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ParticipantOh I am so sorry π I know that it all seems scary. How far along do you think that you may be? Can you talk to you mother about it? I know that seems scary and for a little while she may be shocked and hurt for you (sometimes they express this by getting angry) but eventually she will be supportive. I know very few mothers who aren’t no matter how bad your relationship may seem with her. Or can you talk to a counselor at school? I think that talking to some one and having them just be factual can help. Even if he doesn’t want to be there for you, I promise that you can do it and you won’t be alone. It seemed overwelming to me at first also, but then your love for your baby gives you strength and you just do what you have to do to be a good mommy.
Hang in there and let us know what happens.MrsTWalsh
ParticipantWell I think your senses are alot more sensitive in the first trimester. I know mine are. I have also read that you get more congested when you are pregnant. Hope this helps π
ParticipantStay strong Lady! Sometimes guys come around after a little time, sometimes they don’t. Regardless, you can be a great mommy and someday you will meet a man that will love you and your baby more than you ever thought possible.
ParticipantIt sounds like you are pregnant. I mean your period is past being "late". It didn’t happen. With my first baby, it took 2 weeks past my expected period date before I even got a faint positive on a urine test.
ParticipantIt could be a false positive or it could mean you are pregnant. I took a first response test 7 days before I expected my period and I got a faint positive. I am now 7 weeks along in my pregnany. Best to just take some prenatal vitamins and test in a few days. If it’s positive again then verify it at the doctors.
ParticipantIf he is inserting his penis (even partially) into your vagina, then it is sex. I think that your uncertainty means that you and your bf should make sure that you are well educated on the subject before you continue to put yourself in this situation. Sex is a big deal and you each are equally responible for any consequences that could come of it. Just make sure that YOU know exactly what is going on and that you aren’t relying on someone else for your information, ok Sweetie? You can definitely ask me any more questions you may have.
ParticipantIt could be normal. The best thing to do is just to give your prenatal care provider a quick call just to make sure. Never be afraid to ask questions, no matter how silly they may seem to you. I am sure your doctor has been asked some crazy questions π
ParticipantIt’s hard to say. When I have experienced that it has been the result of an ovarian cyst.
ParticipantI would take one more test to be sure, but it could have just been a false negative or it could have just been a really early miscarriage. I have read that 50% of miscarriages happen before a woman even misses he period and go unnnoticed. Just take another test because the negative could have been wrong too.
ParticipantHelp anybody? I am still trying to get insurance sorted out so I can take a blood test…. anyone go through something like this. I understand implantation bleeding but I thought my period just became irregular, Now I’m not sure.
ParticipantTake a test Lady! RIght now is a good time and there should be enought of the hormone in you system for a test to pick it up. Good luck π
ParticipantOoooh! I don’t want to get your hopes up either, but I think your suspicions are right. You should go take a test right away and let us know π
ParticipantOk nevermind, I took a test and it is positive. So I’m pregnant with #2….
ParticipantNo… it’s not an infection…. it sounds like alot of girls have gone through or are going through something similar. I’ve been under alot of stress lately so it could just be that. I just wanted to know if anyone had experienced these specific syptoms when they were pregnant because I had NO symptoms with my son and that pregnancy causght me completely by surprise. Ha ha. Guess i will just play the waiting game for a couple more days and see how it goes. Best of luck to my feelow ladies who are in the same situation π
ParticipantWell, if it was the day after your period, more than likely you are not pregnant. But you’ll just have to wait it out and take a test.
ParticipantIf you want this baby , you should keep it. I think that very few people have planned for a baby or are financially prepared. Babies are generally surprises. Even if your boyfriend choses not to be involved, you can do it. There are alot of programs out there to help. Also, your parents may surprise you and they can be an awesome support system. Congrats!
ParticipantI had to have my water broken so I can’t really answer that question. Contractions feel like period cramps, they just get increasingly worse. Labor is painful but you will quickly forget it when they hand you your baby. It definitely worth it!
ParticipantI don’t know, That sounds really confusing and nerve-racking! THe best thing to do would be to go see your doctor right away. Good luck!
ParticipantWow, you’re 28 weeks, that does have to be scary. On the bright side, your baby will be here before you know it. It seems that you should be able to get an ultrasound right away and they should definitely be able to tell you the sex of your baby if you’d like to know. I would make a Dr appt right away if you haven’t already and start taking your prenantal vitamins right away. It seem like whtever Dr checked you should have done an ultrasound right away. Congrats lady! Please email me if you want.
ParticipantNo, I felt great when I was pregnant with my son. I never experienced morning sickness. Every pregnancy is different, just consider yourself lucky:P
ParticipantOk where exactly is the hard spot located (inner or outer vagina)? If it’s on the outside it could be anything from and ingrown hair to vaginal warts. If it’s on the inside it could be a cyst. I don’t know but I always think that when it comes to that stuff it’s best to get checked out. Do you have an aunt or friend that could take you? I’m pretty sure if your parents took you the doctor has to be discreet and cant discuss things with them. You could even say you think you might have a yeast infection or something of the sort (which isn’t caused by having sex but would still get you a gynocologist appointment).
ParticipantTake a test. If it has been that long since you got a period it is something you should look into. Soon so you can start your prenatal care, ok? Good luck!
ParticipantI agree. If you are not pregnant you guys should be more careful if he’s you EX. Generally there are only a few days you can get pregnant out of a month, so do you know where you were in your cycle? That will have alot to do with it.Good luck, hon!
ParticipantStay strong and try not to get too stressed out, your baby can sense those things. Your baby will be here soon.Focus on that. When I had my baby, thats when everything started to make sense. My life had direction and meaning and I valued myself more than ever because I had this incredible, tiny person who depended on me entirely. This man DID NOT deserve you or your baby and probably will end up hurting this next girl the same way. Don’t settle and you will meet and incredible man that was made just for you when the time is right for you and your child. Stay strong Lady, and rest. This man doesn’t deserve your tears π