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  • in reply to: 16 next month … & pregnant . #27766

    Well start taking your pre-natal vitamins to make sure you and baby stay healthy….Here is a number for some local help, they can point you to the best resources in your area and also help you “break the news” to your mom if you need extra support in doing so… 1-800-395-HELP, they will give you the contact info for the closest Pregnancy Resource Center to you….I hope this helps a little, sorry it took so long to reply, I am here if ever you need me! Love Meg

    in reply to: I’m pregnant. #27569

    Hey there, My name is Meg and I am one of Becky’s friends here on the site…As I was reading your post certain things popped out of the screen at me, one of the things you said was, If I had one today I couldn’t afford a crib…etc…What I have to share is that you are not having a baby today, or tomorrow, in fact you have just about 8 months to prepare and plan, you won’t even need a crib for almost a year from now…You can get Formula from WIC, I got it for FREE, Breastfeeding is FREE as well and you can get a FREE pump from WIC if actually taking the time to sit down and nurse is an issue with work, school etc…You can get FREE medical, I did for all of my kids and with one of them I was even married and qualified for it, when you look at everything all at once it is impossible and unbearable but when you look at things one step and stage at a time it takes a weight off of your shoulders…if you are a nanny then why would a baby cause you to lose your job? I mean if people want the absolute best for their kids so they hire you to be a third parent basically then why would they not understand and want the same for your baby? That would be an IDEAL job in my opinion….in fact I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years and I did a lot of baby sitting to make ends meet…You can do this…it is a lot to take in all at once but honey, you have TONS of time…when I had baby showers I always had enough diapers to last me the first 3-5 months and I have never really had to buy a lot of clothes for my kids, I have swapped with my friends who have kids for years now, I go to second hand childrens stores, they have really nice stuff, I make a point to look out for teen moms, single moms or families who need extra help when I am getting rid of stuff…I gave away my NICE stroller with snap in car-seat and base to a family almost a year ago, rather than selling it, I only give clean and usable items to the second hand shops, there are people out there who would love nothing more than to find a need and meet it in the best way possible, you are not destined to get sloppy seconds and stained clothes, there are so many places out there where you can get really nice things and I promise you that someone out there has a nice car seat to give away and they are just waiting for the right person to come along who needs it, the amazing woman that you are who will Stand Up for that little nugget!! Good things come to those do what is right, sure bad things happen too but I know personally because of my own experience that when you put doing the right thing as your priority people come out of the woodwork to help, not out of pity, not to make you feel indebted to them but to genuinely give back, pay it forward and to bless!! I would love for you to email me so we can talk more, and more privately, I would like to help you find some local resources to look into so that you can have some fears relived before you make a final decision…you are right, it is your choice but honey, travel the road with least regrets…I know you can do this and I really hope you will email me so we can chat more and look into some options, here is a great number to call as well….1-800-395-HELP, they will give you the info for the closest Pregnancy Resource Center to you where you can get FREE and CONFIDENTIAL help including, ultrasounds, baby clothes, maternity clothes, baby furniture, diapers etc…Much Love and I am here for you….Meg,

    in reply to: Birth Control & Pregnancy #27564

    I see that you posted quite a while ago but I know that this advice will help someone else if you don’t get a chance to read it…There are no pills or birth control methods that are 100% effective 100% of the time, ANY time you engage in sexual activity you can get pregnant, our bodies and hormones are all so different that the smallest changes in our diet and who we are around (other women) can cause our cycles to change making us unable to predict correct ovulation….that is why it so risky to be having sex when you are not in a solid committed relationship (preferably marriage) and prepared to have children, I mean no one is ever “ready” for children but one can be prepared as possible in terms of finances and lifestyle…I just always recommend playing it Truly Safe by not having sex until you are married, it may sound old fashioned or boring but in reality if your bf is not willing to wait for you then is he worth being with? I mean he is not the one who will end up pregnant, it will be you who has to make changes in your life and carry the baby in your own body…so anyways, I am not recommending that you do anything I have not done myself, the difference is that I had two kids from two dads before I decided to stop having sex…I learned the hard way, you still have time to re-think having a sexual relationship…Love Meg

