Miss Boop

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  • in reply to: I need some help/advice..whatever #12118
    Miss Boop

    I am no kind of expert, but what is going on with you is something strange or serious. I’m not trying to scare you but if you are pregnant then you are hurting your baby by staying on the birth control and increasing your chances of misscarriage. Yea it sucks to live in small towns with big mouths but you’re gonna have to swallow your pride and do what’s best for you because if you’re not pregnant than you can be real sick and waiting around to see what happens next is not the safest thing to do. You could be pregnant because it is now October and you’re gaining weight. But you could also have had an etopic pregnancy. But you could be the healthiest person in the world and have the sickest baby ever if you don’t get help from the get go, because a simple infection can cause disabilities or even worse. It doesn’t sound like you’re pregnant but my bestest is 3 months and she was on birth control and had her period the first two months, she’s at a higher risk for a misscarriage because of the birth control but she has stopped and been to the doctor. She didn’t go because she had the normal pregnancy signs, it was kinda like yours but she knew that their was still a slight chance so she went. I hope and pray that all is well with you and yours. God Bless you…go to a doc. A.S.A.P.

    in reply to: am I pregnant #12085
    Miss Boop

    You can possibly be pregnant but in a case like this it could also be an etopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or something else. If you wanna know for sure a urine test might not do the trick, you might have to go to a doc. clinic, health dept. and take a blood test because if you are pregnant then your hormone (HGC) levels could be low and a urine test from tha store might not work. I wish you the best and hope that all goes well. And I pray that it isn’t something serious.

    in reply to: after a vasectomy #11951
    Miss Boop

    I honestly don’t know but I do know that you can get pregnant with a condom, & on the first time, and on the pill, you can have a baby after you tubes have been tied (my aunt) don’t know how it happened it just did, so on and so forth… oh and you can always get pregnant after the doctor says you can’t have any children…proven by many "Birth Day" and "A Baby Story" on the Discovery Channel and TLC. But to be honest there is a slim chance… If you are congrates!!!!

    in reply to: husband dosent want baby! #11950
    Miss Boop

    Hey sweetie!!! Men don’t ever know what they have ubtil it’s gone. I believe that God blessed you BOTH with this beautiful baby-to-be NOT to tear you apart. He could just be worried about medical, financial, etc. and thinks that the best way to stay stress free is to get rid of it before anything starts pilling up. I had a 2 yr relationship with my boyfriend got pregnant twice lost a child and he broke up with me both times. Yeah that’s a lot but I would not of been through that if I couldn’t handle it, ya know? Just recently last night he was saying that he doesn’t want to be without me and the baby…Im 7mths on Tuesday….it took him two pregnancies and 7mths to realize what he’s suppose to do. Give the young man some time to let it all soak in. When fear of the unknown sets in a lot of things become un accomplished. I have faith that that baby you’re carrying will be loved to no end by BOTH of his/her PARENTS!!!!
    Good Luck and Keep "US" posted. Enjoy life and stay stress free!!!


    in reply to: 7 Weeks pregnant! #11943
    Miss Boop

    That’s brilliant!!!! Congrates to you and your growing family!!! I just know that this baby will be loved to no end!! Well the best way to find out about symptoms or finances is to go to your local health department, search local or even national pregnancy sites and help lines, try to get a job at a store around your 8th or 9th month and just keep updating them until you get hired at one, also look in to childcare as much as you can. I have worked at in home day cares and in a child care center and yes they are very different. Family members may be convenient but they can also be an inconvenience. Register anywhere you can to get prenatal, pregnancy, parenting, relationship advice, help, tips, coupons, etc. Make sure you weigh all of the pros and cons of everything that you do and everything that you consider. Have faith and stay strong… GOOD LUCK and again CONGRATES!!! If you need anymore help or advice be sure to reply.


    in reply to: Abortion #11942
    Miss Boop

    I am a very strong believer in having your baby when you get pregnant no matter how young or old you are. I have a condition that might of affected my baby but so far he is healthier than the doctors thought and is very active. His sonograms prove that he is a happy baby and I would of missed that if I had had an abortion. I had to have faith in myself and in God. If you are forced to have an abortion or you believe in them I have nothing against ’em but I know for a fact that with choices and decisions come consequences and God does not put more on you than you can handle so I don’t really care to take a life because of certain circumstances and problems in my life. I like that you are very opinionated and care deeply about your thoughts and what not. But everyone makes horrible decisions every now and then some even everyday… it’s best not to judge because it hurts when you are judged. Stand tall and stay strong in all that you do.


