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  • in reply to: To Abort or not To Abort? #24795


    There is nothing more important than that baby. YOUR baby!!! Not your boyfriends parents baby, YOURS!! You already have the instincts to protect this life…’ve said exactly what I would say to you. You are young, yes, but there are some girls who are younger than you who have been courageous enough to say “NO” to pressure from the world to abort their baby. They are now proud mothers who do not regret giving their baby life. On the other hand, there are many who are living with regret because of their decision to kill their baby…..all to satisfy their boyfriend, his parents, or even their own parents. Some have aborted because they were never told they have other choices. They were shamed into having the abortion because of their young age. Sometimes mistakes happen when your young, but this should be met with love and support. Your baby shouldn’t have to die because of you and your boyfriends choices. Embrace this life and have courage that you are not alone and can do this!!

    There are many here who have lived what you are now faced with. Don’t be sad and worry….God will show you how he will take care of you, if you only accept his gift to you. Please remember to thank your mother for supporting you and giving you love in this situation. You are very fortunate.

    My prayers are with you,

    in reply to: what’s the chance i could be pregnat? HELP please #24792

    It’s good that you have a supportive family who loves you, but it is even more important
    that you will be willing to take responsibility for the choice you made to have sex before marriage. Whether it was protected or not. Do not be misled or confused, you can become pregnant while using all forms of birth control…….except one, ABSTINENCE!!

    Take one step at a time this week and get your test done by a doctor. We will be here to help you, but what exactly are you confused about?

    You are not alone,
    God bless

    in reply to: Immmm Really Confused #24791

    Having unprotected sex that soon after your period began, wouldn’t lead me to believe that you became pregnant. I don’t know your cycle completely, but a woman usually ovulates within 7-14 days after her period stops. the discharge is probably a result of having unprotected sex. I’m sorry that you’re not feeling well, but if you’re still worried that you may be pregnant, you should get a blood test done this coming cycle (beginning of May, and wait until you’re late a few days) and you will know for sure. Your tiredness may have to do with other factors going on in your life.

    God bless,

    in reply to: some help on the pill & being pregers please :| #24790

    You could get a home pregnancy and test now, but going to get a blood test is more accurate. You should have enough hormone built up for it to read correctly. Symptoms of a period can be very painful and even mimic early pregnancy sypmtoms, but you will never know for sure until you get that test.

    You are never alone; there are a lot of young girls who have been where you are now. Please don’t feel pressured to make any quick decisions if you are pregnant. Those are usually the wrong decisions to make. (when your pressured or under stress) Take your time and think things through and stay in touch with this site. We can help guide you, but you will have to be strong to make your choice to stand up for your baby if you are pregnant.

    God bless,

    in reply to: War #24789

    Hi Amanda,
    Congratulations on getting pregnant!! When’s the wedding?? It truly is a blessing from God to create a life. Cherish every moment of this pregnancy with no fear. Your family will come around once they watch you go through your pregancy with love and acceptance of this baby. They will want to be a part of you and your baby’s life. No one should make you feel like a screw up because you are pregnant. You are in a loving relationship with a committment….the timing could have been different and then everyone would be happy as larks, but….it didn’t happen that way. You’re pregnant, and that is the bottom line. You won’t be alone….I can almost gaurantee they won’t abandon you. The love for a baby is something that cannot be denied.

    As far as your fiance/husband deploying… will be a sacrafice I am familiar with. My husband has been there to the front lines quite a few times during our marriage, and other countries during his career in the same line of work as yours. Hopefully, mine trained yours 😉 You will have to find the strength to support him and pray for his return. His safety depends on your strength back home. He will worry for you, rightly so, but if he knows you support him he will have a clear head to focus, do his job, and stay safe. Your baby will not only look up to his/her father with pride for his military service, but will also see a mother who stood behind him so that he could get the job done. I will pray for his return and that you will be strong.

    If you ever need to talk or just want to stay in touch when it gets difficult, please let me know.

    God bless,

    in reply to: whats wrong with me! #24788

    I’ve just said a prayer for you Poppet. I’ve prayed that now that you’ve begun your new cycle and are not pregnant, you will begin to make healthier decisions about love and giving too much too soon to your boyfriend. Look at where you’ve been emotionally these last few months with everything not to mention physically and spiritually. This whole ordeal has taken you through so many phases and has left a mark on your life that will never be erased. But, the old cycle doesn’t have to be repeated. You don’t have to go through that again, ever!! If you decide you’ve had enough of living with risks, worry, fear, uncertainty, pressure and lonliness from loved ones, then now is the time to begin a new lifestyle.

