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ParticipantMothers dont always know!!! but if you have had children you can usually tell that someone you are close to is pregnant because you can see the symptoms….Have you told your mom that there is a possibility that you could be pregnant??? does your mom know that you are sexually active??? do you sneak around and do things behind her back???? Have you taken a pregnancy test???? I think that you should come clean wiht your mom…she gave birth to you and she has provided for you up to this point…if your mom is angry with you and she thinks that you are keeping things from her and you are then you need to face your consequences…..if you do someting your mom has told you not to and you think she suspects you of doing it then you have no grounds to be upset with the way she is treating you….she deserves more respect than that even if she doesnt make the bast decisions either….she is the adult and she is your mom…tell her take a test and start obeying her…the Truth shall make you free and you dont need to be scared of her you just need to realize if you play with fire you are going to get burned and talking with her might get a little "HOT" but by keeping this from her you have brought it on yourself…..I hope that you can hear my heart on this…I was a rebelious little brat when I was younger and I know I hurt my dad so badly because of it…we now finally have a decent relationship and it is because I have apologized and asked forgiveness and I started showing him the respect a parent deserves……Meg
ParticipantI am very tired of FAKES…I can spot them a mile away…..this site should be a safety net for those who are hurt and confused and for those who REALLY need the encouragement….STAND UP GIRL that is the name of the site…..remember that when you dont listen to the advice you are asking for…so many girls say they need help and they dont know what to do….well when you are given counsel you get offended and you have a bad attitude and you insist on doing it your own way…STAND UP GIRL quit sleeping around, quit partying, quit letting some guy cheat on you or beat you, start listening to your parents, quit lying, quit trying to be someone else, quit taking time from people who care for those that hurt if you are not going to listen, STAND UP GIRL that is th ename of this site and if you dont want to stand up then why are you here…..I know that it takes time to change and adjust when you have kids…I am not talking to those who are in a touch season and are in the process I am talking to those who always complain and who never listen….I am ready to start seeing proof…if you are pregnant put up your ultrasounds and show your face with your belly, My heart breaks for those who struggle but it angers me that so many yourng girls claim to be or are trying to be pregnant……I come on this site to reach out to those in need not to entertain the boredom of rebelious little girls,,,,,,,Meg
ParticipantLord I want to lift this family up to You…I pray that this ultra-sound would bring knowledge to this family of any kind of defects…I pray that You would even go before and touch this baby and cause there to be nothing wrong….Lord if it be Your will to bless this family with a special needs child then give them a double portion of Your grace, strength, love, and perserverance….I ask right now that Your will be done in their lives and that they would have a willingness to accept the cup that You have placed in front of them…I give this to You and all of the other needs of this family in Jesus name…..and if anyone else reads this and agrees say with me Amen…. I will be praying for you and your family….my sister in law has a little girl with downs and she is such a blessing…just praise God for your baby no matter what (I know you will)….Love and Prayers…Meg π
ParticipantBefore you comment on this post…this user was banned because many of us found inconsistency in her story and even her photo gallery didnt match up….many girls on here have been through tough times and are hurting….they need words of wisdom and consolence…but it is believed that this user made up a story for attention…..
ParticipantYes I did!!! My belly had already stretched out before and my tummy muscles were not as tight as before so I began showing 2-3 months when the first time it was like 4-5 months!! Hope that helps…Meg
ParticipantBlood tests are more accurate than a urine test..go to the doctor and let us all know!!!!
ParticipantHey sweetie it is sex if it is inside of you!!! If he doesnt ejaculate it doesnt mean that you didnt have sex…it sounds like this guy is feeding you full of lies!!! I wouldnt trust him!! If he told you that it isnt sex unless he ejaculates then he probably did and lied to you about that too!!! Dont let him near you with a ten foot pole and make sure you talk to your mom about this even if you think she will be mad…your parents have the right to love you and protect you….Love and Prayers Meg
ParticipantI think you should do what is best for you and the baby!!! take a huge step back away from him and let him choose whether or not he wants to live a functional clean and sober life….. let him prove his sobriety for a LONG period of time, make him take an HIV test and demand that you see the paper work with the results, let him find a job and work consistently for qute a while, does he have a drivers licence?? tell him he needs one…go off on you own not asking for anything from him untill these things and more a re acomplished in his life…encourage narcotics annonymous classes to him..if he isnt willing to do these things and if he doesnt contimue in them for at least 6 months them have nothing to do with him…wait it out and see if he is worth it….Pray for him…lets do it now!!! Lord we just want to lift up this guy to you right now.. Ipray that You would give him the strength to kick this drug addiction and that You would reach down into his life and help him to take the steps to become a stable person…convict him when he lies Lord and protect the ears and give discernment to those who are being lied to…I pray Lord that he would feel Your love and desire to love others in a way that is healthy and true and pure…Lord he has a baby coming and I pray that You would cause him to get his act together….give him ways out of the situations he is in…bring someone along his side who has been through the drug thing and has found deliverance…help him to be willing to receive counsel and protect him physically from the dangers of that lifestyle…I also want to lift up this mommy to be and ask for Your strength to stay out of this unhealthy with her and the baby and keep them healthy and provide their every need…thank You for hearing our prayers…I believe that You will answer this prayer…it may not be a yes it could be a "not right now" and it may not be answered in the way that "makes sence" but Lord You hear the prayers of Your people and You desire good for us not evil.. so please Lord do a miracle in these lives and may You recieve all the praise and we lift this up to You in Jesus name…and if anyone else reading this agrees say with me …Amen……let us all know how things go and just know that I am praying for your situation…I hope and pray that if and when he turns around that he will do the respectful and right thing to marry you (only marry him if this change is true and let time tell you….ALOT of time) I hope that when change occurs that you will go to church together and keep a pure realationship untill marriage…and untill he comes around I hope that you would get plugged into a good Non-denominational bible teaching church where you could be surrounded with love and prayer as you wait on the Lord to answer this prayer….Love and Prayers….Meg
ParticipantHave you taken a urine or blood test??? go to the doctor and then let us know :)…Meg
ParticipantI remember being huge and pregnant but with two kids the grouchy part doesnt go away!!!! LOL I had alot of pain in my belly button when my tummy was all huge and stretched out…still check with your midwife but I think you will be fine :)…Meg
ParticipantI just thought that everyone should know that this user "cheerleadermommy17" has been banned, her stories didnt match up and neither did her photos on her page!!!
