what its like to loose your little girl and i just wanted to say it does get better, and you need to stay strong for your two girls and yourself!
    i am here for you if you wana talk πŸ™‚

    loveyou stay strong a take a big breth and it does help to cry and have u thought about writing a letter to your girls?
    it does help, well thats what helped me with loosing my lil angel sasha-lou πŸ™

    loveyou girl, keep strong hun!


    in reply to: my dream, #25424
    sophia roses mummy

    hi berni hunnie i had a very simular dream and now i know im having a little girl maybe thats part of sasha-lou coming back? and lexi will always be with u hunnie just like sasha-lou is always with me and you will always be her mummy and so will i with sasha-lou and one day you and ry will be able to live that dream maybe not with lexi but with your 2nd baby lexi will always be your 1st baby and she will be verry proud of you berni on how well your copeing!
    i hope your ok hunnie
    and i hope ry is ok too πŸ™‚

    r.i.p lexi

    love you girl xxxxxxxxx

    in reply to: pregnant 16 and so happy! #25423
    sophia roses mummy


    i found out the sex of my baby today im having a little girl! πŸ™‚


    in reply to: BOYFRIEND! #25422
    sophia roses mummy


    i found out the sex of my baby today im having a little girl! πŸ™‚


    in reply to: baby names #25421
    sophia roses mummy


    i found out the sex of my baby today im having a little girl! πŸ™‚


    in reply to: 6months how can i ever forgive myself and move on? #25420
    sophia roses mummy

    thankyou πŸ™
    it will be a year on the 9th of september 2009 i mis her so much πŸ™
    i found out the sex of my baby today im having a little girl πŸ™‚ but i dont know how i can manage to get thru all of this atm i just wana cry and cry πŸ™

    in reply to: my mum and dad :( UPDATE! #25385
    sophia roses mummy

    well update guys!

    things with my mum is like awful atm!

    we had a big argument last week and she ended up hitting me so i walked out

    im 18 weeks pregent 19 weeks this sunday πŸ™‚

    and i dont know what to do πŸ™

    how can i forgive her after what she has put me thru these past 2 years?

    HELP & ADVICE pleasseeeee guys

    loveyou thankyou xx

    in reply to: She’s Finally Here!! :) #25383
    sophia roses mummy

    awwwh congrats hunnie πŸ™‚


    in reply to: baby names #25382
    sophia roses mummy

    i also love the name sophia for a girl πŸ™‚

    x finiding out the sex next thursday in 6 days! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Has Standupgirl helped you make a decision? #25325
    sophia roses mummy

    yes.. it has helped me stand up to my mum and dad on keeping my baby who im pregnant with by 17 weeks 14th june 2009 and its helped me with forgiving myslef for abourting my daughter in 2008 :'( which im still really heartbroken about, but i think its a brill web!

    thankyouu guys!


    in reply to: sex when pregnant HELP! #25127
    sophia roses mummy

    hi meg thankyou so much for that advice

    πŸ™‚ xxxxxx

    in reply to: Scared and a week late. Advice please? #25109
    sophia roses mummy

    hi missy πŸ™‚

    aww sweetie *hugs*

    i agree with meg & bernardette,
    i had a abortion 10 months ago because my mum & dad forced it onto me, i was only 15. im now 12 weeks pregnant im 16 now and me and my boyfriend ollie are keeping this baby no matter what.- i do the exsact same as bernardette.

    after abortion you feel AWFULL- honest trust me you really do feel so guilty and low and upset and its so so so hard to ever move on, i havt and neither has my boyfriend. and we both regret what happend every single day

    so please hunnie find the confidence in you and your boyfriend and your baby and keep the baby, you have a real life chield thats yours and no-one or anything can replace that and abortion is the worst thing i have had to ever go thru

    hunnie good luck πŸ™‚

    im hear for you if you ever want to talk πŸ™‚

    love & hugs gabby xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    in reply to: HELP! please! #25078
    sophia roses mummy

    its still not geting better πŸ™


    in reply to: my mum and dad :( UPDATE! #25043
    sophia roses mummy

    updat everything with my mum and dad has calmd down now and im having a happy and healthy 11 week(s) pregnancey πŸ™‚ thankyou for all the advice and support
    love gabby hunter xxxxxxxxxx

    in reply to: UPDATE! #25041
    sophia roses mummy

    so am i πŸ˜€ thankyou guys xxxxxx

    in reply to: and again. #25012
    sophia roses mummy

    heyy hunnie

    if you are pregnant you will mk a brill mummy!

    tell me how things go

    i would tk a test tho hunnie

    good luckk

    gabby xxxxxxxxxxxx

    in reply to: When is your due date? #25009
    sophia roses mummy

    im due 22nd november πŸ™‚ can’t wait!!


    in reply to: mis carriage :( #24824
    sophia roses mummy

    awwwwh hunni im so sorry!
    keep strong πŸ™‚
    it is hard loosing something so special i kno ive been there b4 just stay strong πŸ™‚

    im here for you if u ever want to talk πŸ™‚

    luv and hugs gabby xxxxxx

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