    There are worse things in the world to endure, (cancer, AIDS)….more important things that people go without, (food, shelter, clothing, jobs)
    It is not an unreasonable bit of advice I’m suggesting to you. It can be done!! It is accomplished by many young teens who chose a better life of purity and chastity, (some who have engaged in premarital sex in the past, as well as those who have always lived a life of chastity.) These aren’t the stone ages where anything goes, although society would have all of us believe that is the case and that there is no accountability or responsibility for bad choices. Society will lead you to believe in promiscuous behavior, improper dress, casual dating, and premarital sex as being the norm. What they don’t want you to know is the damage that is left in the wake of living in such a life.

    You have the strength inside to change your life! I will pray for you to find it.

    God bless you,

    in reply to: what’s the chance i could be pregnat? HELP please #24746

    Hello Sarah,

    I’m sorry you’re not feeling well, but I also have a feeling you may be pregnant as a result of having unprotected sex. (even those using protection can become pregnant, since birth control fails more times than not)

    Getting a blood test done is the most accurate and waiting until your period is late by 5 days or more will increase the hormone level in your system that indicates pregnancy.

    If it is positive, then you will have some planning to do for the arrival of your baby. Hopefully, if you are pregnant, you will have loving, supportive people around you.

    I’m not sure how old you are or what your situation in life is….but if you need any other advice or guidance, please let us know.

    God bless,

    in reply to: whats wrong with me! #24730


    Hello luv, I was going to reply to your other recent post about being 1 week late. Eva did a fine job in replying to that one, I wanted to leave that one alone. I am, however, replying to your recent post in this manner…..I want you to read every one of your posts, since you came on here. Read them carefully!!! I’ve read every one of them and I get it!! Why don’t you???? Your new posts talks about how your boyfriend wants this…..your mum wants that and she will do this…..and so on. What does any of that matter???? Turn to your heart, and the voice of God speaking to you and ignore what is going on outside.

    If you don’t…and you let them and their selfish ideas twist your thinking around again, you will also lose this precious baby to abortion. (if you are pregnant)

    I will be praying for you,

    in reply to: very worried about pregnancy #24724

    Thank you for stating your view on abstinence openly. It’s important that young girls hear that as being one of their options, because if they are educated into that way of thinking, it’s effects could eradicate abortion clinics worldwide. Planned Parenthood for example!! I see so many young girls in our community who are crying out for love and guidance, and are turning to their peers for those needs to be met. If you work with young teens, you are in a position to change their views on a lot of topics. Even if you reach only one girl…she will in turn, help someone who is also in need of guidance.

    Prayers for your work with youth, and for them to open their minds to a clearer understanding of their life and that of the unborn.


    in reply to: for fun!!!!! #24720

    Nesting comes to mind. There’s nothing like painting the chair rail at 2AM, followed by handpainting a tulip border around the baby’s room for 2 wks straight, followed by a meticulous sponge paint job over the whole room to give it that earthy feel. The comfort of my beloved while I was away nursing the baby was a real concern to me… he needed me to handcut 400 some shapes and handstitch him a Q-size quilt. (pheww….how I hate that quilt now:blink: )

    Other than that…..I seemed to have a problem holding on to things. I dropped everything!! That was a dead giveaway. If things started crashing to the floor at all hours of the day…….”MOM’S PREGNANT!”
    Scrambled eggs on my plate while standing up, milk in a glass, keys, books, mascara, babies……no, just kidding, never dropped one of them. :silly:

    in reply to: okay so this is what i’ve been having #24719

    There is a Girl Help link at the top that you can look into for resources that may help you. There is even one where you can talk to a doctor to ask some questions. Do some research on how you can actively help your situation so you won’t feel like you’re in the dark. There may be other medical insurance options for you depending on your situation in life. Single mother, student, military dependant…..those types of benefits are available with ins. co’s.

    Regardless, I hope you are feeling better and if there’s anything else we can help you with please let someone know.

    God bless,

    in reply to: okay so this is what i’ve been having #24713

    I’ve never heard of bleeding during ovulation while pregnant….but it seems to me that you’re very concerned whether you had a miscarriage. Unless you go to your doctor and tell him your worries about what has happened within this last cycle, and he gives you a pap test, you will continue to guess about what is going on. If you did have a miscarriage at home and there’s complications internally that you’re unaware of, you could develop an infection. Please take the time to go see a doctor and clear up any uncertainties.

