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ParticipantYep everyone is different. If you are skinny i have seen girls that are 8wks and could see a bump but then there is girls that are chubbier and dont show til around 4 and a half or 5 mths. I first noticed with my first by lying out on the bed and the bottom of my belly felt unusually hard…that was another sign i was preg
ParticipantYou are already a single mother so you have proved you don’t need help..Keep this child! Just because you don’t have someone supporting you thats his loss not urs. You CAN do it!
ParticipantHopefully you didn’t let your mum get her way. I hate hearing about parents pushing kids into things they don’t wanna do especially toying with life.
Are you still around?kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantHey hey. I hope things work out for you guys… Sounds like you’ll have a little family soon. I’m from Cranbourne….Thats a first for this site!
ParticipantThats final! You want to keep your baby so keep it.You have made a good choice. When your parents see that little baby i think they will change. Alot of parents are like that. I hope all goes well for you hun.
ParticipantHey there.
Thats sad that you had to get raped. Did you know this man?
Your main concern now is that little baby inside you. Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy and keep us posted on ur journey.Kez
ParticipantI think your mother is being extremely selfish..she is trying to make you feel guilty…now what would be selfish would be to terminate this pregnancy and not give this child a life. Lots of girls out there think its too hard to raise a child but there is so much help out just haven’t discovered it yet so thats somewhere to start for you.
Its what you want to do as its YOUR child, only you can make this decision. Its good that you do have ur aunts support and hopefully in the meantime your mother will calm down and realise that you really want this child.
Good Luck and keep us updated!kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantIts good that you weren’t another girl that ‘Took the easy option’ and got an abortion.
You will overcome that feeling of not wanting the baby, honestly i think all girls go through the stage of ‘will i cope, am i doing the right thing’! BUT once that baby comes you will forget all of that, its amazing how you change the moment you touch that baby:)
Just tell your friends nicely Sorry i cant go out drinking but im pregnant and want to do the right thing. There is no harm is going out just drink non alcoholic drinks. You can still have all the fun.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti sure did she the update.Poor little kid has been through enough and now has been readmitted to surgery again:(
Participantgreat story… gee you dilated pretty quick but then again you wouldnt want to be sitting there in pain for ages waiting to get ready to push. Congrats
Participanti agree with mama_macie! The downside is it can make your breasts sag but not to what ppl think.. There should be no oain in breastfeeding if the bub is latched on properly! Unfortunately my 2 werent that interested which was a shame and i kept getting mastitus..grr
Wish you all the best with whatever decision you make. Dont at any time feel pressured to do something that u dont wanna dokez_mummy_2_skye
Participantthis would be hard on you to just dump you there on the spot and not tell you why. I hate it when people are like this.
I dunno whether i would even wanna speak to her again. Maybe she is doing it to spite you if you get what i mean.. I hope it gets worked out for your sakekez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantGood on you for making the right choice and not being someone that doesnt think about it and goes and does it , then regrets it.These sort of things need to be well thought about !!! good luck for the rest of your pregnancy.
ParticipantThats sad that ur parents forced you to do something you didnt want to do. They should have supported you but thats in the past and i congradulate you on this pregnancy. Keep us updated for sure… its always good to hear nice stories:) Glad to hear that ur b/f has stuck by you too!
ParticipantThat is weird…. Did you go to the drs to get a better check? I hope you get the results you want with trying for a bub
Participantits hard to deal with but things happen for a reason even the bad unfortunately but i guess it makes you stronger, if you feel you are ready to try for another baby then go for it, just because you lost the first bub, doesnt mean the same thing will happen again so don’t think that. Don’t blame yourself coz its not your fault!
ParticipantHonestly to stop all the hassles i’d leave it to April when you turn 18. Theres only a few months difference and not worth bickering about it. I hope all goes well for you!
ParticipantWow thats gone quick, i think last time i heard from you, you still had about 4 weeks to go. Hopefully she makes a quick and easy arrival for ya. Good Luck and look forward to hearing all about the birth!
ParticipantCongrats!! Enjoy him coz they don’t stay young forever
ParticipantI’m not getting your hopes up but im 100% positive that ur tests will be right as there would be no other way that 2 can be false unless you read them after 5mins which would then give u an inaccurate reading. Good Luk darlz.. Keep us posted
ParticipantAfter taking 2 tests and you get the same result, id believe it no matter how far you are. It varies from person to person as to the level of pregnancy hormone is in your body but the test will only pick it up if u are pregnant so id be off to the drs for a checkup! Congrats
ParticipantIf i was in your situation i would think it was still early but id buy a test to see what the results were and then try again also a few weeks after that, thats if the test comes up negative. Are you planning on having a baby?
Participanti would take it then
ParticipantHow old were you when u got pregnant? 19 and 21
How old are u now? Im 22yo(kids are 2yo and 3wks)
How long was your labour? Skye was about 6hrs and Jordan was 4hrs
Did you have ne drugs or interventions? Skye i had pethodine and Epidural and felt nothing which was a shame. With Jordan i had nothing as i had him at home not on purpose either
Did you finish school? I was finished with school when i become pregnant
Would you change things if you could (eg abortion, adoption)? Noway and those things never would have been a thought.
Are you still with the father? Yep we are married, got married when i was 5 mths pregnant with our first
Who do u live with i.e parents, partner etc? Hubby and kidskez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantTrue..i think alot of girls out there dont think of the results and just do things in the spare of the moment. They think having a baby will be good because someone will love them. I hope she thinks about her situation too…Prayers!