Forum Replies Created
ParticipantI had an epidural . It was the best thing. Unlike most people believe, you can still feel the urge to push. It didnt hurt to get it at all, and after I did, I didnt feel any contractions. Id recommend it 100%!! .. It made my labor and delivery such an amazing and enjoyable experience!
ParticipantHey, before I had my daughter so many people made me feel bad for wanting an epidural. I got it and im 100% for it. I honestly dont know why anyone wouldnt want it. I went through labor as long as i could, then i got it when the pain got to a point i couldnt handle it, i got the epidural. It didnt hurt at all, and it didnt effect pushing. I didnt feel ANY contractions after that, but i DID get the feeling when i needed to push. They also let me try different positions to push, so ur not limited to beig on your back and using sturups. You can walk around before you get it. Every labor and birth is different, and everyone has different pain tollerence. If you are at all nervous or scared, i would definetly say get the epidural. As soon as i had her, they took it out, and i could walk around when i got back to my room, so there were not any negative side effects. Anyways thats my opinion, good luck! Its the most amazing experience in the world!
Participantyes you deff. could be pregnant .. the same thing happened to be and now im almost 4 months pregnant .. i didnt not have a clear positive pregnant test for at least a week after i missed my period .. i had my last period on Feb. 4th .. meaning i should have conceived on the 18th .. but through doctors appts. i learnt i actually conceived a week later.. that may be the reason .. the pregnancy hormone may not be strong enough yet .. i would go to the doctors and get a blood test.. hope this helps <33 Good luck
ParticipantYes a woman can always get pregnant .. at anytime .. because the semen can live inside you for a week.. im not sure if youre trying or not but good luck and best wishes<33
ParticipantHey.. try not to worry to much .. it wasnt until 2 weeks after my period was late that i had a clear positive.. id wait a few days and take it again .. make sure its a good one .. and try to see your doctor as sooon as possible!
good luck!<33Nicole.
Participanti was really tired and nautious .. but you should deff. go to the doctors and get a test done! thats the only way to know for sure .. Good luck<33
ParticipantYou should deff. go to ur doctors and take a blood test! .. i was having what felt like pms cramps.. but turns out it wasnt that.. so for sure get a test done!
Participantyour last period was feb. 2?! .. i would say take a test if ur that late! .. and no morning sickness doesnt just mean u throw up in the morning then ur fine .. ive been soo sick.. so nautious .. and it lasts the entire day and i dont feel better… i would deff. go to the doctors and get a blood test done
good luck
ParticipantYuo are probably pregnant! congrats..but i would take a blood test just to be sure .. i had 2 very very faint positves and 2 clear negatives for the first 5 weeks of my pregnancy.. so u cant reley on urine tests! .. get a blood test and let us know the results
good luck
Participantim only 8 weeeks and ive been having really bad camps! .. so ur not alone.. but im not sure why.. so anyone else who does know .. it would help me as well!
ParticipantYou should get a blood test just to be sure because you cant reley on urine tests.. i had 2 very faint positives and 2 negatives and it wasnt for like 2 weeks that one actually showed up a clear positive.. so you could try taking another hpt .. but when you go to the doctors make sure to get a blood test.. because i took my urine test at the doctors and it still came up negative! ..
Goodluck and let us know the results!
ParticipantYou should Deff. take another oen . or even better a blood test! .. i took a hpt and it came up a very very faint + .. so i took another one and it came up – .. i went right to the doctors and took another urine test which again came up negative.. i waited a few more days .. took another one .. which came up a faint positive again .. it wasnt for almost 2 weeks after that oen came up a clear positive.. so for sure go get a blood test done!
good luck!
Participanti got (an still am) .. very very tired .. i had to constantly go for naps..and my mood can change in an instant,.. one minute im soo ahppy the next im in tears.. i was nautious to .. and thats basically all the symptoms ive had
ParticipantCongrats sounds like you might be pregnant! should deff. take a test.. but unless its a blood test it might not be accurate.. so try a hpt.. but remember if it come up negative theres still a chance your pregnant.. i had 2 negative tests even tho i was pregnant! ..
you should eat healthy .. and morning times the sperm count is higher .. so there some tips .. but for sure see ur doctor
ParticipantYou should deff. have a blood test… i had 2 negatives .. and it wasnt until 2 weeks later that a clear positive came up .. ive had some of those symptoms .. but they only way to know for sure is taking a blood test.Congrats if you are.. Good luck!!
Participanti wanted to do it in this sweet way.. but it didnt turn out that way.. the first day i took 3 preg. tests.. i was so nervous . i came home and woke him up and showed him 2 hpt.. i was like " one says + and one says – ..what should i do".. then i went to the doctors .. and called him a little while later nd was like its a -.. almost 2 weeks after that .. i found out i was pregnant.. and went to his house .. i just smiled and touched my tummy and he knew.. i wanted to wait until i got my first scan to show him the pic .. but im not good with surprises and i was to excited!
ParticipantYou should go to the doctors and get a blood test done! .. i had 2 negative preg tests.. and 2 very very faint tests .. and it wasnt until 2 weeks later that one came up a clear positive.. you cant rely on urine tests!.. the spotting may be implantation bleeding(which sometimes is a pinkish color).. like i said you should definetly get a blood test! .. keep me updated on the results!
Good luck!<33Nicole.
ParticipantFrom what i know..
You can only get pregnant when you are ovulating (12-18 days after your period) .. but its still possible to get pregnant anytime of the month .. one reason is because the sperm can live inside you for up to almost a week.
Hope this helps!Goodluck<33
ParticipantHey .. you should go to the doctors and get a blood test! .. this kinda happened to me .. my 1st test was such a faint positive you could harldy see it .. so i took 2 more and they both came up negative.. i waited a few days and took anorhter one .. and again it came up so faint you could hardly tell .. it wasnt until like 2 weeks later that it actually came up a clear positive.. i would say get a blood test done since the pregnancy hormone level varies in each person ..
Good luck <33
Participanthave you missed a period? .. ithe first 4 pregnancy tests i took came up either a faint faint positive .. or a negative.. it wasnt until almost 2 weeks later that it came up a clear positive!.. you should go to the doctors and get a blood test!
good luck <33Nicole.
ParticipantHey.. i would deff, go get a blood test.. because you’re probably preggers… i took 5 pregnancy tests all together .. the first was a faint positive. .. the next 2 were negative .. the 4th was again a faint faint positive.. and finally 2 weeks later a lcear positive came up!.. so my point is urnine tests are always reliable.. you should deff. take a blood test or at least see your doctor .. good luck!
ParticipantMy Fave. names are..
-Aaliyah -