    God bless,

    in reply to: am i pregnant #24712

    Hi Twiggy,

    Your symptoms came before you had your period for 2 days, so it seems that you may have had a lighter than normal period. It can happen. But if you’re truly worried then you should wait until your late for your next period (about 5 days late) then have a blood test done at your clinic.

    Hopefully, if you are pregnant, you have some people who will support and love you and your baby. Are you married or single? Is there any other questions or concerns that you may need help with?


    in reply to: very worried about pregnancy #24701

    I’m sorry, I have to just add something….condoms are not a full proof method of preventing pregnancy. There are many occasions where women and young girls have become pregnant because they and their boyfriend put too much trust in them. The only form of birth control that offers 100% protection… ABSTINENCE.

    It’s not fair to promote birthcontrol options that have failed if the desire for the person seeking advice is trying to prevent pregnancy.

    I just had to clarify that.

    in reply to: very worried about pregnancy #24693

    I’m wondering if you’re not messing up your cycle taking bc pills as they can be very harmful to a woman’s normal cycle. It can become very difficult to make any true calculations while on bc pills since they’re designed to interfeer with what would naturally be very easy to figure out. I’m sorry, I’m no doctor so I would advise you that you should get a pregancy test done if you think there’s the slightest chance that you could be pregnant……before taking anymore pills. Since it’s been only 5 days since your last period (3/21-3/27) and was only 17 days after your last one stopped,(counting that 9th day of minimal bleeding) you may still have 10 more days or so before you have another bleeding. Whether it’s from your normal period or side effects from the pills being stopped and started…. you may want to wait and get a blood test done if you don’t get a period in that time frame. But, YOU SHOULDN’T KEEP TAKING YOUR PILLS OFF AND ON IF YOU THINK YOUR PREGNANT.

    I’m not sure if a pregnancy would be a welcomed blessing in your life without being in a committed marriage, but I will pray that if you are pregnant… and your boyfriend will be open to taking the responsibility for your choices. You may also take the time to discuss these things with him and think about maybe abstaining from sex until you have entered into marriage. There is no crime in waiting for one another….only the beauty of your patient love.

    I hope all is well and my prayers are with you.


    in reply to: Worried #24692

    Having fears of unseen problems with your unborn baby is natural. There are so many things that could turn your mind to worrying, even the slightest odd reading on your tests that you undergo during prenatal testing will get you so paranoid. I was told one of our tests was borderline worrysome, so I ended up going through some other major tests that were painful and made me even more scared, because of their possible complications.
    Don’t let yourself get weighed down by unnecesary concern unless you don’t feel the baby move. Having a positive outlook on your situation and surrounding yourself with positive people who love and support you are wonderful coping strategegies, but here is a more concrete way you can relieve yourself of doubt.

    Start charting your baby’s kick count every hour. Atleast 10 movements within an hour is what they want to see at the doctor’s office. They also recommend you lie down on your left side, (takes the pressure off a major atery) and drink lots of cold water. Begin your kick count and keep track of your baby’s activity. If you feel that the baby isn’t moving enough within the hour, or you feel NO movement at all… not hesitate to go to the emergency room or see your OBGYN as soon as possible. They won’t make you feel rediculous because even more experienced mothers worry and go in to be sure everything is alright. But lying down, drinking plenty of water, and counting those baby kicks is what I was always told to go home and do.

    May God bless you and your baby and ease any worry or fears during your pregnancy.

    Best wishes,

    in reply to: what do you think? #24688

    If you don’t mind me asking…are you in a committed relationship? Married or dating? If you are pregnant, this part of your life will become very important.

    There are a lot of people here who can help you, just let us know how things are going.

    Peace of Christ,

    in reply to: I think i’m having synthoms but I don’t know. HELP #24679

    It sounds to me that you could either be having serious pms symptoms, which happens to a lot of women and young girls….or if you have had sex with or without protection, and it was within the fertile time of your cycle, you may have gotten pregnant. If you are late for your period by atleast 5 days, then the hormone that indicates pregnancy will be very high on a blood test. If you can get to a clinic, I would recommend you getting one done.

    Good luck

    in reply to: what do you think? #24677

    Well, I’ll begin by telling you that your cycle ran about the same as mine this past month, and my husband and I abstain from sex (no artificial birthcontrol) using the natural family planning method. That was the week for me as well that I knew to avoid intimacy to prevent pregnancy. (the 15th was the 9th day after my period ended)

    So yes, I believe that you could very well be pregnant. If you are a day late, and feeling symptoms such as these it would be enough for me to be concerned. You should wait just a few days more if you can and go get a blood test. The hormone in your system will increase each day of pregnancy and so the longer you wait, all the more hormone that is picked up. It’ll prevent an innacurate results as well. I experienced those same symptoms after only a week of conceiving with a few of my children.

