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  • in reply to: does anyone need help? #26440

    Hello Karma,
    I am a mother as well, and very proud and blessed to have children. You tapped into something that I don’t think a lot of people realize; that we all need someone to talk to and share our worries, struggles and joys with. So many people are looking for happiness in the world, some are wandering lost and searching for peace in their lives. I have had many days of lonliness and sadness where it would only take a kind word from someone to give me strength to make it just one more day.
    I am here and can relate to your role as a mother of back to back toddlers.

    in reply to: are these r symptoms or jus pain #25358

    It sounds like you have a lot of worries as well as some confusion about your body during ovulation, fertilization and pregnancy. I feel the best thing for you to do is for you and your boyfriend to go to the doctor together and discuss all of these things with him so that you and your boyfriend will have a clear understanding about what is going on with your body. Ideally, it would benefit everyone if you and your boyfriend waited until marriage to try to have children, but if you and he are certain that this is what you want in your life right now, then it’s best that you and he learn everything you can about your body and conception, pregnancy and raising a baby so that you will be prepared.

    If you are concernend about your epilepsy and being pregnant then that is another concern to discuss with a qualified doctor and a medical condition that should be monitored by him while you’re pregnant. Don’t take chances at becoming pregnant by having sex with your boyfriend,(protected or unprotected) because your doctor may advise you to wait until you have completely outgrown your epilepsy.

    I say protected or unprotected sex because you may not be aware that even while having sex with contraception, there is a high failure rate of contraception and possible pregnancy can and does occur.

    Think about your choices carefully and plan according to what you and your boyfriend feel is right for the both of you and your baby. Let us know if we can help you in any other way.


    in reply to: Father’s Day #25353

    I can understand and sympathize with you about Caden’s father, but I hope that I can give you a different outlook on Father’s Day by my more optimistic attitude.

    I had to go through a lot as a child with my father being my only parent. He was a wonderfully loving father to the four of us after my mother walked out when I was a baby. I celebrate Father’s day for him even though he passed away 1 year ago. I thank him for giving me life. He may not have always been able to be with me every minute due to demands on him to work and provide for me and my siblings, and he may not have made enough to give us everything we wanted, but I know he loved me. Father’s Day is for my own father.

    I think about the more positive people in my life who have helped to shape who I am today….my Uncles, my Grandfathers….my brother (he’s very special to me) because he protected me and took me everywhere and I watched him be a loving gentle boyfriend to his girlfriend as we grew up. I celebrate Father’s Day for my brother.

    Two of my closest friends have outstanding husbands who smile in the face of raising their children with Downsyndrome. Their children cannot talk nor comprehend what is going on around them and they blissfully roam the community while strangers oogle and stare at them as if these beautifully special babies had a choice in the matter. These father’s I watch and look to them as humble role models for the other young men and boys in our community. I thank God for these father’s who show my son what it means to be a true father.

    There were times when my own husband and I went through some painfully cold and evil phases in our relationship with oneanother. There was no fairness, love, compassion or selfless understanding. At one point I thought I hated him for what he was doing to me and our marriage, and I felt justified in my selfrighteous perfect skin. Little did I know, I was making things worse. We nearly lost everything and actually had to be broken emotionally as well as die of ourselves to see what we were doing.
    My husband of 22 yrs. and I have since left that other life in the past and now look back on it as a reminder of how far we’ve come to true love. We don’t forget our past, we remember it to help us see how imperfect we are as human beings so that we can be more charitable, understanding and nonjudgmental towards others. I almost left my husband for good to run from him and what he wasn’t being for me and my children, but he is now my best beloved friend whom I trust with my whole life because without him, I wouldn’t have become who I am today.

    I celebrate my husband on Father’s Day for who he’s become

    As painful as it is for you not to experience any involvement in your life from Caden’s father…..Please hear me gently suggest that regardless of what he’s obviously not doing now, you can still find some moments in your past relationship with him that deserves some respectful thought or recognition as Caden’s father, and maybe you can hold onto that thought long enough and privately thank him for being Caden’s daddy. Celebrate father’s day for Caden…..that he is here because of his daddy. You can leave it as simple as that and have a more positive day with your baby boy.