ParticipantHey I am really sorry that you are getting the runaround from your doctor!!! I hope that your body will get back to normal soon so that you will have answers and that you wont be so misserable…have you thought about going to a different doctor??? I wouldnt sue them just for pain and suffering…you know that people suing for that is one reason why medical expenses are so high!!!! If a doctor causes damage to your body and it causes a permanent issue and causes you to miss work or to be un-employable then I believe it is a justified reason to persue restitution but please just show meekness and choose to walk away from there improfessional ways of doing things and find a new doctor who will give you the courtessy you deserve and the answers you are looking for!!! Hope that helps…Meg
ParticipantBeing 16 yrs old with a 8 month old baby has got to be hard enough!!!! I was 22 with a 23 month old when I found out I was pregnant with my son!!! I knew that I shouldnt have been having sex I knew the risks of pregnancy but I ignored it all because all I could do was think of myself and what I wanted….. I made the choice that I was not going to have sex again untill marriage….3 1/2 years went by untill I was married and the wait was so worth it….I never had to feel used or empty…I didnt have to worry about pregnancy or the risk of an STD…and I set a living example in front of my daughter!!! I went through both pregnancies alone and my kids have different dads, and even though some people looked down on me I didnt let it stop me from changing!!! It is really hard to change when people around you dont treat you like you’ve changed and it is even harder to change when you are in a relationship or many relationships where it is based on sex…you loose your sence of self worth and the end result is always lonelieness and emptyness…If you are pregnant you need to step up to the plate and take responsibility for your actions and let this encourage you to make new choices and if you are not pregnant then let this scare you into celebacy!!!! I have learned the hard way…kids need two parents they need to know that they are loved and wanted by the two people who made it possible for them to exist, I hate having to tell my daughter that I dont know where her dad is and explain that her brother’s dad is not her dad and that the man I am married to is her new daddy (she is thrilled to have him as a daddy and he loves her as his own). children shouldnt have to go through those things because of our choices, there are times when a husband dies and the mom remaries with young children, there are times when a husband is abusive and there needs to be a seperation, but those tings are out of our controll…we need to step up and make better choices for our children and the first step for those with little ones watching is to not have sex untill marriage…children will do what they saw growing up…is the mess you are in what you would want for your little girl????? Please hear my heart and know that I have made many mistakes with my kids but it is better to try hard and make mistakes then to just live a carefree life of doing what you want to…If I could change and make better choices then it is possible for anyone to do it!!!!…Meg
ParticipantI agree with you that pregnancy is a true miracle π It amazes me that you can love someone so much even when you have only known that they exist for a couple of weeks…pregnancy is a time for our maternal instinct to develop along wiht our the time your little one comes out you just know who they are and love every bit of them and you wake up moments before they cry just because you knew they would π women naturaly bond with their babies while they are preg so its a little harder sometimes for guys to grasp ahold of he idea of being a daddy…some ways to help is when the babies ears are developed (doctors can tell you how far along) and the daddy can get close to your belly and talk and sing to the baby and then when baby is born it recognizes daddys voice (that didnt have anything to do with what was stated in this post but maybe it wil help someone out there)
ParticipantWell from the sounds of it you are pregnant…just because it didnt take the whole 2 minutes to show just means that your hormone lever is high….both thimes I was preg my test results came up sooner thatn the box told me….go to the doctor and confirm with a blood test and beging prenantal care to make sure you have a healthy baby :)…let us all know how it turns out….Meg
ParticipantWell if your parents are "Good Christians" they will aknowledge that we have all sinned and fallen short of Gods best for us and if they cant forgive you it doesnt mean that God wont π They will be hurt and that is expected but they will probably get over it at somepoint.. I found myself in a similar situation!!!I had been going to church for a while and the only family and friends I really had were there… well I got pregnant and it stumbled alot of people…they loved me though and I felt God just touch my life and give me the strength to make healthier choices…I remained abstinent for 3 1/2 years after that (untill my wedding night) and my encouragement for you would be to make a similar choice…it sounds like you are in a steady relationship…dotn have sex with him untill he marries you and it willnot only put him to the test but it will help your parents to see that you need their help more than ever…I know alot of people who have adult kids who are not living in a healthy way so they dont want to enable them to continue in it..but if you take the step of "repentance" and aknowledge that you crossed the line of what they wanted for you then they will be more likely to step in and love on you through this….Maybe even help pay for the wedding π I hope that helped and congratulations on your little blessing in your womb….Meg