    in reply to: Every woman should know! #11941
    Miss Boop

    That is very nice that you would share that I didn’t know that if you were a young parent you are at risk for sooo many things. Everytime I look up something if you are young you are at risk, it’s hard to stay positive about your new baby when you have all of this to worry about but it is great to know because if you don’t look you’ll never know what damaging thing is happening in your body and to your baby until it is too late. I hope your story gets around to everyone especially those who don’t know because I love babies and I don’t ever want to see them in pain. I’m happy for you and your baby!!! Congrates and I know all will be great with you two because you are proven to be fighters!!!! GOOD LUCK with EVERYTHING!!!!!


    in reply to: how accuarte are blood pregnacy tests #11940
    Miss Boop

    Well from what I know about blood test they are the most positive than a urine test. That’s why most doctors prefer to do that. I’m not sure about the percentage but it’s pretty high.

    in reply to: am i pregnant i really want to be #11938
    Miss Boop

    You might be pregnant but if you’re not the most effective way to get pregnant in my opinion is to not try. Almost all of us were not too much trying and it happened. Umm you can also get rid of any stress in your life that helps my doctor said that I had to lower my stress levels because I miscarried on my first pregnancy. It helped I’m almost 7 months preg. so it really doesn’t have to be the big things or even makin love, i think that if you simply forget about it for a month the next time you check you could be.
    I hope that all goes well with you and yours and it is really cool that he is by your side!!!! Have fun while you can and spoil yourself because when your baby gets here you’re gonna want to spoil him/her instead!! GOOD LUCK!!!!

    in reply to: Confused #11926
    Miss Boop

    That’s great that you’re staying true to what you believe in. You could be having these signs because you’re worried about being pregnant, it doesn’t neccessarily mean that you are. If you’re afraid for the test to read positive and how your boyfrien is going to react then continue to be as strong as you are and face both the possible pregnancy and your boyfriend with your head held high. I know you’ll make the right decisions as a parent you’re already strong-willed. If you are then do as much research as you can to be as prepared as you can. And congrates!!! I hope all goes well!! If he is thinking abortion then show him that it’s really okay to be a young parent it just requires a lot of patience, a lot of persistance, and for both of you to be prepared. It’s going to be hard but what isn’t hard, ya know?!?! If you want to wait it out then that’s fine to I waited a month on my 2nd pregnacy. But don’t let others dictate what you want. If you aren’t then wait a little and respect his timeline so that you know when he’s ready to be a parent…and make sure you want him to be the father since you two have very diffeent views. What the outcome may be I pray that the consequence(s) will all be good.

    in reply to: how to make sure I’ll not miscarry my baby (again) #11925
    Miss Boop

    I miscarried on the 11th of Feb. 2006 but it wasn’t confirmed until a little later. The only thing I got to experience in that pregnancy was gaining 10lbs. and watching unbilical cord detatch from my placenta. I became pregnant again in late march, two weeks after my birthday and I am currently 6 1/2 months pregnant and am on bedrest because of stress and I was having contractions the week before last (preterm labor). I don’t know too many "doctor" terms but I have managed to get this far because of faith, actually following the food pyramid and enjoying every hour that I am pregnant. I have had a few infections but they were quickly treated becuse i never miss let alone am late for a prenatal visit with my OBGYN. Also stress. You have to by all means release any and all stress out of your life because any little thing can snow ball. I may be bored out of my mine and very sad almost depressed by being on bedrest but I have to remind myself that it is in the BEST intrest of my son!!! Gool Luck with everything!!

    in reply to: im only 14 #11924
    Miss Boop

    Wow!! We are on the same page. I moved four states over and I know nothing or nobody but my baby’s father wasn’t so happy like yours. I know long distance anything is hard but I think you’ll be ok as long as you have faith in yourself and in your relationship with your baby daddy. I know you’ll be a great mom and he can be a long distance great dad you two will be fine!! I know that as your pregnancy goes on your parents will learn to love and adore your beautiful blessing to be!!! Congrates!!! Enjoy LIFE and what it brings to you!!!

    in reply to: 16, pregnant and alone #11923
    Miss Boop

    My heart goes out to you and your baby. I’m kinda in the same situation, I am 18 and I am 6 1/2 months pregnant. I live 4 states over from my baby daddy, who by the way after a 2 year relationship has broken up with me on BOTH of my pregnancies. I still care for him and once he has threatened to take the baby away…but he’s not claiming it. I never know what to expect from him or anybody. I am looked down on everyday all day and it feels like I am not respected because I am young and pregnant. I barely know anyone in this state and I had to quit work because I am on bedrest. I have two friends left but they live bk in my home state and it’s hard to get in contact with them because I don’t ever know where they are or what they’re doing. It get real hard being by yourself. I am isolated for 2/3 of the dat and when someone is around me it is nothing but drama. I get scared and very emotional everyday but I do smile and laugh everyday because my son kicks, and moves to cheer me up. As far as the custody thing goes I have faith in God that you will have the strenght to take care of your son successfully and very productively and your baby daddy will regret leaving you. I hope that everything makes a full 180 for you. If he has alreasy found someone else then your someone else is looking for you and you’re blocking it by trying to stay with your ex. I hope and pray that all goes well with your life and may you be strong and overcome all of your challenges!!!