    You will be in my thoughts this weekend Autumn and email me anytime if you need to talk.

    Love and support,

    in reply to: 15 and pregnant #25352

    Hi Ashley,
    Yes,I would definately try and get to the doctor. If you haven’t yet gone through the OPTIONLINE to get a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL blood test then you should start there. Like I told you before, they can provide a supportive person to be with you when you tell your mom. But, that mediation with your mom can be done whenever you’re ready. Take one thing at a time. The staff at the Optionline are very supportive and can guide you through all your options. It’s important to remember that your baby is in a very fragile state at this moment, and anything you do or do not do can affect its development. If you have any doubts about your boyfriend’s faithfullness to you and that he may be having sex outside of your relationship with other partners, then please be cautious in your decision to have sex with him while you’re pregnant and unmarried. He could possibly contract STD’s from others and carry them to you and ultimately to your unborn baby. It is a real concern that we are trying to bring about to younger girls and unwed mothers when they’ve become pregnant outside of marriage.
    Your boyfriend’s love and support will be so important to you during this pregnancy and in the end, it will be a wonderful benefit to the baby to have his father involved. However, with regards to STD’s, your main concern should be for yourself and your unborn child.

    You will get through the nauseous period after the 3 month mark, or thereabouts. :S
    Some pregnant mothers have had to wait until about the 4th month to be rid of the sick feeling, but then you will find that it will be replaced with lots of energy.
    Please remember to drink a lot of water and rest this trimester as much as you can. Small naps whenever you can get them will help the baby grow strong and keep your body calm for that to happen.

    Many blessings and support,
    I’m always here if you need to talk.

    in reply to: My abortion story, needing support #25348

    Thank you for sharing your painful and very personal story with all of us. Thank you also for sharing your belief in the saving power of God’s unending mercy and generous forgiveness. I am a strong believer in asking God to forgive me for my sins daily, and for the sins I committed in the past. One thing I’ve learned as I’ve gone through these last 22 yrs after my abortion, (March 12, 1987), is that I was forgiven for my sins immediately and completely because I had no idea what I was doing. I had no idea that he created that life inside me and the innocent baby was HIS. Because I had made the choice to have sex with my boyfriend before marriage he created a life inside me. I then, unknowingly, had an obligation to God to fullfill the bond between a man and a women and to give life. I was blessed with that baby to nurture and give it life on earth and to protect and raise it so that it would one day return to HIM.

    He forgave me for letting that life go because he knew in my heart that I was too young and immature to understand what I had let go of.

    I hope you may continue to find comfort and understanding from God and that you turn to him when you’re feeling anxious and pressured to make decisions. He will calm your soul with his love and grace.

    Many blessings,

    in reply to: wanting another baby. #25335

    Hello Mommy of 2,
    Congratulations of being a mother of two babies!! I think it’s a wonderful calling to be a mother and you obviously have a natural desire to be one. I have had babies very close together, within 11 months of eachother, and then later on my husband and I had two more within 13 months apart. It is a busy life for a mother to be pregnant and nursing another baby on the way, but it can be done. I found that getting the support of my husband and close friends helped me through the most difficult times when we were raising a lot of little ones at one time. I’m not sure what your supportive family consists of or how they participate in your life and the life of your babies, but I feel a strong network of family, friends and community makes all the difference in the world in giving a mother the necessary love, support and confidence it takes to raise a family.

    many blessings,

    in reply to: My Story #25334

    Hello my friend,
    It was very good to see you back on and to read an update on you and Caden’s life.

    I hear the love in your heart for Caden’s father and truly believe that with time and space, his love may mature. It has been such a short time since Caden’s birth, although so much has happened in that short time, it’s obvious he still has not come to accept his responsibility in the life of your son.

