I’m irregular but i think i’m pregnant!

HOME Hot Topics Girl Zone Pregnancy Questions and Symptoms I’m irregular but i think i’m pregnant!

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      My husband and I aren’t really looking to be pregnant, but i think i am! I have irregular periods but i was able to conceive once (had a misscarriage!:( ) so i’ve been without periods for a month and i feel nauseated, my stomach is hard on the outside and i have white small dots on my nipples (sorry if too much info!), but at the same time i have cramps as if i’m getting my periods! I’m really confused i don’t know what to think!

      Help if possible!



        You should deff. go to ur doctors and take a blood test! .. i was having what felt like pms cramps.. but turns out it wasnt that.. so for sure get a test done!


          Get a pregnancy test :). I still got cramps and I’m 6 weeks along. My stomach also got hard and veins showed up on my chest that I couldn’t see before. Good luck!


            Oh I think your pregnant that how I started off…….


              get a test huni, i had cramps an thought it was my period bu they wernt, godd luck xxx:)


                yeah i think u are pregnant because that is all the symptoms i had

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