    If you are pregnant, I will pray that this pregnancy will be accepted with love.

    Peace of Christ,

    in reply to: Am I making the right choice? #24676

    It is always a beautiful day when someone sees God’s opportunities as blessings and embraces them without fear and doubt. We are only doing for you what we would want someone to do for us.

    God will continue to reward you for your choice. He will bless you with many graces and continue to put loving supportive people at your feet.

    My best wishes for your pregnancy and we’d love to walk through this journey with you so please let us know how things progress.

    Prayers of health and peace,

    in reply to: Clueless on what to do #24675

    You’re baby will not look at you and resent his dad not coming around. Your baby will love you with the utmost admiration and respect for not aborting his life. I met a priest once…who told me that for whatever reason, his mother almost aborted him. Isn’t it a wonderful gift to the world that she didn’t, because now he is in our world counseling young people against abortion and discussing with them all the evil that causes one to believe that abortion is ok. You can also help to change the world’s view….your friends’ view of you being selfish for keeping this baby and that you should abort it’s beautiful soul. THAT SEEMS UNSELFISH TO THEM???

    KILLING IS NOT AN UNSELFISH ACT!! IT IS THE MOST EXTREME ACT OF SELFISHNESS. (I’m not shouting, just exaggerating my level of tone:angry: )

    I know how I felt when my mother abandoned me and my three syblings and our father one day while he was at work. I lived without my mother for a huge portion of my life because of her selfishness to want something better, something less stressful, something more exciting….someone that promised her a better life of happiness. I lost my baby brother that same year to a house fire. He was only 3 mo. old and my father went into the house to save him after getting us all out. My father suffered 3rd degree burns on his face, arms and shoulders trying to show UNSELFISH love. My mother never showed up for the funeral because she was out there being selfish trying to find true love. She never found it…..and I never knew my mother. I lived with a lot of difficulty while just a baby, (2yrs until my teens) until my father remarried. But I never, ever looked at my father, who was heartbroken and alone and felt I had a crap life. I was in awe at his love and determination to give me everything he could along with my older syblings.

    I am now a mother of a beautifully large family, that the restaurants cringe at when they see us walk in. I am the mother to my children that I never had while growing up. I never hated my life or felt sadness because of the one parent I had…..I loved him tremendously because he gave us extra love. Now, I look at my babies and think of her, but in sadness for her. I forgive my mother for not giving me her life….she missed out!! Motherhood is Awesome!

    in reply to: 1 week update (mum & dad) have 2nd abortion? #24664


    I can understand how you’re feeling….I have had to respectfully disagree with my parents as well. In the face of what is true, just, and morally wrong… have an obligation to stand up to her. I know there are a lot of things being suggested to you.. a lot of loving advice comming at you constantly, and when you’re the one in the situation it’s extremely hard to seperate your emotions for everyone involved, from the choices that have to be made and kept strictly seperate; in which its results will be for the GREATER GOOD!!

    God, the Lord of life, has entrusted to us the mission of safeguarding life, and we must carry it out in a manner worthy of ourselves. Life must be protected with the utmost care from the moment of conception; abortion is an abominable crime. Any cooperation in an abortion constitutes a grave offense. (death of your own soul)

    As long as a child lives at home with his parents, the child should obey his parents in all that they ask of him when it is for his good or that of the family. But if a child is convinced in conscience that it would be morally wrong to obey a particular order, he must not do so.

    If you feel that you cannot talk to your mother with an adament and firm resolve NOT to abort this baby, you need help!! Someone needs to help mediate for you so that you have a fair chance. Even if you have to print out some information for her…..from this website, or other resource sites that will help her understand the crime she is asking you to be involved in again. Print out some of our responses to you, and just cut off anyone’s names you don’t want to reveal….show her pict’s of aborted babies and let her see for herself. Gabby, you must fight or the death of Sasha Lou and all you’ve gone through will be in vain.

    We can only do so much through the computer, you have to be the one to fight the battle. Read over everyone’s replies and keep those positive messages in your mind. Print them out and keep them with you, whatever it takes!!

    I pray God will keep you and your baby from any harm.

    in reply to: My story… #24663


    You have been through so much at such a young age, and still have the resiliance to keep a positive outlook after experiencing a terrible loss. There is a special place in heaven for your baby and I believe you will join her one day. Accepting what happened to you with such a loving and accepting heart and also towards the baby that came as a result, could have felt like it was all for nothing when you had to say ‘goodbye’ to her. Instead, with grace you carried on with your life while hiding the pain. You should not let your parent’s words make you feel ashamed. I feel you have a true understanding of the terrible crime of ‘rape’ that was inflicted on you, and in your heart you know that you DID NOT cause this to happen. God never forsakes us, and he saw what you had been through and how quietly you were enduring your sorrow.