    I hear you say how you pray, you cry, you run, but nothing. There are no certainties in life Autumn, despite our efforts to make things happen, sometimes things aren’t meant to be the way we would like. But, in my experiences, constant, patient and persistent prayer to God is answered. You just have to trust in what your praying for will be heard and have the patience to allow it to happen as God wants it to.

    I am always here to talk and you can email me anytime.

    Thank you for your suggestion with regards to my ‘FDA, AMA, CDC WARNING!!’ post. I’m looking into it.

    Love and support
    God bless,

    in reply to: My Story #25333

    Hello Charlotte,

    I am sorry for your pain and your loss. As I read your story, I felt I was reading my own. I also wish that I had the resources and other options available to me that are now being offered, especially through StandUpGirl.

    The baby that I thought, at the time, was an insignificant burden, is now that baby I desire to hold close to my chest. The baby that I felt was a mistake and one that I would never look back on, is now the one that whispers to me “I love you Mommy” when I’m walking in the country. My baby is a constant dream that will go unfullfilled in this lifetime and although our baby who had no voice at the time, and was the defenseless one that we lost that day in that cold abortion clinic, she is the one that speaks the loudest to us and is the driving force behind everything my husband and I do now to bring awareness to others of the cruel effects, both physically and emotionally, that abortion has on women’s health. I’ve just recently made a post in the forum titled, ‘FDA, AMA, CDC WARNING!!’ I hope that if you have time you will read it.

    You see…I’m not to forget her. I’m not to forget how he touched my life in such a sweet and indirect way. The life of our child is only a dream of what we could’ve had, and only a dream of what we could’ve shared with the world. From the grief and sorrow that I carried in my heart for so many months and years as I waited and prayed for another chance, I soon found that my painful loss became tiny glimpses of our baby in the faces of our other children.
    We don’t know whether our baby was a boy or a girl, but I see my little baby boy in the eyes of my 13 yr. old son as he’s talking to his father about life, love and war. I know the pride he would’ve had embracing his father as he came home from the war in Iraq and I even feel the warmth and love he would’ve had for me as he laid his head on my lap for me to rub his hair.

    My little girl would’ve been nothing short of the sweet innocence I see in my six daughters who surround me with laughter and indescribable love. She is in everything they do and I almost feel as if she’s right beside me holding my hand and her sisters’ hands as we all walk down the path in the woods. As I cry, she is putting her hand on my shoulder this minute and giving me the courage to tell you this so that YOU may see there can be no life in vain.

    In sharing your very personal and emotional story, you can give release to the spirit of your baby so that there can be healing. You can help to save the lives of other women’s babies and in helping to fight against abortion, you may also take some of the anxiety out of your life by filling it with a useful work.

    You can always email me or leave a message for me in my guest book if you’d like to talk more, but I hope that you continue to read the forum posts and search out any other post abortive resources that may be helpful to you.

    Love and support,

    in reply to: Am I making the right choice? #25306

    I am sure I share in your joy as much as the other women on StandUpGirl. It was wonderful to hear your update and also to hear your heart speak out with your understanding of where God has brought you in your life. It is a point of maturity and growth, both emotionally and spiritually to lay down your burdens at his feet and to ask him to carry you. Motherhood is a constant act of selflessness from the moment of accepting the life inside you at conception, through the years of raising a child, until the time when they are ready to make their way on their own in the world. We are called to be selfless and put the life of our child first….at all costs. The rewards of that kind of love toward another may not always gain recognition or praise from the world…..but from your child, you will never live without knowing that they admire you, accept you, thank you, and LOVE you. That is why you were blessed with this baby.

    I will pray for you and your healthy pregnancy.
    Many blessings and supportive friendship,

    in reply to: early labour symptoms??!! #25289


    You’re due date is June 26th, 2009!! Doesn’t that sound special?? Congratulations! This is such an exciting time, and I’m sure you are filled with so many questions and concerns. I can feel your excitement through reading your post. I am excited for you!! 🙂

    You have about 2 weeks before your due date, so yes, I believe that your body is preparing for early labor. As long as you are feeling the baby move at least 10 times or more each hour, and your water hasn’t broke you can be assured that everything is going smoothly. Butconsidering this is your first baby, and you’re not sure how your body normally functions at this point in a pregnancy, there may be some symptoms or signs that can be scary to you, or make you very worried. Please, do not hesitate to call your Doctor, or at least talk to the nurse on call.

