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  • in reply to: Why am I feeling like this? #23915

    ok i honestly cant say i know how you feel because i havent had my baby yet, but my friends sister was the same..she was 18 when she had her baby and she said the night the baby was born she stood by a window holding the baby and wondered what would happen if she threw the baby out the window. Obviously she didnt do it and she loves her baby (who is now 2 or 3. But my point is you’re only young and its a huge responsibility and you’re only human to feel like its getting all on top of you.Just give yourself time to adjust and talk to your boyfriend, let him know how you feel, because maybe he feels the same? Even just talking to your mum or another relative may help, just so there aware of whats going on.. anyway i’m sorry i cant give any better advice than that..xxxx

    in reply to: need help #23914

    erm the only thing i could recommend is going to see your doctor and having a blood test..

    in reply to: need advice for “breaking the news” #23913

    hey well i think the best thing is to just sit down maybe with just one of your parents if you find one of them particularly easy to talk to and they can help break the news to your other parent. If you’re not finding it easy to sit down and just come out with it ( really there is no right time or right way) then maybe put it down in writing and give it to them. That way if you’re worried about how they might react you dont even necessarily have to be there while they read so you can always talk to them later when the news has sunk in a bit. hope that helps 🙂 good luck xxx

    in reply to: Made the suitable choise #23803

    Green 18, I am 17. My boyfriend is 19. I am now 17 weeks pregnant and due to go for my scan in the next two weeks.
    Plenty of people who have kids at this age turn out fine and the kids also do.
    It is daunting at first but right now im so glad me and my boyfriend chose the other alternative. Right now i’m waiting anytime now for my baby’s first kick, i’ve heard its heartbeat numerous times and i love it already. Ask yourself if you really cant bring up a baby? for your girlfriend she can go to college. maybe not straight away, but its not as if her life will be over with this baby. and neither will yours. Please just consider living with yourself after this. If you think you can then ok. But dont feel as if this is your only choice.

    in reply to: My GF is pregnant and wants to know… #23802

    before making up your mind completely about abortion ask your girlfriend to talk to the women on this site who have been through. Where you may think right now that you wouldnt be able to cope with a baby right now, there is in fact plenty of help and support for young parents and the effects of abortion can often be harder to cope with than having a child. This is a decision you may have to live with forever, so choose wisely. And no excuses, if you’re mature enough to have sex you should be mature enough to deal with the consequences.

    in reply to: The birth of my son. #23782

    oh and random question but what was your boyfriend like during the birth did he handle it ok? mines a tad worried already!

    anyway congratulations again and im sure you’re very proud!

    Best of luck to you and your baby


    in reply to: Exercise when Pregnant? #23731

    Any light exercise like walking is good.
    Swimming is also recommended and There are some water aerobics classes that have specialised classes for pregnant women. Avoid jogging or any strenuous sports unless you were already very athletic before pregnancy.. now is not the time to take up a hardcore exercise regime! There are also specialised classes in yoga and pilates!
    Hope this helped!

    in reply to: Right So Im 15 And Pregnent..Help x Abortion? #23730

    Ok well you never mentioned anything about how the father or your parents feel about this so maybe you should also take into consideration whether they are supportive or not..its really not going to be as bad as you think, especially if you have the backing of your parents. Abortion is a very big decision to make and not one to be taken lightly. Read about some of the experiences people on this site have had and it may open your eyes to the effect abortion can have on you afterwards. It often leaves a more negative effect than if you had carried a baby to term and either kept it or given it up for adoption. If you do decide to keep the baby, be aware that there is plenty of support available to you and you wont be going through it alone. Good Luck

    in reply to: confused!! #23729

    Just take a test to be sure!

    in reply to: I think I’m pregnant, and I’m only 17. #23704

    hey im 17 and four months gone and at first i thought this would be the end of my life as i know it. I am so glad i made the decision not to abort, it must be a truly horrible thing to go through. If you really are that against it but dont want to keep the baby, would you consider adoption? Also give yourself a chance to get your head round this..if you do decide to keep your baby dont pin all your hopes on the father but give him a chance too..he might surprise you.. anyway there is no point stressing out until you know fr matter how scared you are you have to find out whether you are or not because you have some big decisions to make. good luck xxxx

    in reply to: Morning Sickness #23703

    ginger. it helps the nausea!
    i dont know if you’ve ever heard of ginger nut biscuits? but they work wonders for me!
    other things might also work but thats the only thing i know of!