    in reply to: Do abortion clinics go by the lmp or how far along #27412

    Hey you, I have seen both situations, they have gone by the LMP and also by how far along you appear to be, both make abortion a dangerous thing, have you seen what your baby looks like at 20 weeks? Abortion clinics do not like you to see in detail, they have also been known to mess with the clarity on the screen so it looks fuzzy,Please I beg you to go to this site and read what your baby is capable of right now, ,also with a second trimester abortion they are going to have to do a D&E, dilation and extraction…extraction is a key word, I hate to be graphic due to the fact that many girls on the site have been through this and do not care to relive it so I will be as gentle as possible without sugar coating it….they dilate your cervix then they literally cut your baby into sections, they remove the arms, legs and then take the head from the torso and crush it, they then extract all the pieces of your baby and reconstruct in on a tray to make sure all the pieces are there, there have been babies who have survived at how far along you are, here is baby Amelia’s story, , The clinics do not want you to know this stuff, they make money off of your dead baby, please call this number 1-800-395-HELP, they do not get paid to give advice, and anything you receive from them whether an ultrasound or whatever is FREE, they do not have a financial motivation when it comes to what they tell you….please, email me if you have any other questions, I am here for you but please, do not put yourself through the painful misery of abortion….You are not alone….Love Meg,

    in reply to: Help, Please?!?!?!?!? #27387

    Hey Shluna…Long time no talk…. I still remember standing in my kitchen making meatloaf and talking to you in the chat…look at your beautiful little girl now, that day you were set on abortion, look at her now, how could you ever look back and imagine her not here with you now….Stand by your sister when she needs you most….you know what it is like and if she doesn’t want the abortion, please support her and help her to be a great mommy just like you are….Love Meg

    in reply to: Not pregnant, but no period…What could it be? #27336

    Just know that if you have your Dr. Put you on a mild bc pill that those types of pills are strictly for regulation not to prevent pregnancy, they have a high failure rate, birth control pills or other contraceptives do not prevent pregnancy 100% of the time so it is always better to play it safe and “not play at all”, I know it sounds corny and old fashioned but abstinence was the best thing to ever happen to me after two kids from two dads, I will never regret waiting 2 1/2 years before being with my husband for the first time on our wedding night!!! Love Meg

    in reply to: I need your help please!! #27217

    So you live in SA but are you and your fiance held to the same living standards? Can you two face trouble for living together and or having a child out of wedlock? Just curious, I don’t want to see you face difficulty from your culture…well I sell housewares in the format of cooking shows, I go to peoples houses and demonstrate a recipe with the products I sell, its a ton of fun, there are so many things you can do from home, cleaning services, sewing, catalog businesses, medical transcriptions…etc, where did you live before your current place?

    in reply to: I need your help please!! #27215

    Well it depends on where you live, what you like to do and how your pregnancy goes, I work from home so I can be with my kids, I have had friends who worked out of the home during their pregnancies and have found it difficult and some of them found it easy…so really it just depends…where do you live?

    in reply to: I need your help please!! #27213

    Hi Emilie, I like the spelling of your name..:), anyways have you and your fiance discussed having your wedding before getting pregnant? I had two kids before I got married and it was kind of difficult planning my wedding with kids and lining up child care and such…I mean if you two are already engaged why not just go the extra mile and plan your wedding before your pregnancy? Just a thought..Love Meg