    From what you’re describing, it sounds as if you are having pressure down low surrounding your lower back and sides. That is your baby putting pressure on your pelvis and preparing to position herself for delivery. Nature is taking over…and I know you said you weren’t having any braxton hicks contraction, which is the tightening across your belly and into the sides, but it does sound like you are having some mild contractions. That is the feeling you’re experiencing in your lower back and tailbone.

    You may also notice that you will lose the mucus plug in one piece all together. The small shedding of the membranes goes on for weeks sometimes. You are on your way my friend, and I would suggest spending as much time as possible relaxing and storing up energy for yourself. Take small naps because you will need as much energy as possible for labor so you will need to be rested. I know it’s difficult while experiencing pain, but maybe someone can rub your lower back before you go to sleep, or you could take a warm shower to relax your muscles. I also found that lying on my side with a pillow between my knees, a pillow pushed up behind my lower back, and then one in front of me supporting my baby belly was helpful in getting the much needed rest in those last days.

    Everything sounds like it’s going well, but again, please go to the doctor if you feel something is not right. Let us know if there’s anything else we can help you with.

    God bless,

    in reply to: Really confused #25268

    The unknown can be very confusing and so we need to find the answers and educate ourselves in all aspects of our lives. Don’t be afraid to do that for yourself. Go to your doctor and have him give you a blood test and end the worrying and confusion. You will have no doubt about your symptoms when you leave.

    It is very fortunate that you have a supportive boyfriend if the tests comes back positive. It’s only a responsible way to live and shows a lot of maturity on his part. If you are not pregnant, and you and your boyfriend aren’t completely sure that having a baby right now would be best for everyone concernened, than maybe you and he could have a discussion about your intimacy. Contraceptions have been known to fail more times than not, and the only form that is 100% effective is abstinence. If waiting to conceive a baby seems to be the better choice for now in your relationship, then this may also be an opportunity to strengthen the bond between the two of you and build a strong foundation to raise a family later.
    Whatever, your choice with your personal life, or the results of your test, know that you are not alone in your situation. Many here at StandUpGirl have faced these same decisions and have found support and love within this site.

    Best wishes and blessings,

    in reply to: 3 positive tests #25267

    Hello and Congratulations!!

    It’s a beautiful calling to be a mother, and you are showing natural signs of protecting your child already. It’s very important to understand how to take care of your body which is nourishing your unborn baby, and equally important to pay attention to what your baby needs while inside your womb.
    Rest for yourself is huge, as it will allow your mind to rest as well as help your baby to develop and rest. When your body is in a calm and relaxed state, it helps to produce a healthy baby.
    Your diet is very crucial during the first trimester (1-3 months) Eat as much fruits and vegetables as possible and it’s better to eat them and all foods in their most natural state. Taking in Folic Acid is going to help your unborn baby’s chances of developing without major physical disabilites. (that’s where dark green vegetables come in)
    Eating small meals throughout the day as opposed to 3 large meals (breakfast,lunch,dinner) has always been recommended since your uterus will be putting pressure on your stomach as your progress through your pregnancy. With larger meals sitting in your stomach, you will feel uncomfortable, get heartburn more and make you feel sluggish. Think more in terms of early breakfast, breakfast, mid-morning tea time w/snack, lunch, afternoon tea w/snack, light dinner, evening tea time.
    You should start drinking water from the minute you wake up to get all the required liters in by the end of the day. This may make you feel like you’ll get water-logged, but water is incredibly important to help the baby flush out all the waste within it’s bowels as well as keeping you hydrated. Remember you are making a human inside you. Don’t stop drinking!!
    Stress…….avoid it as much as you can. You may feel very strong at times during your pregnancy, physically, as if you can take on the world. This is usually right after your 1st trimester ends. But you are not invincable, and stressful situations can play a major part in fetal stress. Elevated heartrates and rise in blood pressure during pregnancy, will be transmitted to the life support of the fetus.
    Please surround yourself with a network of loving and supportive people who will take your pregnancy into consideration and protect you.

