Forum Replies Created
ParticipantGood luck! I hope things go well for all three of you. 🙂
ParticipantIm so sorry for you. I miscarried at 6 weeks 4 years ago and the memory still hurts. Im here if you want to talk.
ParticipantWell…the one im pregnant with doesnt have a standupdad. It has a dissapear never to be seen or heard from again dad…so cant get him on
ParticipantHey…congrats on baby number 3!!! I also have another on the way and am due in June…
Participantwell you probably wont show for at least 3 months when the uterus gets big enough to pop out a big and even then baggy clothes should hide it, everybody is individual
with the drinks i agree with merla, but if its champers or something you could drink sparkling apple juice. looks the same.
with the sports thing…thats going to be harder. You could put a bandage on and say you hurt your ankle that will keep you out for a bit. Have a quiet word with ur coach and they will be able to say what is safe to do and what isnt.
Good luck beating away any nausea that one can be tricky. There is only so many times ppl will see you running in the direction of the bathroom before they get sus.
Again what merla said, pregnancy vitamins a good idea and so are check-ups.
When are you due? Im pregnant again due june 25th i figure we must be close!
ParticipantHi, i read your post. I think you left a message on my profile in July saying that you had read elsewhere that i did not regret my abortion. I dont think i can say that is true anymore. I thought it was right for me, and my family like you think, but its not true. I was 14 scared and completely alone. I did not want a baby by those circumstances in which it was concieved. I have been through both abortion and pregnancy+ birth, and pregnancy+ birth is so much better. Its an experience you will never forget in a good way, unlike abortion. I was so distressed after the birth of my daughter that i even investigated adoption. After 2 months of counselling i decided that this was not for me but please remember it is an option. There is alot of support out in the community if you want to parent you child. If you give your baby up for adoption you can arrange it so you can recieve updates on how they are going, or even see them. You would know. If you had an abortion you would constantly think what if. I know i do. I aborted at two months and i wonder it constantly. That baby would have been six years old now. I will never know if it was a girl or a boy, what colour eyes it would have had, what colour hair it would have had. Please rethink this. If you do not want to, dont. I put this on your profile also.
ParticipantHi… thought i would let you know how court went this morning. Neither my mother or her lawyer turned up. Her lawyer did phonelink – phoned in AFTER we had started. Mumbled alot.
It got adjoured until 26th of November so that i can have sufficient time to file a respones. I agreed to do mediation on the 13th of November but i do not think it is going to go well. I dont think i can ever forgive her for trying to take my daughter away from me.KylieAUS
Participanthey…if you want to keep your baby do. I have experienced both abortion and pregnancy + birth. I would not trade the experience of being pregnant for anything. I broke up with my baby’s father when i was pregnant and even though it was a very emotional time for me i got there. My daughter is now 4 1/2 months old and i just learnt i have another on the way. We are probably due very close to each other!
Participanthey…thought i would tell people that i have taken 3 tests over the last 24 hrs. All positive but with a pale line – i figure thats because im early in pregnancy (at least thats what the last test instructions said).
ParticipantI rang my mother – she was at my grandparents at the time so she couldnt lose it with them around…
ParticipantHey…i gave up breastfeeding my daughter when she was 6 weeks old. In the beginning she wasnt attaching right and it was very painful. She managed to maul my nipples that bad that the lactation consultant was telling me to consider my options. I had to express what i could and she got some formula, but it got too painful to even express. They gave me a nipple shield which let me breastfeed but these things kill off your milk supply. I was told by a dr when she was 3 wks to use formula top-ups because i didnt have enough milk and gave it up entirely at six weeks because she still wasnt putting on enough weight. If you want to breastfeed that is great, but dont feel bad if you cant. I had guilt placed on me by lots of people, but my midwife (i saw her until 6 weeks after the birth) was very understanding because there was nothing i could do about it. Try to avoid using a nipple sheild at all costs and stop using it as soon as you can if you have too…it will kill off your supply and baby will have to be bottle.
ParticipantYes it really is as bad as people make out. The pushing part isnt too bad though, but they contractions can REALLY hurt bad.
ParticipantI felt my baby move before i was 15 weeks. To me it didnt really feel like bubbles…the best way i can describe it is a wet fish. Its like she was swimming in there and every so often would slither against the side of the uterus hard enough for me to feel it. I agree with momma_of_isa…enjoy it while its not hard..not fun when they know how to get to your ribs!
ParticipantWow congratulations!!! You (and other people) were right… you didnt last until Jun 8th! Im still waiting on my girl to get here. Hope you are both doing well. 🙂
ParticipantYou could try sticking some breast-pads down your bras (the type that breast feeding women use) that should stop people noticing in public.
ParticipantGee…wasnt somebody impatient! Didnt even wait until you could get to the hospital! An un-intentional home-birth, glad to hear Jordan got here safe though. I kinda feel sorry for your pillow…lol 😛
ParticipantCongrats on baby no. 2! Good luck for the rest of your pregnancy and the house buying! 🙂
ParticipantHow old were you when u got pregnant? 14, 17 & 20
How old are u now? 20
How long was your labour? Still 6 1/2 weeks away no previous births
Did you have ne drugs or interventions? We will see how i cope but i wouldnt say no!
Did you finish school? Yes and now at university
Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? no. 1 abortion no, no 2 miscarriage if i could, current – possibly. wanted abortion and considered adoption when that became too late
Are you still with the father? No he has new gf now
Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? I have a housemate but am moving to my aunts soonKylieAUS
ParticipantHi!!! Im from Aus too. I think there are a few of us on here. Im 33 1/2 weeks pregnant with a girl so i still have a while to wait! Congrats on your son.
ParticipantSee a doctor to be safe
ParticipantIm finding this hard to follow. You just found out you were having triplets and they were all girls…this means you must have only just found out you were pregnant, yet you usually have to be 15 weeks minimum to determine the gender, usually finding out at the 18-20 week scan. You must have known you were pregnant long before just a couple of weeks ago. Most people have an early scan to determine dates but not everybody. Also they probably would have checked your fundal height – which would have been higher than normal possibly because there was more than one baby. Can you fill me in or edit the post as im confused. You asked for advice – get as much rest as humanely possible!!!
ParticipantGirl get to the doctor. The worst they will say is its normal bleeding and not to worry. However it is best to have these things checked out.
ParticipantIm 31 1/2 weeks pregnant and absolutely terrified. Its a huge responsibility. I wish i had not become pregnant again. To some – Having a baby might sound good but when you are faced with the reality of parenthood, its terrifying. All i can say is make sure you are prepared and that its what you really want. If you do become pregnant, my best wishes for you.
ParticipantHi – I didnt have an ultrasound to check for downs, but a few days after my 19 wk ultrasound my midwife rang me up and said that my baby had a left ventricular echogenic foci which can be a marker for downs. She said because of my age (im 20) the risk was really low,but i had the second trimester screening done. Everything came back fine but i was really worried and absolutely bawled my eyes out after i got off the phone. Just saying i can understand how worried you are at the moment, but chances are things are ok. Have you had any other testing done?
ParticipantMy friends mother didnt know that she was pregnant with her until she was five months because she was getting her period. She only had three months to get ready for baby number 3 because my friend was born at 8 months.