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ParticipantGirl, i wish you the best of luck! I dont have very strict christian parents, so I can’t really tell you anything on that. My grandma is christian and she took it very well, also dissapointed, but that is understandable. Whar she said was that not everytime a woman and man have sex, does the woman get pregnant. So when the woman does, you ar suppoused to except it, it’s a gift from god. This little baby is going to be a miracle in your life and is given to you for a reason. I’m glad that you are not going to get an abortion…that was out of the question for me too. I know I am way younger than you, but if you ever need to talk, I’m here. My mom went through the same situation when she was pregnant with me at 19…so I can understand you. Hope everything works out good!
ParticipantWell, don’t let it worry you, it’s not good for your babies. I would go to the doc and get it checked out if I were you, you just want to make sure! Cause you never know what could happen. I just dont want you to regret later that you never went, so I would go to the doc, K. Good luck girl! And I am very sorry that you lost one of your babies! Even though you still have two, I know it’s not the same…
ParticipantThanks for telling your story, I’m so sorry that you lost your two babies! You know they are waiting for you in heaven though… But congradulations on your pregnancy, I hope this one works out better! And I hope you told your mom this time, don’t let the time go by like that. I wish you all the luck in the world!
ParticipantThat’s a really nice story you have! You are very lucky to have come so far in life, I wish you all the best! And your little one too! Good luck in life! : )
ParticipantHey Nicki, it’s nice to see that you are doing good and enjoying your time with your daughter. You sound like you are a very good mom. I can’t wait until my babygirl is here! I haven’t gotten the chance to read your story yet, but I’ll get around to it! : ) Take care of yourself and your little girl!!
Participanthey girl, my name is Sarah, I’m 14 and almost in the 36th week. I almost all of us on here are in the same situation. All young and pregnant. But whats different with me is that I’m not with the dad anymore…LONG story! My parents are also really excited about their first grandbaby, especially my momma. I’m having a girl who I’m naming Isabella Ann. When u go get the ultrasound to determine the baby’s sex, just make sure they show u the part to give u the reassurance that it really is what they say it is! : )
ParticipantIt’s never good to kill a child. Girl, doctors dont know everything! Just keep believing that it will go away and stay positive! The best help right now is prayer, I meen it!It has always helped me… Jesus is there for u girl, dont kill your baby again! I hope everything will turn out for the better!! : )
Participanthey girl, I’m 14 and 35 weeks pregnant, I see u posted this back in February, i was just wonderin how this are going? If u need someone to talk to, I’m here!
ParticipantThere is always a "could" when u have sex, but even if u are, it is not good to be bleeding or even spotting. I would go and get a test done really quick, u never know what could be going on.
ParticipantThese just sound like normal menstrual pains and symptoms. For a fact they aren’t pregnancy symptoms, but if u are pregnant that is very dangerous. U know ur not suppoused to be bleeding… If it doesnt stop, i would go see a doc or do a test, good luck!
Participantall of them are symptoms u can have when being pregnant. I didnt know they can come this early, i was told they come later. But oh well, go get a test done, good luck!
ParticipantGirl, u can get pregnant no matter what, it’s just a 50/50. Even if one lil guy gets in, your chances increase, no matter if its with or without. Like I said, go get a test!!
ParticipantIt could be, the back normaly doesnt start hurting until your really big, but headaches, nauciousness are normal. You just have to go get yourself a pregnancy test to be sure.
ParticipantGirl I had pretty much the same thing going on with me. But not just at the beginning, even in the later months so I just asked my doc what it is and it’s low blood pressure. It could be u have the same thing. It’s very common to have low blood pressure, especially being young and pregnant. I get that all the time, and it is dangerous later on cause u can pass out from that. It just meens your brain isn’t getting enough blood, so u have to sit down and put your head low between your legs.
ParticipantGirl, I’d take the test! Cause if u are pregnant, it’s not normal to be bleeding or even just spotting a lil! If it comes out positive I’d hurry and go to the doc!
ParticipantGaining alot of weight, being sick not only in the mornings. But mostly just morning sickness. At first, I craved alot of your stuff, like lemons, pickles and limes, not chocolate so much. Also my fave cleared up and I never had a zit again! My breasts got really big, every month I’m a bigger bra size… stuff like that!
Participantwell… i did have to pee alot more, I got very tired during the day… Gained a whole bunch of weight in a short time, never ever got zits again and weird like fuzz on my belly! lol
Participantif ur still losing weight then i dont think ur pregnant. Cause when u are, all that is happening is gaining… u can’t help it! But girl, u might wanna go to the doc just to make sure and get that checked out!
ParticipantOld enough to produce sperm… I would think! May I ask why u want to know, is your man young??
Participanthey girl, I’m really sorry that happend to you. At least you know you’ll see your baby in heaven. I hope your other two stay healthy, you just gotta pray. I can’t even imagine losing my precious baby, I only have one growing insideof me. Well girl, if you need someone to talk (write) to, I’m here K.
ParticipantI’m almost in the 35th week and haven’t had that yet, but my friend did, it’s normal, that’s what her doc said. Everyone’s bodies function differently, so i wouldn’t worry about it. Even though it might bug the heck out of you, it’s not a bad thing.
Participantdont even worry about stuff like that, my babygirl moves around a whole bunch too. Sometimes I get sick to my stomach cause it’s like she’s kicking it, the doc says that’s what it is. Just be happy your able to have that wonderful experience!
ParticipantGirl if you want alot of info, get the book ‘What to expect when expecting’,it helped me with all my questions and concerns. Well you know the basics, no drinking, smoking, lifting heavy stuff or doing strenuous exercises, no lifting above your head, don’t take in too much salt… And if you haven’t been to the doc yet, you gotta go cause they give you vitamins that you gotta take so your baby will develope normally. Just eat good, you know what that means. I must say, I’m in the 8th month and still eat like I always have, not many fruits and healthy foods. My baby is very healthy and almost done cookin in there! : ) So just take care of yourself! Good luck! Sarah
ParticipantGirl, that just might be a problem! You can always go and get it checked out to see if your man’s the daddy, but I bet you don’t want him to know that you were also doing another guy! So I’d just go on with my life, worrying can harm your precious baby and you dont wanna do that. But now you know not to sleep around with more than one guy in such a short time! Good luck to you and your baby!!
ParticipantHey girl,
well if I were you I’d go and get a better test and just try again, you never know! All those signs you’re having normaly don’t start until later on, not 2 weeks into the pregnancy. Pigging out was also one of my signs, but breasts don’t get tender till later on. So just go get another test! If you wanna be 100% positive, go to a doc. But you still wanna keep it a secret from your parents until your sure huh? I hope everything works out for you and keep your baby if you are pregnant! Killing an unborn child is the worst thing anone could ever do! It’s a gift from God… Sarah -