    Good luck throughout your pregnancy, and let us share in this with you by staying in touch.If there’s any other advice you need, please let us know.

    Many blessings and a healthy pregnancy.


    in reply to: I regreted it only hours after #25262

    Hello friend,

    I’m sorry that you are feeling the pain losing your baby to abortion. I too have felt that pain, and still do but in a different way than I did over 20 yrs. ago. I also felt the pain of what I’d done almost immediately after leaving the clinic and that feeling consumed me for years.

    I’ve had a dream recently that I’ve not shared with anyone, but continue to play it over in my mind throughout the day. I feel my dream has come from my involvement here on StandUpGirl helping other girls make sense of their choice to abort, helping them face what has happened and by helping them put it into the correct perspective.

    I wasn’t sure who I would tell my dream to, but I feel it is appropriate to share it with you if you don’t mind.

    [i]I’m standing on a high cliff with my eyes closed looking towards the sky. I’m taking in big breathes of air and exhaling slowly as if I’ve not been able to breathe before. My whole body is feeling the release of the air from my lungs and I feel a sense of calmness come over me and notice that my once tense arms and clenched fists are now wrapped gently across my own chest. I was giving myself a hug that I so desperately needed. (a hug of forgiveness and understanding)

    As I look past the cliff ahead of me, I see a long swinging bridge made of tattered rope and rotting planks of wood. The wind is blowing and making the bridge sway, and I see a dark canyon below with shadows I thought I recognized and cold rocks that reminded me of a place I’d been before in my life. There were sounds that gave a chill to my skin and I found myself trying to recall where I’d heard them in the past.

    I look across the bridge and my face turns to one of concern and I feel a heaviness in my chest…..I see a young girl begin to bravely cross the bridge taking one small step on the first thin board. I can see her struggle to keep her balance because the bridge begins to sway even wider from the weight of what she’s carrying. She reaches for the side rails made of rope, but they too are loose and nonsupportive and give way to the desperate grab of her sweaty hands. She has a look of fear and unbearable pain in her eyes, and she searches frantically for her next step. Will this one fail her? Will she be on a solid piece of wood the next time she places her foot down and will it hold her long enough so that she may take another and continue across the swinging bridge? I want to shout out to her, “NO, not there….try that one!” and “Don’t grab that piece of rope, it will fail you!! Reach further!!”

    I begin to watch her every move as if I’m taking those steps for her….every shaky step across the swinging bridge over that dark canyon. I see the bridge begin to sway even wider now as she makes her way towards the middle of the bridge, and it unsettles her and she forgets her progress so far. She begins to glance down to the depths below and has a look of sadness and weak surrender on her face as if she just wants to stop trying. She’s motionless and weak from her journey, and if I were standing there with her I’m sure I’d hear her say, “I’m tired of trying, there’s no hope, I’ll never make it across, I thought this was the right path to take.”
    I know that look from somewhere…..I walked that swinging bridge and thought those same things. I looked down into those dark shadows of despair and grief and they covered my soul and held me down in that canyon. I sat on those cold rocks where nothing seemed to bring me warmth, and the sounds that she was hearing, cried out to me as well until my ears were burning.

    I began to call out to that young girl from where I was at and told her not to look down anymore. “Look at me, and never look down there again. Don’t look at those rotting planks under your feet, just walk!! Don’t fumble for rope to hold you, just continue to reach here!!” I kept yelling for her to keep moving and not listen to the sounds below her feet. As I yelled for her I found myself making my way across the swinging bridge towards her because I didn’t want her to feel alone as that bridge continued to swing wider than it had before. I wanted to give her the support she needed to make it across safely, afterall, she was a little girl just like me trying to make that long journey. I had to show her the way. I wanted to show her that I’d never leave her there alone struggling to make it across that ugly dark canyon.
    As I joined her three-fourths of the way across, I put my sweater across her shoulders and pushed the hair away from her eyes so that she could see. I smiled at her and looked into her eyes. I felt her take in a long deep breath, and she exhaled slowly as if she’d never breathed before. I told her, “There’s a place over there where you can rest. I’ll help you make it the rest of the way across.”


