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ParticipantYou can get pregnant from pre-ejaculation, but that leads to, did he finish? Not trying to be TMI, but unless he did, and you are ovulating, then there is a chance you may not be and you are stressing for nothing.. Sorry if not helpful..
ParticipantI don’t know what to do. I went to a walk in clinic, and I don’t have a Dr here. I am beyond scared, and am afraid of every little thing I feel in case its something I should pay attention to and don’t know it..
ParticipantI had sex after my period, by like 2 and half to three weeks. I really need to learn about how all of this pregnancy stuff really works, but it’s confusing when I read about it all online.
ParticipantI have read that you can have something similar to a period while pregnant, but it’s not your period because you are not releasing an egg or shedding the lining of your uterus. I hope this helps, and I wish you the best of luck
My sisters abortion was set for today, but it didnt happen. Why? Because she is almost 16 weeks and they wont do that in my state. Now my mom and my sister (older) are going to rent a car to take her to the neighboring state that will do it on Tuesday! What can I do to stop this, and can I? I think they have her convinced this is what she wants, when a few days ago she was dead set against it…What do I do?
ParticipantI dont think anything came out right in my post. I want everyone to know that I was writing it from my older sisters view. My older sister is set on her having an abortion, not me. I suck with words.
I dont understand fully why I dont want her to have an abortion, but I just dont.
I think my sister has been pressured into having one. I dont know what to do. It is set.
If she keeps the baby she will more then likely get kicked out of the house. How can I or how am I supposed to help her when my family is so dead set against it?Shluna105
ParticipantI completely aggree! But, once the decision has been made, and there is no way to defer them from their decision all you can do is support them.
ParticipantAbout the physical abuse, that is just crap. If he can hit you, than he can hit your future son/daughter. He needs to get help.
But, about the fighting thing, I so know where you are coming from. It is like that in the begining of marriage. I thought the same thing after my husband and I got married, we fought all the time! Nothing physical, but we fought. I even walked out on him a few times; it was my way of "cooling off." Well it will take time, and energy, but things will get better. You just have to remember the reason why the two of you got married in the first place. And remember why you fell in love with him.
Things will get better! Trust me, I have been married for almost 1 yr and 6 months, and I wouldnt trade our marriage for the world!Shluna105
ParticipantIf I were you, I would wait. I am not saying that it is going to be easy, or that it is going to be hard; but it will be worth it in the end. To have a baby witht he person that you truly and deeply love is the most wonderful feeling. It is great knowing that no matter what happens, they will always be there for you and your baby. I am 19, married, and pregnant, and proud of it! I have a husband to support us, and he is there all the time. It would be completely dif if he was not there..
ParticipantCongrats! I can’t wait to meet my little girl in November! 😀
ParticipantI do not think that there is anything wrong with marriage at such a young age. I got married at 18, and I am 19 now. So 2 yrs is no big deal. As long as you are happy that is all that matters.
ParticipantThats soo cool!!! Congrats and gl!
ParticipantI think I found out at 5 weeks.. Now I am almost 21 weeks and I cant believe how fast time is going by..
ParticipantHave you thought about in vitro?
ParticipantCongrats!! I remember how I told my parents.. It was in public, and outside. It was by my car, with one hand on my car door so that if they freaked I would bolt. lol. But, it turns out that they are supportive. They bought me my crib.
I remember how it was to hear/see my baby.. its amazing. I was on a baby high for a while, and I still am!! lol.
I hope things get better for you, and if you ever need to talk hit me up. I know a thing or two about crazy parents and there reactions when something like this happens.. my parents get the award for crazy reactions. lol.
Talk to you later..
I wish you and your baby the BEST of luck and I hope everything turns out great!!Shluna105
ParticipantAccording to a health site is says that you should wait atleast one week after your missed pd before testing. I think if it has been a week since your pd you should be safe to test!!! Good luck
I have never given a child up for adoption but I thought that I would share some advice. I think that you should do what is best for you and your child. You have to keep in my what is best for your child welfare, since you are the mother. But, you also have to think about the consequences of your decision. Only you have to live with that decision. If you think that this will be in your childs best interest, then you should do it. It will be hard, but it can be done. I am keeping adoption in the back of my mind, I know that I am not ready for a kid, and I know that I dont like kids. But, thats just me. I wish you the best in whatever you do, and good luck. This is going to be one of those decisions that only you can make. So clear your head, take a minute and think about it all. Dont let other ppls opinions cloud your thoughts. Goodluck!!!!Shluna105
ParticipantHi. When I found out I was pregnant I had no clue what I was going to do. I thought about not telling my mom at all, and I realised that I had to tell her. Luckily for me I am 18, and not 17 and I dont live with my parents anymore. So, when I told her I said it while holding on to the my car door; just in case. Well, what I would do is tel her sooner than later. My mom used to tell me that she would rather know things from the start and not later. WHat is your mom like? How do you think she will react? If you ever need to talk.. I am here..
ParticipantWhat is the show???
ParticipantHi, I am confused. What is the show?
ParticipantI just found out not to long ago. So far I am due in November. I have a long wait until then. 😆
ParticipantI dont thonk that you will be single forever. Love usually finds you, you just have to stop looking. Thats what happened for me. I was friends with my husband for years before we even got together, and when I finally realized that I didnt need a man to be happy and I accepted that, it hit me that there he was. It will take time, but you will realize that the person you are meant to be with, is closer than you think. But, the thing is, you cant go looking for it, you have to let it come to you. Its just time, and patience. You will realize it when the time comes, and when you get that feeling go with it. Thats what I did.
ParticipantI think that I am going through that now. I am finding it easier to loose weight, and harder to gain!! I am really trying to gain weight for my baby, and its hard cause I am underweight for my age and height.