    in reply to: Maybe Pregnant?!?!?!?!?!? #27124

    Hey there, My name is Meg and I am so sorry for what you are facing at the moment….so when you say your boyfriend forced you did he violently rape you, hold you down and such or did he just pressure you to the point where you gave in and “put up with him” doing what he wanted? If he forcibly, violently raped you, you can and should report him to the authorities…I mean if he would do this to someone like you who apparently cares for him what is he capable of doing to someone down the road? How old is he and how long have you been together? If your friends are true and best then they will not abandon you in this time of need, if they do, they are not worthy of your friendship….the best thing you can do for now is to take a pregnancy test, go ahead and wait until after your period is due, if you are late then take a test with your first mornings urine the next morning…if it is negative then wait another week, if you are still late then retest, once again first thing in the am….if you are not late and you start your period then go ahead and wait until your period is over and take a test just to set your mind at ease, just always be sure to test first thing in the am….have you told anyone else about your father hitting you, like a school counselor or another family member outside the home? Has he ever caused injury other than bruising? I just want you to know that I am here for you, my stepdad used to beat me when I was little and I know what it is like to feel the pain and rejection and fear….anyways take a test and please let me know what you find out, here is a number to call to see about getting a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL test….1-800-395-HELP, they will give you the number and location to the closest Pregnancy Resource Center to you….also here is my email if you ever just need a real friend…Love Meg ,

    in reply to: My story #27030

    Hey there, I just read your story and I wanted you to know that I can relate quite a bit, I lost my virginity young and my mom was always sleeping with someone just a little older than me, drinking and doing drugs, I felt like the parent a lot so I know how it feels…I know that you are wanting to hide your pregnancy for now but that is really not the best idea for your health and baby’s health…have you been to a doctor yet? Depending on where you live you should be able to qualify for state medical for free or at bare minimum be able to go to a sliding scale clinic to get prenatal care….make sure you are taking your prenatal vitamins for now, here is a number to help you find all the resources you can possibly need during pregnancy….1-800-395-HELP, they will give you the number and location to the closest Pregnancy Resource Center to you where you can get FREE and CONFIDENTIAL help, they can help you with maternity clothes, baby furniture and other needs such as diapers etc…they can also point you in the right direction of local resources to help you along….are your bf’s parents supportive? Love Meg

    in reply to: Betrayed and Hurt By “Loved Ones” #27018

    Wow….You just wrote that you feel so unlucky and I am in awe because your appt was canceled in such a last minute miracle…you still have time…anyways I want to share with you about an experience my friend went through…she got pregnant and opted to go with abortion, deep down she didn’t want to do it but she felt trapped…she is overweight and has had many health issues and she thought that having the abortion would help her avoid the extra weight gain and medical issues…she took the abortion pill RU486 and it caused her to gain about 30 lbs, more than she would have with a healthy controlled diet in pregnancy, the extra weight gain along with the infections she got and the emotional side effects caused her months and months of anguish, poor health and depression….if I read right you are about 2 1/2 months along correct? By chance have you looked into the stage of development that your baby is at? I mean you first hand know what adoption can do for a child, do you want to rob your child from life? Knowing that you had other options….anyways I am here for you and I don’t want you to rush out and assume things about medical risks due to your weight, the abortion industry is out to make money so they will tell you anything that sounds “good” to get you to go through with it, here is a number to call, 1-800-395-HELP, they can give you the number and location to the closest Pregnancy Resource Center to you where you can get FREE and CONFIDENTIAL help, they can better educate you on your options and the long term affects of them…Love Meg

    in reply to: Betrayed and Hurt By “Loved Ones” #27016

    Sorry to hear how you have been betrayed…I personally would not go with an abortion, there are many medical and emotional risks and side effects so please reconsider, however you came asking about what you can do in regards to your work situation and I can really sympathize with you…I lost my job when I got pregnant with my son, the employers knew that I was unmarried and passed judgment on me because of that…it was very difficult and as if my own world was not crashing down enough that had to be one more thing to deal with…if you spoke with your boss in confidence regarding your personal life that will affect your work life then what they did was wrong and illegal, it is not high school, it is your place of employment, is there anyone above your boss? If so go to them and report how your personal info was spread in an unprofessional way, if there is no one above your boss you can always to through the Better Business Bureau and report them as a business owner who conducted themselves in an unprofessional manner and you might want to consider finding a new place of employment and demand unemployment compensation….it was wrong for your boss to do that to you and I am really sorry that you have that added stress and pain in your life….do you mind me asking why you want to go with abortion? I mean I have met people who say they are glad they did it but they tend to be very depressed all the time and seem to have something missing in their lives and then the ones who have done it and openly admit their regret just have so much emotional things to deal with I just don’t see why someone would knowingly do that to themselves….anyways I am here for you, here is my email address if you want to keep your heart private between the two of us, I would not blab it around like your boss did…please write me and we can talk more…Love Meg