    I’ve thought a lot about my dream and what it means for me in my life and how I can be there to reach out to the young girls and women making it across that swinging bridge. My heart is aching for you and your baby as it does for my own…..

    I am there across the other side of the bridge reaching out to you, and I know the journey you’re about to make. I can help you make it across. Many women and other young girls on this site can offer you love and support to help you across.

    Please stay in contact with this site as often as you can, and continue to share with your mother and boyfriend because you need their supportive love.

    Thank you for letting me share with you, and giving me the opportunity to help you.

    much love and support,

    in reply to: Im 19 and pregnant #25261

    Hello Bigheart,

    You will find love and support here because your story is the story of thousands of young girls. If you read the posts on this site, you will find comfort knowing that many have walked this same path that you are faced with and have become wonderful little mothers. This baby was planned, this baby was loved before it was conceived, and this baby was meant for YOU!! Because you are courageous enough to accept the responsibility for your choice of being intimate with your boyfriend, you will experience the joy of an innocent life, and will be rewarded with a gentle love like no other. Your boyfriend may take some time to accept his role as the baby’s father, but you should continue to accept this life and be an example to him. In a quiet, steady and confident manner, you can show him how a mature young adult accepts life. You may actually help him come to realize that there’s no reason to run and be afraid.

    If you need anything, please let us know. We’d love to share your pregnancy with you so keep in touch.


    in reply to: two tests..still confuse #25260

    Hi Caty,

    It’s unclear from your post when your due for your period. If you had unprotected sex, there’s always a chance that you could become pregnant, especially if it fell anywhere between the 7-18th day after your last period stopped.

    If your not late yet, I would suggest you wait until your past due for your period by about 5 days and then test with the first morning’s urine. If it is positive, then you will need to get to your doctor to confirm it as soon as possible so that he may put you on prenatal vitamins and iron.

    If it’s negative using a home test, but you feel that you are pregnant, go to the doctor and let them do a blood test. You will get an accurate result there.

    I hope that things will settle down for you at home, so that if you are pregnant, you will receive the support you and your baby will need.

    We are always here to help, and if you have any other questions or need guidance after your testing, please let us know.


    in reply to: 15 and pregnant #25259

    Hello Ashley,

    You are not alone, you CAN do this, and you have found support here on Stand Up Girl.

    It seems like a lot to take in all at once, I know. But, as time goes on, and you begin to make some courageous choices you will find the strength to take your next step.

    Saying ‘Yes’, to the life of your baby is the biggest, and most important choice. It is a privelege to be a mother, and with your boyfriend’s support for this baby, you will soon be able to experience that. Please, don’t be afraid…..many have been in your situation and have become beautiful young mothers. This is just new to you and the road ahead seems long.

    It may be a delicate situation telling your family about the baby, considering your boyfriends age. I would suggest that you call this number. OptionLine at 1800-395- HELP They will help you find a location in your area, where you may obtain a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test, and discuss your options with you. They will be able to provide you with someone to accompany you, when you talk to your parents.
    I don’t like to suggest this, because it may come across as keeping something from the parents….but in this situation, if you feel your parents recourse would be to push you into getting an abortion, then I feel you may want to wait until you are further along in your pregnancy when the baby is more developed, and then take them to see the ultrasound. You are carrying their grandchild, and a visual reminder of that innocent life inside your body may help them come to accept it easier.
    Then, you can tell your mother how much you love her and need her motherly support so that you can carry this baby in a healthy manner.

    It benefits everyone when the parents are right along side their daughter when she becomes pregnant. No one loses!! There is only peace, healthy relationships, and a calm relaxed atmosphere to raise a child. In the end, the child will grow to know that peace, love and acceptance for others.

