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ParticipantI have that problem too… It sucks and now I’m 5 months and still not over it lol. I let myself have some goodies but make sure that they aren’t taking the place of healthier stuff π
ParticipantI cramped alot in my first trimester,it turned out to be totally normal . Never be afraid to call and mention it to your doctor though.
ParticipantA faint positive can mean just as much as a bold one. I would wait a few days and re- test but I have only gotten faint lines with both of my pregnancies. One thing that puts my mind at ease is to buy a digital test and get the "pregnant" or "not pregnant" spelled out for me. Good luck!
ParticipantWell, have you been going for your prenatal checkups? Is this your first baby? It all depends on your body structure… with my first baby I did not show until I was about six months and never really looked fully ready to pop at all. I had strong abdominal muscles before I got pregnant and I guess those made me carry my baby very compactly. People would always ask me it he was growing. I assure you I gave birth to a very healthy baby. Ask your doctor if you have ANY concerns. I’m sure they have heard everything. Have you felt your baby move? Take good care of yourself and that baby from now on, no exceptions. As long as you are putting your child’s needs first you can’t go wrong.
ParticipantWell, I agree with Meg. Abstinence is the only sure way to prevent pregnancy.I wish that I would have taken that thought seriously when it was drilled into my head a million times as a young teen. I am so happy to have my son but I still deal with so much heartache and self-esteem issues from having different partners and then having them not work out and feeling more and more worthless. It’s hard because when you are in the moment most of the time you are thinking that this person is "the One" or at least that physical intimacy will deepen your relationship. In most cases, especially when we are young and changing our goals everyday that doesn’t happen. So then you try with the next person and the cycle continues. Each one of these encounters takes away a small piece of your heart. Your heart is your greatest asset so be careful with it.
I can honestly say that sex was not enjoyable for me until I had it with my husband. I’m not here to tell you what to do. Just to be a friend and share what life has taught me π ……………………………………… What an exciting adventure you are about to have. Enjoy the U.S. and college!MrsTWalsh
ParticipantWell, was your last period normal? If your next period isn’t due for 9 more days it seems like it would be much too early for you to show such strong signs. But the spotting does sound a little suspicious. I would wait until the 17th and then definitely take a home pregnancy test. Good luck!
ParticipantYes those sound like contractions. Braxton Hicks contractions are normal and just your body’s way of "practicing" for labor. I think to rule is that if you feel 4 or more of these in an hour you should call your doctor or midwife.
ParticipantIf it is different from a period then yes, it could be implantation bleeding. I wouldn’t say you got pregnant from the intercourse you had the day before the bleeding occurred but possibly a week before. I would wait and test on the day that you expected your normal period. Good luck!
ParticipantCongrats lady! Since you calculated that you are so early in your pregnancy, I would re-test in a few days(after you are certain you’ve missed your next expected period- I think you calculated that you are three weeks and some days?) just to be certain and then have the pregnancy also confirmed by a doctor π I would also recommend telling your mother once you have it confirmed. You’ll probably get the same reaction anytime you tell her so sooner is better. Good luck !
ParticipantSo I am assuming you are having sex? Are you using any contraception? How long did this abnormal "period" last? I think that it would make since to take a home pregnancy test. I usually buy the two pack because even though it says you can test right when you miss a period, sometimes the hormones aren’t strong enough yet so I re-test a few days later. Let us know how it goes.
ParticipantOk, try not to think of the worst yet. Take it one step at a time. I know that is easier said than done when your child is involved. The meds may clear it up just fine. I am praying for you π
ParticipantThat is so awesome lady! I know you can do it π
ParticipantI completely agree with what you are saying : ) I wouldn’t trade my son for anything but it is hard somedays knowing that right now I could have been graduating with my degree. I degree that I still fully intend to get but am going at a much slower pace now. It’s hard because I know I would sleep better at night if I had set out the groundwork before having a family> I love Caleb and my husband but we do struggle. God always provides us with just enough to get by, which I am grateful for but it seems we never can get ahead. My car broke and we had to buy a new one. Then I lost my job. This all happened the first two weeks we were married. I’ll admit having a two year old and one on the way makes tough situations that much harder. It’s a great motivator butt I can’t for the life of me understand why girls would intentionally put themselves in this sort of situation. You could complete college at 22, have a ton more life experience and a job that pays the bills and still be considered a young mom. Waiting til your 22 is not that long. It’s so much harder the way I did it. Trust me, love is great but it doesn’t pay the bills ha ha.
ParticipantFatigue and bruising are both signs of anemia (iron deficiency) which can show up in pregnancy.Pregnant women need 2 1/2 times the iron that an average person needs. Make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins and try to eat foods rich in iron like Special K cereal, red meat, green leafy vegetables, and nuts. I would try increasing your iron intake before your next doctor visit and see if that helps. Your doctor can draw some blood and let you know if you are anemic or not and then will prescribe iron pills but it’s better to try and get more iron through your regular diet because those pills can make you really constipated:S Hope this helps π
ParticipantWell as long as you do have a gush of fluid or any spotting I think this is normal. Pressure is normal. I am feeling it MUCH sooner with my second baby and my doctor said it’s becase my pelvic muscles are weaker. I began feeling noticeable pressure around 34-35 weeks with my first baby. Doing Keagel exercises helps strengthen your pelvic floor muscles as well as aides in actual labor. You work those muscles by squeezing the same way you would if you were to stop peeing midstream and holding it for a few seconds then relaxing. DOing this at least 30 times a day will help alot. You can also buy a pregnancy girdle which will help support you tummy and relieve pressure. As for the shooting pains, those are your ligaments being pulled. Pregnancy causes us to release a hormone called Relaxin which does just that, it relaxes your ligaments and softens them allowing you to stretch and allow the baby through with ease. It just also makes it easier to pull muscles π
Hope this helps!