    in reply to: Just looking for support #26993

    I remember seeing your name in some recent posts when I first joined up just over 3 years ago…welcome back, congrats on the marriage and baby #2!! So I want to first state that because you are married the advice I have to share is different then that which I would share with someone who is not married, I strongly believe due to personal experience that a sexual relationship in marriage is different then outside of marriage…anyways in marriage your sex life needs to be healthy and fulfilling for both you and your husband…yes there are times that our husbands need to allow a little more space sexually and especially if you have a disorder that causes you to be uncomfortable during sex, and as we know pregnancy just intensifies the good and the BAD….have you talked with your doctor? Maybe talk with your doctor with your husband present…I know that there are certain kinds of lubrication that are water based and ph balanced to be very natural and something like that could help in your situation a little, there is also ways of engaging your husband and fulfilling his sexual needs and wants without actual intercourse, I think if you make a solid effort on your part to show him that his needs matter to him, that you love him and want to make him feel good and give your full attention to him during your efforts to let him know that he will then begin to understand that you are not just making excuses, communication is HUGE….here is my email address, ,I would love to share more with you and offer you a little bit of knowledge that I learned from a book that has changed my marriage….I was promiscuous before I married my husband and I tended to be more of the sexual aggressor in the relationship and this book helped me realize that I was using him the way all the guys in my past had used me…it was a huge wake up call and I have since learned how to be truly intimate with him while meeting both of our needs physically and emotionally in our marriage bed….sex and marriage go hand in hand and there is a way to meet both of your needs without one or the other feeling used/pain/rejection etc…Much Love and I will talk with you soon when you email me..Meg

    in reply to: Why am I wanting a child? #26987

    As women most of us are born with a built in longing for children, our bodies were made to reproduce….there is nothing abnormal or strange about your craving for a child, however due to the fact that you are not married and that your boyfriend has clearly stated he does not want a baby right now I would strongly encourage you to wait….keep reading, keep learning, take some parenting classes, babysit, save up money, invest in a nice crib if you feel like it, get all those things out of the way, save up for your wedding, plan it and follow through with it, then… the baby flood gates and welcome your little family members, as many as you want!! But honey, a 10 month relationship is not that long in the scheme of commitment, the fact that you lost your virginity to each other is a huge bonus but you still really need to let your relationship stand the test of time before you try for a baby….see I have learned the hard way…twice…my kids are the ones who have to suffer for it…I have also known of many couples who planned their wedding, then got pregnant, postponed the wedding and never ended up following through with it…then breaking up…it is a horrible cycle and I don’t want that for you…please do not rely on the pills alone, they are not 100% effective and you can still become pregnant…you two have only been having sex for the last 2 months right? So whats the rush, you spent 8 with no sex, maybe now that you know each other in that way and most likely have no complaints take a step back and enjoy the other areas of your relationship and allow the sexual tension to build back up, it will be good for your wedding night and I know that neither of you would regret waiting longer…then you don’t have the pregnancy risk or scare…like I said though, it is very normal to want that baby…I had my tubes tied for medical reasons and although I am fixed and have been through pregnancy 3 times I still long for another baby in my arms…it is in our blood!! However acting on that longing at the wrong time may bring a lot of complications…life is complicated enough on a good day…just give it time and do things slowly and responsibly and you will find a ton of blessing to follow!! Love Meg

    in reply to: I am really scared #26980

    Hey there, I just wanted to pop in and say that QueenB has some really good advice and I agree that acting too quickly on your decision can lead to severe regret down the road, I see that you are from India and I know that the culture you live in over there is much different then where I am in the US…is that one of the reasons you are thinking of going for an abortion? Are you in fear for your life if your parents find out you are pregnant or have had sex? Also I know of some people over in India and if you send me a private email to I can see into connecting you with them and finding some local support…I know of a place in Rameswaram so I don’t know how close you are to them but I know they have help and resources available in other areas as well….they can help you and protect you if needed….abortion is permanent, fear of telling your parents is not….we are all here for you and I really want to touch base with you and see about getting you some help….please let me in on your situation a little better so I know best how to help you…Love Meg