    Please, let us know how things progress and if you need any further help.

    your friend,

    in reply to: multiple abortion and now im keeping it #25258

    Hello Lefam,

    Congratulations on accepting LIFE this time! Regardless of what has happened in the past, your unborn baby won’t be taken away from you as a punishment. An unborn baby in it’s early development is very fragile, and many things can affect the development of that vulnerable child. If you happen to have a miscarriage, please know that nothing you did would warrant punishment towards you or your baby. We have all made mistakes in our pasts that we regret terribly. You are now trying to live your life in a beautiful state of motherhood. I am personally proud to have read your story and although our stories are not identical….I too shared your worry at one point in my life. Would I never be able to carry my baby to term after an abortion? Would my body accept another fetus after what I did? Would I ever be blessed with another chance to make a different choice?

    My prayers for another chance came true, and I carried another baby full term. I made a different choice when that new chance came and said “Yes” to the life of my baby. You have done that and you will be rewarded.

    I hope everything goes well for you and your baby, and your upcoming wedding. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. If there’s anything we can help you with or if you have any questions during your pregnancy, please let us know.

    Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy,

    in reply to: do you think i am? #25257

    I’m sorry that you’re feeling scared, but you are not alone. There are many young girls who are in, or have been in your situation. You’re doing the right thing though by looking for advice and not trying to figure things out on your own. Situations like this can become very overwhelming when you have nobody to turn to. We’re all here to help and offer any support and guidance that you may need.

    If you had a period, recently and it was lighter than normal, that could have been your true cycle. The only way to be sure whether your pregnant is to get a test done. A blood test is the most accurate. So if you could get to your clinic, they will take a sample from you and you will know quickly.

    Take one thing at a time and try not to worry yourself. It is hard to try and take everything in at once, and it could cause stress to your baby if you are pregnant.

    Let us know how things turn out for you, and if we can help you further.


    in reply to: Pms or pregnancy symptoms? #25256

    Hi Callie,

    If your period was due to start on or around May 24-28th then you are within the time period where a positive pregnancy result should show up. Most girls will use a home test first. If you choose to use one, use your first morning’s urine as the hormone level will be at its highest. If it reads negative, you could take another one to be sure you did the test correctly. But, I would go to your clinic to get a blood test done. They are the most accurate and there will be no doubt in your mind when you leave. If your concerned about privacy and cost of getting a blood test done, you can call this number. 1800-395-HELP They will put you in touch with a clinic in your area where you may get FREE and CONFIDENTIAL testing.

    I hope everything goes well for you and your boyfriend and that if you are pregnant you and he will find the love and support you need.

    God bless,

    in reply to: how long till labour now?? #25255

    This is a very exciting time for you, I’m sure. You will be in my prayers with your baby and your upcoming delivery. I hope everything goes well.

    The mucus plug will shed over a period of weeks as Meg said. It’s important, however, to watch for any leaking fluid that will soak your panties or a pad completely within an hour. Some may not be aware that their amniotic fluid is leaking due to the mucus plug completely shedding. If you notice a huge amount of the plug when you use the bathroom, pay attention to your contractions and their frequency.(Are they getting closer and more frequent? Have they stopped all together since noticing the mucus plug?) These would be calls for concern.

    I remember seeing my mucus plug when I used the restroom, and I had been noticing my contractions getting closer together over the course of a few hours. Then within an hour of seeing the plug, my water completely broke.

    Best wishes for a safe delivery,

    in reply to: How do I get over it? #25151

    Hello Issabela,

    I was once young and insecure, and worried a lot about the friends around me, or even people I didn’t know very well. I was worried that they wouldn’t accept me, that they’d make fun of the clothes I wore or didn’t have. I remember one girl, whom I thought was a good friend, decided to ignore me over a period of a few days and then stood and made fun of me with others as I walked by because my clothes were not ironed. Crazy isn’t it? Why? For what reason would people treat others this way? There are many reasons and none of them will ever be an excuse. It’s the way of the world to make people feel less than. Some find joy in it as if it elevates them to a higher status in life. They may have some insecurities of their own and the only way they feel better, is to point out the faults of others.