ParticipantThank you for the emai telling me that the doctors have told you that you sons lukemia has gone away it blesses my heart to hear that :)Well isnt God good!!! When you pray He is going to answer…this time He ansewred with a yes I will heal your son but He doesnt always do that…I hope that this will increase all of our faith and help us to all see the miracle of prayer…as for your hair!!! the same happened with me during both of my pregnancies…what your doctor said is right it probably has to do with hormones :)…Love and Prayers..Meg
ParticipantI dont know how far along you are but I would recommend getting rid of them…You still might be able to breastfeed you never know but especially if you are having a girl you dont want your daughter to see you with your nipples peirced becuase she will do the same thing one day and or tell people as soon as she can talk (trust me kids say everything you dont want them to LOL) and if you have a boy it might draw so much attention to your breasts that he will become curious at a younger age!!!! I dont know if you will heed my advice but after having a baby you will change so much and having those peircings may be something that "haunt" you down the road if it is something that affects your kids in the wrong way!!..Meg
ParticipantMy aunt had two children after having her tubes tied….Tied tubes, age, circumstances, and all the rest wont stop God from creating a new life if its His will π Take a test and let us all know if you have a little miracle growing in you π Meg
ParticipantPregnancy messes with your whole body….I couldnt stand to eat my favorite foods anymore and I couldnt eat enough stuff that I didnt like LOL but this too shall pass and a few more months down the road you will have your baby and your body will make its way back to normal. (sometimes your body will make permanent changes but I dont think your allergies will stay horrible)….Meg
ParticipantYou should take a pregnancy test…go to a pregnancy recourse center they are free and if you are preg they will have someone you can talk to π let us know how it turns out….Meg
ParticipantI hope you hear my heart behind this..I do sympathize with your situation…I went through two pregnancies alone but….stop thinking about what your bf will do or not do…you have had two positives…your pregnant and you are both reponsible for it!!! the only difference is that the baby is in your body not his..therefore you are the one with the most reponsibility for this little life that has been allowed to be conceived!!! If he is going to stay around and be a dad great (dont have sex with him again untill you are married and put him to the test!!) if he leaves then maybe your better off with out a guy like that as a father for your baby….go to the doctor and get prenatal care asap to make sure everything is fine adn make sure you talk to your mom…please communicate with her….if you play with fire your going to get burned and since you are pregnant you need to face the music….abortion will not "make it go away" and hiding your pregnancy will hurt you and baby that leaves one choice…..STAND UP and be a mom and start making healthier choices for your life (starting with abstinence untill marriage…I did it so can you) Please hear my heart behind this..I’m not picking on you or trying to be too harsh…it took someone giving me a wakeup call to turn me onto the right path…Let us all know how this turns out….Meg
ParticipantWell congratulations and thank you for the example of taking resonsibility and pursuing you eduacation with a child…for the girls out there who say "I cant finish school with a baby" or "I didnt mean to get pregnant…I’ll have an abortion" please look at this example and know that it is possible……God has different plans for us all…for some of us its school, for some its work, for some its both, and for others He might just bring you a husband and allow you to stay home and be a full time mommy…dont give up hope no matter what..Meg
ParticipantThank you for sharing your story π I was a single mom for 4 1/2 years and I know exacly what you mean about never being ready for a baby LOL no matter how old or young having a baby is a selfless reponsibility…selfishness and motherhood are opposites in my book…you did make a comment though that I dissagree with..children do come with an instruction book!!! The Bible….there are so many verses in the bible that deal with parenting and how we should raise our children….I didnt have anyone to teach me how to be a good parent…it was just me the Lord and the kids….yes I was very blessed to have a few members of my church family to give advice but the best instruction on how to raise my children came from the Word of God…"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." :The fear of the Lord leads to life, and he who has it will abide in satisfaction; he will not be visited with evil." "When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him." Read through the book of Proverbs and you will find so many good examples of how to live and healthy things to teach your children…the most important thing though is love…Meg
ParticipantI hope that your story will encourage other girls to go to their moms and to see a doctor immediately…prenatal care is very important and no one should let fear rule in their lives….Is your new baby by the same dad??? I am praying for you..does your mom know this time??? You are right about never being alone because Jesus is always there for us and I hope that you will let Him carry you through this time and season and that you will follow His lead…let us all know how your pregnancy goes and thank you for sharing your heart…Meg