    in reply to: I haven’t posted in a while but….. #11922
    Miss Boop

    Wow!! I don’t know you but congrates!! I hope that everything goes well with your growing family!!!!


    in reply to: Eating during pregnancy #11921
    Miss Boop

    Hi!! I know what you mean I’ve gained a little too much too. I think you’re beautiful no matter what. But because you were small like me even though it may be early you may want to enroll in some childbirthing classes in the next month or so, so that even if the baby is big you’ll still be able to get through it easily. Oh and yeah I think that it is the fact that you use to be so small because you have all this extra space and it just feels more complete when it’s filled up and not just their…well that how I think anyway!!! I was 5’4" and 115lbs. my first pregnancy but I miscarried shortly after, being 125lbs at the end of it. Then a month later I became pregnant again and now I weigh 159lbs. so I’ve gained 29lbs this pregnancy already and I am suppose to only gain 35-40lbs. I think it is whatever you make of it. I hope to, by my birthday, to go back to my size 5 jeans!! But if I don’t then I know it was for a good cause!!! B) ~*~Soon-to-be mommy of a beautiful BABY BOY!!!~*~

    in reply to: My choice #11920
    Miss Boop

    May God Bless you and your family!!! :kiss:

    in reply to: did anyone ever feel like they did the wrong thing #11919
    Miss Boop

    Hi!! I felt that way until I could feel my son move, kick me, until I heard his heartbeat, and saw him on a sonogram!!! I was very scared and confused but I had no regrets and to this day I have none still. Yeah I should of took more steps into preparing myself for life and my baby but I didn’t and I was still blessed enough to be carrying him. I could of made a lot of right decisions but none of them would measure up to being able to have a human grow inside of you. Trust you’re not alone but being optamistic is the best thing in situations like this. Hope all is great with you!! ~Soon-to-be MOMMY!!!~

    in reply to: am i pregnant or not #11918
    Miss Boop

    From what I know about pregnancy I think you should go to the doctor and get a blood tests because they can tell you as early as 3 weeks into the pregnancy. And to get treated for the yeast infection because if you are you don’t want any kind of infection around your soon to be baby. Oh and my friend, a social worker said that to eat yogurt so that it helps prevent getting yeast infections. But if you don’t like yogurt then never mind. 🙂 I hope all goes well with you!! Soon-to-be mom of a beautiful BABY BOY!!!

    in reply to: Bleeding #11917
    Miss Boop

    Well in my first pregnancy I was spotting and then I began to clot…I miscarried at 9 weeks. And in my second pregnancy I haven’t bleed at all. Because you took the pill your tests will be a little off because those types of things interfere with the pregnancy tests. But if you’re not haveing any signs then you can wait it out a couple of weeks to a month. I know of successful pregnancies with bleeding and I know of unsuccessful one with & without bleeding. That’s a real contradicting situation because so much interferes with one another. I hope all goes well with you even if you’re not or if you are!!! Enjoy life!!! Soon-to-be mom of a beautiful BABY BOY!!!

    in reply to: Timelines…What say??? #11916
    Miss Boop

    🙂 You can still be pregnant while on your period as I’ve know from a real close friend of mine.If you go to the doctor and take a blood test then you can find out if you’re pregnant as early as 3weeks into the pregnancy. Hope all goes well with you and yours!!!Soon-to-be mom of a beautiful BABY BOY!!!

    in reply to: Should I feel like this? #11915
    Miss Boop

    That’s beautiful!!! I think you two would make great parents because you’re doing everything step by step!!! Since you have a strong relationship and have weighed the pros and cons i don’t see why it wouldn’t be suitable for you two. But if you have any doubts what-so-ever then wait until after your 21st birthday. Let time go without thinking or talking about it and then bring it up. See then if you have the same, if not, stronger feelings about wanting to have a baby!!! I hope all goes well. ~Soon-to-be mom of a beautiful BABY BOY!!!

    in reply to: Question…Help! #11913
    Miss Boop

    It’s best to know for sure instead of having it in the back of your mind all day. I would invest in a test because if your "period" does come you might think that you’re not pregnant but a real close friend of mine had her period the first 5 1/2 months of her first pregnancy. She only found out that she was preg. b/c the baby began to move. It’s best to get a test…I didn’t want to believe that I was but one month and 3 tests later I stated looking for help and he’d very active and happy, my stomach doesn’t stop moving! If you don’t want to spend the $10 then ask him to or go to a local health department. 🙂

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