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Participantuhhhh…. has wat happend?
Participantwen i took my daughter 2 the pediotrician 4 her 14week shot, he told me that she was already teethin, not in the sense that the teeth are gonna cum out soon but rather that her gums r “itching” and that i should appy teehin gels 4 hr every now n then… well she is 8months now n not a tooth 2 b seen yet, so yes it could b teethin or sumthin els but ere r sum common signs of teethin
1. excessiv drool n suckin fingers in an attempt for relief
2.dirrea or constipation wit fever n poo thats not its normal color
3. biting the nipple (breatfed babies)
4. poor diet n the list goes on…..try massagin his gums in a circular motion.. c if it helps… or visit ur doc if ur concernd
Participanti would say dont worry about it 2 much coz u can psycologically stop ur period the same way u can psycologically make ur body believ ur preggy.. wait til ur period due date…. if it doesn cum then u should look at possibiliteis of things like this
take it easy xoxonadza
Participantmaybe u should suggest going with her 2 tell her mom for moral n emotional support, or maybe ask ur mom to talk 2 her, if she doesn wana break the news jus yet then hold bak, let her do it wen she is ready, but let her know that her mom is gonna find out eventually… but ur ryt she does need 2 go 2 the doc…u should offer 2 go with her n remind her that its best 4 her n baby… well wish u all the best, let us kno wat u decide…
Participanthmm doesnt sound like pregnancy, esp if it was ur normal period n not light bleedin or spottin … mayb jus a flctuation of hormones is causin u 2 behave this way….dont worry, im sure its nothin, if it would make u feel beta y dont u visit ur doc…
take carenadza
Participanthey my sis in law went through that… she swears by a lil tea tree oil after washin ur face b4 bed… her acne subsided after the birth of my nephew
Participanthi umm i had abit of depression in my first trimester but it revolvd around the issue of weathr i would even be able 2 raise my child…. i highly suggest u go 2 a doc n tell him all of this let him take tests n do ultrasounds 2 reassure u dat everything is k, i tink u will feel much beta… after all stressing is not gud 4u or baby… try meditating.. lettin gud energy in and ALLOWING THE NEGATIV 2 FLOW OUT…o n avoid readin things that gonna make u mor upset n dont believ everythin u read… dont worry u will be a great mom,
hope iv helped, if u eva wana talk… u kno where u can
take care xoxonadza
Participanti used pampers wen my girl was a newbie n now she uses any cheapie during the day and either Cudlers or Huggies Gold at nyt… i found it better this way n mor value 4 money
Participanthey i was gonna advise the same thing as Kylie, shes totally ryt.. but i got a personal tip… bottle the baby 4 1 entire day and apply the lanolin 3-5tyms on that day try 2 give as much “airing” as possible, it will speed up the healin process, ull be breastfeeding within 24 hours again and with healed nipples… if this doesnt work, get a nipple shield, it will protect u 4m furthur damage… only prob wit dat is baby sucks in more air.. good luck
Participantdo a blood test its much moreaccurate
Participanthi Alexis, welcome! its great to hear that ur standing up 4 ur child and that ur doin so well, im 16 n married n mother 2 a nawty lil 7month old baby girl… if u eva wanna chat dont hesitate
nyc meetin u! xoxo
Participantone of my (many many many) lyf philosophys are
“never dwell in the past or past mistakes, instead forgive yourself and ask for forgivness, the past is a brick walkway already made so move forward remembering that ur past has made u who u are and only u have the power of making the best out of the worst sittuations of the past for that is all u can do, and the hope that 2morrow will be a better day, with a lesson well learnt, the future is urs, now u pave ur way…”nadza
Participanti honestly have no words, i just wanna hug u n tell u its gonna be ok… im sooo sorry 4yr loss, things will get better, jus have a lil faith, n take comfort in knowing that altho he not ere wit u 2day, he is in a much beta place, away 4m the bad n evil of this world n 1 day, u will find peace n comfort in knowing that…. mwa wish u the very best sweety
Participantgauteng, johannesburg…. u?
Participanttell him the truth, he also should take sum responsibility, aftr all it takes 2 to tango hehe, this is YOUR baby in YOUR body, dont let him talk u into doin anythin dat u dont wana do, u sound very mature and steadfast, im sure u will do the right thing
good luck swty, let me knw how it all turned out mwanadza
Participanthey jenny…can i tell u something that i firmly believe in…
NO MATTER WHAT RELIGION U ARE, GOD WILL NEVER GIVE U MORE THEN U CAN HANDLE…He wouldnt giv u a 4th baby if he knew u wouldnt be able to manage… but if u dont believe in what iv jus said then maybe u should consider adoption rather then abortion…. and i think that u need to tell ur hubby how u feel… i hope iv helped u in some way, take care xxxnadza
Participanthey girl im 16 2 wit a beautiful 6month girl, im married 4 a year already 🙂 i got married wen i was 15!! im sooo happy but, it aint all a walk in the park… theres real ups n downs be prepared! its not like dating always remember that n jus WORK thrw d probz
congratz n wish u all d best, if u need a friend or jus wana chat, u know where 2 click
Participantsweety, preggo test urslf ASAP… it sounds like preg symptoms, BUT on the other hand, i read this article about girls who have an overdue period, and they show the exact symptoms u are having,and the #1 cause is stress and low blood sugar, so if u not preg, i advice u 2 reflect ur diet and life and see if u r lacking sum vital vitamins or under stress and see a doctor, and best of all is 2 talk 2 sum1, it helps to share the load! and, il b ere if u need a friend
wishing u the best of luck and hope u fwl beta soon
Participantur doing the right and brave thing!! ur bubz has a right to life! and mark my words wen i say things will change once its arrived! u tink ur bfs parents can really turn heir backs on their grandchild??? even if they say they will, they wont…. things will work out, it will be ok! keep ur head up, stay strong! stand up 4 ur baby!
Participantur story has made me almost wet my pants in laughter, i just gave birth a month ago, and i had the same probs jus not on such a high level!! but just to hear it from some1 else is really hillarious… but i do hope u get ur baby soon, for ur sake!!! GOOD LUCK HUN
Participanthey im 15 and 30weeks preg, my pregnancy was totally unexpected so the reply to ur question will not be from my own experience, but rather from just being a female!
women.. or as u refer to us "girls" feel a longing to be a mother, a deep want, a totally normal and natural thing.. it occurs to all girls at different ages and stages in our lives, some younger then others but we go through it non the less…its just that some girls choose to answer that call and longing and decide to fulfil their motherly craving, sometimes with disreguard of finance housing etc.. and some will choose to wait…
im sorry, to you this must sound so illogical and soo corky, but you, being a guy, should know thst its hard to explain women in general soo its even harder to explain a womans emotion, i guess u would have to be one urself to get a full understanding, but since thats not even an option (LOL) i hope ive helped you to get a better understanding…
Participantwait a lil while, a few weeks, take a test again… it may be still too early for the test to pick up a possible pregnancy… then if that one turns out neg u should be in the clear…
good luck!!nadza
Participanti have so much of respect 4u, honestl and truely becoz u r not being selfish and snatching away his/her life by aborting him/her but u are instead giving him/her such a precious gift…if u eva wanna chat feel totally free
Participantyeah it really can… heavy stress that is..
November 13, 2007 at 11:47 pm in reply to: does yaz bcp and pregnancy have the same symptoms? #19574nadza
Participantiv neva been on anythin like that but i would guess that a preg test would answer ur question…
subject to correction… -