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  • in reply to: IUC but could i be preg/ovulating? #19925

    yep you sure could b/c no birthcontrol is 100%. But if you are you need to go the dr ASAP b/c chances of miscarriage are higher with those things and you will have to have it removed soon! Let us know, good luck!

    in reply to: Pain Relief #19877

    I had sadiol for pain and phenegran for nausea in my IV. I don’t remember labor I thought I slept through the whole thing. I only remember when my water broke up until I started pushing and I remember everything from then on.

    in reply to: childbirth #19807

    Hey I gave birth with no epidural. I just got phenegran and sadiol in my IV I don’t remember anything except when my water broke, and then pushing a little later. Labor and delivery was the easy part for me!

    in reply to: Due Date 7-9-08 #19716

    Hey I’m glad to hear the good news! I was dues 7-9-07! and had my daughter 7-6-07!…on her daddy’s b-day too!

    in reply to: scared so soon… #19591

    actually childbirth was not all that bad. I am such a baby when it comes to pain but I had no epidural! Just sadol and phenegran. And it was worn off by the time I was pushing. My labor was pretty short and it only took a couple minutes to get her out!

    in reply to: when did you find out if your baby was a boy or gi #19589

    I was 19 weeks

    in reply to: What are you getting you bub/s for Christmas? #19588

    I’m getting morgan a baby leapfrog I know but her dad and I haven’t really talked about it beyond that yet.

    in reply to: Please Pray for me #19453

    I’ll be praying for you. I really hope everything turns out ok for you. I know this must be the scariest thing EVER! I’ve had a miscarriage before and it broke my heart.

    in reply to: ever had an abortion? #19422

    I’ve never had an abortion. But I just had a beautiful baby girl 4 months ago. She means everything to me, I love her so much. I would have never been able to forgive myself if I had killed her. Her dad wasn’t exactly happy when he found out I was pregnant but he never asked or wanted me to have an abortion. Now that she’s here he loves her to death. Having a baby is hard but it’s so worth it just to see your baby smiling at you. This morning my baby was wide awake at 6AM and at first I was cranky about it but when she started smiling I just couldn’t be mad. Everyone who has ever had an abortion has regreted it there are countless stories of girls having abortions and hating themselves for the rest of their lives! Don’t do this to yourself, your child, and if it’s her boyfriend reading this don’t do it to her.

    in reply to: ODIN IS HERE!!! #19420

    congrats! There isn’t any pics on yet but I can’t wait to see them!!

    in reply to: Could I be Pregnant??? #19319

    you need to take a pregnancy test. The ones you buy in the stores to do at home are very accurate.

    in reply to: I NEED HELP A.S.A.P!!! PLEASE SOMEONE WRITE BACK #19279

    I had some positive tests so i went to the hospital and they said i wasn’t pregnant and 2 weeks later i was back there having a miscarriage so they were wrong and they did a blood test but refused to give me a urine test. And when i went back and was having my miscarriage they said they couldn’t even find a record of me being there! They were just trying to cover yourself, i would go to a different hospital or your family dr. b/c you need to see an OBGyn if your pregnant! Good Luck and let us know…

    in reply to: IUC? #19278

    I didn’t get one but I’ve had two friends who have gotten them and both of them said they’re IUD fell out!!!

    in reply to: my abortion #19277

    I think if you do this you will regret it. You should give this child life at least, I mean after all you were TRYING to make this baby. I can’t imagine if I had aborted my daughter, she’s everything to me and if the people in my family hadn’t supported me then I would have said the hell with them because she is my family just like your baby is.

    in reply to: How can they keep doing this? #19276

    I’m sorry girl. It must be horrible to be late! But good luck with your baby! Are you scared about having the C section? I was terrified that I would have to have one but thankfully I did not. I had a little baby, only 5lbs 7.5ozs. My In-laws had to leave and go buy her some preemie clothes which still didn’t fit her! LOL and she was only 3 days early. Maybe you’ll get lucky and go into labor first and they’ll have to do it now!

    in reply to: How soon did you show? #19275

    I only have one baby so I don’t know this from personal experience but I’ve always heard you will start to show earlier with every pregnancy.

    in reply to: Baby #3 on the way!!! #19274

    Hey Congrats girl!! I may not be pregnant anymore but I just had a baby in July so if you need to talk I’m here.

    in reply to: pregnant glow #19273

    I always heard about the pregnancy glow but to be honest I don’t have a clue what anyone is talking about. I didn’t hear it until I started telling people I was pregnant.

    in reply to: pregnant but bf want abortion. #19229

    Hey girl, more than likely he will come around. My bf was devistated at first. He didn’t want me to have an abortion or anything but he was real depressed and stuff about it. We were in a bookstore and I got a pregnancy book and showed him what the baby looked like then and how it would change over the next few months and after that he was great. And when I had my ultrasound done he was so happy and he just kept looking at the pictures over and over and now that she’s here he loves her to death!!!

    in reply to: HELP!!! #19096

    my daughter had the same problem. We were having to giver her Kayro syrup and supositories everyday! I changed her formula to the Enfamile Gentlease. For babies with fussiness and gas. and she hasn’t had any problems since.

    in reply to: how to get a scan helpp fast #19071

    you really need to see a dr. Maybe you can go see a different dr besides the one your aunt works at.

    in reply to: Adoption #19070

    You should do what you think is best for your daughter. I know I can love and support my daughter so I am keeping her. But if I even for a second thought she would have to do without or be in pain I would give her to someone who could definately take care of her. I can tell you really love her and that may mean letting her go if you have to. Good Luck

    in reply to: A Question #19069

    I would tell you or them to maybe consider giving your baby up for adoption if you didn’t want or couldn’t afford to keep the baby. But never consider abortion. It’s a very cruel, emtionally and physically painful thing to do. From the day I got my positive home pregnancy test I loved my baby and did everything I could to take care of her.

    in reply to: Freaked Out #19068

    It’s ok to be scared everyone is at first. My dad was really mad at first but he got over it after a few weeks but I still get the little comments like I told you to be careful and stuff like that. But he loves his granddaughter a lot and he loves getting to see her.

    in reply to: need sum advice #19066

    Hopefully he’ll come around because your baby needs to know his/her dad. My bf was a weird about everything at first, he never said he didn’t want to see the baby but he was always depressed about it and stuff. One day we were in a book store and I got a pregnancy book and showed him how the baby would grow from week to week and what the baby looked like at the time and after that he was excited. And when I had my ultrasound done he couldn’t stop looking at the pictures he was so proud. And now that she’s here he absolutely adores her. I hope everything works out for you.

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