    in reply to: help please?? #26967

    I just want to pop in here as the voice of reason so to speak…by engaging with you in sexual activity your bf has broken the law, he is an adult and you are legally considered a child, he has committed a sexual offense whether you consented or not…have you found out if you are pregnant or not yet? I strongly encourage you to talk with your parents or an adult you are close to because your bf is an adult and he should know better than to have sex with you, I don’t think it is right to threaten him with turning him in just to get what you want out of the situation…I personally believe he should be turned in no matter what because he is breaking the law but obviously all I can do is encourage you to do so because our only communication is through the internet…anyways, let me know if you have had a positive test and I am here for you to help you in any decision making you need to do…Love Meg

    in reply to: 17 and confused #26964

    Hey there, I am really glad you came here for some answers….what I am hearing from you is that you are scared of becoming pregnant….the best way to avoid pregnancy is to not have sex, I mean you are on birth control but still it is not 100% effective even when taken “perfectly”, Have you thought about taking a step back and waiting to reengage sexual activity until you are in a position to start a family? I mean if your boyfriend really loves you then he will want what is best for you and your relationship, anyways I had two kids from two dads before I decided to stop and wait to have sex again until my wedding night…I will never regret the 2 1/2 years of abstinence that carried me to my wedding night where I was able to have sex with my husband for the first time and not have the fear of pregnancy because I knew he would be there in the morning, he loved me enough to wait for me…just a thought to consider…Love Meg

    in reply to: 17 and confused #26963

    Hey there, I am really glad you came here for some answers….what I am hearing from you is that you are scared of becoming pregnant….the best way to avoid pregnancy is to not have sex, I mean you are on birth control but still it is not 100% effective even when taken “perfectly”, Have you thought about taking a step back and waiting to reengage sexual activity until you are in a position to start a family? I mean if your boyfriend really loves you then he will want what is best for you and your relationship, anyways I had two kids from two dads before I decided to stop and wait to have sex again until my wedding night…I will never regret the 2 1/2 years of abstinence that carried me to my wedding night where I was able to have sex with my husband for the first time and not have the fear of pregnancy because I knew he would be there in the morning, he loved me enough to wait for me…just a thought to consider…Love Meg

    in reply to: Confused ): #26914

    I know that it is risky and scary but I would NOT take the morning after pill, it has actually caused death in severe cases, it has also caused other reactions as well…From the way you are talking I would say it is safe to assume that you are the kink of person to say “I made the decision to have sex, the condom broke, rather than risk my health by taking a pill I will face my responsibilities if I end up pregnant and make the best of the situation and count it a blessing” I was posed with a question once “Have you had unprotected sex within the last 72 hours” My answer was yes, I was at an appt to get on birth control…she offered me the morning after pill, she opened the package and held it out to me on her hand with a cup of water…I stared at it and everything rushed through my mind so fast…I looked up at her and said, “If I end up pregnant then I need to face my consequences and accept my baby gladly” She told me to wait until I started my period before I started taking my pills, I never started….Jeremiah, my son, changed my life in so many ways, during my pregnancy with him is when my life blossomed and developed into success…sure it was tough having two kids on my own but I will never regret turning that pill down…the woman who offered it to me watched me grow larger and larger through my pregnancy as I went to the health department for my job and for WIC appts, she then watched my son grow up until he graduated from WIC….she could never quite look me in the eye, I think it is because she knew deep down that if I had listened to her that my gorgeous, amazing and precious son would not be here….I hope you will make the right choice as well…I decided when I found out I was pregnant with my son, having then two kids from two dads that I was not going to have sex again until my wedding night….I made it two and a half years until my wedding night with no sex and I am so proud of myself…my kids both played a huge part in my meeting my husband as well…no child is ever a mistake and if you end up being pregnant I hope you will remember that…Much Love…Meg