    Stephen was brought into your life for a reason. To show you how true love should be with a young man and it’s beautiful that you and he are willing to wait until you’re old enough to start a life together in marriage. In the meantime maybe you could look into going to a survivors of rape meeting to help you let go of all the hidden feelings that you may still have. Having to go back into that period of time where there’s pain and sadness, as well as some possible anger may help you find closure. You may feel that you’ve already closed that off forever, but I just wanted to let you consider that is an option.
    I’m certain that you will feel the loss of your little angel for the rest of your life, but she will be your guiding star who represents all the innocence and love that has been lost in the world. Continue to smile and dream about your future with Stephen. Know that you will never be alone, God is right along side of you giving you the strength, and Stephen is on the other!!

    May God bless you for your loving and gentle nature. I will pray for peace and happiness to be in your life.

    your friend in Christ,

    in reply to: Is birth control the answer? #24659

    As a woman,I would just like to encourage and suggest to you, that it is never too late to say ‘NO’ to sex for the dignity of yourself. Whether in a married state of life, or unmarried. If you’ve decided to have sex with your boyfriend or your husband, it is your choice. Likewise, it is also your choice to say, “NO, I cannot do this anylonger because there has to be something more that holds us together……married or not.”

    There is no reason for a woman or young girl to go along with ‘having sex’ if it will compromise the dignity of their soul, their future, or their self esteem. It shouldn’t matter how long you’ve been together and how many times you’ve been intimate.

    My point here, please understand, is not to offend anyone. I am only stating what I feel to be a very important issue that needs to be addressed. As a young couple, my husband and I were not always in the best mind frame to be with oneanother as God would wish for us, but youth and passions usually took the lead in our early years of marriage, and our being together intimately was not what we would be proud of now. It was a selfish love that was used against oneanother to get what we wanted, or to be withheld from oneanother as a punishment for what we felt we weren’t receiving from the other. Young couples today are no different, married or not. If your boyfriend is still with you, wonderful….but ask yourself, why isn’t there a committment yet after so long of being together. Why couldn’t there be? What is holding us back from getting married? Is our arrangement too convenient to rock the boat? Ask yourself these things and see what part sex plays in your relationship.

    My husband and I had to come a long way to get where we are now. Our view of intimacy with oneanother is what God intended it to be. I wish the same for all of you with the men in your life.

    God bless you,

    in reply to: 1 week update (mum & dad) have 2nd abortion? #24658

    Hi Gabby,

    First of all, congratulations on getting this far with your pregnancy. Rejoice in the life that’s within you. It is a BLESSING!!!

    As a mother of teen daughters, I would love to walk over to your house right now and invite your mother to a cup of tea.;) Oh, how I wish I was in the UK. Prayer is pretty powerful, so for now I’ll have to turn to that instead.

    I want to encourage you sweetheart to find some courage inside to stand up to your parents and make a FINAL stand on this issue. You and Ollie together need to defend your baby together, as a team, as a muture couple who are willing to take responsibility for raising their baby. Unless you do, I’m afraid your mother may feel she has to take the lead on the decision.

    But I want you to think about something….in what negative way will your decision with Ollie to keep this baby effect your mother’s life?? How will this be a terrible thing??? Where can she prove that having another abortion is the right choice??? Which decision is morally and ethically sound?? MURDER< OR < LIFE!!! Can she say to you..."Life will be much better for you if you kill another baby. Your future will just be wide open from then on!!" Not to mention what it has done to you!!! I can't believe that she would want to watch you go through the pain, and grief again. Ask her to think about these things to your mother seriously. Ask her how she could live knowing that two of her grandbabies have died because of her influence. Parents do NOT make good decisions all the time. Because she is your mother, (I cannot be disrespectful, but only in defense of LIFE), does not mean that if she is sinning you have to obey her. You are to honor your father and mother at all times, unless they are sinning and asking you to sin. Do not let her break your courage down, do not let her make you feel less than worthy to have your baby. Do not let her convince you to start thinking about abortion again........fight that with everything you have. You have paid your price with the tears you have shed over the death of Sasha Lou. You will be a wonderful mum!!!!! I am praying very hard for your situation. May God watch over you and your unborn baby and keep all harm from the both of you as you try to do what is right. Peace of Christ, myangelsinheaven

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