    I have had to let go of things like that getting to me, as I’m sure a lot of people have. I also have had to stop looking to others for approval because even when I feel I am doing my best, there may not be that pat on the back from anyone. We cannot look to others for our self worth. That comes from within your soul. Instead of striving to be accepted by others, I try and accept others no matter what. Instead of waiting for someone to love me, I seek out the ones who are loved the least and show them love. I have learned, that instead of hoping to be noticed by someone in my daily routine….I make a point to notice the ones who are cast aside in my community or church and bring them in close to me and my family.

    It is very rewarding to live my life where I can give others love, respect and dignity, when the world is so determined to strip it out of every human being.

    We would love to share in your pregancy and help in guiding you through this beautiful experience. I hope that I have shed a little light on your situation. You will find love, support and acceptance here at SUG.

    Best Wishes,

    in reply to: i just had a miscarriage #25150

    Hello friend,

    I too am sorry for your loss and the pain that remains. It is absolutely normal for a mother to grieve for her baby. It is a natural instinct that you are experiencing to its fullest. You can be comforted though, as I am witnessing by your expression of love and compassion for those innocent souls, that YOU WILL BE A WONDERFUL MOTHER ONE DAY!! If even in the slightlest bit for now, I hope that you can find some consolation in the fact that you have two precious little ones looking down on you. They feel your love, and know what is in your heart.

    You are young and have a lot of life to live. In the future, at a different point in your life, you may possibly be blessed with more children. You won’t forget your little ones, but will have something to keep close to your heart when you accept another baby into your life. You will be prepared to accept that life openly, and maternally because you have felt the other side of ‘the loss of life’.

    A lot of girls and women here on SUG, including myself, have felt and continue to feel that pain. If you can continue to share your feelings with us and find relief in giving a voice to your pain, the weight of this burden will lighten.

    You are in my heart and my thoughts tonight.
    God bless you,

    in reply to: Need Advice BADLY #25142

    If you think that the bleeding you had for those 4 days was suspicious, then you should probably think about getting a blood test done by your doctor. If you had your bleeding a few days early, it doesn’t neccessarily mean that you’re pregnant and neither does having a lighter period. You can take a pregnancy test at home and see what the results are….but understand that they aren’t always accurate and are often done incorrectly. If it’s positive, you can then go to the doctor to verify the positive results. If you need assistance with locating a clinic near you where you can get free testing, you can call 1-800-395-HELP.

    If you need any other help, please let us know and we will try to guide you in the best possible way.


    in reply to: Part of postpartum? #25141

    Congratulations on your beautiful baby!!

    I’m not sure about the postpartum, but I can tell you from experience, that it is a natural thing to want to be a mother…..especially after settling in with a new bundle of joy. You’re becoming more confident with your abilities, you and your baby are bonding more and more every day, and you are gaining your strength back after your 9 mo’s of pregnancy. You are realizing, in your mind and in your heart…..’I am in love with my baby, and I would do it all over again!!’

    You can do it….can’t you?? You should be very proud of yourself for giving your baby life.

    God bless,

    in reply to: confused #25135

    I’m not sure of all the details of your history with the baby’s daddy, but if you feel in your heart that you want your baby to know him, then it is probably the right thing to do. You would be following your heart. I think honestly, anytime a mother involves the father, married or not, in the life of his child, it will only produce good things. For the baby, she/he will have an opportunity to form a bond with daddy. For the father, experiencing the innocence of his child in his life will only have a good effect on him and he may begin to rethink the importance of life and his priorities.

    I will caution you though, if you feel that you or the baby are at risk of being in danger by offering the father a visit, then you should NOT arrange for one unless it can be supervised by your parents, or a court authority. (depending on your circumstances) Do not put your baby or yourself in a situation where you cannot get assistance should the visit go bad.

    I hope this has helped, but please let us know if there’s anything else we can do.

    Best wishes,

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