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26703

    I want to expand on what anakie said, “we wish we don’t regret it in the end”, anyone who has responded pro life or pro choice has one thing in mind, YOUR BEST INTEREST….those who have aborted are here to tell you first hand that they do regret it, don’t sit back trying to convince yourself that if you wish hard enough you may just be the lucky one who can handle it, don’t take the risk…also anakie mentioned that this may not a site to help with what you need….if what you need is a bunch of people to tell you what you want to hear then that is true…do you want people to say “oh honey go ahead with the abortion, it will be fast and painless and you will see your baby someday when it is the right time” and be lying and flowering things up to lessen the reality of the abortion or do you want people to share their hearts, their personal experiences and the regret they carry everyday in truth….there are so many of us here to love on you, to support you and help you through this pregnancy but if you came to find people to rally behind you having an abortion you came to the wrong place for the sole reason that we know what it does to a woman to have one and we do not want that for you, we care too much….Love Meg

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26630

    May I ask you a question? So you came seeking advice and in my opinion you have heard from some very neutral sources, I know many of the people who have responded and quite a bit of their background because of how long they have been on the site and what they have shared about themselves, their beliefs and life’s experiences, to not recognize the level of neutrality is to be blind…You have heard from I believe 4-5 girls who have had abortions, there is nothing more neutral than that….My question is this, how come, after the response and feedback you have received, you are still choosing to end the life of your child and put yourself at risk for the physical and emotional side effects of abortion? I mean why ask for opinions and advice just to hear what you want to hear? After everything that has been shared why would you walk into that clinic KNOWING what you are about to face, after all of the feedback, why? I mean it is a valid question, is there something about your pregnancy or your current situation or health that you have not shared that is playing a major role in this choice to abort? I am just a little confused….Love Meg

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26625


    in reply to: just thought i’d share this poem #26589

    Awww, sweetie, just remember it is ok for you to cry…don’t hold it in…we are all here for you and I am so sorry that you have to walk this difficult path set before you now….Love Meg

    in reply to: Need POSITIVE abortion advice! #26580

    Hey there, First of all I want to say thank you for coming to our forums with your need, it shows that you are not just blindly walking into this, you are really putting some thought into it….I want to address a couple things with you though, for one, I do not believe that you will get any responses about positive abortion experiences, especially with no regrets, I have met many girls who have aborted and believed that it was the right thing for them but they carry a lot of pain and regret and therefore makes it seem as though just maybe it was not the right thing….anyways along with that you also mentioned googling ultrasound images, did you also google abortion images? The visual difference between an ultrasound and a face to face image of the baby is HUGE, things are a little fuzzy in an ultrasound but face to face images show you the intricate details, who’s nose the baby has, eye lids, ears, fingers and toes, even the internal organs through their thin almost translucent skin…Do you know why they want you to wait 4 weeks? Do you think maybe it is fate just giving you more time to make the right choice for this little life inside of you!! Do not ignore that fear that is making you look for others who have been there…there is a reason why you want to hear from them, you want to confirm that what you are doing is right and ok but I can tell you honestly that it is not…if you also thought so then you wouldn’t have a problem letting those you work with know about it, there is an element of shame coming through, don’t ignore that…you do not have to go through with this abortion…you can make it, you can be a hair dresser and have a baby, you’ll do just fine!! Please do me a favor, send me an email or even post on here if you want to the 5 main reasons why you want to have an abortion and then also the 5 main reasons you are afraid to do so….I want to be here to help you do your research, researching a decision like this shows that you are so smart, find the facts, look up the procedures and if you can look at the images of those babies who’s moms did not give them the chance and still go through with it then at least if nothing else you know what you are getting yourself into physically but I assure you not even me because I have not had an abortion can prepare you emotionally, no one can unless they have done it, here is my email, ,please write to me, I would love to help you do some soul searching and answer any questions that were not addressed on here…but please, do not ignore that unsettled feeling eating away at you….Love Meg

Viewing 25 posts - 101 through 125 (of 728 total)