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  • in reply to: I just got married #20049

    Congratulations! :cheer:

    in reply to: Does gender affect how big your belly gets? #20019

    I think its all a bunch of old wives tales. Its individual. The ancient greeks used to think that girls were created from sperm residing in the left testicle so tied it off…how many people trying for a boy do you know use that tactic?
    Some people get huge, some dont. The gender of the baby doesnt come into it.

    in reply to: oh nooooo #20018

    It varies woman to woman. If you have a regular 28 day cycle, the the convention is to think that you ovulate 14 days before your next period is due. However this is not the case for all. Some ovulate before or after this. There is no way to tell for the individual. Sounds like you are being careful already though.

    in reply to: Too young? #20013

    When i was 14 i chose to have an abortion. Part of the reason was that i did not feel ready to become a mother (there were other circumstances around that choice as well though). At 17, i felt happy, ready and was completely devastated when i miscarried. I got pregnant with my daughter not long after my 20th birthday and felt in no way ready to be a mother. I felt too young, didnt feel like i had enough accomplished in life to be a mother. Funny how i felt too young at 20, but old enough at 17. Im now 21 and pregnant again, dont really feel anything. Im pregnant again – it happened – age really isnt a factor for me this time around.

    in reply to: How much does having a baby cost? #19979

    Hey…im aussie and had my baby girl in June. My advice to you would be to go public. All public care – appointments and the hospital stay is 100% free… i did not pay one cent during my entire pregnancy. There are many types of care to choose from. I got a type where i saw the same midwife the whole time and she delivered my baby on the day…well night… and i have her this time again too!!!

    in reply to: hard stomach, could i be pregnant? #19945

    If you think you could be pregnant, go to the dr and get a blood test done. They are more accurate than home tests.

    in reply to: childbirth #19944

    Whatever you want. How a woman feels the pain varies. Its different for everyone. If you want the epidural coz the pain is too much, have it. I was going to have one despite not wanting one earlier (missed out coz i dilated too quick). I wouldnt have been able to walk around in labour if my life had depended on it so that wasnt a factor for me.

    in reply to: worried #19896

    Could be braxton hicks. I started getting them at 18 wks…later on, they were so painful that i couldnt walk. I could only move a few steps and then i would get them. I can say that the pain of them was worse than early labour…But if you think something is not right, get yourself checked.

    in reply to: Fun thread… Were You Convinced?? #19863

    I was convinced i was going to have a boy…and at my 19 wks scan they said that they ‘could see no evidence of that’…lol. I still didnt buy anything pink coz i thought it would be a boy but she came out a girl alright…
    Im pregnant again and im convinced this one will be a boy…but thats coz the pregnancy is so much different this time around. I will not stop laughing if its another girl…:)

    in reply to: choosing adoption – duedate5/11/08 #19723

    I was in my first year of uni, and ended up dropping out of the second semester because of morning sickness. Uni/College can be delayed if need be.

    in reply to: Is my pregnancy ruining christmas? #19706

    your pregnancy is not ruining christmas. Your mother is ruining christmas with her attitude. I am so sorry she is acting like this. You have a right to spend it wherever you want with whoever you want. If you wanted to spend thanksgiving with your fiances family – thats fine. If you want to spend christmas with them too – go for it. Its your choice and your choice only what you do. Not theirs. Go where you feel most comfortable and dont feel guilted into anything.

    in reply to: does anyone now about pregnancy with ur tubes tied #19705

    I know that it is very unlikely, but still possible and has happened before. If i were you i would take a test.

    in reply to: GBS !! #19704

    Still birth is in very RARE cases. Your care-giver should give you the oppurtinity for a GBS test at about 36-38wks. If you are GBS positive, and about 10% of women are, it can be fixed with some antibiotics in labour. Hope that helps.

    in reply to: how bad is stress for the baby? #19703

    Stress is not good. It can cause misscarriage or pre-term birth… I have been stressing alot with this pregnancy because my mother has been dragging me through the courts. I had a bleed and my symptoms dissapeared. I didnt miscarry thank goodness, but it can happy. Try to think of something happy.

    in reply to: Due Date 7-9-08 #19702

    I am so glad things are working out for you. I was so worried!

    in reply to: 2 weeks old! #19701

    Aww such a pretty little baby!!! I love the pic where she is lying asleep on the arm. 🙂

    in reply to: choosing adoption – duedate5/11/08 #19700

    I kind of know how you feel. I was 20 single, scared beyond belief. I felt totally dissconnected from my baby and things didnt improve after the birth for a long long time. I started adoption counselling. Had my daughter placed in foster care pending adoption but then decided to keep her. I know inside your heart must be breaking, but you do what is right by you and your baby. He/She will understand and love you either way.

    in reply to: Coryn’s Birth Story! #19699

    i think i laughed a couple of points reading that. I can remember doing not a fat lot except screaming…
    An interesting birth story. 🙂

    in reply to: When Can I Test? #19637

    I agree wait two weeks and then test…i know how you feel my cycle was all messed up.
    Its prefectly safe to have a pap smear when pregnant..infact if you havent had one, they recommend you do because abnormal cells are more likely to show up then. I had one with this baby and it hasnt done me any harm.

    in reply to: How long before you had your baby … #19501

    Whenever you feel comfortable. I worried the same thing even though i didnt have stitches, but it felt the same for me. Oh…word of advice….the pill is not effective on its own…:lol:

    in reply to: What last name does the baby get? #19500

    The baby gets whatever last name you want to give it. My daughter has my last name, not her fathers, and my next baby will have my last name too. The theory with my daughter getting my last name is that she would be living with me so it would be easier. Dont feel pressure to let your bf/fiance have naming rights just because he is the father.

    in reply to: spicy food? #19374

    Not that i know of. Think of all the women that eat really hot foods in some of the countries where chillie’s and curries are part of the standard diet. They have no problems. There is an old wives tale (could work theoretically i guess) that spicy food induces labour. This works on the theory that anything which irritates the stomach irritates the uterus (possibly causing contractions). I ate spicy food when i was pregnant with my daughter and she came out fine. Eat what you usually do, its unlikely to harm the baby.

    in reply to: Could I be Pregnant??? #19373

    Take a test – you could be sounds like you have pregnancy symptoms. If your are then you need to get to a dr so you can have proper antenatal care. Dont put if off. Test soon.

    in reply to: Discrimination?! #19357

    Yes. Complain to uni or they could flunk you. Im doing a supplementary exam for a topic of uni i did last semester in january, i got it because i was pregnant/would have a baby. I asked them that same question. What if i couldnt find a sitter? And they said then apply for a supplamentary exam and i got it. If i can then you should be able too.

    in reply to: There she is! #19356

    hey…glad to hear everything is going good for you two. She is so tiny…but a very pretty little bub. 🙂

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