    in reply to: I don’t know where to go from here.. #23702

    ok i think abortion crosses everyones minds at least once when an unplanned pregnancy comes along..what you have to think about though is what a serious decision you’re making.. no matter what though, if you keep your baby you will cope because you will have to for the sake of your baby and also consider that having an abortion may have a more negative impact on your life than keeping it would. it is of course you’re decision and my main advice is to do whats best for YOU not your mom or your boyfriend.thats all 🙂 good luck let us know how things turn out xxxx

    in reply to: Irritable? #23701

    I know EXACTLY how that feels
    there is a reason and its pretty basic..HORMONES 🙂
    mine are off the scale and nothing will stop them..i cry at everything..i get so mad about absolutely nothing and a second later im apologising to everyone because i realise how stupid it is!
    explain to your boyfriend how your emotions are out of control and ask him to just be patient with you.. i dont know when it ends but its just another symptom like nausea.. trust me, you’re boyfriend is not the only guy who is probably getting shouted at for no reason..:)

    in reply to: Help me…. Please #23700

    ok i can honestly say i know how you feel! 17 and found out i was pregnant just 2 months after i started now 4 months gone..I was dreading telling my parents but the thought of doing it was actually WORSE than doing it. I dont know what your situation in life is or what your relationship is like with your parents, but from most people i have talked to since have said their parents were completely understanding and once they got their heads round it were entirely supportive.My parents were the same. My mum is now even lookin in baby name books and offering to buy my babys crib. If you decide to keep your baby you will see how unconditionally you can love your baby..and thats probably how your parents feel how about you..they might be angry at first because you are their baby and they want to protect you. They WILL come round, and they wont stop loving you. Its something you have to do otherwise you’ll always be on tenterhooks. Just tell them straight out and remember its YOUR life its affecting so what you do is entirely up to you.. i dont know if i’ve helped but try not to worry too much…you’ll feel alot better once they know…xxxxx

    in reply to: My story #23699

    Hey you’re story is really sad and just goes to show what a tough decision it is to make. I know people who have been through the same thing and you just have to not blame yourself. Pressure was obviously put on you to make this decison at a time when you needed the love and support to make a decision for yourself. At least by hearing your story other people can learn from it. I can only say that talking about it might help ease th pain of this for you and if you ever need to talk this website is so great for venting..alot of the people on here have had similar experiences so they might be more helpful…it must be horrible to see your nephew growing up when you dont have your baby but its like any have to allow yourself time to grieve and

    in reply to: When is your due date? #22853

    around june 24th im five weeks!:)

    in reply to: Help… #22852

    Hey ally,
    im 17 and just found out im pregnant too pretty scary at first..i havent told my parents yet but everyone assures me it will be fine!
    But seriously, dont take abortion lightly..i remember being fifteen and saying oh my god if i ever got pregnant i’d be straight to a clinic.But my brothers girlfriend had a baby in september and since then i couldnt even begin to imagine having an abortion.It sounds like your boyfriend is handling this really well and if he is willing to support you then you dont even need your ex boyfriend. It will probably be tough but you really shouldnt think abortion unless you really feel theres no other options and you should definitely talk to your parents before doing anything rash! hope this has helped! just take your time and make the right decision for you

    in reply to: pregnant but bf want abortion. #22795

    Hey there im seventeen just started and college and just found out i was pregnant. First of all i dont think a baby will give you any less of a better future. Lots of people go back to school and college and have a successful career. Just think of what you could be puttin yourself through just so you dont ruin your boyfriends idea of the perfect future.The damage going through an abortion or adoption could stay with you for the rest of your life maybe your boyfriend doesnt understand this but because its your body you should make sure you dont make any decisions you well as this both of you are responsible for what happened and therefore are responsible for the consequences. I know you are only young and it may seem hard but there is so much support for young mothers and im sure you’re family would support you even if your boyfriend doesnt. I guess all im saying is dont do something you may regret just because of your boyfriend. You are entitled to your opinion, its your body and at the end of the day the decision is up to you.
    Good luck with everything and i hope you make the decision that is best for you…

    in reply to: I’m pregnant.. help? please. #22793

    Hi i just found out like a week ago that im five weeks pregnant, trust me i know exactly how scary and daunting it is. I havent found a way to tell my parent yet but im going to do it soon because the sooner i do it the less stressed i will be.
    You would not believe how many websites i’ve looked at trying to find good advice and i think the only advice i can give is be positive and dont make any rash decisions or do anything you may regret.
    I am going to keep my baby and hopefully my parents will come round to the idea.
    just think no matter how hard things get, it could always be worse and there is alot of support for young mothers. No matter what, you wont be alone.

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