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Participanti felt this way with both my kids too. Its normal but could be post partum blues too.
You lived with that belly for nearly 9months and you got used to it and overnight its gone. Usually the phase goes and i reckon around 8mths you start to wish for another baby after u see your bub ‘growing’ up.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participantmaybe you were reg when they put it in???? Do they check for a pregnancy b4 they they them in?
Participantif you dont want to give your baby away DONT coz you will regret it and your situation could get even worse.
If you feel in your heart that u want this baby keep it, you have family around and even though they dont seem supportive now wait until they meet the baby and see how you are doing with it, i bet they WILL change.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participantits good that you want to further your education but i would try to get in somewhere that you can still have close contact with your son. I couldnt be away from my kids for a day let alone months. It would be hard to miss all of his milestones etc
Participantaww how sweet. I always said that i didnt mind as long as the baby was healthy but i secretly wanted a little girl but love my little man the same as well as my girl:)
Enjoy the rest of the pregnancy..kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti can sort of get ya in some ways.
I left home at 17 to be with my b/f who has been in the family since i was about 9. He wasn’t very liked but they never saw the soft side of him that melted my heart.
I didnt speak to dad coz he didnt approve and i was VERY clingy towards my now hubby. In the end this didnt work my way, he hated it and caused arguements and in the end we split up for 2wks, i have to say it was about the hardest time of my life. Now that ive got kids it has made me wake up and realise alot of things.Can you sit down and write your Dad a letter? I find thats the easiest way of getting things out if someone wont hear you out. Be deep with your words so he knows exactly how you are feeling.
Keep us updated 🙂kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantIt is so rewarding watching them grow and know that you brought them up. If you have had a struggle to bring up your child it makes you even more proud that you got through it and can help others with advice.
The first yr goes so quick so you really have to enjoy every minute of it.
ParticipantI had the opposite.
I had a girl the first time but thought most of the pregnancy that i was having a boy until until the last few wks.My second time i thought i was having a girl coz of my sweet cravings but turned out i was having a boy.
ParticipantMy goodness girl.
Its like having 2 different lives. I believe that what i write in my diary is what i’am feeling/thinking and thats why you write it down in a diary coz you dont want to say it out loud. So maybe this is the way he feels which IS creepy and he shouldnt be leading you on if he feels this way.
I hope you can find a way to sort this out.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participantmy hubby is 9/10yrs older than me and i find nothing wrong with it. Having sex with a 4yr old wouldnt be reality. After a certain age i think it doesnt matter. If they are in love age shouldnt be a factor.
Participantsorry i didnt read the rest of the post 🙁 my fault. Ignore my comment.
Congrats and im glad everything is going well for you guys.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti wonder what the outcome was. She would of had the baby by now?
ParticipantYou have done it once and can do it again. It will be hard but worth it! And your kids will grow up together 🙂
ParticipantHey, How did you go?
Are you pregnant or did you get your period..kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantHun. You are right to feel this way about this child. You conceived it. Have you maybe thought that deep down these tears are because you really don’t want this child to go?
What im saying is possibly if you give this baby up you could regret it. I’m sure God wont think nothing less of you if you decided to change your mind. As long as you are doing what your heart feels:)kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantThat seems normal to me especially if you are early as you wont feel pregnant all the time, sometimes you forget, lol!
If it is worrying you alot then ask if can get an ultrasound to check on the baby or bring the 18th scan forward.
Honestly i dont think its nothing to stress about. All pregnancies are differentkez_mummy_2_skye
Participanthun.. honestly i dont think you can make that decision until you go into labour. I would ‘try’ to not have anything but if you feel the pain is too much to deal with then have the epidural. Ive experienced both and have to say natural was the best.
I had epidural first and could feel nothing, couldnt walk to hold her- i tried and fell flat on the floor and blood went everywhere, i felt like such an idiot for even trying to walk.
Jordan was born at home so no time for anything as i did it all myself mainly with hubby of course but the pain wasnt as bad as i thought, and here iam now too scared to have my belly button repierced LMAO!!!!kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanti know what you mean too. Although i have a friend that comes around every few wks but she does work alot too and i know that takes alot of her time.
I had a friend not that long ago ask me to come to her housewarming- no kids or partners allowed, i said in that case i wouldnt be going. She said it was stupid blah blah- she has kids of her own but dumps them at the grandparents so she can get time out whenever.
I dont believe in dumping my kids on anyone because i changed my life when i had kids and if she couldnt accept that then stuff her and we didnt end up going. She is silly anyway:)I know you’ve had bubs it any different now? I know that i was so lonely before i had kids coz hubby worked. Thats why i was so clingy with him..
ParticipantI hope others can relate to your story and hopefully think about their situation and do whats best for them and if they have kids them too. It is hard when you love someone to leave. You seem very strong and wont let this happen to you again. It’s sad that someone can do this to another human being and not feel any guilt. Take Care xox
ParticipantHappy Birthday sweet angel.
I’m sure in some ways she would be talking to you, giving you little signs that she is watching over you.
I feel so sorry that you had to deal with this.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participantperfectly normal. All babies develop differently. They say about 3-6mths is when babies start teething. I noticed my second bub dribbling and getting irritable at about 3mths and thought that was early too, only because my first didnt get hers til about 7mths :P. Honestly i reckon getting them earlier would be better to deal with.
ParticipantI agree with Kylie.
I don’t think its necessary but that my own opinion. I’ve heard from ppl that say watching a baby getting it done is hard to see especially your baby going through pain.
I think if i boy is taught how to clean himself properly then things should be fine. Hubby and my son isnt done and all good so far.kez_mummy_2_skye
ParticipantI know for a fact it doesnt take a yr. My cousin came off it and became pregnant straight away. I was surprised at that too coz i thought your body had to rid it out of your system.
I was on the pill for 3yrs or so and wanted to fall pregnant and the gyno told me it can take up to a yr to get out of your system but it didnt take that long. To my surprise i was pregs when i went to see the gyno about getting pregnant. So there is still hope girls.kez_mummy_2_skye
Participanthun dont stress, think of all those woman that abuse alcohol and their kids surprisingly turn out to be healthy. My advice is do another test but only wait no longer than the 5mins i think it is. Being 3 wks late you should get a more accurate result. Keep us updated =)
ParticipantI’m not sure what to do. Maybe tell him not to bring his friend near you coz you dont like him.??