ParticipantFirst off, we have the same name, yay! Your parents first reaction may change and it may not. My parents didn’t take the news of either one of my pregnancies very well. By the time I got to being about three months they had accepted the idea and grew more and more excited and involved as my pregnancy progressed. It seems that since you are questioning this you already feel that abortion is not for you. I encourage you to have this baby, it is not as impossible as it seems and once you meet your child you will wonder how you ever survived without them. I am so sorry that you have had to experience rape. I have been through that myself (by a person I knew nonetheless) and it is still difficult for me to process that I went through that, that I was raped… This baby is yours. Your baby will be the only person who ever knows what your heart sounds like from the inside. It is ok for you to be excited about this and it’s ok for you to cherish the little person growing inside of you, even if it wasn’t what you had planned. I think that you would regret making a decision you didn’t agree with based on your parents feelings. You are a 22 year old woman π and if you want to raise a baby you are more then capable. I promise. Explain to your parents that this is your decision and you need their love and support right now more than ever. You can do this lady!!!!
ParticipantYay! congrats Mama!
ParticipantI agree with the two ladies before me. I also think that you should make your boyfriend respect you as well as respect yourself by having him use protection. If he has had unprotected sex "lots of times" that should make you nervous for a few different reasons. Just be careful, at the end of the day the guy only has to be as responsible as he chooses to be and a baby could end up being your sole responsibility so please stand up and take control of your relationship, especially where sex is involved.
ParticipantI put "unknown" on my son’s birth certificate and his biological father never pursued it past that. My son’s father was unstable and has never seen him. What is your child’s father’s motive for this? If he honestly wants to be involved just think long and hard about why you don’t want him involved. Someday you will have to answer your child’s questions. I feel like I am making the best choice for my little boy, myself and his father by leaving him out of it and not pursuing any sort of help financially from him. I don’t have any strings attached to a man that I know would not have a consistent presence in my son’s life. I also have met someone new and married and this choice has help my son and husband to bond completely. Let me know if you ever want to chat because I have been there and I would also be happy to help you research any other questions that you might have. You are a strong mama, don’t forget that. Always put your baby’s best interest first and you can’t go wrong.
ParticipantHey, I am 16 weeks and I know EXACTLY what you mean. I have been getting crazy raving mad over the silliest things one minute and then crying my eyes out over somebody playfully teasing me the next. My poor husband has to deal with the brunt of it π All I can say is try your hardest to control it. I go and lay down in my room or something and take a break if I feel upset. I am also not one to say I’m sorry but I am quickly learning how. As long as I acknowledge that my behavior was unnecessary my husband is very understanding. YOU ARE HALFWAY TO GETTING TO MEET YOUR LITTLE ONE!!!!
ParticipantI can see how you would be confused. Have you taken a pregnancy test? Is there a clinic near you that you could go to so they could tell you for sure. If there is tissue, it could be a miscarriage and it would be best to have a doctor check you because if your body doesn’t clear it out on it’s own you could develop an infection. Let us know what happens.
ParticipantI would just consent to the paternity test and show them all the truth. It is sad that they don’t believe you but it will only be a few more weeks and then you can clear everything up and I am sure Ethan and his mother will feel extremely remorseful for the stress they are putting on you. As for dating (including Ethan) be careful about who you expose your child too. It is fine to date and I encourage you to do so, just with cation. I started dating a friend from high school right after my son was born and he seemed serious about me. I even allowed my son to spend time with his mother because she insisted ( I felt uncomfortable but wanted her to approve of me). He broke up with me out of the blue and it hurt so bad. I felt like I was so distracted from that pain that though I cared for all of my son’s needs I was emotionally detached from him. I also felt guilt for allowing him to spend so much time with people who just disappeared out of his life. Needless to say, I did it differently the second time I decided to date. I didn’t let my boyfriend meet my son til we had been together for 3 months. I didn’t have sex with him until we were engaged. Now we are getting married the 26th of this month π Always put your baby forst and you will be making the right decisions.
ParticipantI am so sorry. I will be praying for you.Sometimes things happen that we don’t understand until later on. Sometimes we never understand. I hope that when the time is right you will be blessed with another baby. Your little one is looking down on her mommy everyday.
Participantget a blood test
ParticipantBoth of my pregnancies were really unplanned but I just "knew" I was pregnant. I mean within a few days of conception. My best friend thought I was crazy until it turned out that I was and the calender says my intuition was right on ha ha. It sucks but you just have to wait til you can test. Thats what pregnancy is, waiting ha ha.