Due Date 7-9-08

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      After a first appointment that didn’t go so well I asked everyone for prayer…I then had a more detailed ultrasound and there was a faint heartbeat and the baby had moved lower down into my uterus (the baby was originally just outside of my right tube)I was still put at high risk for miscarriage because of all the cramping and because of my heart shaped uterus…well I had another appointment yesterday and it went really well…baby has a good heartbeat and has firmly planted in the middle of my uterus, I got my blood work done and my doctor told me that he was glad with the position of the baby and he was not concerned at this point…He did however let me know why he was so concerned at my first appointment…when you experience a tubal pregnancy the tube will rupture at about 10 weeks, but they can go in and take your tube and most of the time the mother will live, in my case the baby was planted is a spot where he/she would have developed longer than 10 weeks with out causing a problem but at some point would have out grown the narrow place it had planted and could have killed me if my uterus ruptured…for like three days before my ultrasound I was in horrible pain and the cramps were about buckling me over, I was so nervous that every time I went to the bathroom I though I was going to be bleeding….but what happened is that the cramps pushed the baby into a better position and ultimately saved my life and the baby’s life…Thank you all for your prayers…and to anyone out there who is in or will ever end up in a similar situation just remember that when you seek the Lord in prayer He can and will perform a miracle…if the baby had not moved some people would consider an abortion because of the fatality rate I was looking at, maybe someone has had an abortion for that very reason, God still loves you…but…give God a chance, give Him time to move the baby and or trust that He knows best…I am so thankful for not miscarrying up to this point and I am so glad that God has made a way for me to keep my baby and still live, I just hope that this will inspire someone else who is freaking out like I was a couple of weeks ago to just wait on the Lord and trust Him to do what is best, don’t take it into your own hands, but leave your troubles and concerns in the hands of God…Love Meg


        thats awesome news. The prayers really did work.. Good luck and take it easy


          awww congrats =] my baby is due May 20th 2008! im so excited. I cant believe im in my 2nd trimester already. things are going so fast lol


            That is so exciting to hear!! I am so happy that God has truly blessed you by saving you and your babies life!! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes well. I will continue to pray for you and your baby!


              I am so glad things are working out for you. I was so worried!


                Hey I’m glad to hear the good news! I was dues 7-9-07! and had my daughter 7-6-07!…on her daddy’s b-day too!

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